Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 647: Prepare

The end of the Russo-Austrian alliance, like a thunderous thunder on the ground, instantly stirred the world.

The Pacific War, the battle over the free trade system, the secret history of Queen Victoria, these hot news have been suppressed.

Anyone with a little political mind knows that the international situation is about to start shuffling again.

Without the Russian-Austrian alliance, the last obstacle restricting the Popo Federation has ceased to exist. The Berlin government cannot wait until the Russians are ready to wage war.

In recent years, both Russia and Russia are preparing for war, and the military industry and transportation of the two countries have achieved leapfrog development.

Because of the Russian-Australian alliance, the Russians and Austria launched in-depth cooperation in the field of military industry. To maximize cost savings, the Tsarist bureaucrats directly copied the Austrian military system.

In the long run, this completely replicating behavior has ruined the independent research and development capabilities of the Russian military industry, and the consequences must be catastrophic.

In the short term, however, the strength of the Russian military industry has been greatly enhanced, and it has directly transitioned to the world's top level.

What does the development of the military industry depend on?

There are many comprehensive factors that need to be considered, but in summary, they can be summed up in two words-throw money!

The Tsarist government knew itself well, knew that its own R & D capabilities were not enough, and did not have enough funds in its pocket, so it simply cooperated with Austria.

The Federation of Popo is different. From the beginning, the Kingdom of Prussia followed the path of self-help research and development. Limited by funding, the military industry in Prussia has actually fallen behind.

The British couldn't help them in this regard, and John Bull's army equipment was also very average. It's not that their technology is not working, mainly because the number of British Army is too small and the purchase order of equipment is too small. Naturally, military enterprises are unwilling to spend large amounts of money on R & D.

This situation persisted until the Putra Territory was traded. With the change of ownership in the Rhineland region, the obstacles between France and France no longer exist, and it is natural for the Berlin government to move closer to the French.

In recent years, there have been more and more military technology transactions between the two countries.

Of course, France and France are not allies, and the French do not need to take care of the Federation of Poland and Poland. The military industry cooperation between the two countries is not as deep as Russia and Austria.

Cooperation between the two parties is limited to technical exchanges, and further progress is impossible. At least until there is no unified industrial standard in the two countries.

Theoretically speaking, the Russian and Austrian industrial standards are unified, and the Tsarist government directly copies Austrian military industry, which should occupy an advantage in the arms race.

It is a pity that the Russians have a poor industrial foundation and lack sufficient industrial workers. With the same production equipment and products produced by the Russians, the defective rate is always higher.

The gap in this regard has brought the military industries of the two countries to the same level. Even if there is a gap, it is limited to individual weapons and equipment, and there is no gap in times.

Compared with the military industry, the changes in transportation are more obvious.

Just a few years after the establishment of the Popo Federation, the Berlin government started 10,000 kilometers of railways in Poland, and now one-third of them are open to traffic. The remaining sections will be completed in two to three years.

Not only is the railway under construction in Poland, but other parts of Prussia are not idle. For example, in Lithuania, two main lines and auxiliary branches have been planned, with a total length of 4,000 kilometers.

Up to now, the total mileage of the Federal Railways has reached 26,000 kilometers. Once the plan of the Berlin government is completed, the total railway mileage of the Federal Railways will exceed 37,000 kilometers.

With this figure, the total mileage of the Popo Federal Railway can exceed France and become the third largest railway country in Europe after Russia and Austria.

The Popo Federation is working hard to build roads, and Alexander II, who saw the importance of transportation, was not idle.

Within a short period of ten years, the Tsarist government has started construction of 34,000 kilometers of railways, of which 26,000 kilometers have been opened to traffic. In addition to the previous railways, the total length of railways put into operation by the Russian Empire has approached 30,000 kilometers.

In terms of numbers alone, the Russian Empire clearly surpassed the Popo Federation, but in fact the opposite was true.

The territory of the Russian Empire is more than twenty times that of the Popo Federation. The difference in total railway mileage between the two sides is less than 15%. One can imagine the difference in traffic between the two countries.

Now that both sides are rushing for time, there is no doubt that the Federation of Popo will prevail. Restricted by geographical conditions, the Russians were destined to be disadvantaged in the construction of the railway.

Don't look at the total railway mileage of the Russian Empire seems to be more, the capacity is still not as high as the Popo Federation. This is determined by the climate. As long as it is winter, the Russian railway cannot guarantee full load.

In terms of transportation, the Russians need to build at least 150,000 kilometers of railways if they want to reach the current level of the Federation. This is limited to connecting some major European cities in Russia, and considering Asia, doubling may not be enough.

Obviously, this is impossible. The Berlin government will not leave the Russians with so much time. If the Tsarist government has solved the traffic problem, unless they can hang up, the war will not be able to fight at all.

The whole world is concerned about the dissolution of the Russian-Austrian alliance. In addition to the political influence of this alliance, the most important thing is that the dissolution of the alliance is equivalent to proclaiming that the Prussian-Russian war has entered the countdown.

The people who eat melon couldn't help pointing out the mountains and rivers, let alone the tsarist government as the protagonist. As soon as the bad news came, Alexander II smashed N artifacts in anger.

"Damn Habsburg, a bunch of betrayal traitors ..."

The curse sounded in the Hermitage. It's no wonder that Alexander II was so angry. In order to continue the Russian-Austrian alliance, they have made significant concessions and released goodwill to the Vienna government through various channels.

However, all this was done in vain. Not to mention renewing the contract for another thirty years, even after the covenant was extended to five years, it was rejected by the Vienna government.

Alexander II's reforms have basically been completed, and the time now is just to transform the reforms into national power. It can be said that every day now is crucial to the Russian Empire.

