Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 818: Too much money is also an annoyance

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Just as Austria was preparing to overturn the table, the situation in Egypt also changed dramatically.

Regardless of how the Russians and the Austrians pull their hind legs, with the full efforts of the French, the uprising army led by Mahdi still did not hold up, and the record of the fight was terrible.

If it was not for the Eighth Division to evade destruction during the retreat, it would also block the Nile River and increase the logistical pressure of the French army.

In the headquarters of the Eighth Division, Faginham hurried in: "Lieutenant Colonel, something serious happened.

Just received the news that Mahdi died last night. The cause of death is temporarily unclear and is suspected to be related to inflammation of the wound. "

In order to survive on the battlefield, in addition to having a life-saving ability, more depends on luck.

Mahdi was very unlucky. While patrolling the troops, he was hit by a stray bullet from unknown places.

The bullet did not hurt the bones, only left a hole in the thigh. In terms of medical technology this year, this can only be considered a minor injury.

The bullet did not hit the point, as long as it was treated in a timely manner, all of it could survive.

However, Mahdi's luck was not good enough, and at this moment, the wound was inflamed.

In theory, inflammation is not a fatal injury, and most of them can save lives after using antibiotics. It's really not possible, you can also amputate to save your life.

It is a pity that this is an African continent lacking medical treatment and medicine. Britain and Austria have no luxury to send medical personnel to the rebel army. What is popular here is ...

Anyway, after the operation, Mahdi's body collapsed.

Mahdi ’s life and death are not important, the key is that he died at the wrong time, and he will get a lunch box at another time. Hutier and others are too lazy to ask.

But it is not possible now. The uprising army has just been hit hard and was tempered by the French. It is time to inspire morale.

The house leak coincided with the night rain, and Mahdi died at this time, and there was not even one of the rebels carrying the flag.

No matter who is in the upper position, we cannot convince everyone. Next, around the battle for leadership, there must be a battle between dragons and tigers within the uprising.

Now the uprising army is really "difficulties in internal relations and external relations", and it may be destroyed at any time.

After pondering for a while, Hutier replied with a wry smile: "This news is not coming at the right time, it seems that our task is coming to an end."

Judith's unsteadiness can be seen from the thick and dry interlude in his tone, and the sorrow between the eyebrows.

In times of peace, it is too difficult for soldiers to make contributions. This Egyptian rebellion is already the best opportunity for them to wait.

Although leaving now can get a good evaluation, but it is only good. If you score, it will be at most 80 points, which is a full 20 points away from the full score.

There is no way, strategically, they are considered successful, and the success has caused chaos to the French. But in tactics, they did not have a record.

The few victories were also piled up by human tactics. In almost every battle, your casualties are several times that of the enemy.

The competition in the Austrian army is also very cruel, pursuing the natural law of respect for the strong, such a record naturally cannot be brought out to meet others.

Botiorek: "Anyway, you have to leave, it's better to leave now because of chaos. If you drag on, we will witness a farce."

The French army is under pressure, and the rebel army is already at stake, but the high-level leaders are still fighting and fighting for power.

As an orthodox soldier, Botiorek naturally does not want to witness.

Especially if it continues, it is possible that Austria will be dragged into the water.


Not unexpectedly, as soon as Hutier and others left, the internal rights struggle of the uprising broke out.

If the French did not send troops suddenly, forcing the rebels to retreat again, there might be a whole martial arts inside the rebels.

Adhering to the principle of not being able to get oneself, and not allowing the enemy to get one, Lieutenant General Jerette, who is a foreigner, became the leader of the rebel army in a daze.

Of course, this "boss" is limited to nominal, in fact, Jarrett can't control anyone. If you want to command troops, you can only use weapons and equipment to lure these guys to sell their lives.

Lieutenant General Jarrett, who had just acted as the commander-in-chief, was busy packing up the mess at the moment.

"General, I just received the news. The senior team of the Eighth Division disappeared collectively. It seems that the Austrians chose to give up the rebel army."

With a bang, the documents on Jarrett's desk had flown out.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible news for Lieutenant General Jarrett.

After losing the support of Austria, the possibility of the uprising army wanting to make a comeback is even less.

Unlike general missions, Lieutenant General Geret really hopes that the Uprising will succeed. Since the Aswan victory pushed him to the ranks of the world's top generals, Lieutenant General Gerrett was inseparable from the Uprising.

The top general needs to be supported by a record. There is no record that can be compared with the defeat of the French.

Life is alive, the word fame and fortune.

Lieutenant General Jarrett can't be vulgar, especially after getting it, he doesn't want to lose even more.

After all, the water in the Aswan victory is too great, and the rebels have more casualties than the French.

If it is not for political needs, this kind of defeated and defeated play can't really get on the table.

No one likes this kind of fierce commander, especially the middle and lower rank officers and men, who don't want to be betrayed.

Returning to China with this record, in addition to gaining fame, Jarrett's actual income is not high, and even will be idle.

Being angry can't solve the problem. Unless the two countries directly intervene, the outcome of this uprising is doomed.

The original plan of Jarrett was to provoke the Fau conflict and pull Austria into the water. Under the current international environment, as long as there is a fuse, the possibility of conflict between France and Austria is as high as 80%.

After calming down, Lieutenant General Jerette had realized that something could not be done: "Jack, prepare to pack things, we will leave here as soon as possible.

It must be done in secret, not to attract the attention of this group of ... Remember that everything in the warehouse must be taken away. "

If you just want to run the road, you don't need to pack things up. It's better to leave quietly.

Obviously, Admiral Jarrett is not a two-sleeved breeze master, and has taken advantage of his position to reap a lot of benefits.

Egypt is an ancient country with a rich history, gold and silver jewelry are indispensable, and antiques are innumerable.

In particular, the latter has no value at all in the eyes of the high-ranking rebels. Since Jarrett likes it, he will naturally give it away.

If you do n’t please the person in charge, who knows if you will wear small shoes when distributing aid.

Now it was time to run, Jarrett could not forget these gains, and even he had to go further and prepare for the collection of the rebels.

The young officer Jack shook his head: "General, we have too many things, and we need at least dozens of carriages to transport them.

With so many things, I am afraid that it would be very difficult to leave quietly and quietly without disturbing the top of the uprising army. "

Jarrett heard the most pretending sentence, "Too much money is also an annoyance." I never expected that I would be hit by myself.

With dozens of horse-drawn carriages running, let's not conceal the high rise of the uprising army. It is estimated that even the hostile French can't hide it.

Once the news is revealed, don't say that you have run away with your goods, and whether you can save your life is a question mark.

Lieutenant General Jerette reprimanded: "Idiot, when will I let you go straight! Without the protection of the army, these things are life-saving signs."

Jack was not annoyed when he was scolded and asked with a smile: "Uncle, what is your plan?"

Jarret glared at his nephew and said angrily: "Shut up, remember to call the general. If your kid wants to go further in the army, don't expose our relationship."

Like most European troops in this era, the British army naturally has a lot of nepotism, but this kind of thing can only be understood, and it is unspeakable.

In order not to irritate ordinary people in the military, these second generations of them, while enjoying these benefits, must also keep as low-key as possible.

If the relationship is exposed, it will not be tight in the short term, but in the next promotion appointment, it will inevitably be treated with a different eye.

It seems that the problem is not big, anyway, ordinary people can only envy jealousy, but in fact endless troubles. When he was promoted to high position, he was picked up by competitors to pick things up. This was the last straw that crushed the camel.

As for the evacuation plan?

What plan does this need, and it is not fragrant to run directly with the army?

As long as you cross the border and enter British Africa, you will be safe.

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