Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 794: Tossing

St. Petersburg, Alexander III's hair has dropped a lot since he was informed by the British and British secret treaty.

Throwing away the telegram in his hand, Alexander III complained: "Fuck the Englishman, can't you be a little bit safe?

After only a few days of worrying, I started tossing again. Do you really think we are bullying ... "

Heaven and earth conscience, he really doesn't want to do anything now. Isn't it quiet to farm quietly? Why should we do it?

Chancellor of the Exchequer Alisher Gulov advised: "Sir, this is a British trick.

They provoked the Persian conflict at this time in order to interrupt the restoration of the Russian Empire, and we must not let their conspiracy succeed. "

He was really afraid that when the young and powerful Czar was angry, he would go to war with the British regardless of his anger. This kind of thing happened a lot in previous Czars.

To be precise, there are many such things around the world. It continued into modern times, and after learning the lessons of countless predecessors, everyone became sensible.

The current Russian empire is not suitable for launching wars. First, the Russian-Prussian War, and then the economic crisis. The Russian empire is in its weakest period.

Waiting for Alexander III to answer, Army Secretary Paradrew Wald said, "Everyone knows this is a British conspiracy, but what about it?

The interests of the Russian Empire cannot be violated, and the Persian issue is only a test of the British. If we do not cut off their delusions, there is more trouble waiting for us.

Once the outside world is made to think that the Russian Empire has fallen, the enemies we will face are not just British. "

Hatred has grown too much. When the Russian empire was strong, these were the diseases of mange.

It's different now. The Russian Empire is at its weakest time. Being able to live in peace and stability relies on the old tiger power.

The resurgence of Tiger Power cannot change the fact that it is a sick tiger. If you cannot deter the wolves, tigers and panthers in the mountains, you will be in a situation where wolves eat tigers.

In order to avoid the worst situation, the tsarist government has made many efforts, including: restoring the Russian-Olympic alliance, and actively participating in the Near East War ...

On the one hand, the strength of the alliance was used to deter the heroes, and on the other hand, the muscles were brightened on the battlefield, making everyone believe that the Russian Empire is still strong.

In order to speed up the recovery, the Tsarist government even sold the trophies in the Near East War in exchange for large sums of money to improve its finances.

However, temptations came. The Persian issue is just a shadow. Once the Russian Empire shows signs of fatigue, there will be no rest.

The more you think about it, the more nervous the crowd's look becomes. After continual brain filling, a conspiracy theory against the Russian Empire takes shape.

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Foreign Minister Oscar Jimenez hurriedly explained, "Sir, the situation is not that serious.

The British may be testing us, but the Persian issue also involves Austrian interests. As long as we agree with the Vienna government, the situation is within control.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Vienna have approved it, and they propose to showdown directly with the Persian government, ignoring the British presence. "

The Russo-Austrian alliance is invincible on the World Island, especially after the Popo Federation is finished, other countries together cannot shake this big boss.

It's no problem for the British to do things. Anyway, they are not in Eurasia, and the Royal Navy is sufficient to ensure their own security. It is impossible to bring down Russia and Austria directly.

Army Secretary Paradrew Wald asks in confusion: "Austria wants to do something with Persia?"

Oscar Jimenez rubbed his forehead and couldn't help this teammates. Fighting nations like to use violence to solve problems, and the Tsar government is no exception.

Helplessly explained: "British and Polish countries signed a secret treaty, and the governments of both countries did not recognize it. We can also pretend to know nothing.

Now with the Persian government showdown, we can deliberately propose to violate the terms of the compact and make the British plan fail.

If the Austrians want to do something with the Persian region, they don't need to have such trouble at all, just hit it. "

"Play directly" This is the style of the powers. The excuses of war can be waited for and found again. Anyway, the war of aggression has been launched, and there is nothing to wash.

This is not the same as the Near East War. The Ottoman Empire was a former public enemy of Europe. Just flipping through the history books can turn the war of aggression into a war of revenge.

International public opinion itself has a strong tendency, and the revenge war launched on behalf of the will of the European people must be just.

Under the influence of the general environment, even the Britons, as a crap, have not been entangled in this issue.

There is no need to talk about attacking Persia, after all, the Persian Empire and the Habsburg dynasty have no hatred, and there are 18,000 miles to the European world.

This answer was a mixed bag for Alexander III. The joy is that the problem can be solved, and there is no need to worry about the situation worsening; but the Russian Empire is more dependent on Austria.

In order to get rid of dependence on Austria, starting from Alexander II, the Tsarist government intentionally alienated the Vienna government.

However, tossing and tossing and going back to the original point, and even made the problem worse.

The promise was to get rid of dependence on Austria, and in the end it became more dependent. If you continue this way, you can only be a little brother with peace of mind.

Learning from his father's lesson, Alexander III did not blindly alienate the diplomatic relations between the two countries to get rid of his dependence on Austria.

