Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 836: Tit for tat

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As soon as the Austrian shipbuilding plan was announced, European public opinion was frying.

Although the Vienna government repeatedly emphasized that it did not target anyone, just to fill the gap between the previously retired battleships, no one was willing to believe.

You should know that before this, Vienna had a plan to "build 10 battleships in 10 years." The three former fearless ships currently in service are part of the shipbuilding plan.

An average battleship is started every year, which is just normal operation, which can guarantee the current size of the main battleship of the Austrian Navy.

Suddenly increased the shipbuilding plan of 5 battleships now, obviously in response to the previous Royal Navy shipbuilding plan.

At this time, many people reacted. Not long ago, the Austrian government gave a large number of Russian warships, and the navy was in a period of empty storage.

Witness of Russian-Austrian friendship?

Maybe it's there, after all, it's given away for free. Second-hand warships are also very valuable. If they can be sold, according to the laws in the international arms market, it is normal for the cost of selling shipbuildings for 50% to 60% of the new warships.

However, is it not to make room for the new battleship?

Now it is not only Austria that needs the replacement of warships. Britain and France are also facing a large number of warships to be retired. There are simply not so many powerful buyers in the international arms market.

Not to mention that Austrian army equipment is selling well, and naval equipment is not as popular as the British.

This has nothing to do with the technology, performance, quality and price of the warship itself.

The main reason for not selling is because of politics, not to mention that Austria has good relations with European countries. The relations between countries outside Europe are really very general.

This is not because the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not work hard, mainly because there is no room for it.

Outside Europe is not a colony, it is also a brother of the great powers, or a sphere of influence, and there are only a handful of countries that have independent sovereignty.

In fact, it does n’t count. Except that the two United States have a certain strength and retain their own sovereignty, the remaining countries have more or less signed unequal treaties with the powers.

Of course, this is not to say that Austrian warships cannot be sold at all. Occasionally, needles can be inserted.

After all, Austria is also a power, and there are still queues for taking it out. The Vienna government dared to come forward when it happened. It is not impossible to solve political obstacles. The problem is that the British have brand effects!

I do n’t know who is pouring out the theory. Everyone takes it for granted that the quality and performance of British warships are the first. When buying warships in various countries, British goods are the first choice.

Against this background, the French and Austrian warships are not easy to sell. The governments of the two countries also took counterattacks, releasing rumors that the exports of British warships are all reduced versions.

It is a pity that everyone is not fooling, is it a truncated version, you will know after reading the goods.

The British did export the most advanced warships, but the old-fashioned retired warships are not so particular about John Bull.

The truncated version of the warship modification also costs money, at least labor costs can not be saved. The original technology is eliminated, there is no need to waste money to hide.

Political factors lost 60% of orders, and brand effect lost another 30% of the remaining share, and only 28% of international orders ended up.

(1-0.6) * (1-0.3) = 0.28

This part of the market is not eaten by the Austrian family. Instead, it is divided by the European countries, basically the division between France and Austria.

In the past few years, there were very few capable buyers, and the market for Austria was so small. Naturally, retired warships could not find a pick-up.

This is not only true of the Austrian navy, but also of the British. The Royal Navy pulls warships out every year to target, and knows how hard it is to sell.

In order to control the proliferation of warships, the European powers still have a tacit understanding, even if they can't sell them and pull them out to target, they are not cheap to deal with, and they are not good enough to give them away.

In a sense, Austria ’s massive donation of Russian warships also broke this tacit understanding.

It's just that this unspoken rule has no explicit restrictions, and there are no verbal agreements. Naturally, there is no binding force, and everyone will be upset at best.

These are all minor problems. The technological upgrades and the elimination of the warships are a headache. In essence, they are still reluctant.

It is a pity that the warships have not reached the end of their retirement years. It is a pity to dismantle and sell scrap iron; to stay and continue to serve, there is no problem with the use. The key is that the new warships are also coming.

Having a large number of warships, in addition to the majesty, is also accompanied by a large amount of military expenses, which is very uneconomical.

