Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 778: Helplessness in a small country

Autumn is high, and it is another good year.

Franz was in a good mood recently. Russia and Austria reached an agreement, and even the dust of the Near East War was settled.

As for the Greeks, reality will be accepted within a few days. Had it not been for the domestic nationalists, King Ludwig would have compromised long ago.

Ambition requires strength to support it. Ordinary people may not know that the ruling class must be sober.

King Ludwig, who was originally a small country, naturally knew what the small country's way of life was.

After losing the Bavarian throne, the Wittelsbach dynasty can rise again in the Lombard kingdom. It depends not only on relatives.

If it wasn't for them to know the current situation and see that the situation had gone, they would resign to Austria decisively, and even if they paid attention to eating, Franz could not arrange a good place for them.


The atmosphere inside the Greek royal palace in Athens is very depressing. The sadness of Ludwig I in recent days has forced the palace people to be careful.

In fact, no one is better than Ludwig I. It is really a big trouble for Greek nationalism to flourish.

"Great Greece" is a huge pit, the kind that jumped into the mortal country, but it was also targeted by Greek nationalists and was ready to be implemented.

According to the concept of Greater Greece, the territory of Greece includes Constantinople, and the area is about five or six times that of the present.

To achieve this goal, the prerequisite is "punch Austria, kick Russia".

Frankly, such a great strategy is really not something that ordinary people can think of, at least Ludwig I was afraid to think so.

The Ottoman Empire was perished, and Greek nationalism was boiling again. One by one, the government asked this and that, regardless of whether it was fighting for the "strength" of the spoils.

Nationalists have launched a massive demonstration since the government was rumored to abandon the battle for territories in the Asia Minor Peninsula.

In the palace, Ludwig I could hear the voices of the Greek people. No matter how loud the call is, we must be able to achieve it?

Ludwig I asked: "Is the outsider still willing to disperse?"

The Prime Minister Carioxiu replied, "Yes, Your Majesty. The government has sent someone to explain, but unfortunately failed to convince them.

These people have gone crazy and completely lost their thinking. I really don't know what kind of chaos will be caused after the treaty is signed. "

A news that does not know the truth can trigger a large-scale protest. If the news becomes a reality, the consequences can be imagined.

Ludwig I shook his head: "These people are just pawns launched by the bastards. I don't believe they don't know the consequences of doing so.

If it really annoys the Austrians, it will be no good to destroy Greece. Just look at the route of the demonstration, and the organizers are deliberately avoiding the embassy area.

But do they think this will make us compromise? Or do they think that I can use nationalism to drive me away from this nasty king? "

Nationalism is only one aspect. The greater contradiction is the industrialization reform that Ludwig I was promoting, which seriously harmed the interests of vested interests.

Greece is a small country with neither a sufficient market for the sale of goods nor a place of origin for raw materials. In order to complete the original accumulation of capital, we must step up internal exploitation.

In this context, Ludwig I, who promoted industrialization, was naturally unpopular.

Prime Minister Carioche proposed: "Your Majesty, you don't really need to do this. Take a step back and let the industrialization process be slower."

As a Greek-born Prime Minister, Cario was still very affectionate to the country.

In a high position, he naturally knows that promoting industrialization is the best choice, and the faster the better, the more difficult it is to drag behind.

What looks good, however, is not necessarily practical.

In order to oppose the reform, conservatives have released even more crazy nationalism in an attempt to force the government to make concessions.

The madness of capital is beyond imagination, and the lives of ordinary people are even harder. Absent support for the king, Ludwig I's reforms quickly came to an impasse.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ludwig I sighed helplessly and then said, "Well, since everyone doesn't like reform, why should I be this wicked!

Cancel all industrial plans and release cotton exports as they wish, honestly ... "

There is no way, the reality is so helpless. The benefits of industrialization are in the future, but the benefits of cotton exports are now.

Regardless of the many places in the world where cotton is grown, the international market is still in short supply. Almost all cotton exporting countries make a lot of money.

In order to promote the industrialization of Greece, not long ago Ludwig I ordered the ban on cotton exports, which became the trigger for intensifying contradictions.


On October 13, 1883, Greece abandoned its territorial claims on the Asia Minor Peninsula, and the four anti-Turkish alliances reached agreement on the distribution of post-war benefits.

