Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 754: Albrecht

At the military conference, Albrecht: "Everyone knows the situation of Ottoman. The long border of the Asia Minor Peninsula is a battlefield.

In view of the current special circumstances, I decided to divide the troops into multiple lines and attack more points, disrupting the enemy's strategic deployment.

Considering the lack of language and the difficulty of cooperating with the operation, the forces of various countries independently command the operation for the time being, and after the landing is completed, they will conduct joint operations based on the actual situation on the battlefield.

During the landing operation, the Austrian Navy will be responsible for transporting national forces and providing necessary fire support.

The coalition command will send people to record military achievements, and everyone's performance on the battlefield will become a reference for the distribution of loot after the war.

Does anyone have a question now? "

"Division", the news was too sudden and completely unexpected.

Prior to this, the coalition command had been coordinating the cooperation among the countries, and before the "division" was proposed, Albrecht did not discuss with everyone.

Not Albrecht's arbitrary behavior, mainly because there are too many people participating in the meeting, and it is easy to be offline when there are more people.

In particular, it also represents four countries. Everyone is thinking from their own standpoints, and the starting point is different.

Let everyone discuss it together, except for wasting time, it has no effect.

Ivanov, the commander in chief of the Russian army, said, "His Commander, there is no problem in dividing the battle. The question is how to support logistics?"

Albrecht replied calmly: "The Allied Command will uniformly allocate materials according to the number of troops, and when not in combat, it will be sent directly to the division.

After initiating a landing operation, the General Command will distribute supplies to the headquarters of each country, and you will be responsible for allocating to the troops.

The headquarters can send ships to your designated port, provided that you must ensure the safety of the designated port. "

After a little thought, Ivanov replied, "I praise the troops on behalf of the Russian Empire!"

There is no way, whoever has mastered the logistics on the battlefield, whoever speaks will be hard-pressed.

Albrecht was able to overcome so many proud soldiers so quickly, not because of his sturdy record or how strong his personality charm was, but by controlling the logistics distribution rights of the coalition forces.

This is a reality decision. Except for Austria, which is a bit richer, the remaining three are poor ghosts.

Montenegro and Greece are poor and small, allowing them to provide logistical supplies to the army, and the frontline troops have to starve to death.

The Russians were able to provide some materials. After the Russian-Prussian War, they still had a lot of strategic materials left, but unfortunately they could not be shipped in a short time.

Logistics relies entirely on Austria, and the coalition's right to speak naturally falls to Austria. Albrecht, who was responsible for distributing supplies, naturally became the most powerful person in Constantinople.

The Russians also sent more than 300,000 troops, and the division of troops had little effect on them. With so many troops, Ivanov wouldn't even counsel if he was singled out for the Ottoman Empire.

Montenegro and Greece have the greatest impact on the division of operations. Although independent command has avoided the risk of becoming cannon fodder, the risk of the entire army's annihilation has increased.

It is possible to work with the main forces of the coalition, although it is possible to work hard, but everyone is an ally, after all, in danger, it is impossible for the Russians and Austrians not to pull together.

For political considerations, once the troops suffered heavy losses, the Allied Command would immediately throw them behind for miscellaneous services.

Bing Shaona also represents a country and belongs to one of the unshakable pillars of the Anti-Turkish Alliance. If the entire army is lost, it is equivalent to one less country.

The military influence is small, and it is politically deadly. Whether it was Greece or Montenegro, any group was destroyed, and the chief commander of Albrecht could hardly blame it first.

Division of operations is not the same, with the state as the unit to launch alone, the campaign under its own responsibility is responsible. Even if the entire army is annihilated, the political impact will be greatly reduced.

In particular, the Principality of Montenegro, as a result of strengthening the regiment's strength, inattentiveness is the result of the annihilation of the entire army.

Marshal Maxim Trentiev, Principality of Montenegro, hurriedly asked, "His Commander, how is the specific battle plan distributed?"

Is there any danger in splitting operations? Just look at the combat mission to know.

Maxim Trentiev has already made up his mind. If the risks are high, he will pretend. Anyway, the Principality of Montenegro has no international reputation and is not afraid of shame.

This is also a historical and cultural tradition. Since the 14th century, it has been dead with the Ottoman Empire, and it has been fighting against Ottoman for more than 500 years. It is enough to prove how strong they are.

Don't look at them every few years, they will have a friendly match with the Ottoman Empire. In fact, they are mainly guerrilla warfare.

If they die, their population will be destroyed as early as the 14th century. How can they persist?

Albrecht calmly replied: "The combat mission is determined by the number of troops in each country. Now I have only a preliminary draft. The detailed operations are formulated by the headquarters of each country.

Taking into account the command needs, I plan to divide the battlefield into five theaters: the Black Sea Theater, the Caucasus Theater, the Marmara Theater, the Mediterranean Theater, and the Middle East Theater.

As the name suggests, the Black Sea Theater is an offensive off the coast of the Black Sea. All Ottoman coastlines on the Black Sea are operational areas.

After landing, hit the inland. How to fight specifically, to reach that step, is determined by the theater command. In principle, the headquarters does not interfere.

Taking into account the actual situation, the Russian army is responsible for the Black Sea Theater and the Caucasus Theater, and the Austrian Army is responsible for the Middle East Theater, the Mediterranean Theater, and the Marmara Theater.

The troops of Montenegro and Greece temporarily acted as reserve teams, and then reinforced according to the actual situation on the battlefield. "

There is nothing wrong with it, as long as the combat missions of Russia and Austria are assigned. As for Greece and Montenegro, Albrecht did not take them into account from the beginning.

