Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 811: French attack

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In the evening, four or five officers were surrounded by a bonfire. No one spoke at half a sound, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

This is Hutier and others. From the scene, we know that this is a defeat. Busy to escape, otherwise there will be no temporary headquarters.

The most active Boteolek broke the silence first: "You are talking, crying one by one, as if you were dead at home.

Did n’t you just lose the battle? From the beginning we all planned to run and run, but this time it was a bit embarrassed. "

The only members of the rebel army who really belonged to them were the few who were sitting. The others were all cannon fodder, and they were not taken seriously by everyone.

Sad and uncomfortable, certainly not because of heavy casualties. To put it bluntly, as long as everyone is willing, the eighth division of the Uganda army can continue to add later.

What really frustrated everyone was the defeat, and it was not a general defeat.

In order to achieve greater results, the rebel army made full use of its first-mover advantage and ambushed the French vanguard halfway.

The progress in the front was very smooth. The French were caught off guard and plunged into the enclosure.

However, Hutier and others expected the beginning, but did not guess the end.

Even if the ambush was successful, the French were caught off guard, and the rebel army still had an absolute strength advantage. In the end, it still did not avoid the fate of defeat.

If you fail, you will fail. It is normal to lose or win on the battlefield. It is a pity that the French chased the soldiers and killed them until they reached the rebel camp. The eighth division, which had already been prepared, was still beaten to the ground.

Seeing that the general trend was gone, Hutier and others decisively chose to run. Fortunately, the number of soldiers collapsed, and the French did not notice them, so they escaped.

After being out of danger, the rebel army of more than 200,000 troops at its peak has now become ten.

What remains is not the battlefield of death to death, or to be a prisoner of the French, of course, more of them still flee to the countryside after defeat.

I lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, Hutier said slowly: "This is my responsibility, knowing that the French are not easy to provoke, but also not greedy enough to run to take advantage.

As a result, the rebels suffered heavy losses, their hearts were scattered, and they lost their ability to continue fighting against the French. "

The lack of greed is naturally more than Hutier, and the early progress has been smooth, allowing everyone to overestimate their commanding ability.

The ambush of the French vanguard was a joint decision made by everyone. However, in the face of absolute strength, any war tactics are not worth mentioning.

Faginham: "Lieutenant Colonel, there is no need to blame yourself. The ambush plan was worked out by us. To hold accountable, all of us present have a share.

Before sending us over, Governor Frederick told us clearly that he would learn to save his life first and then cause trouble for the French.

The country has never had confidence in the rebel army, and has not asked us to rescue the rebel army.

In fact, at this stage of the development of the situation, we have completed our task and there is no so-called responsibility.

As for this defeat, I had expected it, but we didn't expect to lose so badly, and the preparations did not have time to play a role.

However, it is normal to think about it. Two months ago, the main force of the uprising ambushed the vanguard of the French army. The ending was better than ours.

Considering that this time it is the main force transferred from the French army, the combat effectiveness is stronger than the colonial forces, in fact we ... "

Although the truth is good, but including Faginham himself, everyone is not easy.

This and the play stock has encountered three consecutive daily limit, is preparing to sell cash, the result is not greedy for a while, and then ushered in a plunge, only to endure painful shots.

When the income I get is shrinking, no matter how comforting I am: I've earned it anyway, and I still feel uncomfortable.

It didn't take long for the older Hutier to recover: "Okay, the matter is over, it's useless to say more.

This time I encountered only the French forward troops. Their limited strength seemed to have won the victory. They had no way to stop the uprising soldiers from moving around.

Everyone knows how destructive the destructive forces are. There are always a part of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have a **** hatred against the French, but they can't beat the French on the front.

Originally we were still thinking about leaving some soldiers to fight guerrillas here, but everyone's morale was not good enough to assign, and now the French have completed the plan for us.

Next ... "

This is not pure self-consolation. Since failure is unavoidable, you can only look for your own benefit from failure.


In the temporary palace in Paris, the haze on Napoleon IV's face was swept away since the news of Egypt's victory.

