Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 689: Tsar's choice

"People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky."

Similar things often happen in international politics and diplomacy, and many times it is the political need to decide the "truth".

For example, now, due to economic impact, the London government has to support the Berlin government, but their strength alone is not enough. They must draw the French.

In this context, the black hand can only be "Austria". From the point of view of interest, it is even more clear that the Vienna government also has a motive.

It does n’t matter if you ca n’t make it clear. On the issue of the Pu-Russian war, Britain and Austria have already stood on the opposite side, and the debts are not overwhelming.

Franz didn't care, Alexander II had a headache. As soon as the British took the shot, most of their diplomatic efforts were lost.

No way, diplomacy is not their strong point. Just look at the international reputation of the Tsarist government to see how amateurish their diplomacy is.

To be able to achieve the current results, that is the opponent is also a diplomatic noob, the two sides pecking at each other in rookie, barely be regarded as equal.

This is not to say that there is no excellent diplomat between the two countries. In fact, the basic ability of grass-roots diplomats, even if there is a gap, will not be too big. The root of the problem lies in decision-making.

Of course, good diplomats are important in international diplomacy, and the most important thing is to look at the decision makers above. They are the ones who really have the power to decide the diplomacy of a country.

Unfortunately, none of the two countries that make decisions in Russia and Russia is good at diplomacy, and the following officials are useless.

The original German empire in space-time was a best example. The diplomatic work of Bismarck reached its peak during the administration of Bismarck, and it became a mess after the substitution.

After the Battle of Smolinsk, the Russians were generally optimistic, and the Tsarist government took the opportunity to strengthen its diplomatic offensive against the Nordic Federation.

It's hard to get charcoal in the snow, and it's icing on the cake. Many people in the Nordic Federation are tempted, especially the Danes are gearing up to prepare for the revenge of the Putin war.

Strategically, as long as the Scandinavian Federation is now slashed by the Popo Federation, this war will be over, and no matter what amazing plans Maoji has, it will be useless.

Unfortunately, the tsarist government's actions were too slow. I don't know if it was because of interests or for other reasons.

With the intervention of the British, the Nordic Federal Government, which had been prepared to make the icing on the cake, wavered again. Together, it became a dream. The Russians missed the best opportunity to win the war.

This is not the most headache for Alexander II. What is more troublesome is that after the victory of the Battle of Smolinsk, domestic optimism began to rise.

Many do nothing, eat nothing, no waste, all become military members, pointing at the front line.

"What drove directly into Warsaw", "Amazing Strikes to Berlin" ... a variety of wonderful tactics emerge endlessly, which sounds very good, and can casually win the war.

It's not a big deal, just when you are listening to stories and doing things, it's right to exclude them first. The situation would be very different if Mouthfire Party had social influence.

The Russian gangsters happen to have social influence, and some people still have great power in the government. These guys "beeped", Alexander II felt a headache, let alone the pressure of the commander on the front line.


July in St. Petersburg, there is no severe winter cold, no severe summer heat. A temperature of more than ten degrees is the most pleasant season.

At this best time, the exciting "Smolinsk Grand Victory" was ushered in, and the whole Saint Petersburg was filled with joy.

As the greatest hero in commanding this battle, Marshal Ivanov quietly returned from the front to rush to the military conference.

Facing the compliments of his colleagues, Ivanov just smiled. My family knows how much their family is and how much water the Battle of Smolinsk has, and no one knows it better than him.

The main force of the General Army is particularly prevalent, and it is too early to talk about "victory." If it was not for political needs, Marshal Ivanov would not mind publicizing the truth and exposing the enemy's sinister intentions.

Politically, if the Tsarist government needs a victory, the "Smolinsk victory" came at the right time, and the fake must also become true.

Relatively speaking, this is not a counterfeit, at best it can only be regarded as artistic processing. The pair of captives is a manifestation of their record.

Of course, as a true soldier, Ivanov didn't think there was anything to show off. He even suspected that the enemy could not afford so much cannon fodder, and deliberately put them on logistical pressure.



Alexander II said with a smile: "Marshal, talk about the front line!"

There was more than one Marshal of the Russian Empire, but it was only Ivanov who could appear here and be treated with great care by Alexander II.

The greatest strength of soldiers will always be their military achievements. No matter how big the water is, if they win, they will win. As a victor, Ivanov has respected capital.

