Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 814: Helpless compromise

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Compared with family cars, trucks and tractors are actually more popular with consumers in the market.

The former is a luxury product that can only consume wealth; the latter is a means of production that can create more wealth.

Wealthy people are not fools, they are more important than others. When doing multiple-choice questions, of course, according to your needs.

Generally speaking, capitalists in cities prefer cars. Because the car can show their noble status and can bring them convenience in the business field.

Okay, this is just an optical illusion. Unless you are going out as a liar and deliberately showing off wealth and fooling people, it may be a bit useful.

In a normal business field, just talk about it. In the face of interests, no one will easily give in.

The real role of the car is probably to be able to fool the employees. Operate in an invisible way of wealth, tell everyone: the boss has money, don't worry.

Buyers of trucks and tractors, except transportation companies, most of the customers come from farmers in the countryside and some nobles.

Farmers really need it. Unlike expensive cars, tractors have been defined as cheap cars since their birth.

It's not Franz's business. In an agricultural country like Austria, after discovering an artifact like a tractor, the Vienna government would have problems if it didn't intervene.

Since 1883, the Vienna government has promulgated a decree exempting tractor manufacturers from tax, encouraging companies to sell to farmers at low prices.

Up to now, there have been many state-owned enterprises involved in the tractor production industry, directly hitting the sales price.

Compared with the high profits of the car, the tractor is really the price of cabbage.

Tractors for pulling goods and cultivating farms can be sold for 200 to 300 Aegis, and a single-purpose 150 Aegis can be bought.

Of course, this is also a penny. Practical value is not low, comfort should not be expected.

In order to reduce production costs, some manufacturers are too lazy to even equip the seats, and consumers also need to install them themselves after buying them.

The pungent smoke, there are harsh "bursts, bursts, bursts ..." running, if there is a sense of user experience, it is estimated that many people will score zero.

In contrast, the truck can be seen as a modified version of a car. There is nothing more than a car in the rear, and a few more cylinders are added as power.

The comfort is much stronger than the tractor, and it is not as good as the car. The price is somewhere in between.

After all, it is a big man, the technical difficulty of production is much lower, and the cost is slightly lower.

If it is not restricted by traffic, it is estimated that the promotion speed of trucks is much faster than that of cars that are only active in the city or surrounding areas.

Anyway, as soon as the market was launched, it was favored by nobles. Whether it's pulling food from your home, selling vegetables into the city, or taking your family out for hunting, trucks are more worry-free than carriages.

It ’s what the upstarts need to show their status. Since the economic revolution of 1848, the Austrian nobility has been low-key.

Emerging capitalists have replaced their hatred roles, as can be seen in daily newspapers.

Most of the news that exposes social reality, the villains are mostly outbreak capitalists, or the second generation.

In contrast, the proportion of young boys among nobles is much lower. Of course, this may be the social environment, which limits their room for play.

There are many classes for noble children, and one will count as one after adulthood, and will enter the army to polish for a few years.

By the time they retired and returned home, they were not too young. They were no longer middle school teenagers and knew how to use their brains to do things.

In fact, there are not many bad things among the nobles, and all kinds of exotic births are also emerging.

It's just that these people have to care about the reputation of the family. Except for individual idiots, most people know to hide things and not be exposed to the spotlight.

Compared with the old aristocracy, the newly rising military aristocracy has no experience in dealing with this matter.

Many people indulge in power and cannot extricate themselves after taking power. Instead, the troubles are more.

For Franz, these are minor issues.

Things weren't exposed, it was naturally hello, hello everyone, anyway, he emperor would not know.

If the matter is exposed, then one is counted, and it will be dealt with in accordance with Austrian law.

After watching one chicken after another killed, it still worked. I don't know if I was intimidated by the monkeys. Anyway, the remaining chickens were terrified.

With the vigorous development of the automobile industry, around this new industrial chain, many surrounding industries have also benefited.

A series of industries such as steel, machinery manufacturing, petrochemicals, etc. have developed significantly in recent years.

Taking the iron and steel industry as an example, it seems that the current automobile production capacity is not high, and not much steel is consumed every year.

But now the automotive industry needs all steel, or special steel that is widely used in the military, not a pile of scrap iron that needs to be reprocessed.

The customer is God, and there will be service if there is demand in the market. As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to discuss.

There is no legal provision in Austria that military special steel cannot be used for civilian purposes. Before that, no one used it because the price was too high.

It's different now. Low-end cars can't afford these high-tech, but the luxury version must be arranged.

Affected by this good news, in the first half of 1885, Austria's special steel output directly exceeded 50,000 tons, while the special steel production capacity for the whole year of 1880 was only a pitiful 30,000 tons.


Economic development has not been smooth sailing, and time hastily passed, and by the end of 1885 trouble had come to the door.

Franz asked in surprise: "What's wrong with traffic?"

It ’s not bragging. This year Austria ’s local traffic is called the second in the world, and no one dares to call it the first.

Railways extending in all directions link large and small Austrian cities together, and they look like a dense spider web on the map.

