Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 740: New vienna system

The development of things often has two sides. At the same time as the economic crisis ravaged the European continent and caused turbulence, it also accelerated the establishment of the Vienna system.

The Lyon's gunfire sounded, and the French government was caught in internal and external difficulties. The flourishing development of the Italian independence movement even brought the courageous Grand French Empire to the brink of fragmentation.

In order to change the unfavorable political and diplomatic situation in which they live, the French urgently need a stable international situation, and the Paris government has to make concessions on disarmament.

Without French obstruction, the next disarmament meeting went exceptionally smoothly.

On January 21, 1882, 15 European countries including Britain, France, Russia and Austria signed the Treaty on Limiting Arms.

According to the provisions of the treaty, the size of the national army is as follows:

500,000 Russian Empire;

486,000 in Austria;

France 382,000;

246,000 in Spain;

156,000 German Federal Empire;

116,000 in Britain;

Nordic Federation 98,000;

48,000 in Belgium;

33,000 in the Netherlands;

32,000 in Switzerland;

28,000 in Portugal;

28,000 in Prussia;

18,000 in Greece;

0.36 million in Montenegro;


Generally speaking, this arms treaty was based on the comprehensive strengths of countries and the regional military balance.

The share of the Kingdom of Prussia is low. That is because the Berlin government is poor and cannot afford too many troops.

As early as half a year ago, the Berlin government began planning disarmament. The biggest problem is that there is no way to convince the military to agree.

After finally catching up with the arms limitation treaty, the government will certainly not fight for quotas for the military.

The signing of an international treaty has caused the established fact that the Prussian military must adhere to it no matter how strong it is.

The arms limitation treaty was signed, and the shadow of war wandering on the European continent disappeared suddenly. At least for the next ten years, everyone's safety is guaranteed.

Limiting the number of armies, although the advantages of large countries are still obvious, but under the mutual restraint of countries, they have lost the ability to annex small countries.

Yes, it's mainly France. After the disarmament was completed, the French's strength was adequate to protect themselves, and it was not enough to continue to expand.

Knowing that he was targeted, the French could only accept it. At this time, Napoleon IV had to converge on his ambitions to avoid being pinched inside and out.

The arms treaty restricts only continental Europe, and overseas colonial forces are neglected by everyone. This is not to stay in the back door, but a practical need.

There are three main reasons for being ignored: First, the actual needs of maintaining the colonial system are simply impossible without sufficient troops;

Secondly, the combat effectiveness of most colonial forces is limited and is not valued by everyone;

Finally, productivity constraints of the times. If overseas troops want to transport to the European continent, they need a lot of manpower and material resources. It is not economically better to expand the army directly.

After the arms treaty is signed, the latter matters will be negotiated.

The purpose of the Vienna system is: European countries together provide guarantees for their homeland security in order to maintain peace and stability on the European continent.

In this era of rising anti-war waves, governments of all countries have no interest in launching wars in continental Europe and naturally will not reject such treaties.

Everyone's disputes are mainly in details. Generally speaking, European countries are peace-loving. Even if politicians don't love it, the international situation and the European people will make them love peace.


As everyone celebrates the advent of peace, another arms race is brewing.

The Vienna Palace, a military conference that determines the future of Austria and the world, is underway.

At this moment Franz is holding a copy of the design parameters of the warship. If he is familiar with the history of naval development, he will find it particularly familiar.

The displacement is 14,147 tons, and the displacement at full load is 15,786 tons;

126.7 meters long and 21.86 meters wide;

10 km 4700 nautical miles with a maximum speed of 18.3 knots;

Designed coal storage capacity is 950 tons;

Equipped with 4 305mm main guns, 10 150mm rapid-fire guns, 16 57mm rapid-fire guns, 12 47mm machine guns, and seven 450mm torpedo tubes.


That's right, the beginning of the former Dreadnought. Franz's butterfly effect still affected the history of naval development.

Without the Franco-Prussian War, the French Navy did not deviate due to funding problems, and with the rise of the Austrian Navy, competition on the sea was much more brutal than in the same period in history.

There is competition for development. In this rapidly changing age, no one dares to stand still.

In this context, the naval technology of various countries is at least ten years earlier than the same period in history, and the design concept of the former fearless ship came into being.

Franz can't help in this matter. A warship is a reflection of a country's industrial strength, and it cannot be promoted by a so-called concept.

If you look for it carefully, you will find that designers have never lacked brainpower, a variety of advanced ideas, and were forced to shelve for various reasons.

Don't talk about the former Dreadnoughts. Similar concepts to Dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers have been brought up.

At the beginning, Franz was still shocked to think that he had encountered a traversing companion, and it turned out that he was thinking too much.

The man who put forward the design concept of the fearless ship does not mention it. Although it is a little ahead of schedule, it is still acceptable. With Austria's industrial strength, it is still possible to implement it.

Those who design aircraft carriers are much more interesting.

For example: Airship Carrier Theory. From the literal meaning, it can be seen that the airship was put on the ship and it was bombed in the air.

Technically, this is perfectly fine. The bombing hits were the first to be ignored. The key is that the airship takes time to take off, and the enemy will send you to the sea before you fly to the sky.

This is nothing, another designer who proposed a "suicide attack", Franz thought that it was an appendage of the Kamikaze Brigade.

Not long after the aircraft was born, combat was impossible. A designer opened his mind wide and used the aircraft as a one-time bomb. When a war broke out, he ran directly into the enemy warship.

There is no technical problem, the key is where to find so many warriors who committed suicide by flying?

In any case, the wide open mind is worthy of praise. As for their design ideas, put them in the warship technology reserve room first!

Franz asked: "How long will it take to build this battleship?"

The design schemes that could be delivered to him were all reviewed by the Department of the Navy and confirmed that there were no technical problems.

"It takes about a year and a half at normal construction speeds, and if you speed up, it can be completed in a year," Naval Minister Castagni replied.

The construction time is one and a half years, plus the preparation time in advance, and the commissioning time after launching, it may be two years before the actual service time.

Compared to the previous battleships, this speed is slow; but compared to the future battleships, this speed is fast.

Generally speaking, the first ship of a new warship has the slowest construction speed, and the more it is built, the faster the speed behind it.

Franz nodded and said lightly: "Just go at the normal construction speed, build a boat and see the effect."

Former fearless ships are not cheap. A main gun needs 20,000 Aegis, and a warship needs millions of Aegis.

Later costs may come down, but the cost of the first warship as a test product is definitely not low.

The literal parameters are not equal to the actual parameters. The real performance of the warship will not be known until it is built.

The design values ​​are all theoretical. Under normal circumstances, there will be discrepancies. How big the error is depends on luck.

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