Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 745: Opportunity of war

The essence of opening a colony is to make money. For the Austrian government, there are only two types of colonies that are valuable: money making and strategic value.

There is no doubt that Lanfang Autonomous Province is profitable and also has a certain strategic value.

The Lanfang Autonomous Province and the rest of the Austrian Nanyang region have jointly established Austria's regional supremacy in the Nanyang region.

The Vienna government is not without the voice of the Lanfang Autonomous Province, and the key is that no one can guarantee that after the municipality manages it, it can obtain richer profits.

The economic value of the Lanfang Autonomous Province to the Vienna government is far more than the 37.64 million Aegis each year.

Since joining the Austrian system, there are no security threats, and the Lanfang Autonomous Province has quickly entered the fast track of development.

Perhaps the two neighbors in Spain and the Netherlands did a great job. The Lanfang Autonomous Province became the home base of overseas Chinese businessmen more than a decade ago.

The massive influx of capital has naturally driven the development of the local economy. If it is not restricted by geographical conditions, the development of Lanfang Autonomous Province will be even better.

At present, the Lanfang Autonomous Province imports tens of millions of SHIELD industrial and commercial products from Austria every year, and at the same time exports rubber, sago, dried coconut, kaki dyes, west grain flour, pepper, gold and silver and other raw materials.

If listed separately, the Lanfang Autonomous Province is enough to rank among the top five of all Austria's trading partners.

The greater the interests involved, the more cautious the Vienna government will be.

In the event of a mistake in operation, the situation is turbulent, someone is pried at the foot of the wall, and hegemony in the Nanyang region is lost.

Driven by interest, the status of the Lanfang Autonomous Province is naturally different, and now it is higher than the colony and lower than the special existence of the state.

If it weren't for the local ruling class, which was heavily influenced by tradition and did not like participating in politics, a seat has now been added to the Imperial Parliament.

Lanfang Autonomous Province is not without people of insight. Some people proposed to build railways more than a decade ago. However, the traditional force is too strong, and the "ancestor's grave" is really inevitable.

In addition, the Lanfang Autonomous Province is an island, with developed sea shipping, and not much development in inland areas, and the demand for railways is not great, so it was shelved.

This also shows from the side that the ruling class garbage in Lanfang Autonomous Province. Originally, these guys were the compradors of the Dutch, and naturally they did not go there.

Franz didn't mean to intervene in Lan Fang's internal affairs. He used people's money and people for disaster relief. He was a reputable emperor.

Even in the face of tribute goods every year, Franz is also a supporter of Lanfang autonomy.

This is not Franz's greed, but mainly because he understands the traditional culture of the East. If his emperor does not collect money, those guys will cry anxiously.

In this nasty era, as long as you do n’t engage in anger and anger, you are considered qualified.

I do n’t know what will be written in the history books in the future. Anyway, now everyone takes what they need, and the cooperation is very happy.


Seeing the agreement among the parties, Franz, the arbiter, put forward a new request: "Let's start with the railway plan, but this is not enough.

The duration of this economic crisis should be relatively long. To get rid of the crisis, the government must create more jobs while reducing expenditure as much as possible. "

It is not difficult to reduce expenses and create jobs, and it is not easy to balance the two.

The construction plan of the Vienna government is essentially to better develop the economy, and investment projects must also consider profitability.

If the time is postponed to twenty years, Franz can upgrade the road and build a highway.

Not now. Cars were just born a short time ago. People's main means of transportation is carriages.

A horse-drawn carriage on a concrete road?

I think it's very emotional, the problem is a waste horse! It's so hard that horseshoes won't last long.

Building a water conservancy project?

This thing has been built in the previous several economic crises. It has not started yet, and it has no economic value.

Not only are these projects completed, but even the city's upgrading and reconstruction are basically completed. These issues need not be considered for at least thirty years.

Austria's European continent is so big, and the infrastructure has been built for so many years, there is nothing to toss.

The area of ​​Africa is large enough. Unfortunately, the population is limited and there is not enough demand. Government investment must also consider economic returns, and it is impossible to build blindly.

This is a problem that a country will inevitably face after it has developed to a certain extent, but Austria has faced it earlier.

Prime Minister Felix: "The domestic infrastructure is gradually improving, and the days when the government invests in infrastructure to boost the economy cannot continue forever.

It is possible that in a long period of time in the future, our economic growth will slow down. It is expected that the next period of rapid economic growth will be after the completion of the African localization strategy.

For the sake of long-term development, we must now launch as many long-term, sustainable projects as possible. "

This is a fact. At present, the major domestic projects in Austria, namely the canal plan and the hydropower station plan, have already been started, and it is naturally impossible to come again.

After a pause, Prime Minister Felix went on to say, "In the past few years, the technology of internal combustion engines has developed rapidly, showing great potential in many fields, and may even replace steam engines.

If this happens, then oil will replace coal as the most important industrial raw material.

The only question is whether the oil output can meet the demand. From the current situation, the world's crude oil production is very scarce.

Especially in continental Europe, no large oil fields have been found. Although we have the traditional oil-producing region of Ploiesti, we imported 110,000 tons of crude oil from the Russian Empire last year.

This number looks very inconspicuous. Calculated based on the current international oil prices, but a few hundred thousand aegis.

But just three years ago, we were a crude oil exporter. In just three years, domestic demand for crude oil has increased by at least 200,000 tons.

According to scientists' estimates, our demand for oil will double in five years, and double again in ten years. The crude oil gap in the market will reach millions of tons.

Many scientists in the energy field have issued warnings to the government on the energy crisis. To solve this problem, the government organized an oil exploration team.

In general, it has been a good harvest. Many oilfields have been discovered in the local area. Unfortunately, the output is not high.

The biggest gain was the discovery of a large oil field downstream of the two river basins, with reserves exceeding the sum of all local oil fields.

After analysis by geologists, the two river basins believed that a large amount of oil might be buried, and the government sent an exploration team to verify.

The recent discovery of oil at the border between the Ottoman Empire and Persia confirms this speculation. As the area is not under our control, no further exploration was done due to safety considerations. "

I don't need to talk about the latter, the meaning is very obvious. If I am out of the control range, I will find a way to get it within my control range.

Oil cannot be moved underground, so Austria can only expand its control. This is the consistent style of the powers.

Frankly, Franz never thought that Austria would run out of oil, and he never cared about it.

There are also many things about the emperor, and unimportant things must be ignored. At present, Austria's sphere of influence has covered half of the world's oil reserves. Isn't it a joke to be short of oil?

However, this joke really happened. No oil was found in Africa, only a small part of the oil in the Middle East was revealed. After realizing the importance of oil, it is inevitable for the Vienna government to plan ahead.

Then the Ottoman Empire is going to be a tragedy. There was a deep hatred of blood, but now it is guilty of guilt. Who is unlucky?

Franz was eloquent, and it was a matter of time before the Ottoman Empire began. The energy crisis just provides an opportunity to shut up anti-war factions in the government.

The Prime Minister Felix did not directly say that he would start a war, but the "sustainable, long-lasting" project, plus the repeated emphasis on the importance of oil, have already given the answer.

Compared to investing in other projects, launching a war against the Ottoman Empire is indeed the most economically valuable.

The most important thing is that the opportunity is rare. The European continent is in the tide of revolution, and all countries are busy fighting the fire.

I'm too busy taking care of myself, who cares about the Ottoman Empire?

By this time, no one can stop the footsteps of war. Even if there is no opportunity for oil, there are other reasons.

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