Politically, Austria needs the support of Greece and Montenegro; militaryly, these two beans are completely optional.

Greece and Montenegro sent too few troops to be used as cannon fodder. The battlefield is ever-changing, and no one knows if something will happen suddenly.

That's all for Greece. Anyway, there are two infantry divisions; Montenegro has a strengthening regiment, and the chance of the entire army being overwhelmed is too great.

Albrecht didn't want to carry the infamous scourge of his allies, in case these two little things were gone, he wouldn't be good enough to return.

This realistic answer hurts the representatives of the two countries. This is a naked look down on their strength.

It sounds nice to be a reserve team. In fact, it is less than a last resort. Russia and Austria will not allow them to play at all. This has a bearing on the appearance of the two countries.

Ask Greece and Montenegro for help? What a joke, should Russia and Austria mix? If there are no people on the battlefield, we will increase the number of troops, and no one has stipulated that we cannot send reinforcements.

Marshal Ivanov replied with satisfaction: "No problem, this battle plan is very reasonable and fully utilized our respective advantages."

There is no way to be dissatisfied. An important factor in the tsarist government's participation in this war was to occupy the Black Sea coast and keep Austria out of the Black Sea.

Albrecht's assignment of the offensive to the Black Sea coast to the Russian army is undoubtedly the default mode of distribution of benefits.

Seeing the agreement reached between Russia and Austria, the Greek representative Marshal Pbulius' face changed greatly. But they took advantage of this war. If they fight soy sauce in the rear, what qualifications will they have after the war?

Russia and Austria are not charitable. They have not contributed to the battlefield, and naturally the proceeds of the war will not have their share.

Pubulius said stubbornly, "Her commander, it's a bit wrong to put us behind!

We participated in this war in order to recover justice from the Ottoman Empire. If the Greek army hasn't even been on the battlefield, how can I tell the people in the country? "

Albrecht nodded in sympathy, expressing his deep sympathy: "Well then, after we complete the landing operation, you will be responsible for clearing the Ottoman remnants from the local area."

Publius's face sank, and this task was only a little better than playing soy sauce at home. To put it bluntly is to eliminate the enemy, but in fact to maintain law and order.

Catch up to a few guerrillas. The typical chores are hard work and no credit. If you mess up, you have to take responsibility.

After hesitating for a moment, Pbulius asked the battle: "His Commander, the Greek army is not afraid of sacrifice, we are going to the battlefield."

Recalling that the battle was over, the Montenegrin army did not set off in the country, and was then accused of terror by all parties.

Maxim Trentiev hurriedly followed the call: "His Commander, the Montenegrin army is not afraid of war, and we are on the front line."

Apparently they had seen it, Albrecht was not ready to use them as cannon fodder. Keeping them out of the battlefield is mainly because they do not want to take responsibility.

It is also an ally. The Russian Empire lost 18,000 on the battlefield. No one would say that the Austrian pit teammates can afford to lose.

If you change to Greece and have 10,000 casualties, it will hurt your muscles. If you change to Montenegro, if you have more than 100 casualties, you will lose a lot of money.

However, casualties of this level are very normal on the battlefield, and it is impossible to completely avoid them.

After hesitating for a moment, Albrech said with a smile: "Since the two think so, the Marmara Theater will be left to you."

Apparently Albrecht did not catch a cold on these two pieces. Come on, right, so I can give you a combat mission, and you will not be responsible for the consequences.

The Marmara Sea Theater is located in the Black Sea Strait. It was the first area occupied by the last Near Eastern War and has not recovered.

The terrain is flat and easy to attack and defend. The Ottoman Empire did not deploy many troops here. It was the easiest place to make a breakthrough in the five major theaters. It was really not in Albrecht.

Just on the battlefield, it still depends on strength. For Russia and Austria, the Marmara Theater is not worth mentioning; for Greece and Montenegro, this is still a challenge.

Seeing that they did not reply, Albrecht added: "The Marmara Theater is not the focus of this war. You do not need to end the fighting immediately. You only need to contain the enemies here.

Wait until the other theaters have made a breakthrough, then come back from behind, and attack the enemy with you. "

"Centre of War"?

Unfortunately, this war had no focus.

Albrecht's battle plan is blossoming on all sides, and no matter where breakthroughs are made, the war can be won.

If it was to defeat the enemy, Pbulius would certainly have no confidence. No matter how few Turkish troops were in the Marmara Sea, there were more than 100,000.

Greece + Montenegro has less than 30,000 troops, and it is not sure to win over Dobbrius. But just to contain the enemy, Pubius thought he could try.

Anyway, there is a sea power advantage. If you can't win, you can return. It is a big deal to continue to land in another place. As long as you don't stop the fire, you can contain the enemy.

After hesitating for a moment, Pbulius replied: "No problem, you can guarantee the completion of the task."

Seeing that the Greeks accepted it, Maxim Trentiev could only accept it arrogantly. At this time, he retreated, and there was no place for them in the coalition.


Vienna, looking at the battle plan sent by the front, Franz was a bit aggressive.

This is the Battle of the Nation. The resistance of the Ottomans will certainly be very fierce, and the casualties will be indispensable.

The establishment of an anti-Turkish alliance, in addition to pulling allies to share international pressure, is more about pulling cannon fodder.

The sudden division of troops now means that Franz's preparations were all useless.

As a military junior, Franz still knew himself and didn't think he would be more commanding than the frontline generals.

After reading 18 of the malpractices of joint operations listed by Albrecht, Franz decisively accepted the battle plan of the front line.


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