Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 665: Decoy

God did not care for the Russians, time was on the enemy's side. When the Russian army reported the news to St. Petersburg, it was already late at night.

The officer responsible for drafting the teletext is an old official churros. The previous section introduced the results, emphasizing the heroic warfare, fear of sacrifice, etc. of Kamen's garrison. Reporting information was placed behind.

The bureaucrat on duty had just come down from the reception, and was not annoyed with all his heart. At a glance at the beginning, he thought that he would call the telegram, and he did not turn back.

Kamenda Jie reported it once two days ago, and the celebration party was held. The details of the second report are naturally not so important, just queuing directly, no need to rush.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that it was reported to Marshal Ivanov, the head of the department, only to find out what was behind.

It was late at this time, and before Marshal Ivanov made a decision, Brest's call for help followed.

Two emergency flashlights collided, and Marshal Ivanov was furious. Time is the life on the battlefield. If the news is received last night, it will be reported immediately. Now the reinforcements have already set off.

"What **** was on duty last night, I'm going to kick him!"

Hearing the news, the attendant officer replied in panic: "Yes, Georgi."

Hearing this name, Marshal Ivanov was a little more angry: "Which idiot arranged this dude to be on duty? Don't you know that this waste has nothing except bad things?"

No way, the relationship households can't handle it. Although Alexander II had purged the army, nepotism could not be completely resolved.

Georgi was born as a noble, his father was the current Minister of Finance, and he entered the army gilded against the background of his family.

There are many similar examples in the Russian army. Ivanov usually does not care, as long as these people do not cause trouble. Except for the individual materials that can be made, the rest usually arrange some simple tasks for "exercise".

There is no doubt that receiving telegrams is one of them. The most important requirement of this work is reliability, and the rest is simple, and it is reported according to the importance of the telegram.

The aristocracy is undoubtedly reliable. They and the Russian Empire are all damaged, and will not disclose secrets to the enemy.

There are not many things, and it is easy to mix credit, which is naturally welcomed by everyone.

Seeing no one answered, Ivanov knew that most of this involved big people, and he simply didn't ask. A pat on the table: "Which idiot is going home immediately, I don't want to see him appear in front of me again."

Shooting is not enough, it's okay to rush home. Except for such a big thing, without accountability, Ivanov was very face-saving.

That is, now that things are not upset, you can handle the cover internally, or Georgi will be dead. At this critical moment, Alexander II would never mind killing a chicken and tamarin.

The attendant officer replied in panic: "Yes, Marshal."

If anyone looks closer, he will find that the sweat on his forehead has flowed down and his heartbeat is accelerating.

No way, mortals were the first to suffer from immortal fights. Many things can't be checked, once you take it seriously, it will be a storm.

Marshal Ivanov still has a big picture, knowing that this is a critical moment and there must be no problems within the government. Only small things can be reduced to small things.

As for the telegram, it can only sink into the sea, as it has never been received.


Of course, Lieutenant General Olivier Thornfield's overall view is still useful. When he reported it to the headquarters, he also reminded Brest's defenders of power generation.

The bureaucrats above can be taken lightly. No officer on the front line dares to neglect, even if the news is received in the middle of the night, the garrison immediately responded.

Unfortunately, the time is too short, it is too late to adjust the strategic deployment, and preparations can only be strengthened to ensure that they are not attacked.

Since the division of the General Army, the Brest garrison has taken precautions, but only the general army of a division has been prepared. The enemies have now doubled, and the original preparation was naturally insufficient.

The Battle of Brest broke out across the board, the generals launched an attack at any cost, and the Russians fought in blood. Airships, cannons, and machine guns flood the entire battlefield.

The cruelty of modern warfare is stunned. Franz was also shocked by the pictures that came from the front. Human life becomes worthless at this moment.

Chief of the General Staff of the Vienna Palace Albrecht: "His Majesty, from the current situation, the Russians are going to be out of luck.

The actions of the General Army disrupted the deployment of the Russians, and the strategic line of defense of the Tsarist government's painstaking operation has now shown obvious loopholes.

Brest was pinched on both sides by the general forces. No one knows whether the defenders can withstand it. The tsarist government cannot afford this risk.

The time for Mao Qixuan was very good. The inland areas of the Russian Empire have entered winter, and the temperature in many places is already below a dozen degrees.

In this harsh climate, it is too late to relocate troops to Brest from behind.

In terms of time, it is fastest to transfer troops from both wings. Ukraine has not yet reached winter, and it will only take three or five days to reinforce Brest.

Only in this way, the strength of the wings will become weak. No one can guarantee that the general army will not repeat the tricks and use a bunch of cannon fodder to attract attention. The main force has been transferred.

Now the Russians should have a headache, no matter what they choose, they are taking risks. Once wrong, the southwest battlefield will collapse across the board. "


Franz shook his head: "It's not that serious, it's November, and even if the generals captured Brest, there was no time to continue to expand the results.

