Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 663: Tim blocking

Just when everyone thought the Prussian-Russian war was deadlocked, on November 2, 1879, a general soldier suddenly bypassed Kamen and went straight to Pinsk.

After the outbreak of the Prussian-Russia war, Franz has been paying close attention, and occasionally sent airships to conduct high-altitude investigations.

Austria is the country with the most advanced airship technology. The most advanced reconnaissance airship can operate at a maximum altitude of 8000 meters.

These years, air defense weapons are still underdeveloped. As long as it is above 3,000 meters, there is no threat to anti-aircraft machine guns or artillery.

Without security threats, Austrian airships often penetrate deep into the airspace of other countries. Franz was not accustomed to this domineering style at first, but seeing that his neighbors did not react, he gradually got used to it.

At altitudes of several kilometers, if you don't use a telescope, many people will think that it is just a bird, and the chance of being found is still very low.

Even if it was discovered, it was possible to evade the pilot ’s trek. Anyway, this kind of thing often happens, especially the airships of small European countries, flying out of their own airspace.

The general's change attracted the attention of the pilots. After the report, it attracted the attention of the idle and boring Franz, and directly called the duty staff to meet.

"Everyone has read the information. What do you think of Mao Qi's purpose?"

No matter what reason Franz paid attention to this issue, everyone is very excited to be able to show their ability in front of the emperor.

Deputy Chief of General Morx: "His Majesty, the real goal of the General Army should not be Pinsk, this may be distracting Russians.

Pinsk is located at the main channel of the river, about 180 kilometers from Brest, and it is already in the rear. It is a very bad choice for the military to go alone.

Even if the Russians were concealed and not discovered in advance, there was a regiment of troops in Pinsk, and even if they could not stop the offensive of the General Army, it would be fine to delay for a few days.

Once the surrounding Russian troops responded, this general army was dead. Unless they can overcome Pinsk in one day and rely on local fortifications for more than a month, they have strategic value.

There is too much risk in it. As a European star, it is impossible for Mao Qi to not know, then his real goal can only be Brest. "

A staff member objected: "It's not necessarily Brest. Maybe Maqui is the Pripyat. Of course, this possibility is very small. Now it is a dry season. Even if the river is blocked, the damage will also Not big.

I think the bigger possibility is just a sham shot, deliberately attracting the attention of the Russians, and covering the true strategy of the general army.

As far as it goes behind Brest, it looks great, but what's the use of just one infantry division? "


The brains of the staff were really powerful. After a while, they analyzed a dozen possibilities, and Franz was directly confused.

No way, Franz is just an ordinary person. It is too difficult for him to figure out the strategic deployment of the military.

But Frederick, who came with him, was talking with the staff with interest. Perhaps his son had the talent to become a military strategist, Franz thought to himself.

Of course, you can only think about it. As the Austrian Crown Prince, Frederick had no chance to become a military strategist.

It is no longer the Middle Ages, and the era when the emperor led the battlefield is over. As the Crown Prince, even the battlefield is only gilded, there is no chance of his performance.

Frankly, Franz thinks it is more interesting to listen to the staff discussions than to read the newspaper. It is really as exciting as the novel.

Each of them is eloquent. If you can do it, you will not know until you try. It is theoretically feasible anyway.

The more he understood, the more Franz felt that luck was important and he no longer believed in the so-called famous halo. Just as the twenty-eight gimbals will add up, it is not as powerful as a meteorite.


The Russian-Prussian War is still deadlocked, and the South American battlefield has first turned. Since the departure of the British Navy, Peru and Bolivia have been tragedy.

The maritime passage is gone, and supplies can only be transferred from neighboring countries. At first, this was nothing. Everyone likes war money. Unfortunately, everyone's relationship is not good!

From the beginning of the establishment of South American countries, there have been many contradictions. If France and Austria come forward to coordinate, warn the ambitions to be a little bit safe, it is estimated that these countries have fallen into ruin at this time.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, as of three days ago, the British had detained more than 200 ships bound for Peru and Bolivia, of which 45 were registered in China.

In order to break the British blockade, the Foreign Office suggested joining forces with the countries where the ships were located to put pressure on the British. "

The one that should come is the one that will come. It is difficult to rely on Chile's strength to pick one or two.

If the maritime transport corridors in Bolivia and Peru are not cut off, and a steady flow of supplies will flow in, the two countries will be able to arm more troops than Chile.

