Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 649: Diplomatic action

Stockholm, since becoming the capital of the Nordic Federation, this ancient city has renewed its vitality, and "Venice of the North" deserves its name.

The beautiful scenery and unique Scandinavian style add a special charm to the city, which is endlessly memorable.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it cannot impress Philip Francis Thomas. As an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Francis was always proud.

However, his so-called arrogance was defeated in the face of reality. Since accepting this task, his whole heart has gone.

In order to win a new round of the Russian-Prussian War, the Tsarist government not only found ways to raise money from Britain, France, and Austria, but also the Nordic Federation, which was draped with water.

Of course, Francis's main task is not to raise money, but more to stabilize the Nordic Federation, so that this old rival can't beat them at a critical moment.

The three countries of Northern Europe are unified, and the comprehensive national strength is not a problem of 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. After the three countries learn from each other's strengths, the Nordic Federation has established its own system, and its comprehensive national strength has reached the level of Prussia 20 years ago.

Thinking back on the old battle for Nordic hegemony with Sweden in the past, the tsarist government did not dare to underestimate this potential adversary, and eventually decided to appease the old rival first.

For diplomats, this is undoubtedly a chore. There is no way to not compromise in the face of cruel reality.

Having personally experienced the last war, Francis knew that the Russian Empire's advantage over the Popo Federation was not as big as the government propaganda.

To some extent, the Nordic Federation already has the strength to influence the balance. In order to win this war, the Tsarist government has lost sight of shame.

Not only to appease the Nordic Federation, all neighbors are their targets. Don't ask these neighbors to support them, just let them be neutral.

With a depressed mood, Francis, the special envoy of the Tsar, stepped into the Nordic Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unlike the last time he came here, he has no high-spirited capital.


Francis: "My Excellency, this time we are very sincere. The Russian Empire is willing to use Finland as a mortgage in exchange for a loan of 800 million crowns.

We can promise that half of the funds in this loan will be used to import goods from your country. The interest is in accordance with international commercial loan conventions, with an annual interest rate of 6%, and the principal and interest are paid annually. "

The currencies of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are all Kroner, and the currency value is the same (1 Kronor is equal to 0.4 g of gold). After the establishment of the Nordic Federation, it is natural that there is no need to change the currency name.

"Special envoy, you are too overestimating us. The Nordic Federation is just a small country, not as wealthy as your country. Don't say 800 million crowns. We can't even get 100 million crowns." Carla Valenti, Foreign Minister of the Nordic Federation Decisively refused

Francis was not angry. He was aware of it carefully. When he heard about taking Finland as a mortgage, Carla Valenti frowned and quickly covered the past.

This was to be expected. After the establishment of the Nordic Confederation, the domestic call for Finland to escalate.

It is unrealistic to use force to recover Finland. The Russian Empire cannot be challenged by the Nordic Federation, and the gap between the two sides is too great.

Moreover, there is also pro-Russian Denmark within the Nordic Federation, which provoked war, failed this fragile new government, and split again.

If you use another method to get Finland back economically, the situation will be completely different.

The Danish government will not refuse Finland's return. Only a strong Nordic Federation can help them regain the lost duchy.

Yes, the Nordic Federation is a union of nations that compromised. It was built while the Russian Empire was in a weak state and supported by the great powers.

In this context, when the government conducts internal affairs and diplomacy, it must also take into account the interests of all parties. For example: Sweden supports Denmark's recovery of the two principalities in exchange for Denmark's support for Sweden's recovery of Finland.

Of course, the prerequisite is sufficient power. Although the Nordic Federation is a small country, it also has a historical background. Coupled with a comfortable natural environment, everyone is strategically conservative.

In other words: if you have enough strength, when the opportunity comes, you will regain your lost ground; if you do n’t have enough strength, then bear with it first!

The Russian-Prussian War was the opportunity they waited for. Oscar II's strategy was: Whoever loses, he will be defeated.

This is an obvious problem. If the Popo Federation loses, the country will be gone, and the actions of the Nordic Federation will naturally not be blocked. The Russian Empire lost the war, and it will not be much better. The Finnish region will certainly not be able to maintain it.

