Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 721: Thought is the core of unity

St. Petersburg, the atmosphere of the whole city became tense with the death of Alexander II.

Military and police officers were constantly dispatched to seize members of the Revolutionary Party. The prison is almost full, but the black hands behind the scenes have not surfaced.

The Hermitage, in accordance with Russian empire's practice, has been in charge of the overall situation as the Crown Prince since the death of Alexander II.

Perhaps stimulated by the assassination of his father, Alexandrovich went to the other extreme and stayed at home without going out.

Staying at home does not affect office. The murderer does not need the Crown Prince to go to battle. Some people below want to take this opportunity to make peace.


Alexandrovic asked: "Did anyone find it?"

The Minister of Police Nicholas Fedro replied with a trembling: "It's found, but it's a pity ours are too late. The suspect is dead.

On the surface, it was suicide. After careful inspection, we found that the fierce psychological struggle before the death should be forced to commit suicide. "

Because of his nervousness, such a big case happened, and he was the blame minister. It's not terrible to go home and plant land. The terrible thing is that you can't come up with a result.

There is nothing impossible. The assassination of Alexander II is too suspicious. We must come up with a definitive answer and give everyone an explanation.

Politics is cruel, and if it can't be found out, it will not be impossible to find someone to do it.

Everyone knows that the Minister of Police Nicholas Fedro is a close friend of Alexander II. It is impossible to plan an assassination, but he is exactly the person who is able to complete the case and cover the case.

The police around the Tsar's travel were responsible for the police department. A large-scale violent smashing occurred near the day of the incident. Alexander II ordered these police officers to stop and create opportunities for assassins.

This responsibility must not be borne by Alexander II. The police must carry it down. A large number of suspects "suicide" behind, and the police department responsible for investigating the assassination case is even more difficult to blame.

As the chief of police, Nicholas Fedro is actually unable to escape. Unless the real murder can be found, his suspicions will not be cleared up.

Alessandrovic gave him a stern glance and scolded: "Waste! The insiders have been suicided one by one. You didn't even find any clues. Did you kill yourself someday? what?"

Nicholas Fedro's face turned blue, and his body continued to tremble as if he might fall at any time.

"You have been suicided" too much. Nicholas Fedro admits he was scared, and if the Crown Prince starts to doubt him, it's over.


That's a lot of thinking. Many things in this world don't need evidence. In the case of Xunjun, as long as there is a suspect, it is not necessary to have evidence.

Watching the performance of the Minister of Police, Alexandrovich was relieved for no reason. If you are afraid, you are right. If the Minister of Police is not moved, then there is really a problem.

There was no way, Alexander II went too suddenly, and Alexandrovich was completely unprepared for succession.

Before leaving my father in the office, it was a last resort. Now even if he wants to make a substitution, Alexandrovich doesn't know who to replace.

Is the Minister of Police Nicholas Fedro really incompetent? Obviously not, it is impossible for waste to occupy a high position. The current performance is terrible, that is scared by the current situation.

As an implicated person in this case, if you can still calmly deal with it, you will either be as rocky as you are, or you will have nothing to fear.

Either way, it is a threat to Alessandrovic's upcoming succession.

After a pause, Alexandrovich continued: "Since you can't find it, let it go to someone who has the ability to check it! I have invited European detectives and you are responsible for cooperating."

Aren't you afraid of losing your face, please?

The answer is: not afraid!

The emperor was assassinated, and the Tsarist government has long lost face. For Alexandrovich, he couldn't sleep without finding the black hands behind the scenes.

Facial is not so important compared to your own safety. The assassination case obviously involved domestic interest groups. Alexandrovich did not know who was reliable, and it was necessary to find foreign aid.

Of course, this is all on the bright side. It was deliberately shown to the outside world to make everyone think that his crown prince was poor.

Secretly, Marshal Ivanov really rushed back with honorable men to receive the reward, these talents are the true foundation of the Tsar.

Not that there are no loyal ministers in St. Petersburg, the problem is that Alexandrovich can't distinguish who is loyal and who is treacherous. For security reasons, he can only transfer the army back.

No matter if you can find the true murderer, a big cleansing is indispensable. Unlike the last time that Alexander II cleansed the country, this time he wanted to see blood.

In a sense, after the first Russian-Prussian War, Alexander II's purge on the grounds of anti-corruption laid the foundation for the subsequent reforms.

It also laid a hidden danger for his assassination. Since 1871, Alexander II has lived a good life with assassinations between three and five.