During the recent period, he has suffered too much pressure. A group of international grain exporters troubled him every day; the people in the country didn't have to worry about it, and they ran for demonstrations every three minutes.

Although the news of the victory in Egypt's battlefield cannot solve the international troubles, it is still enough to appease the people in the country.

Foreign Secretary Terence Burkin: "Your Majesty, under the influence of the British food self-sufficiency plan, the relationship between Britain and Russia has deteriorated sharply.

Not long ago, the tsarist government threatened to withdraw from the free trade system in an attempt to force the British government to make concessions. The opportunity for us to wait hard was here. "

Alternative life is not easy. As the only country on the continent outside the free trade system, France has taken on too many strange eyes.

Although on the bright side, the Parisian government made a disdainful look, but the sadness and bitterness of it was only known to them.

Tariff barriers also need to pay a price. While restricting the entry of other people's products into the mirror, they are naturally inevitably restricted by others.

Affected by this, the total value of France's imports and exports decreased sharply by almost three-quarters.

It is impossible to return to the free trade system, at least until the French industry gains an advantage, the Paris government will not consider this issue.

Then the only way is to break down this system, pull everyone back to the era of tariff barriers, and then obtain a relatively fair opportunity for competition.

Napoleon IV wondered: "The British are still in the parliamentary discussions and have not made a resolution. Are the Russians so anxious?"

Foreign Minister Terence Burkin explained: "Your Majesty, the Russian Empire is the world's first exporter of raw grain.

Our farm plan has already caused them heavy losses. If the British market is lost again, Russian agriculture will be hit hard.

Moreover, after losing the source of food exports, Russia's finances will soon be in a dilemma of being unable to make ends meet. It is normal for the tsarist government to sit still. "

After a moment of thought, Napoleon IV said slowly, "Do you mean to seize the opportunity to win over the Russians and disintegrate the free trade system?"

Terence Burkin shook his head: "Not only the free trade system, but also the Russian-Austrian alliance.

As long as the British plan becomes a reality, the Austrian-led food export alliance will soon fall apart and the major food exporting countries will fall into brutal competition.

No matter how good the relationship between Russia and Austria is, Austria itself is a grain exporter. In the context of the shrinking international market, they have no way to consume the huge capacity of the Russians.

At this time, we extended an olive branch, and the tsarist government simply could not refuse.

Anyway, our big farm plan will not be completed in a day.

We can reach an agreement with the Russians to import part of the grain from the Russian Empire every year in exchange for domestic industrial and commercial products to enter the Russian market.

There are problems with the common interest chain. If the Russia-Austria alliance is better for a long time, there will be problems.

As long as Russia-Austria relations are divorced, the strategic crisis we face will no longer exist. "

The Paris government ranch plan is actually pretty good to say. If it is to be implemented, it will require a lot of manpower and financial resources.

With the financial resources of the Paris government, it is simply unable to start this big plan in the short term, which is destined to shrink the big farm plan.

It is undoubtedly a big profit to use the plan that would have shrunk, alienate Russia-Austria relations, or even break up the alliance and get rid of France ’s strategic crisis of isolation on the European continent.

Napoleon IV nodded. He really couldn't find a reason to refuse this kind of multi-task.

"However, how to convince the British? The prerequisite for all this is that the British government is willing to cooperate and put enough pressure on the Russians."

The crux of the problem is coming, and there is a heavy price to betrayed by the Russian-Austrian alliance. Unless the last resort is encountered, the Russians will certainly not do so.

Foreign Secretary Terence Burkin replied unhurriedly: "Your Majesty, the Russian-Austrian League not only threatens us, but the British are also uncomfortable.

Do n’t you think Russia and Austria are too close to India?

In the eyes of the British: India is the best colony, any country will be tempted.

In order to break up the Russian-Austrian alliance, the British government can do a lot of things. Now that the opportunity has come, I do n’t believe the British government will refuse. "

Even if the Russian-Austrian alliance is not a common enemy of Britain and France, it is also a common threat to the two countries, and everyone ’s interests are the same on this issue.

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