Perhaps Ivanov's military commanding ability is not the best, but he has the advantage that others do not have, that is, the battle he has commanded has never failed.

Opening his resume will reveal that this is a stable output player. What I like the most is to be steady and to fight against any military adventure.

In addition, his luck has been very good, and the enemies he has encountered have always been weak.

In the first Russian-Prussian war, he first commanded the troops against the Poles, then was sent to defend Constantinople to stop the Ottomans.

The enemies are soft persimmons, and with such a conservative commander, even the Russian army is hard to lose.

With the defeat of the Russian army, Ivanov, who could win the battle, naturally stood out.

Immediately after that, they caught up with the Second Near East War. The Tsarist government and Austria joined forces to puppet the Ottomans, but it was not possible to say that this was the result of war.

The Second Russian-Prussian War broke out. In order to seek stability, Alexander II activated the "good luck" Field Marshal.

This appointment proved to be very wise. In the past ten months of the war, although the Russian army did not take much advantage, it did not suffer.

Up to now, everyone has suddenly discovered that the Russian army has gradually gained strategic initiative in the war of attrition.

The only drawback is that the casualties are a little bigger, but in the face of victory, this is a small problem. Compared with the first Russian-Prussian War, the Russian army's exchange ratio on the battlefield has already looked much better.

Ivanov picked up a baton and said on the map, "After the Battle of Smolinsk, the main force of the General Army retreated all the way, as if to give up Poland.

However, this is only a superficial situation. The Battle of Smolinsk did not seriously damage the main force of the General Army. They still have the power of World War I. There is no need to run so fast, let alone give up the East Gate of Warsaw.

I have studied the direction of movement of the enemy forces and are spreading to both wings. As soon as we enter the Warsaw area, they can immediately jump up.

Of course, this is not to say that we are afraid of a decisive battle with the enemy, mainly because there is no need to decisively fight the enemy in Warsaw. Even if it is a decisive battle, it should be our choice of place. "

Obviously, Ivanov was politically minded and could not be said firmly.

All smart people were present. Even if Ivanov didn't say it, everyone knows that the Poles don't welcome the Tsar's father. Warsaw is also the most active area in anti-Russia. There is no public basis for the decisive battle.

But smart people do stupid things, because it is not the brain that determines their thinking, but the position under their buttocks.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval questioned: "His Marshal, a decisive battle with the enemy in Warsaw may not be the best option, but it is the best for us.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, we have spent nearly 1.87 billion rubles, and each month we have spent nearly 200 million rubles each month.

This means that our fiscal revenue for one year is not enough for three months of war funding.

Every day the war lasts, we have to pay huge military expenses, and ending the war as soon as possible is the best option. "

When the cannon rang, the tsarist government mobilized millions of troops, and the daily military expenditure was an astronomical figure.

Self-raising is impossible, and Russian finances have never been rich. In order to wage this war, the Tsarist government has owed huge foreign debts.

If this war continues, government finances will soon be exhausted again. At that time, the Treasury Department will have to find a way again. Kristanval is a smart man. He is very aware that it is too difficult for the Tsarist government to raise money now.

If there was no failure on the battlefield, but the war failed because of finances, the gangster of finances would be guilty. As the Chancellor of the Treasury, he was the first to bear the brunt, or he would be drawn to the guillotine to calm the people's anger.

Moreover, the borrowed money must be repaid. The loan was mortgaged this time. If the pocket is too clean to perform the debt, the land must be cut and paid off.

Once this happens, it is the Treasury that finally takes the lead. As the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kristanval can't help but be in a hurry.

For him, this war is a dangling "doomsword", which may be cut off at any time and kill him.

Not only is the Ministry of Finance anxious to end the war, many interest groups within the Tsarist government also want to end the war at an early date.

The war has done too much damage to the economy, and many industries cannot operate normally, which undoubtedly cuts everyone's financial path.

Ivanov shook his head: "His thought is too simple. The increase in the difficulty of a decisive battle in Warsaw is not a little bit.

If you choose a strategic adventure in order to pursue a quick decision, then you will hit the enemy's trick.

In the event of an accident that would cause heavy losses to our army, who can take responsibility? "

Explanation is impossible. In the context of political correctness, many things cannot be said. Marshal Ivanov can only choose a hard cap.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kristanval sneered: "It is not your military who is in charge of the affairs on the battlefield. Is it because our Treasury is not responsible? Or let us direct it!"

