Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 667: No luck

In the Palace of Vienna, Franz was holding a year-end meeting, and a sudden telegram interrupted the meeting.

On November 27, 1879, the Russian army reinforcements in Brest were ambushed by the generals halfway, and a turning point occurred in the southwest battlefield.

On the surface, the Vienna government during the Russian-Prussian war only needs to have the final result, and the changes in the local battlefield are not enough to make everyone wait so hard.

The exception is the Southwest battlefield. On the one hand, it is because the Tsarist government mortgaged land west of the Dnieper River to Austria. If these areas fall into the hands of the Popo Federation, the Vienna government will have trouble collecting debts in the future. (Limited to Ukraine)

On the other hand, it is for export trade. Since the outbreak of the war, the Tsarist government has been buying and buying in Austria.

Once the Dnieper River is cut off and traffic is restricted, Russia-Austria trade will definitely be greatly affected.

In order to make money from the war, the Vienna government also made full preparations. Many state-owned enterprises have increased their production lines. If Russia-Austria trade volume decreases, these enterprises will suffer heavy losses.

As it concerns the immediate interests, the government naturally attaches importance to it. As for the year-end meeting, it is important to say that it is important, and that it is not important to say so.

The meeting at the end of the year includes a summary of developments in the political, economic, diplomatic, and military fields this year, and government plans for the coming year.

The departments have already done their homework, and now reporting to Franz, they are also preparing for the budget competition for the coming year.

Most of these plans are based on national policy. The core was originally Franz-led. He rarely intervened in specific plans. The cabinet government was in charge.


Franz: "Chief of staff, tell us about the front line now!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Chief of General Staff Albrecht replied.

"Yesterday afternoon, the Russian army that set off from the Warren area for reinforcements in Brest, was just ambush by the General Army after crossing the Pripyat River.

Because these Russian troops were temporarily mixed from various places, the organizational relationship has not been smoothed out, 30,000 Russian troops were defeated by a general division, and the military loss was at least 8,000.

The remaining troops have become frightened birds and fled. A large amount of weapons and equipment have been abandoned, and the ability to fight again has been lost in a short time.

Excluding these morale-deficient troops, the total strength of the Russian army in the Warren region has fallen from the original 102,000 to 67,000, which no longer has an advantage over the general military.

If I were Moki, I would give up Brest and focus on Kovelli. Winning here, whether it is Kiev to the east or Brest to the north.

However, the general army only had an advantage in the southwest battlefield. The Russians in the north had already entered Riga, and the Wezeme Heights line of defense was in danger; the central battlefield Smolinsk had become a meat grinder.

Judging from the current situation, the Russians may adopt a combination of land and sea. Relying on the superiority of the Russian navy, it is very likely to have an advantage on the Baltic coast. "

Franz: "So, Mochi must be under a lot of pressure now?"

Albrecht answered affirmatively: "Yes!"

If the general forces are unable to make a substantial breakthrough on the battlefield, and after the Russians take action in the Baltic Sea, their homeland is seriously threatened, and naval factions within the Berlin government will rise, it will be lively.

Immediate interests are involved. When the people in the coastal areas are in trouble, the naval factions take the opportunity to exert their strength. Even if Mao Qi is noble, he can't withstand the pressure of all parties.

Franz sighed secretly, any famous player is always so weak when faced with internal crisis. Mao Qi was anxious to open up the situation in the southwest battlefield, I am afraid it is based on this.

Starting purely from the military, in fact, letting the Russian army enter the Polish region, and then trying to find a way to encircle it, the chances of winning will be even greater.

Not only does it have a solid mass foundation to rely on, but it also reduces the pressure on logistics and transportation. Even the front has been shortened and more troops can be invested in the decisive battle of the Russian army.

The military best policy is a political failure. If the Russians were allowed to come in, the Poles would be separated from Germany.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg reminded: "According to the information we have received, Russian diplomatic work has also made breakthrough progress.

They seem to have secretly promised the Danes that just a week ago the Danish government submitted a naval exercise plan to the Nordic Federal Parliament in the Danish Strait.

If the plan is passed, the maritime transport corridor of the Popo Federation will be broken. The Russians' bids should be high, and the Swedes have already moved, and the chances of passing are high. "

The maritime blockade would not have killed the Pope Federation, they could also use the German Federal Empire to transport goods through the Elbe.

However, this will greatly increase the logistical pressure. The most important thing is the station of the Nordic Federation. The diplomatic situation is very unfavorable to the Berlin government.