According to the agreement: the Greek government can obtain compensation for one Tier 1 battleship (displacement of 8,000 to 10,000 tons of iron armored ships) and a Tier 2 battleship. (Displacement of 5,000 to 7,000 tons of armored ships)

Then there is no more. Don't watch the Greek government sending more troops than the Principality of Montenegro, but unfortunately their record is not bad.

If it hadn't been for the post-war law and order, a battleship would probably have sent them off.

As for the big casualties? It is a pity that the casualties are Greek's own problem and cannot be counted as contributions.

Of course, the Vienna government still takes care of it. They promised to sell 2 battleships and 5 destroyers to them at half price, valid for two years.

Not only Greece, Montenegro's compensation is warships, even the Russians are no exception.

According to the provisions of the treaty, in addition to the economic compensation paid, the Vienna government will also deliver three Ttier 1 battleships, 2 Tier 2 battleships, and 4 destroyers to the Tsarist government within the next five years.

It was sent by Austria, so we can't be too picky. The parameters of the horse can be omitted. If you want good products, you need to add extra money.

Deep down, Ludwig I didn't want these warships. If he could choose, he would rather get cash compensation.

It is a pity that the Vienna government did not agree to compensate the two ships and did not even give up compensation automatically.

Putting down the treaty in hand, Ludwig I asked with concern: "What about the Greek people in the Ottoman Empire, did the Austrian give no answer?"

Foreign Minister Nislav responded bitterly: "The Vienna government has contracted all immigration work in Ottoman to Russians, including Greeks.

This issue needs to be discussed with the Russians. I have already contacted the Russian representative in Constantinople, but the results are not optimistic.

The Russians asked us to take the people away, or else they would arrange the migration after the other peoples had migrated. "

Don't think about the resettlement fee. It is impossible to pay out the money in the pocket of the tsarist government.

The Greek government was willing to get rid of the people, and the Russians saved a sum of money, otherwise the Tsarist government would not leave the Greeks to the end.

Ludwig I hesitated, without any compensation, to place hundreds of thousands of people, which has exceeded the capacity limit of the Greek government.

You know, the Greek population is just in its early 1 million years. Where can the government go to create hundreds of thousands of jobs?

Prime Minister Cariox vetoed: "We must not give our compatriots to the Russians. According to the style of the Tsarist government, it is unknown whether half of the people will reach their destination alive.

It is better to persuade the Vienna government to let them agree to keep these compatriots in the Asia Minor Peninsula. It is not possible to arrange to go to their overseas colonies. "

This is the impression left by the tsarist government to the outside world. Rather than going to the icy and snowy Siberia, it is better than a barren land abroad.

At least Austria's immigrants are experienced, and the mortality rate of migrants at sea is basically controlled within one point.

Compared to the Russian immigration on foot, the boat ride is really comfortable.

No way, Russia's railways have not been repaired. The tsarist government was reluctant to take out so many animals to transport migrants.

In addition to setting up several necessary supply points along the way, the Tsarist government is only responsible for sending troops to "protect" immigrants.

That's all it takes to walk. Migrants have to bring their own food for a week.

Many places in the Russian Empire are uninhabited. No one is unknown between the two supply points. Don't expect to receive supplies in the middle.

If you do n’t bring enough supplies, if something goes wrong midway, if you can survive, it depends on the ethics of the **** officials.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nislav shook his head: "Already tried to communicate with the Austrians, and they suggested that we diverge.

Take part of the trip back home, communicate with the Kingdom of Armenia and settle a part, and find a way to allow some countries in the Americas to accept some immigrants.

Due to humanitarian considerations, the Austrians promised to accept some old, weak women and children, but not die-hards.

They suggested that the diehards loyal to the Ottoman Empire be given to the Russians for probation. In this respect, the Tsarist government was professional. "

Ottoman is a multi-ethnic country, and not all nations are enemies. In fact, in addition to not accepting the deepest part of hatred, Austria also accepts minorities.

It's just that old women, women and children are receiving, and they have no interest in the young labor that everyone likes.

Ludwig I nodded: "It's acceptable to just abandon some die-hards.


The words came to an abrupt end, and there were things that could only be done but not said.

The Greek government's involvement in immigration resettlement is not purely for the sake of fellow citizens. It is more about relocating Greeks in Ottomans to enhance their influence.

However, this kind of thing can be seen by everyone, and the Vienna government will naturally not accept this kind of small hill, and make itself troublesome.

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