Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 774: Political isolation

On June 18, 1883, under the influence of the economic crisis, the United States of America announced its withdrawal from the free trade system and imposed tariff barriers.

Before the British and Austrian countries responded to take action, on June 20, 1883, the French government also announced its withdrawal from the free trade system.

Affected by this, the free trade systems that Britain and Austria painstakingly operated suddenly became endangered.

France and the United States are different. The latter has a limited influence. Even withdrawing from the free trade system will have little effect, but France is different.

As one of the three largest countries in the world, the impact of the French government's withdrawal is undoubtedly huge.

After receiving the news, the Vienna government was naturally very angry, and only harvested less than half. The leeks ran away so quickly, it was ...

Economic Minister Reinhard Haldergen: "Affected by the two countries' withdrawal from the free trade system, the broader market in Vienna plummeted by 5.4% and the London stock market plummeted by 7.3%.

The import and export trade industry has suffered the most, generally falling by more than 15%. The Austrian stock market evaporated by 310 million Aegis overnight, and the British stock market evaporated by 520 million Aegis.

Financial fluctuations will inevitably affect the real industry. It happened so suddenly that domestic companies were not ready.

Many companies with trade relations with the two countries are preparing to lay off staff and reduce production capacity to cope with the shock.

France is our third largest trading nation. The total import and export trade in the first half of this year was as high as 64.58 million guilders. Due to the impact of tariff barriers, this figure may be reduced by two-fifths in the second half.

The United States of America is our seventh largest trading nation. The total trade volume in the first half of this year was 10.76 million Aegis, and it may drop by one third in the second half.

The withdrawal of the two countries from the free trade system has had a substantial impact on us, and the trouble is that it has caused market panic.

If there are other countries to follow up, the panic will be further amplified, and it may even induce a stock disaster again.

The Ministry of Economy recommends immediate countermeasures to deter other countries and avoid the collapse of the free trade system. "

With the establishment of a free trade system, the capitalist world's economic ties are getting closer and closer, and the world economy has become a one-touch event.

Trade protection is contagious. When everyone adopts trade barriers, Britain and Austria, the two biggest import and export countries, will become the biggest victims.

Countermeasure is necessary, but how to counteract it becomes a problem.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "This is a big trouble, but the British should be more anxious than us.

The United States and France withdrew from the free trade system and their losses were at least three times ours.

Apart from raising tariffs on both countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not recommend excessive measures. It is better to wait for the London government to take action before we follow up. "


the answer is negative!

International politics is the most realistic, and pays attention to the benefits and pays. Can't you take the money to eat cabbage and run to eat pork?

What's more important is that apart from tit-for-tat tariff increases, Austria really can't help them.

After rubbing his forehead, Franz made a decision: "Stop the dumping strategy first, and then go on like this, you will be outraged. The French want trade protection, so let them go!

International competition also has advantages and disadvantages. It seems that the French economy has been impacted, but in recent years, France's technological progress has also been obvious to all.

If it continues, our technical first-mover advantage will soon be flattened. They want to close the door and play for themselves, then they will do well.

The ministry's next task is to isolate them politically, making them an alternative to the vigilance of European nations. "

This is both self-consolation and fact. In the international competition, in order to survive, French companies have been forced to start technological innovation, and have made breakthrough progress in many fields.

This is impossible in the era of trade barriers. The pros and cons are difficult to generalize, but the French have retired and are very helpful in promoting political isolation.

The country is almost the same as people. When everyone is in a circle and you are alone outside the circle, you will naturally receive other people's eyes.

If someone provoked again, it would be isolated or even hostile.

It doesn't matter how others look, it's easy to say. If you really do, you will slowly find out: As if the whole world is against you.



As the biggest beneficiary of the free trade system and the biggest victim of the French withdrawal, the British Government naturally cannot ignore this happening.

"The actions of the French and the Americans have brought another blow to the economy we have just recovered," said Minister of Economics Cornell Bouchers with a somber face.

The most terrifying thing is that they have shaken the free trade system. If they do not want to eliminate the impact, more countries will withdraw in the future because of their interests. "

Britain was the first country to start playing free trade. In order to show sincerity to the outside world, for a long time, they all implemented free trade unilaterally.

Of course, that was built under Britain's strong industrial system. Prior to the completion of Fao's industrialization, Britain's total industrial output exceeded the total of other countries in the world.

Even if trade is opened, everyone can only sell them grain and industrial raw materials. As for industrial and commercial products, they cannot be sold here.

Seemingly fair competition, there is no competition at all. It can be said that before the second revolution, British industry and commerce did not have enough rivals in the world.

Foreign Minister George proposed: "We can pull Austria to impose trade sanctions on France and the United States.

The collapse of the free trade system, not only us, but also Austria, the Vienna government should not refuse. "

Chancellor of the Exchequer Xiaozhi Childers shook his head: "Unless the Royal Navy can block all ports in France and the United States, I don't think the trade embargo has any real effect.

Of course, we can block their goods from entering Britain. But changing a product label is really not technically difficult and we can hardly identify it.

I dare to guarantee that the results of the embargo will have no effect except for a reduction in government revenue. "

No way, capitalists can't afford the test. There is no way to supervise from the source. Just by everyone's consciousness, if you think about it, you will know what will happen.

"What's the reaction of the Vienna government?" Asked Prime Minister Glaston

Foreign Minister George shrugged: "Their countermeasures have been very negative. Except for tit-for-tat increases in import tariffs on both countries, the Austrians have not moved.

It seemed that the energy of the Vienna government was all focused on the great cause of the demise of the Ottoman Empire and was not very interested in the withdrawal of the United States and France from the free trade system. "

"Dying Ottoman" is another trouble. Without the buffer of the Ottoman Empire, the pressure on Britain in Persia will increase greatly.

Upon hearing the bad news, Glaston frowned even more. After looking at the map, he said helplessly: "To restart the British-Olympic negotiations, we need the Austrians to guarantee the security of Persia.

As for the two unruly guys, the United States and France, write down this account first, and then have the opportunity to slowly liquidate with them.

The Ministry of Economy can work out countermeasures beyond the embargo and can cooperate with Austrians if necessary.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to do a good job of stabilizing other countries, and we must ensure the stability of the free trade system. "

Since the demise of the Ottoman Empire cannot be prevented, it can only be followed by the second one, first ensuring the security of the Persian region.

Not long ago, Britain and Austria talked about this issue, but because the interests were not discussed, the issue was temporarily shelved.

It can't be delayed now. After the Ottoman empire dies, it will be even worse for Britain to negotiate.

By contrast, the United States, which is still a little boy, and ambitious France are secondary issues.

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