If the Federation of Popo is on the battlefield, who can guarantee that the Nordic Federation will not fall into ruin?

The Danes have always wanted to take back the two principalities, and as long as the Russians can afford to buy the Swedes, everything is possible.

The confusing situation gave Franz a headache. Originally thought that the combination of William I + Mao Qi was already very good, I did not expect that Alexander II was not easy to mess with.

In the last Russian-Prussian War, Alexander II had not yet grown up and could only be regarded as a semi-finished emperor. He was slightly inferior in the game. This time it is a different comeback.

Until the beginning of the war, Franz has not found any signs of an uprising in Russia, which is a remarkable achievement.

You know, in the modern tsarist government, it was a wonderful work. In every foreign war, there will be uprisings in the country.

The absence of problems meant that the reforms of Alexander II were successful. A stable Russian empire is absolutely terrible.

After hesitating for a while, Franz said coldly: "For the time being, don't act lightly in diplomacy, unless the Nordic Federation directly participates in the war or the situation on the battlefield is completely out of control, otherwise we will remain neutral.

The General Staff closely followed the direction of the war and found that any party might gain an overwhelming advantage and must report to me as soon as possible.

Judging from the current situation, the Russians' odds of victory seem to be greater, so let's stay still and wait for the British and French to transfuse the Popo Federation.

Once the strengths of the two sides are out of balance, they secretly sell the Markcore machine gun technology to the weaker side and teach them to use trench tactics to delay the war time as much as possible. Mortars can also be sold. "

To maintain a balanced battlefield, Britain, France, and Austria also have divisions of labor. For example: the balance of power on the battlefield is broken. If the Commonwealth is weak, Britain and France are responsible for transfusion. If the Russians are weak, Austria is responsible for blood transfusion.

Anyway, whoever is weak and who supports others is what everyone wants. It is the common will of the three established empires not to let the fourth pole rise.

No, it should be said that the common will of France and Austria, the British still cannot say. In this respect, Niu Niu's strategy is still quite confused.

With low-tech weapons, Franz never felt the need to keep secrets. It was not taken out in advance because it was unnecessary.

In order to achieve strategic goals, throwing a few technologies out is nothing at all. If not for performance reasons, Franz is ready to throw away the tank technology.

It's a pity that if this thing is thrown out, it will be difficult to play its due role.

The steam engine tank with a large brain hole is too large and slow, and it is very inflexible and easily becomes a target for artillery.

Internal combustion engine-powered tanks have insufficient performance problems, are costly and expensive, and the cost performance is too low to be used.

Austria can't afford it, Franz doesn't think that the two countries can afford it. Moreover, they can't produce engines.

Don't look at the internal combustion engine for some years, in fact this stuff is still high-tech.

With the exception of Austria, which has gone a long way because of Franz, other countries have not invested much in research and development.

Science and technology are all piled up. Without capital investment, it is naturally difficult to achieve results.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Albrecht replied

The episode passed, and Franz asked again: "How is the situation in South America. Have the Chileans released our ship?"

The London government loaded the ostrich and handed the arrested ship to the Chileans, so Austria naturally sought out the Chilean government's obsession.

Bullying and fear of hardship have always been the nature of powers. Compensation from the British and compensation from the Chilean government are two concepts.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg laughed: "Three South American children are still fighting. They should not be separated in the short term.

Things have gone much better since the British handed over the arrested ship to the Chilean government. The only problem now is that the materials on board the ship are gone, and we are talking about compensation with the Chileans.

If it were not for the British to intervene suddenly, we would have signed an agreement with the Chilean government now.

Perhaps the British were too greedy and caused the dissatisfaction of the Chilean government. They all wanted to bring in the strength of us and the French to check and balance the British. "

This is good news. Although Chile's saltpeter is not the only one and Austria has also found some saltpeter mines in the colonies, it is still cheapest to import Chilean ore from a cost perspective.

As for the contradictions between the two countries, it is not worth mentioning in front of interests. Thinking of this, Franz suddenly found that the current Chilean government was not easy.

Selling well to France and Austria seems to betray the national interests, but in fact it has laid the foundation for winning this war.

Without getting the two big hooligans ahead of time, even if they defeated Peru and Bolivia, they would not want to eat the benefits to their stomachs.

There are too many examples of winning on the battlefield, but spitting out loot in diplomacy.

The Chilean government clearly understood the nature of the powers and took advantage of the incident of ship arrest to take timely remedial measures.

Franz couldn't help lamenting that no country can stand out by chance.

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