Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 792: Very low expectations

In the Palace of Vienna, Franz is playing with his grandson, who is several months old.

Recently, Britain, France, and Russia are very busy. Everything is operating normally in the country, and Franz who is idle can only toss the little ones.

A cry of "wowa" sounded, making Franz messy.

At this moment a maid hurriedly rushed and said eagerly: "Sir, just now the news came from outside the palace. Prime Minister Felix fainted as soon as he went out today and is currently in the process of rescue."

Hearing this bad news, Franz could no longer afford the crying grandson, and passed the little Charlie directly to the maid.

Commanded: "Get the car right now, I'm going out of the house!"

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Since the age of the Revolution, Felix has been the Prime Minister of Austria. The two have cooperated closely for more than three decades and pulled the Habsburgs who fell into **** from the edge of death.

In terms of merit, Felix can be said to be the first contributor to the revival of the Habsburgs.

Felix Schwarzenberg, born in 1800, is now 85 years old, which is more than double the life expectancy of this era.

Thinking of this, Franz's heart sank suddenly.

Years are not forgiving, even if he is already an emperor, he can only watch the people around him leave one by one, and there is nothing he can do.

The 85-year-old is not to say now, even in the 21st century, once such an age falls ill, it is difficult to recover.


As the Prime Minister of Austria, Felix naturally has a personal doctor at his service, and even a variety of medical equipment is always available at home.

Mainly this year, there are not many medical devices. If there are a lot of instruments like the 21st century, you can't keep them.

Everything is readily available, and treatment is naturally performed directly at home. When Franz arrived, the medical experts in Vienna were almost there.

There was also a large group of nobles from Vienna, but rather few government colleagues. There is no way this is a rule. Now it is working time. Even without the Prime Minister, the government still needs to operate normally.

No one was surprised to see Franz coming in person. Almost every serious minister was in critical condition, and he had to visit in person.

In the face of the unconscious Prime Minister Felix, Franz swallowed his words and waited quietly outside the ward.

Entertainment is non-existent, and Franz is annoyed. Where can there be so much attention.

Seeing the emperor's somber expression, everyone knew that at this time, they were definitely scolding.

Time passed minute by minute, and the weather had gradually darkened, the head guard reminded: "Your Majesty, it's late, it's time to return to the palace."

Franz nodded, watching a large group of nobles and officials outside, waving his hand and commanding: "Let's go!"

At this moment, Franz reacted, because the emperor's stay, others could only wait.

Back in the palace with a depressed mood, Franz knew that a new round of political reshuffle was about to begin.

Even if Prime Minister Felix's current physical condition recovers, it will be difficult to continue to be competent as Prime Minister.

Not only is the Prime Minister older, but many of the top government officials are already in their 70s. Unconsciously, the Vienna government has also entered an old age.

Lying on the bed, Franz couldn't help but think that it would be nice to be able to pursue longevity if he passed through an era of resuscitation.

Over time, Franz turned on fantasy mode in his dreams.


Egypt. After repeated urging by Napoleon IV, the rebel army of Governor Adolf finally completed the assembly in Cairo.

One French infantry division + two Egyptian colonial divisions + one cavalry battalion is the entire composition of the rebel army.

Without an artillery regiment, suppressing the colonial rebellion is redundant, and the field artillery carried by the infantry division is sufficient.

This year the leading artillery was a high-tech arm, and it was not able to shoot out the shells. Even the artillery, the hit rate was the key.

Even if Britain and Austria were willing to provide artillery, the rebels could not find a gunner who could operate.

On a sunny day, Governor Adolf led a large army of 36,000 peace rebels and set off from Cairo.

In the face of the menacing French, the rebellion has fallen into panic. France's number one army in the world is too famous, and some people within the rebels have shaken as the battle begins.

Mahdi convened several mobilization meetings to boost morale, but still had little effect.

Lieutenant Colonel Huttier, the representative of Austria, also attended a meeting. After seeing the ugly state of the insurgents, he resolutely refused to participate.