It is no longer important to guess whether it is accurate or not. The warships are sent out anyway.

Even if it is possible to repent, there is another chance to choose, the Russians will still be happy to take over.

There is no need to pay any price, there is a chance to become the world's fourth naval power, no one knows how to choose.

It is rare to be able to watch the big powers tore directly. The people who eat melons have prepared nuts and coffee, just waiting for the big show to take place.

The British have not responded yet, and the French cannot bear it first. For the British and Austrian shipbuilding plans, Napoleon IV felt for the first time that the Admiralty was too petty.

Compared with the original time and space, the situation in France is much better now.

There is neither war compensation nor Russians to pull. The anti-Semitic movement not long ago has solved the debt problem of the past years, and now the French government is rich.

"The British and Austrian shipbuilding plans have come out this year. Judging from the current situation, our original shipbuilding plan has become outdated.

The Admiralty has revised the shipbuilding plan, not to mention more than the British, at least not less than the Austrians. "

There is no problem, and there is still some distance from France, the world's first naval power, but the hat of the world's second naval power cannot be easily dropped.

Although there is no essential difference between the world ’s second naval power and the world ’s third naval power, both can safeguard France ’s overseas interests.

But in politics, the second and third are very different. Once the hat of the second naval power is lost, it will leave the impression that France is declining.

Not to mention that there are so many international celebrities waiting for the downfall, the arrogant people in the country cannot accept it!

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Roy Vernon, reminded: "Your Majesty, the cost of building warships is not too big. The trouble is the huge military expenditure in the later period.

Austria sent a large number of warships to the Russians before the announcement of the shipbuilding plan, just to reduce military expenses.

If we want to follow up on a large scale, it is better to retire some warships to reduce military expenses. "

The French government now has money but not fakes, but money can't be spent. The French government is still unable to compete with Britain and Austria.

In order to avoid the worst, Roy Vernon believes that it is king to control the military expenditure as much as possible in the arms race.

Navy Secretary Hamdi: "Your Excellency, the warships currently serving in the Imperial Navy are not too old, and very few warships are close to retirement.

Most warships are 50% to 60% new, and their performance is very high quality. It is a pity to retire these warships.

The most important thing is that after retiring these warships, they can't handle them at all, no buyers can be found internationally, and we don't lack training ships.

There are only two roads in front of us, either pull out the target, or drag to the factory to dismantle and sell scrap iron.

This kind of prodigal behavior is simply a waste of taxpayer's money.

The performance of the old battleships lags behind, which is only for the new battleships. Except for us, currently only Britain and Austria are equipped.

Driving these warships out and carrying out **** missions anywhere in the world can be competent.

Even if we really want to retire, we can wait for the new battleships to serve, and we can maximize the value of these warships in the next few years. "

Reluctant to operate normally, warships costing millions and tens of millions of francs will be dealt with if they are dealt with, and whoever is a navy minister will be distressed.

After listening to this explanation, Napoleon IV nodded: "The new battleship has not yet served, and the matter of retiring the warship is temporarily not in a hurry.

We are not in the same situation as Austria. Overseas colonies are much more dependent on the navy.

During this period, you can also find buyers as much as possible, even if the price is cheaper. "

Since Austria can give it away for free and France can naturally cry tears, Napoleon IV still has a slight fluke.

If these warships that are about to retire are sold, you will earn it. As for the needs of overseas escorts, they are all nonsense excuses.

This year, who is not the number of warships in Britain, France, Austria and Austria? Affected by the previous arms races, there are now a large number of warships in the three countries.

As long as it is not that the three countries are fighting each other, even if it is a scrapped warship, the French navy can also assume its current responsibilities.

This is also one of the reasons why the Austrian government has sent more Russian navies. The remaining warships of the three countries are not enough to fight.

The Faw pk does not need the navy, and it is the army that decides the victory or defeat of the war; if it works with the British, the navy has no chance of winning.

Either go out to break up and engage in destruction, or hide in the harbor to avoid the storm, the decisive battle at sea is equivalent to death.

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