If it is urgent, Alexander II can still exchange with the generals. Ignoring the threat from the southwest, they concentrated their forces on offensive against East Prussia from the coast.

Even if the entire Ukraine is lost, the Russian Empire is still the Russian Empire. The territory of the Popo Federation is so big. As long as a Russian army is killed to destroy it, the Berlin government will lose even if it wins. "

No matter how trashy the Russian navy is, it's a bit better than the Popo Federation. In the last war, it was possible to attack the coast of the Federal Republic of Popo. If it was not because of logistical failure, the results of the war would have been reversed.

learn from mistakes.

This time the Tsarist government could hoard a lot of supplies in St. Petersburg, and did not attack the coast of the Popo Federation. Most of the time, the Berlin government had already prepared and deployed a large number of shore guns.

This is a small problem. As long as you are willing to suffer casualties, you can always land successfully.

Of course, the premise is that Britain and France do not pull off the bias, otherwise the Russian navy really cannot complete the task.

Frederick suggested: "In fact, the Russians have another option. After the victory of Camian, the local defensive pressure was greatly reduced.

If the Tsarist government dares to take a risk, it can ignore the fact and directly order local troops to attack Warsaw.

Whether or not they succeed, they can disrupt the deployment of the general forces and keep them busy for a while. In case it succeeds, you make a lot of money. "

Franz shook his head. He had always hated this gambling tactic. It is good to succeed, but what if it fails?

"Albrecht, explain it to him!"

Franz knows that his strategy is okay, and his tactics can't stand the test. He didn't choose to play, but to let professionals go.

Albrecht nodded characteristically: "His Highness, before implementing this plan, you have to figure out what the Russian army is guarding Kamen.

Don't look at their good record, think they are very strong in combat, in fact there is too much water inside.

According to our information, half of Kamen's garrison are recruits who have just mobilized. It is okay to let them defend and fight with the wind, and they will collapse immediately if they encounter bitter fighting.

If they want to attack Warsaw, I am afraid that before the battlefield is reached, more than one tenth of the people will be left behind during the march.

Aside from these internal factors, even if these Russian troops are elite and the generals do not intercept them halfway, they will not be able to complete this task.

The people of Warsaw alone can let them die. But the Poles hated them so much that such a lone army without support could not go out once they entered. "

Frederick's face turned red, and his face couldn't be fixed. No such simple problem was found, which seriously hit his self-confidence.

Franz smiled slightly, which was a good thing to him. Perhaps because he has had more contacts with the staff, Frederick has been overconfident recently.

As a crown prince, it is enough to study the strategic layout. Isn't it that the brain is flooded by running the army command?


Kamen, Russian Command

Chief of Staff Larson: "Her Commander, the headquarters called and ordered us to immediately remove the two regiments to reinforce Brest."

Lieutenant General Olivier Thornfield changed his face and looked at the map with a frown on his face: "The light is drawn from us. Ask if we are only drawing troops from us, or if all regions are drawing troops."

Chief of Staff Larson: "I have already asked this question, including us, and nearby troops have been relocated.

However, there are not many adjustments, and we should draw the most troops. It may be because we have just won a big victory, and no war will break out in the short term. "

Olivier hesitated, feeling something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what went wrong.

"In this case, just execute the order! By the way, try to find a way to travel with the surrounding troops as much as possible. It is too dangerous to send them alone."

Prudence is Olivier's greatest strength. This is a lesson learned in the last Russian-Prussian war. Under this guiding ideology, Olivier is often fighting in dread.

There has been no major victory or major defeat. It can be said that a general with a very stable output is very reassuring.


In the Brest frontline general command, Mao Qi directly occupied the war room.

A middle-aged officer whispered, "Marshal, the Russians moved."

Mochi stood up, walked quickly to the sand table, and commanded: "Hans, move the forces of the Russian army and mark me."


After that, the middle-aged officer quickly acted and completed the task very professionally.

Mao Qi smiled cheerfully: "Okay. Very well, we have already won half of this battle. How much success we can achieve this time depends on how generous the Russians are.

Tell Demasia that the Russians are hooked, and how much he can eat is his ability.

Order the seventh and eleventh divisions to strengthen their offensive efforts. From now on, the day and night attack on Brest left the Russians running.

The thirteenth and twenty-fifth divisions were ordered to be ready for battle, and it was up to them to take Warren. "

As a military strategist who is good at fighting on the outside, what Mao Qi hates the least is to attack and fight hard. If the Russians stay in place, the two sides fight for strength, and there is no room for him to do everything he can.

Now that the Russians move, things have changed. The Chinese troops in the field are definitely better than the Russian troops in the fortress bunker.

Although the general army paid a heavy price in the early battles, as long as it can mobilize the Russian army to break the deadlock on the southwest battlefield, everything is worth it.

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