Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 669: Can't be idle

To fight a trade war does not mean letting the industry develop wildly. Numerous cases have proved that uncompetitive companies are the first to fall when the crisis strikes.

Large but not strong industries, it is difficult to gain a foothold in international competition. Austria has passed the age of blindly pursuing quantity. What is needed now is both quality and quantity.

In order to calm down the market, before Christmas 1879, the Austrian government issued the "Market Risk Warning", and a total of 39 industries were listed as overcapacity industries.

At the same time, the investment entry threshold has been raised. In addition to the requirements for registered capital, technical requirements have also been proposed. Capitalists must use the most advanced technology to invest in these industries.

These thresholds are not really a problem for capital. Except for high-tech fields, as long as other industries have money, any technology can be easily purchased.

Franz doesn't expect investors to heed the government's advice, and people always like to ignore risks in front of interests.

Forcing everyone to adopt more advanced productivity and increase product competitiveness, mainly to enable these latecomers to support for a longer period of time when the crisis broke out.

This is very important. Once the global crisis of overcapacity erupts, the company's overall strength will be determined. Cost and capital will determine who can survive to the end.

The winner is the king and the remainder is the king. The enterprise that survives is the real winner.

The same is true for the country. Whoever survives has more enterprises and is stronger, who is the new industrial overlord.

Perhaps at the beginning of the crisis, the capitals of Britain and Austria will jointly kill their competitors. In the later period, the industrial and commercial industries of the two countries will have to do one.

It's just that both are colonial empires, free trade belongs to free trade, and colonial markets are still reserved. With such a spillway in place, no one would ever collapse across the board.

The hottest market, the most intuitive feeling is that money is easy to make. The dividends of war are enjoyed in almost every industry, with the exception of the immigration industry.

Yes, immigration in Austria is also an industry. Affected by the large-scale migration strategy, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people migrate to the African continent every year. From transportation to resettlement, a complete industrial chain has been formed.

Unfortunately, the immigration industry has always been inversely proportional to economic development. Only when there is a problem in economic development can the immigration industry prosper.

With the influx of hot money, the number of new jobs has skyrocketed, and money can be made locally. Naturally, there are fewer people willing to emigrate overseas.

Vienna's Ring Road, there is an ancient building full of Renaissance atmosphere.

If it weren't for the sign at the gate, no one could believe that it was the Austrian government department, and yes, the well-known immigration office.

If this happens to other government departments, it has long been approached by the monitoring department, with the exception of the Immigration Department.

When you are busy, you can have bright lights day and night here; in your spare time, you can get a day's work in ten minutes at work, and you will naturally have nothing to do in the rest.

The general staff was idle, and the Administrator Gold was worried. It's all idle, what about the big immigration strategy?

Even if the cabinet government understands his difficulties and does not hold him accountable, his political taint will never be erased if he fails to complete the task.

In the conference room, Golder put down his report: "Dear everyone, since the outbreak of the Prussian-Russian war, the number of immigrants has decreased sharply, and this year's immigration plan has not been completed.

If we do not take action, the immigration work next year may not be optimistic.

Pushing it year by year, if this continues, the big immigration strategy formulated by the government will die.

Failure of the immigration strategy will directly affect the economic development of the colonies and the process of localization of Africa. This consequence is not something we can bear.

From now on, everyone must move. Start your own relationships and make as much publicity as possible for immigrants. "

Everyone was bitter, and obviously it was a chore. At this moment, everyone is thinking about the economic crisis, and they don't have to speak by themselves, and a group of people come to the door to pull the relationship.

A senior official objected: "Director, this is unlikely to work. We have posted immigration propaganda ads all over the country, even in the most closed mountain villages.

After so many years of publicity, immigrants have long been popular. But the homeland is hard to leave, the people are not willing to leave their homeland, and we cannot force them to emigrate. "

Not everyone is willing to toss, and many older officials have lost interest in this political task after losing further possibilities.

This is nothing, as long as the order is issued, everyone will still execute it.

What troubles Gold is that this phrase is "difficult to work." If it doesn't work, even sending people out for propaganda is useless.

After hesitating for a while, Gorde said fiercely: "If you can't do it locally, you can go to other German countries to promote it. As long as you are a German immigrant, you can count your political achievements.

Especially the kingdom of Prussia, where the war is going on, can be used as a key propaganda area. Even if you are caught, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will bail you.

Let's discuss it, set a goal, and work in groups. The people attending the meeting today will be the heads of the advocacy team, including me. "

No way, the Austrian Immigration Service is already notorious in the German region, and governments are strictly guarding them.

For example, the Kingdom of Prussia has long listed them as unpopular objects. As long as they are staff of the Immigration Department, even visas cannot be obtained.

However, there are countermeasures and policies. The Immigration Department is also a government department. It is normal to fool through a new identity.

Promoting immigration without breaking the law, even if arrested, the Berlin government does not have the authority to deal with them, usually by notifying the leaders of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Austria is strong enough that the Berlin government can't do anything in the open, but secretly making them suffer is still indispensable.

Gordon didn't want to do this, but there was no way. If he didn't try his best, how could he let the outside world know that they would work harder?

Efforts and no efforts, and the final strategic plan was not completed, which are two completely different concepts.

Take the lead in running personally, no matter what the results are, it is better than watching a group of friends basking in the sun every day.

Old age, is Golde under 40? As the most important head of the Immigration Department under the Colonial Ministry, he still has a long political life and can go a step further.

Franz naturally did not know how much pressure the immigration strategy had put on the Immigration Department.

In fact, not only the immigration department is under pressure, but also many government departments in Austria are under pressure.

These years, civil servants are not as widespread as future generations, but there are not too many tasks.

Taking the Immigration Department as an example, the total number of staff is less than 1,500, and the scope of work covers the entire European continent. At its peak, it organized 1.3 million immigrants to travel to overseas colonies.

Of course, a large part of this is already organized by the colonial company, and the Immigration Department is only statistics to coordinate the relations between the parties.

What to do if you are understaffed? The answer is naturally overtime. Don't dream about the eight-hour work day. When you are busy, you can start working early in the morning.

There is no imbalance. In the environment where overtime is popular in the whole society, there is nothing to complain about. Overtime work in factories is actually more serious.

According to statistics from the Vienna government, the average daily working hours of urban employees is 9.1 hours, which is calculated on the average of 365 days a year.

If holidays and rest days are deducted, many people work more than 12 hours a day, and the work intensity is quite large.

Of course, capitalists will not admit it. Many companies calculate the time to work, and also deduct the necessary breaks, meals, toilet time, and even mechanical breaks.

The purpose is very clear and less overtime pay. Using a different calculation method, the daily work time is reduced by 1 to 2 hours, and the data is much better.

The worries of the Immigration Department will not affect the people of Austria. In the joy of increasing income, everyone is still working hard for a dreamy tomorrow.

There is a saying well: happiness is all contrasted.

Compared with the two countries, Russia and Russia, which are in the midst of the war, Austria's citizens naturally feel happiness compared with the large French franchise plunged into resource difficulties, and many small nations that are vulnerable.

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