The Austrian economy can grow at a high speed, and this "railway spider web" also makes a great contribution. It can be said that without convenient transportation, there would be no Austrian Empire today.

The Minister of Transportation, Stellens explained: "From the perspective of the Empire as a whole, our traffic situation is still at the world's leading level, but serious congestion has occurred in some areas.

These are mainly the industrial cities of the empire. With the continuous influx of population, the traffic pressure is increasing day by day.

Especially after the birth of the car, the original urban planning can no longer keep up with the development of the times.

The current problems are mainly concentrated in old industrial cities such as Prague, Pilsen, Brno, Ostrava, Munich, Stuttgart, Kainitz, Linz, and Milan.

Due to the large population, congestion often occurs during commuting hours, and many people waste half an hour commuting to and from the bus.

In contrast, emerging industrial cities such as Belgrade, Sarajevo, Sagreb, and Bucharest in the southern empire are much better off.

In addition to the city, there is not enough width of the road construction before us. Many road sections are too narrow. It is difficult to stagger when two large trucks meet. "

These problems are inevitable results. Even if the old industrial city was upgraded, it was carried out on the basis of the original one, and it didn't make much effort to the urban construction.

Thirty years ago, the changes at that time were enough to meet the demand. The designers did not have the ability to know the prophet, and they never thought that Austria would develop so fast.

Franz is also not a professional urban design, you can't start if you want to intervene. Coupled with the fact that the Vienna government was already heavily in debt, the shrunken wallet directly dispelled the idea of ​​Franz ’s major demolition.

After thirty years, the problem was exposed and the government needed to find a solution.

The industrial cities in the south were only established in the later period. When developing these areas, the Vienna government's finances have gradually improved.

Coupled with the fact that the foundation is thin, there are not so many historical burdens, and it is a pity that it is directly removed. Therefore, the cities in the south are relatively modern and the traffic carrying capacity is much higher.

"Congestion" is also relative. Compared with the congested cities of later generations, squeezing the bus for half an hour is nothing.

It was always more than half an hour at the bus stop on the way to work before moving forward a few hundred meters. It was much better not to walk faster.

Urban traffic needs to be improved, and traffic outside the city is even more of a problem. Before the advent of cars, Austria ’s roads were also among the best in Europe.

However, road and highway are completely two concepts. The former is a horse race, so at most consider the carriage.

Thirty years ago, the cars were all bulky steam cars. They were okay in the mine at Lila La Mine, and the issue of car traffic was never considered.

The service life of the dirt road is very long. After so many years of repairs and repairs, the road is still running normally.

There is no problem of constructing highways ahead of time here, because highways also have a service life. It is estimated that the construction in advance will not wait for cars to appear, and the roads that have been repaired in front have been retired.

If these problems are to be solved, there will be a round of major infrastructure.

Prime Minister Carl objected: "In the short term, we are not suitable for launching a new round of major infrastructure. At least until the completion of the first phase of the Near East development plan, the government should not be distracted.

The problem of urban traffic congestion can allow the transportation department to strengthen management, or increase the number of buses to release as much transport power as possible.

Although the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, it is still feasible to delay the problem for a while.

The road outside the city was not originally prepared for cars, and it was inevitable that the demand could not be met. In theory, it is only by upgrading the roads of the whole country that we can meet this demand.

But we all know that this is impossible. If it were to build a highway covering the whole country, the construction cost would be cheaper than our railway network.

This has exceeded the government's financial capacity, and we cannot issue bonds without financing.

These things are not urgent, you can make plans first, and the implementation will not be delayed. "

When the problem arises, Franz knows that Austria is still poor. The re-planning and upgrading of old industrial cities will not cost much less than rebuilding a new city.

More than a dozen seats were launched in one fell swoop, and the Near East development plan was already implemented. The Vienna government really had no financial resources and started another wave.

There are no ready-made examples of road network construction, but referring to the Austrian railway network can basically explain the problem.

If it weren't for fooling a large group of international enthusiasts to know about friendship sponsorship, it is unknown whether traffic is open to traffic now based on the strength of the Vienna government itself.

"learn from mistakes."

After being pitted once, international capital has also learned a lesson. If you want to fool people with painting cakes, it is now difficult to find so many "enthusiastic people" to sponsor.

Roads are different from railroads. The investment prospects for railroads are bright. As long as they have passed a long investment cycle, there will be a lot of money behind them.

What makes the road profitable is a complete mess, and there is no lesson to follow.

There are not many cars in this year. Even in the most economically developed areas, the money received by establishing a toll station is not necessarily enough to pay the toll collectors.

It's really difficult to buy and sell without seeing the profit prospects, and want to get in the wrong way.

Not to mention investors, even the traversal of Franz is not optimistic about the profitability of highway projects.

There is no way, the popularization of cars takes time. Only after the market has developed to a certain extent can it be possible to recover the investment costs and obtain investment returns by relying on fees.

However, the capitalists can't wait. Even a "value investment" will not work, because the investment in the highway project will not be recovered. I am afraid that the road built before will be scrapped.


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