The newly-introduced commander of the Eighth Division Commander, Hutir, said with anxiety: "The composition of the insurgent army is too complicated, and there are a lot of internal contradictions. Neither training nor combat awareness is sufficient.

Judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the French collide with them.

The perfect strategy that the British helped them to completely ignored the execution of the rebels. It's been this long, and it hasn't been determined where to intercept the river.

Now a bunch of people are still arguing. It is estimated that when the French come over, they may not be able to determine the place. "

The amount of water on the Nile is not as big as it is throughout the year. In the dry season, intercepting the impoundment of the river to impact the downstream, it is impossible to achieve the effect.

It's a pity that it has just entered April, and the Nile River is in dry season from January to May. The water level will start to rise in May at the earliest, and August will be the peak.

This means that the insurgents must at least support the French attack for more than 40 days, and the "perfect strategy" formulated by the British can only be realized.

It is best to wait until August if you want to use the flood to destroy the delta area downstream.

Floods occur in the lower reaches of August every year, and the destruction of farmland is a common occurrence, and it even occasionally affects Cairo.

Fackingham: "The British plan simply doesn't work, the French don't leave them enough time.

If Mahdi is smart enough, immediately choose the right place to blow up a small mountain peak and block the river.

Although it is a dry season, its destructive power to the downstream is limited, but it is stronger than nothing, and it can stagnate the French rebel army. "

The upper reaches themselves occupy the geographical position. Once the river is blocked, the French who are coming must have to detour.

If they continued marching along the Nile, in case the rebels suddenly became waterproof, they would have to feed the fish, and the French could not take risks.

But once the plan is advanced, the destruction of the delta becomes a dream. After all, there is not enough water and the destructive power is limited.

Hutil shook his head: "No need to count, the rebels have been stupid by the British.

Perhaps the lieutenant General Jarrett thought that the insurgents could, like the British army, be able to ban orders. "

The strong sense of contempt overflowed in words, if it was not possible to determine that the identity of Lieutenant General Gerrett could not betray Britain, he would doubt whether it was a spy sent by the French.

It seems that the total strength of the rebels is nearly 100,000, almost three times that of the French, and it has an absolute strength advantage.

However, military strength does not mean victory. In the fight against the colonial rebellion, let alone one enemy and three, even one enemy, is nothing new.

Portiorec suggested: "Since the high-ranking of the insurgents are already stupid, leave them alone.

Find a chance to be separated from them. Then we beat each other and let them drag the main force of the French army, and we went into the hinterland of Egypt to destroy it.

Can't win the main force of the French army, can we still bully the plantation owner? Burn the French cotton and let Adolph's cry. "

Expectations are so low, despite the airdropped a batch of equipment, armed the eighth division, and conducted simple training. Portiorec still had no expectations of a decisive battle with the French.

In his opinion, even bullying the plantation owner depends on military strength. With the same number of people, these gangs of Wuhe people can't do enough plantation to raise thugs.

Fakkingham frowned and asked, "It sounds good, but how do we evacuate after entering the hinterland of Egypt?"

This is a realistic problem. It is easy to go deep into the enemy line, but it is easy to enter and difficult to come out.

Once the French found out that someone had burned their cotton land, it wasn't dead.

Portiorec shook his head: "The French are not fools. When they react, they will soon send troops to surround us. Evacuation is simply impossible.

But our mission is to do destruction, why must we evacuate?

Bring the troops into chaos and throw them away when the momentum is not right. Let's disguise ourselves and run. "

Although a bit spicy, the feasibility is indeed very high. There were no ID cards these years, and a few strangers in the colony came out and could not identify them at all.

Even if it was caught by the French, it could still be posing as an Austrian expedition and strayed into Egypt.

The world has never been short of idiots, and every year there are many expeditions that stray into the colonies of other countries.

It was okay to be caught, nothing more than to inform the leader of the Austrian colonial government, and by the way ask for a ransom.

This is a common practice, and without conflicts of interest, colonists will not kill people at will.

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