Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 758: Paris Commune ends

In the setting sun, the sky's rays glowed on the earth and flashed red.

The sound of artillery in Paris has ended, and government forces have invaded the city. From time to time, there are scattered gunfire. It seems to be telling you that the revolutionary is unwilling.

Returning to Versailles again, Napoleon IV's heart was upset. In the former magnificent palace, only one place remains.

For Napoleon IV, Versailles was not just a palace, it was also the place where he was born and raised. Suddenly the home was gone, and the suffering was only known to those who had experienced it.

Perhaps it was out of revenge that the revolutionary government in Paris destroyed the palace symbolizing imperial power before its downfall. It seemed to want to use this method to swear the hatred of the two sides.

In a sense, they succeeded. The Palace of Versailles is a sign of the French monarchy. It is not just a palace that is destroyed, it is the supreme dignity of imperial power.

With a pale face, Napoleon IV asked with a trembling voice: "Have the chaos leader been caught?"

At this moment, Napoleon IV had only one idea, to grab the people who destroyed his "home" and frustrate his ashes, in order to vent his heart.

Police Minister An Sochi replied uneasily, "Not yet. It is said that on the third day of our offensive, the chaos leader ran away."

Paris's easy capture is directly related to the running of the leader of the Revolutionary Party.

This is Paris. There are too many buildings that make the government's army timid, and heavy artillery is simply not dare to use it.

If the leadership was not lost, the troops in the city would fight for themselves. This "Paris offensive and defensive battle" lasted for a month or two was a trivial matter. If the resistance is a little bit stubborn, it can still last a year and a half.

Good education is not worth mentioning in the face of cruel reality. Angered Napoleon IV roared: "No one was caught, what are you still doing here?

Hurry up and grab someone for me. If you do n’t catch the party leader, do n’t come back! "

Only one word emerged in Ansoc's mind. As the Minister of Police, Ansoch is directly responsible for the revolution that has spread throughout the country.

As in previous revolutions, with the police's help, most of the time the situation will not develop to its worst.

The failure of the police is determined by France's national conditions, and it is unfair to simply accuse the Minister of Police. But the world has never been fair, this pot Ansoqi must be carried.

There are many reasons for the lack of police force. Napoleon IV could not change this situation, even if the entire police system was replaced.

Before returning to Paris, we need to help each other. No matter how dissatisfied, Napoleon IV must also endure.

It should have been in a while, and after the domestic situation stabilized, it would be calculated after the fall. Now stimulated by the destruction of the Palace of Versailles, I really couldn't help but broke out in advance.

Ensoqi kept talking, the explanation was to cover up, and everything had happened, no matter what the reason was, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

The arrest of the leader of the Chaos Party is just an excuse for his resignation. If the French police were so powerful, the Revolutionary Party would have disappeared long ago.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After speaking, Ansoch left without looking back.

Looking at this distant back, everyone was sinking in their hearts, and the sorrow of the rabbit's death and fox's sadness sprang up.

The rebellion requires someone to be responsible. If such a big mess occurs, the government must have a person with sufficient weight to bear the responsibility. This person must not be an emperor.

Napoleon IV was less than a year old, and there were no heirs. If he assumed responsibility for abdication, the Bonaparte dynasty would be finished.

It is obvious that the Minister of Police alone is not enough, but Napoleon IV did not appoint the Prime Minister, which again makes things confusing.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Foreign Minister Terence Burkin, the least-needed Foreign Minister, began to persuade, "Your Majesty, the weather is late, let's settle down!"

The Palace of Versailles has been turned into ruins and cannot be repaired in a short time. The emperor needs a new palace to live in.


Napoleon IV was still looking for a new home, and the British couldn't help it. Having seen the French government suppress the Paris Revolution, the British government wanted to get involved in the Near East War.

At the cabinet meeting, Foreign Minister George: "The Paris rebellion has been suppressed, the situation in France has stabilized, and the Italian independent organization can not stand for long.

The focus of our diplomacy is the Near East War. From the current situation, the Ottomans are still doing very well.

Under the multi-siege siege of the Anti-Turkish Alliance, we can still step back in an organized manner, which has exceeded our expectations.

I propose to increase assistance to the Sudanese government to help them withstand the first wave of anti-Turkish alliance and crush Austria's plot. "

Prime Minister Glaston frowned and asked incredulously: "My foreign minister, are you sure you are not wrong? Can Ottoman's strength alone block the anti-Turkish alliance offensive?"

The "first wave of offensive" was directly filtered by Gladstone into an "offensive." In Gladston's impression, the Ottomans who survived the siege of the two empires could survive and be considered to be super-level.

Foreign Minister George responded with confidence: "I can be sure that the news from the embassy is indeed the case.

The Ottomans resisted very fiercely, and now they are all soldiers. The anti-Turkish alliance is very painful.

In the area along the Marmara coast, the Ottoman army also defeated the Anti-Turkish Alliance many times and achieved a notable record.

According to the current situation, as long as the supplies are sufficient, the Ottoman Empire insists that it is promising for two or three years.

For such a long time, the French were almost able to take a breath.

At that time, we will join forces with European countries to pressure Austria to abandon the plan to annex Ottoman, and the chances of success are very high.

No matter how bad it is, we can also force Austria to accept the fact that the merger of Germany and Germany established North Germany. "

The British Foreign Office has always been a pioneer in maintaining the European balance. Has always maintained the fine tradition of "whatever country is the most powerful on the European continent, which country is suppressed."

After hesitating for a while, Glaston waved his hand: "Since you are so confident, then try it.

I hope your plan can be successfully completed, and I look forward to your good news.

However, support for the Ottoman Empire requires careful investment, and we must consider sunk costs. "

The lack of confidence does not prevent Gladstone from accepting the plan. The British Empire was so wealthy that a little bit of material was not a concern.

With 10,000 rounds of bullets, as long as it can hurt or kill an Austrian soldier, the London government is making money.

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