Then there was no more. Alexander III had no idea what to do. It is not impossible to get rid of dependence on Austria, but the price is too high.

Political dependence is best solved with troublesome economic effects. The facts have once again proved that international loans are not easy to obtain.

Influenced by the condition that only Austrian goods can be purchased, the Russian industry lost its own style and completely copied Austria.

No, they still have their own style, the machinery and equipment they bought, and the same products produced have improved in shape, volume, and use functions.

Unfortunately, this improvement is not benign, but it is moving in the opposite direction. Failed to copy the assignment, let alone independent research and development upgrade.

When you buy the first generation, you must buy the second generation, and you are used to buying and buying. The aftermath was that Russian industry was forced to adopt Austrian standards.

Today, except for Austria, machinery and equipment produced in other countries cannot be sold in the Russian Empire.

It is not a price issue or a quality issue. The key is that the standard system is incompatible.

Industrial development is about the industrial chain. To change the standard, both upstream and downstream must be changed together. If only one of the links is changed, the overlap of the industrial chain will immediately cause problems.

Even in industries that are not highly dependent on the industrial chain, capitalists need to consider the issue of equipment maintenance in the later stages.

There is no supporting standard system, and a new screw must be imported from the country where the equipment is purchased.

If it is said that these small accessories are not valuable, the manufacturer can attach a batch of them, then the machinery and equipment are broken, and the maintenance workers have to invite them from overseas, then there is no way.

Everyone has to consider the cost, and no one will ask for trouble. There are also few large factories in the Russian Empire that allow equipment suppliers to send skilled workers directly.

Alexander III still knew a little about economy, and didn't fumble to get rid of restrictions.

If you ca n’t get it out, you have to import it anyway. People who buy British and French are better off buying Austria. At least everyone is an ally.

Under the free trade system, a monopoly on industrial equipment was achieved by relying on promotion standards, which gave a lesson to many European economists.

Even in some universities, the Russian Empire has been used as a classic case of business, and it has appeared in student textbooks.

From start to finish, the Tsarist government did not expect the British to do so, but only responded to the conflict in Central Asia.

In this respect, the "warning" of the British government was a toss, and the Russians never thought of that step.

This is not the stupidity of the Tsarist government. It is mainly a cognitive difference. Perhaps from the outside world's point of view, the Russian army ’s small actions in Central Asia are a big deal, but in the eyes of the Tsarist government, it is a trivial matter.

Not just grabbing a few sheep, cows, horses, and occupying a pasture, the Russians have been doing similar things for hundreds of years.

Habits become natural, and the Tsarist government does not find it problematic from top to bottom. Who can think that the British will make a big deal?

It is estimated that the British government directly compiled the former cause and effect into information and sent it to the tsarist government. The Russians may not necessarily believe it.


On April 13, 1885, the Mahdi uprising ambushed the vanguard of the French rebel army in the Idfu area. The battle scene was that touching.

Relying on their strength in strength, and ambushing the French army in advance, they were caught by surprise, and the two sides ended up tied.

After receiving the news, Hutier and others' first reaction was impossible. Even if the French are paperless, they cannot be so vulnerable.

At the military meeting, Mahdi reprimanded and said, "You are amazing, aren't you usually very capable?"

More than 30,000 people ambushed less than 5,000 enemies, occupying all their advantages, and ended up tying a draw.

If you do not occupy a geographical advantage, but encounter in the wild, will you be wiped out by the French?


After hearing Mahdi's reprimand, Huthir probably understood what was going on with a "tie."

The six-fold strength of the forces, plus the ambush in advance, hit the enemy's ambush. In the end, not only did they not completely wipe out the enemy army, but they let the enemy break through.

Such a record is a joke, and it happened.

"Tie" is nothing but self-consolation. Looking at the loss ratio of both sides, we know 3.4: 1. Almost killed a French legion, but the price it paid was a division.

According to the expressions of everyone, Hu Tier felt that the annihilated "French Army" might also have water. If a regular regiment of the French Army is killed, it is estimated that a feast can be celebrated here.

An ominous premonition emerged from Hu Tier's heart. Secretly guessed: Shouldn't the French colonial army be independent?

Fortunately, there were pure French soldiers captured, which proved that the main forces participated in this battle.

If the colonial army has such a record, then don't say anything, pack up your things and go home, don't even think about the task.

The main forces of the insurgent army suffered heavy losses, and Mahdi had to look again at the representatives of Britain and Austria, hoping for more assistance.

In the end he was accustomed to the strong winds and waves. Lieutenant General Jarrett did not express his dissatisfaction with the result of this ambush: "Dear everyone, let's pass it!

According to the practice, the vanguard of the French army is generally elite, and it is normal to have a stronger combat effectiveness. The troops behind are not so powerful.

The top priority is to hurry up and train the rebels to increase the combat effectiveness as much as possible.

I hope that the problems exposed during this ambush will not reappear in subsequent battles. "


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