With a small quality gap, the number of troops will determine the outcome of a war. In the early battles, Chile was actually at a disadvantage.

After pondering for a moment, Franz made a decision: "Not only must the British be allowed to open the channel, but they must also be compensated for their losses. If they do not agree, they will encourage all countries to make trouble.

If the conditions are ripe, it will pull the French to make trade sanctions against the British, and to increase the momentum of some countries, disgusting the British. "

That's right, it's disgusting to the British. It is impossible to trade sanctions against the British.

This year John Bull is still the leader of international import and export trade, accounting for nearly half of the total global trade. What are the sanctions?

Sanctions are not possible, but it is still possible to put a stop on them. With so much grievance, Austria couldn't stand it. Franz didn't think the proud French could bear it.

If you can't win the British at sea, you can always fight. Agitate public opinion, not afraid that the British will not follow suit. You can't just offend all countries for Chile.


In fact, before the Vienna government took action, the capitalists who had detained the ship acted.

This time, the European media's position was surprisingly unified. Everyone was scolding the British for their shameless behavior, accusing the British government of disrupting the normal conduct of free trade.

Not only mainland newspapers are scolding, but British newspapers are also scolding the government. Opposition parties have organized mass demonstrations denouncing the London government's unauthorized intervention in the South American war.

Capitalists use practical actions to explain what capital is without borders. Only interests are permanent.

The Prime Minister of Downing Street watched the outside of the mansion. At this time, the protesters were surrounded by protesters. Everyone held up the banner of free trade and asked the London government to lift the blockade.

The aggressive Prime Minister Benjamin slammed the table: "Sir John, now I need an explanation, an explanation that can be explained to the people."

Secretary of the Navy John Vasile looked sad: "His Prime Minister, we have reached an agreement with the Chileans to finance the acquisition of the supplies on these ships.

The previous progress was very smooth, and the Chilean government and capitalists reached an agreement to no longer transport supplies into Peru and Bolivia within one year.

But after receiving these compensations, they immediately organized the shipment of goods. The capitalists broke the contract, and the Chilean government naturally did not agree to continue to invest in the purchase, and the ship was detained. "

After hearing this explanation, Prime Minister Benjamin only wanted to curse. Isn't it nonsense to expect capitalists to keep their promises?

If you change a waistcoat, the previous contract is void. Legally, they cannot be held accountable for breach of contract. These people obviously want to rob.

Benjamin also had some headaches. Putting these ships in the past would definitely not work. If Chile loses the war, the dominance of the saltpeter trade will fall into the hands of Fao.

It is equally impossible for the Chilean government to continue to buy these materials. Given the excrement of the capitalists, as long as they have made a profit, they will soon organize a larger fleet.

You ca n’t let the Chilean government keep buying and buying. Even if the saltpeter trade makes money, Chile is not so rich!

Benjamin rubbed his forehead and said, "The first person explained to the people outside that the Chilean government was detained, and we were only conducting military exercises in South America.

Anyway, first find a way to let the people outside. The impact is so bad that it is too bad. "

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "It is not only the outside protesters who need to be evacuated, but also the international pressure we face. So far, we have received diplomatic protest letters from 22 countries, including France and Austria.

A single country doesn't matter. If they are connected together, things will be difficult.

Especially in France and Austria, the Pu-Russian war restrained their energy, but it was more military, and the foreign ministries of the two countries were still idle. "

Bolivia and Peru are both small countries. There are not necessarily 22 countries that trade with them in normal times. Now that there are so many protest books, there must be problems behind them.

Edward didn't say it, because he knew very well that the cover would still be good.

In addition to the possible behind-the-scenes manipulation of France and Austria, it is more likely that capitalists will do the trick. The demonstration crowd outside is proof that absolutely domestic shipping companies are planning behind it.

There was no Internet in this era, and communication between countries was very inconvenient, and the nationality of ships was very difficult to check.

For convenience, many ships are registered in multiple countries at the same time, which nationality is decided according to actual needs.

In order to strengthen the momentum and force the London government to make concessions, do not block everyone from making war money, of course, the more countries involved, the better.

Small countries also need to brush their sense of presence. Now it is a good opportunity. Ships registered in this country have been arrested for no reason. They came to protest that there was nothing wrong.

With so many countries participating, even if the British want to settle accounts after the fall, France and Austria will stand up and carry them, otherwise they will not be called up next time.

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