Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 799: Downhole

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Defeated the French, but there was no glimmer of joy in the high-level of the insurgents. Except for a group of British generals led by Lieutenant General Jerrett, most of the remaining people glared at Mahdi.

A bearded officer took out his spear, put it on the table, and asked, "Mahdi, what's going on? Why didn't you tell us that the dam was blown up, do you know because ..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mahdi explained in a hurry: "Thunders, it's not that I don't want to inform you, mainly because it's too late.

Our main force on the front line failed in the decisive battle. The insurgents wanted to defeat the French and had to blow up the Aswan dam.

It turns out that our decision was not wrong. The French army was badly hit and was fleeing at the moment. "

Thunders sneered and sneered, "I don't think it's too late, but you're not ready to notify at all.

Anyway, it's our people who lost. Your sixth division and the first division are intact, naturally it doesn't hurt. "

It can be seen from the expressions of everyone that maybe this is the real reason for everyone's anger.

The battlefield has already failed, and the bombing of the dam turned into victory, and there is no problem from the military point of view. For the sake of this, I barely make sense.

The problem is that all of their troops were lost, and Mahdi ’s armed forces have escaped, which has made everyone unbalanced.

Seeing that persuasion had no effect, Mahdi was also angry, and immediately opposed each other: "What's the situation between the first division and the sixth division, don't you know?

When it comes to saving my strength, don't forget that the previous smashing battles were all played by my people first. Had it not been for the heavy losses, it would not have been withdrawn for rest. "

Seeing that the situation was going to get out of control, Lieutenant General Jarrett said, "You, no one is willing to have this happen.

The war requires sacrifice. The front line is defeated, and the soldiers participating in the war cannot escape the pursuit of the French. Being able to take the French with them for funeral, they are also dead well.

Rather than blame each other here, it is better to find a way to restore strength. The army suffered heavy losses, and it was enough to recruit again.

The French were greatly injured, and Egypt could not organize a second military siege in a short time. Then you can move freely.

In view of the heavy losses, Britain is willing to provide another 30,000 rifles and ammunition to help everyone overthrow the French rule. "

Feng Shui took turns. The French aided the Americans in the past, and the British lost the North American base of King Baji. Now it is the British's turn.

It's just that compared to Louis XVI's generosity and even ending in person, the British are really too young.

There are only 30,000 rifles, not even artillery and machine guns. With John Bull's mode, most of them are used by the British army.

In Britain, there are 30,000 retired rifles, and they can definitely sell for less than 30,000 pounds. Even 10,000 pounds can not find a paner in continental Europe.

But for the insurgents, this is already an astronomical figure, far more than the total aid provided by Britain and Austria before.

Hearing the news of 30,000 rifle assistance, everyone's expressions suddenly eased. The rebels are mixed, and there may be people who love soldiers like children, but there are definitely not many.

For most seniors, the military is only a tool for them to gain power and wealth, and is a consumable item.

Anyway, there are as many troops as there are guns. The soldiers are lost, and then they need to be recruited again.

The British aided a batch of weapons, and it is estimated that the Austrians would also aid a batch. Coupled with the legacy on the battlefield, restoring strength is not a problem at all.

Thunders hurriedly fought: "In the face of your lieutenant general, this time it's okay. However, the second division suffered heavy losses and I need 10,000 rifles to supplement."

Mahdi vetoed: "No! Everyone's loss is very heavy, the second division is pretty good, at least one regiment has been retained, and you can add up to 5,500 rifles."

Suppression is a must. The Thunders themselves are second only to Mahdi in the rebel army, and the two have clashed for power more than once.

After all, taking advantage of the opportunity on the battlefield and hitting the second division, how could Mahdi make it easy for him to recover?

The Thunder slammed the table and yelled, "Mahdi, don't go too far.

If you want to do this, then let's get together early, no one is willing to accept your birdie here. "


Contradictions occurred within the rebel army, which Lieutenant General Gerrett was happy to see. If the insurgents were one piece, how would it reflect the importance of his British dispatch officer?

For example, this time, everyone knew that the order to blow up the dam was essentially issued by Lieutenant General Jerrett, but everyone was pretending to be confused, and Mahdi had to carry this blame.

This is the result of Hutier and others leaving, otherwise it will be more lively here. The losers of the power struggle will most likely use Austria's support to jump out and fight the Mahdi Chamber which the British support.

Seeing the people arguing endlessly, the headquarters was in a mess, and they were about to fight. Lieutenant General Jeret took the baton and banged on the table.

Directly reprimanded: "Everyone sit down and see what you look like now?"

"Don't forget, you are now a leader of the country, not a street bum.

For little things, just quarrel so much, don't be afraid of jokes! "

Seeing the crowd return to their positions, Lieutenant General Jarrett nodded with satisfaction.

He knows that this is not his own high morals, everyone is willing to give face, it is that the weapons and equipment are held in his hands, and everyone present can not offend him.

He paused for a moment and eased his tone: "The main force of the French army has been defeated. Now is the time to expand the results of the war. In such a noisy situation, we will lose the fighter.