The Tsarist government's willingness to use Finland as a mortgage is also for this reason. After losing the war anyway, Finland could not be saved in the end, so it was better to stabilize the Nordic Federation first.

Francis: "Her Count is too modest. With your country's economic strength, a total of 800 million crowns is nothing to say.

As far as I know, your government's fiscal revenue this year is as high as 320 million crowns, and the liquidity in Stockholm's financial market alone exceeds 840 million crowns.

Your bank is fully capable of taking on this loan. "

About 800 million crowns: 87.43 million aegis, or 43.715 million pounds. This is a huge sum for any country.

Francis's suggestion of this figure is also valid. Although Finland is not small, after all, it is a bitter cold place in northern Europe. It belongs to a bad land in this era.

There are many similar rotten Russians. If it were not for high strategic value, the Tsarist government would not attach such importance.

In this age of weak meat and strong food, the European continent is not peaceful. Small countries have no sense of security at all, and everyone is as strong as possible.

The Nordic Federation is eyeing Finland. Apart from the nationalist factor, there are more and no better options.

Carla Valenti shook his head: "His Special Envoy, loans need to take risks into account. Your government's financial situation has always been bad, and there may be a war with the Popo Federation at any time.

Once the war breaks out, your country's ability to repay its debt will definitely go wrong, and you can only rely on collateral to cover it.

The Finnish region is too barren, and fiscal revenue is just enough to spend. And without enough minerals, how long does it take to sell wood by selling wood?

One hundred years or two hundred years, everyone can't wait that long. "

It was no surprise to be rejected, and some talks were even half successful, indicating that the Nordic Federal Government was enthusiastic.

Francis' mission is to stabilize the Nordic Federation, not how much money he really needs to borrow. If you want to raise funds for the war, you can only find solutions from the three countries: Britain, France, and Austria. Other countries are too poor.

After a tentative inquiry, Francis left and left Cara Valenti with a secret headache.

Although the stuffing cakes dropped from the sky are good, we must also consider whether they are poisonous. The Russians are not easy to get along with. They want to take advantage of them and are easily backstabbed.


In the palace, after receiving the good news, Oscar II's first reaction was not surprise, but fright.

After contemplating for a moment, Oscar II expressed his doubts in his heart: "What if the Russians won the war and finally refused to fulfill the contract?"

No way, the credibility of the Tsarist government is so good. After losing the war, the Russians will definitely fulfill their contract, because they have neither money to pay their debts, nor the strength to keep Finland.

But winning the war is different. Although most of the tsarist government still has no money to pay off its debts, it cannot hold them back!

When the Tsar refuses to pay the debts and refuses to surrender to Finland, they will be dumbfounded.

You can't collect debts by force?

This is only the exclusive method of collecting debts by the powerful nations against the weak nations. The weak nations simply cannot work against the powerful nations.

Foreign Minister Carla Valenti said uncertainly: "Should not! The Tsarist government is raising money for the war, not only borrowing money from us, but also borrowing money from Austria.

If the tsarist government defaults ... "

Before the words were over, Count Carla Valenti himself did not believe it. Borrowing money from Austria and borrowing money from the Nordic Federation are two concepts.

To rely on Austria's debt, the Tsarist government must think twice before considering the political risks behind it and the countermeasures that the Vienna government may take.

The Nordic Federation is different. At least Carla Valenti did not find out what countermeasures they could use.

Needless to say, lending money to the Tsarist government is too risky, and has far exceeded the risk tolerance of the Nordic Federation.

After a long silence, Oscar II said: "Continue to talk to the Russians, this is an opportunity anyway.

If we can rely on economic means to take back the Finnish region, we cannot refuse at all. Now the most important thing is to reduce the risk.

Now that the Russians have asked for loans, there must be other measures that can give us peace of mind. For example: a third party provides loan guarantees.

If the Tsarist government can persuade one of the British, French and Austrian parties to provide a guarantee of debt performance, it will not be considered. "

The tsarist government can not care about credibility, because their credibility is not good. Britain, France, Austria and Austria are not the same. The economic credibility of the three countries are all leveraged, but not just 800 million crowns.


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