Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 823: Small cabinet

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In the evening, a manor on the outskirts of Vienna was brightly lit. Under the cover of the reception, Ledes quietly stepped into a secret room.

"Now everyone is here, so let's start!"

It was the Earl of Wittes, who was then the Undersecretary of the Treasury of Austria, who ranked among the top 30 in the power of the Vienna government.

The other few people in the room are naturally not idle. With the exception of Sir Ledes, who is responsible for external contacts, the others are senior government officials.

If you are familiar with Austrian politics, you will find here that there are senior officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Taxation Bureau, the Police Department, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the six key government departments.

It will soon become a replica of a small cabinet. If it is exposed, a twelve magnitude earthquake will erupt in the Vienna government tomorrow.

However, at this moment, the gang of big men are sitting in danger, and their faces look disturbed, as if the sky has collapsed.

Paul Bodis, the head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, said first: "The current situation is very grim, and Your Majesty is very dissatisfied with the present, and has ordered an investigation to the end.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and the Police Service have all intervened, and even the intelligence bureau may intervene.

Director Genero has been aware of internal problems, and directly ordered the heads of the investigation teams to only be responsible for him.

Now my Director of Internal Affairs can only access some investigation materials. It has not yet been determined which step the investigation has taken. "

After speaking, Paul Bodis's mood fell.

Deep down in his heart, he had regretted it. He knew that he was not short of money, but he didn't hold back the temptation for a while, and blended in these bad things.

Looking at the fact that he will retire next year, an anti-Semitic movement has occurred at this critical time, and the problem of concealment has been put on the bright side all at once.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, the capitalist's money is not easy to get, and the money must be handled.

Skynet was restored, sparse but not leaking. No matter how hidden the conveyance of interests is, in the event of a power transaction, it will leave traces.

All the Jewish capitalists involved are now in jail. Anyone who looses their mouth may bite them out.

Of course, these transactions are carried out through white gloves, and these big people have never appeared from beginning to end.

But this is limited to theory. The key issue is not whether they have received money, but that they did provide convenience to the Jewish capitalists involved.

Occasionally, it can be said to be an accident. If there are more times, can it be said to be an accident?

Even if the arrested Jewish capitalists were iron-headed, and they did not recognize them, they could still be suspected by slowly checking through these clues.

Sometimes political evidence is not needed. Evidence is just a weapon that sent them to prison, not a necessity. In many cases, they can just let them go home to grow land if they doubt it.

This is not a good thing. Things that can be suppressed when the power is held do not mean that they can be suppressed even after returning home to farm.

The Austrian government's accountability is permanent, and even if it meets God, it can recover the stolen money, not to mention the living people?

If you want to retreat from the whole body, you must clean up all these messy things. That's why everyone gathers together to discuss countermeasures.

Earl of Waiters nodded: "This was expected. Since the government suddenly ordered the arrest of Jewish capitalists, it means that there are already suspected in-government ghosts in the government.

The point is that we are too negligent and forget that the Jewish capitalists have tolerated the limit to the scourge of today. "

Capital knows no borders, but capitalists have national borders, but Jewish capitalists belong to the kind without borders.

Everyone was the same bad, but ordinary capitalists have a higher degree of recognition of Austria. When it comes to national interests, most people still choose to stand on the side of the motherland.

Only the Jewish capitalists have always stood with interests, never considering national interests, and even often working against the government for the benefit.

With comparison, there is harm. The wanton behavior of the Jewish capitalists naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the Vienna government.

However, these are not visible to Jewish capitalists who are obsessed with interests. Not only have they not been corrected, but they have challenged the government's bottom line "one after two, and again and again".

The anti-Semitic movement that broke out on the European continent is really not wronged. Just for the actions of Jewish capitalists, governments of various countries are basically well-known.

Whether it was "manipulation of stock prices", "hoarding strangeness", "filling with substandard", "abuse of labor", or "collusion of foreign hostile forces, conspiracy ..." were all personally participated by Jewish capitalists.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Jews quickly fell into a situation where everyone shouted after the anti-Semitic movement broke out.

The evidence is real hammer, even if they want to defend, they don't know where to start.

Even the interest groups that are closely related to Jewish capitalists, such as Earl Waites, have not stood up to defend the Jews in the anti-Semitic movement.

Of course, this also has something to do with the goals set by the Austrian government, and put the scope of the attack on that handful.

Acting in full accordance with the law, in the face of tangible criminal evidence, even ordinary Jews feel that these capitalists deserve it.

Paul Bodis, Director of the Internal Affairs Department of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, shook his head: "Not only these reasons, but more importantly, the pigs have been fattened.

The assets seized at present alone exceed 3.5 billion Aegis, plus confiscated cash, and some assets that have not yet had time to count, and finally more than 4 billion Aegis are possible.

This asset is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the central government for more than ten years, or six times the total fiscal revenue of each state.

Even if it is handled by the government, the price of these assets has shrunk by two-thirds, which is more than a billion Aegis.

With this money, our Near East development plan is not short of money. In the domestic urban transformation, road expansion projects can also be started.

This is similar to the work we do. For corrupt officials with strong handling ability and less destructive power, even if they have the evidence, they will usually fatten and kill. "

It can be heard from the disdainful tone that Paul Bodis did not like the Jewish capitalists. If it did not involve himself, he would go up and down.

No, he has fallen on the Jewish capitalists. To be precise, the senior officials of the Austrian government together stabbed the knife of the Jewish capitalists.

No matter how good the order is, someone needs to execute it. Looking at the number of Jewish capitalists arrested, we know that the government departments have cooperated very well this time.

Except for some lucky ones who were not in the country and escaped temporarily, the rest of them were basically caught.

The same is true for the seizure of assets later, which can be completed in a short time, which is also the result of the cooperation of various departments.

In theory, they still have time to report.

As high-level officials of the Austrian government, no matter how confidential the cabinet is, they will receive news before the general police receive orders.

Of course, the reason for letting everyone abandon the report is more because of risk.

To put it bluntly, everyone is only a partner in interests, and no one really regards the Jewish capitalists as their own.

No one knew beforehand that the government would check it out, and all the people present had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity to kill the Jewish capitalists and avoiding future troubles.

Earl Waiters: "It doesn't matter whether the pigs are raised or not. The Jewish capitalists are doomed this time.

As a matter of urgency, we still have to find a way out.

Sir Ledez, you have been in contact with them, is it possible to let them die? "

Little transparent Lades hurriedly replied: "His Earl, capitalists are all cartilage, even if we have control over their families, it is difficult for them to ..."

Earl of Waiters nodded: "Since that is the case, it can only be done by extraordinary means.

In this respect, Alberti, you are a professional. Is there any good way? "

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