There are many people who want to make a quick decision, including Alexander II. Everyone didn't say it, mainly because they were worried that forcing the military to decisive in advance would lead to the failure of the war, and no one was willing to take on this responsibility.

Kristanval couldn't help it, the tsarist government's finances were too bad, and the cost of the war was too great.

The war funding raised by the Ministry of Finance will last for another year, but can the war end within one year?

If he has not experienced the last Russian-Prussian war, Kristanval may say yes. After experiencing it for himself, Kristanval is no longer optimistic.

As a military junior, Kristanval doesn't think it important to change a decisive battle site. The big deal is that the casualties are a little bigger. Anyway, gray animals are worthless and they can afford to lose.

Marshal Ivanov sarcastically said: "This is a good suggestion. Since Marquis Kristanval is so energetic, then I will abdicate and let Xianxian be good!"

At this point, Ivanov knew very well that he could not give in. Taking a step back is not the vast sky, but the abyss.

Direct hard cap is not the best choice, it will offend many people. But compared to the risk of an early decisive battle, he felt it was safer to offend people.

This is the era of war. It belongs to the military's most powerful era. No one can touch him, a marshal with great achievements.

Seeing the escalation of the quarrel, Alexander II waved his hand: "Well, stop this problem. Marshal, let's talk about your battle plan first!"

There is no doubt that this short episode was won with the insistence of Marshal Ivanov.

In the face of the financial crisis and the risk of war failure, Alexander II chose to face the financial crisis. He could not afford the risk of war failure.

As long as the war is won, the financial crisis can always be resolved. It really doesn't work, it's a big deal again. Once born and cooked twice, I'll be used to it.

The only trouble is the territories mortgaged out, but these are minor problems. The big deal is to make up for the losses from the enemy. The Vienna government is not unwilling to accept land exchange.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Ivanov replied solemnly: "Now the enemy has deployed traps in Warsaw, waiting for us to jump inside.

To be on the safe side, we decided to take the Lithuanian region first, to cover the enemy forces in the Baltic region from behind, and to release the enemy's military threat to St. Petersburg first. "

After hearing this answer, many people nodded with satisfaction, and the generals hit Estonia, not far from St. Petersburg.

This made the official grandmasters unable to sleep well, for fear that the enemy would come to the city one day. If it were not for the insistence of Alexander II, the tsarist government would have moved to Moscow.

No one would object to the priority removal of the threat from St Petersburg, even Alexander II, who would not be too safe to live in.

After a pause, Marshal Ivanov continued: "The situation on the battlefield will change again after the Lithuanian region is restored.

Considering the logistical pressure, the command plans to launch a full-scale offensive on the southern line and use troops along the border between the Austrian and Austrian borders to facilitate the supply of supplies from Austria nearby.

In the back, we just need to step by step to make steady progress, relying on our strength to directly kill the enemy. "

One word is "steady". According to Ivanov's military deployment, the Russian army may have a hard time achieving a world-beating victory, and it will not have a shocking defeat.

Of course, the sequelae are also very serious, and the price to be paid is a bit tragic. At the same time as defeating the enemy, the Russian Empire will also have great vitality.

Alexander II asked with concern: "Is there a way to reduce our losses? If we continue to fight like this, we will still suffer heavy losses."

After a moment of contemplation, Ivanov held the headquarters and pointed in the direction of the map of the Nordic Federation, saying: "The easiest way is to involve the Nordic Federation in the war.

We have contained the enemy's main force. As long as they send troops to attack Berlin, they can end the war within a month.

Of course, the same is true for Austria and the German Federation. The enemy's rear was very empty, and only 50,000 troops could win Berlin. "

This was an awkward plan, and the Tsarist government's plan to win over the Nordic Federation failed under the destruction of John Bull.

As for Austria and the German Confederation, don't even think about it. This is impossible. Even the promise of even greater benefits is useless.

Not to mention international relations, nationalists would not agree in the first place.

If Austria wants to unify the German region, it cannot do without the support of nationalists, and the Vienna government will not fight against public opinion.

The German Confederation is even more miserable. With a bunch of internal states, the central government dares to chaos, and people will become independent in minutes.

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