Over the years, assassins hanged by the tsarist government have exceeded four digits, and there is still no enthusiasm that prevents the interests of those who are damaged.

With so many assassin cases erupting during the Alexander II era, very few of them can be found. Most of them are revolutionaries or patriots.

No real murder can be found, but in fact it can be speculated. Whose interests have been compromised and need revenge? Who wants the death of Alexander II the most?

These two groups of people caught up and checked slowly, and always found something. Even if it has nothing to do with this assassination, it is also a good harvest to find the real murderer of the previous assassination.

Keep things quiet, that doesn't exist. The Russian-Prussian War has just ended, and Alexander II is in the middle of the sky. Without a satisfactory result, Alexandrovich cannot explain to the people.


The death of Alexander II was first affected by the Pude negotiations. The Berlin government was really panicked, and its original stance on territorial concessions also softened.

At this stage, the main transaction price disputed by the two parties is actually settled.

In London, breakthroughs were made in the Pud negotiations, and the first obstacle to the establishment of North Germany was cleared, but Prime Minister Benjamin was not happy.

Things went too smoothly, going smoothly beyond imagination, giving people an unreal feeling.

Putting down the draft contract, Prime Minister Benjamin said: "Sir Edward, hasn't Austria shot?"

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "No, the Austrians have taken it. But they have responded a little bit slowly this time and have very little interference.

Maybe they think that they can rely on the German Federal Empire Parliament to veto the transaction, so they did not rush.

Of course, the sudden assassination of Alexander II was also one of the reasons. According to information from the embassy, ​​the Vienna government's energy is now concentrated on the Russian Empire. "

These reasons are still untenable, no matter how concentrated the energy is, it is impossible to devote all of them to the past, and the scattered traces can also make it difficult for Pudd to negotiate.

Waiting for the empire's parliament to veto it is too passive, not like the Austrian style. Moreover, the German Federal Parliament can also be avoided.

The North German Empire plan is also step by step, and the Pudd merger is the last step. It has only just begun. Hanover is now negotiating with the Kingdom of Prussia, not the German Federal Empire.

Under the unique system of the German Federal Empire, the state has independent diplomatic power, including the right to conclude treaties with other countries, and the transaction between Hanover and Prussia does not require the approval of the Imperial Parliament.

The first step is territorial trade, the second step is the alliance between Hanover and the Kingdom of Prussia, the third step is the establishment of the United Kingdom by Puhan, and the last step is the establishment of the North German Empire.

In fact, when Puhan merged, the Kingdom of Prussia had entered the German Federal Empire, and the Imperial Parliament had no power to block it.

After creating the established facts, and then forcing the imperial parliament to agree, the resistance is much smaller.

In theory, Austria can follow suit, but in fact it is impossible at all.

In order to survive, the Kingdom of Prussia can put down its face and lose face, and set up a dual state based on Hanover, and jointly dominate the following North German Empire. Changing Austria will not work.

Franz can't afford to lose this person, nor can the Austrian people tolerate this. A great power must look like a great power and cannot do everything.

Prime Minister Benjamin nodded: "I hope so! Let them speed up the negotiations and create the established facts sooner, so as to avoid any extravagance."

Confusion comes to doubt. At this stage, even if it is known that there is a pit in front, the London government must jump.

Withdrawing at this time will contribute to Austria's unification of the German region.

The human heart is the most complicated thing. The London government was able to convince Prussia and Hanover just because everyone was not optimistic about Austria's ability to unify Germany.

If the British shrink back at this time, everyone's thinking will change. Many people would think that the London government was afraid of Austria and would not dare to confront them directly.

Once this kind of thought arises, we need to reconsider the question "Does Austria have the strength to unify the German region?"

The core of reunification lies in thought. If all Germans believe that Austria has the strength to unify the German region and is willing to join the unified great empire, no one can stop it.

In essence, the reason why the Vienna government did not dare to take this step was that it feared that it would be under the joint siege of European countries without having time to integrate the German region.

Internal instability and threats from outside enemies, no one can withstand. The great cause that Napoleon did not accomplish that year, Franz did not think he could accomplish it.

If everyone wants to be unified, then don't say anything. European countries do not even have the motivation to interfere, because interference is useless, and they will be unified regardless of how they are divided.

Now that the British can differentiate, the most important thing is that everyone does not think that Austria has the strength to unify the German region, and many people even think that unification is a dead end.

Even if there are more pro-Austrians in various countries, and they know the benefits of grand reunification, no one dares to take this step. North Germanism has grown and developed in this context.

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