Everyone is a soldier, so we use the rules of the army to decide. Whoever makes the greatest contribution in the war takes the big share.

Now I'm in charge of you. Pursuing the French army's collapse, whoever gets more heads and captures more prisoners will take a bigger share.

Do n’t waste resources if you eat and die. Don't say that I did it unfairly. Although the frontline troops suffered heavy losses, you are closest to the French.

Even if you do not have the ability to continue the pursuit, the French army sent to your door will not be a minority. "

There is no doubt that this distribution scheme is in the best interest of Mahdi. Don't look at Gerrett's ease. In fact, after being hit by the flood, the frontline insurgents are no better than the French.

Arrest the French army?

In fact, now they are all a bunch of soldiers. The only advantage was that they barely won, and they could assemble in situ after the water had receded.

The morale of the army has not existed, and these troops cannot fight in a short time. As Lieutenant General Jerrett said, they can capture the fallen French soldiers, but they can only capture them.


Outside Ugsul, Hutil is holding a telescope to watch the army siege. If siege equipment does not exist, the insurgents will neither build nor need these things.

For the development of the city, Ugsoul had long been demolished by the French. As an inland hinterland city, the French have never thought of threats from foreign enemies.

Bunkers and fortresses did not exist. The battle entered the street fighting mode at the beginning.

Bullying the insurgents did not have artillery, the French directly rely on buildings to prevent the insurgents from entering the city.

Huthier frowned as he watched as the troops hurriedly hurriedly rushed up and were blown up by flesh and blood.

In the end it was some soldiers who brought their own soldiers. If possible, he still hopes that these soldiers will survive.

On the one hand, Faking Han was much calmer. It seemed that he was not affected by the atmosphere of the battlefield. He commented with interest: "The firepower of the garrison is very chaotic and it does not look like a regular army.

Now basically the French main force is not in the city. If we do not hesitate, our success rate of defeating Ugsul is very high. "

Hutil shook his head: "Vienna is not ready to turn its face with the French. Even if we occupy Ugesul, we cannot eat it.

They could not keep it for the rebels. Just look at it and scare the French in the city.

Instead of consuming valuable troops here, it would be more troublesome for the French to take a troop around Egypt with their troops. "

At this time, the cheerful-looking Strassenberg came from the rear, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant Colonel, order to stop the offense, and we can do it next."

Hutier boldly guessed: "Oh, is it possible that the main French army was annihilated by the flood attack, and now the emptiness in Egypt is waiting for us to harvest the fruits of victory?"

Steinhausen nodded and shook his head again: "Although it was not overwhelmed by the army, it was almost the same.

According to the intelligence gathered by the scouts, the high-level insurgents used the main force as a bait, which suddenly blasted the Aswan dam during the decisive battle, and the flood directly hit the fighting forces.

Both sides suffered heavy losses, and now Adolf's rebel army has turned into a bereavement dog and is fleeing in haste.

Maybe it won't be long before we meet them. Give them a second look. It is estimated that the French rebel army can cancel the establishment. "

The ambush defeated French army is far more cost-effective than attacking Ugsul. If, by chance, Adolf's rebel army is left here, a military parade in Cairo would not be impossible.

Fakkingham countered: "Major, you are too optimistic. If the French rushed back and forth, we could indeed keep them.

But whenever Adolf had a bit of a brain, he would reorganize the troops halfway and then continue to retreat.

You don't need much, as long as you gather a group of troops, you can defeat the eighth division.

Even if the morale of the French army was greatly reduced, then doubling its strength would be enough for two regiments.

If Adolf was bold enough, he would not have to retreat at all. The frontline troops suffered heavy losses. There were only two and a half disabled infantry divisions at the headquarters of the insurgent army. As long as there were 5,000 French troops, they could fight each other. "

There is no doubt that the final inference is based on ideals. Even if Adolf had the courage to break the boat, the French soldiers would be willing to carry a battle against the water.

The French army's mighty fighting power is built on the morale of the army. The French army without the desire to fight, the fighting power that can be exerted may not be much stronger than the rebel army.

Steinhausen gave a small smile: "You are too overestimating the French. Most of the combatants in this battle were colonial troops, not the core elite of the French army.

After encountering the flood, the soldiers who escaped from the calamity were at the lowest point, and the combat power that could be exerted was very limited.

Of course, these are not the key issues. The core factor that really allowed us to win was that the French army lost almost all its logistical supplies and heavy firepower.

The small cities and colonial strongholds along the route can only provide them with part of food supplies at most, and the lost weapons and equipment cannot be replenished.

The French army was hit by the flood during the battle, which meant that the bullets consumed by the French soldiers in the battle had no time to replenish and they hurried out.

As long as we consume the last ammunition in the hands of the French, we will win this war. "

After hesitating for a moment, Huthier made a decision: "With the order, the troops immediately stopped siege.

Inform cadres at or above the regiment level to hold an emergency military meeting in the afternoon. "

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