The Russian-Australian alliance has won time for peaceful development for Austria. Now it is time for the Russian Empire. Austria suddenly announced that it would not play. What made Alexander II feel bad?

It doesn't take much, as long as it lasts for another five years, the Russian Empire can have the strength to smash the Popo Federation.

This is a gap in body weight, but also a gap in development potential. Both countries are developing at a fast pace, but the ceiling of the Popo Federation has reached its ceiling, and the Russian Empire has just begun.

The tsar in anger was terrible, and no one wanted to touch this brow. Seeing that the situation was not right, Alessandrovich persuaded:

"Father, this is not the time to be angry. Now that the Russian-Australian alliance is no longer renewing, the obstacles that hinder the Popo Federation from launching war will no longer exist."

"Hum!" Alexander II exasperated. "What are you afraid of? Can you leave Austria and the great Russian Empire cannot defeat the enemy?"

Alessandrovich: "Of course not, but the situation is very serious. We have made major concessions. The Vienna government still refuses to make concessions. There must be unknown transactions behind this.

We can boldly speculate that there is insider trading between Puao. The Berlin government has limited chips, and the only thing that can make the Vienna government motivate ... "

With one breath, Alexandrovich was almost ready to believe himself. Of course, this is essentially just a step, and you still won't believe that the two countries will join together.

Controlling emotions by politicians is only the most basic operation. Alexander II was angry, but did not reach the point where he could not control himself, only to cover up his wrong foreign policy after he took office.

No way, who made him pro-popular? With Peter III, the predecessor of pit goods, Russia's tolerance for such things has fallen by several grades.

Even though Alexander II made the right choice and resolutely changed his political position, the pro-Pusao's foreign policy in the earlier period still was questioned from the inside.

Now that the Russian-Austrian alliance has ended, there must be a group of people in the country that will put the blame on him. Nobles whose interests have been damaged in the reform have always been looking for opportunities to make troubles. Alexander II must eliminate this possibility.

This is why Alessandrovich put the responsibility for the termination of the Russian-Olympic League on the Puo collusion.

The Russians are still in the mood. In any case, the Russian Empire cannot tolerate Austria's unification of Central Europe, which means that their continental hegemons have a dream.

The Tsarist government was unable to make concessions on the issue of the reunification of Germany, so the collapse of the Russian-Austrian alliance would make sense. It simply means that the Berlin government has a lower bottom line and can compromise on this issue.

Whether it is true or not is not important, as long as it is politically past.

After a moment of silence, Alexander II seemed to be regulating his emotions: "Oh!"

"It's all over, let's discuss how to deal with it!"

The Russo-Austrian alliance broke down, and the Tsarist government had already expected it. Beginning with joining the Tsarist government and choosing to join the sterling-gold system, the two countries have broken up.

Secretary of the Army Heramed: "His Majesty, without the Russian-Australian alliance, the initiative of war is no longer exclusive to us.

Judging from the current situation, the railway plan of the Commonwealth Federation can be completed in a maximum of three years and a maximum of two years, and our railway plan takes at least five years.

In terms of time, we are no longer dominant. The enemy will not give us so much time, and now there are only two ways before us.

Either start the war early when everyone is not ready, or do the defense work and wait for the Popo Federation to prepare for an offensive against us. "

"Five years" This is only a theoretical figure. In fact, everyone knows that transportation in the Russian Empire cannot be solved in five years, and it can connect with major cities at most.

Of course, if you can do this step is enough. Almost to catch up with the traffic in the European part of the Russian Empire before World War I.

The difference is a little bit worse, but anyway, it can support millions of troops in the front line, this number is enough to fight against the Popo Federation.

The population of the Russian Empire is 2.8 times that of the Popo Federation, and the casualty tolerance is much higher. The victory over consumption is very large.

Unfortunately, they don't have that much time and now have to do multiple choice questions. This war was extraordinary. The Tsarist government could not afford to lose. Once defeated, it meant that the Russian Empire could not stand up for decades.

Everyone's breathing suddenly became heavy. Obviously, this multiple choice question was difficult to do.

Minister of the Interior Mikhail: "Can't wait for the enemy to complete the plan. Now the enemy is busy building roads, a large amount of funds have been occupied, and the financial resources that can be invested in the war are limited.

Once the enemy has completed the plan, the situation is different, and then they will be able to concentrate all their financial resources into the war.

Today, the international situation has changed dramatically. We are no longer enough to suffocate Britain and France. The British will not support the Pope Federation as much as in the last war.

As far as I know, the financial situation of the Popo Federation is also very bad. If it had not been sold in the Rhineland, they would have gone bankrupt.

As soon as the war breaks out, the Berlin government will soon be in financial trouble. It is not easy for a government with limited repayment ability to encounter another war with uncertain outcomes and want to raise funds from outside. "

The war fought money. After experiencing the Near East War and the previous Russian-Prussian War, the Tsarist government has sobered up and does not think that the second Russian-Prussian War can be ended in a short time.

Once the war continues, the two sides fight for financial resources. As for the military tsarist government, there is no shortage, as long as there is money, there are soldiers.

The public finances of the Popo Federation are not good, mainly because of the Polish government's financial problems. After selling land, Prussia got rid of the financial crisis.

Everyone can see that Poland can become a battlefield at any time. Naturally, no capitalist is willing to invest in local railways.

At present, the railways built by the Federation of Popo are basically government-funded. Obviously, it is not enough to rely on the government's annual taxation. It is inevitable to raise debt.

By contrast, the Russian Empire is better. The territory is large enough that even a war breaks out on the border, and there are still people who dare to invest in the railways in the heart of the region.

For example: The railway from St. Petersburg to Moscow is a project invested by Austrian Railways.

This is normal. Even people who are optimistic about the Popo Federation do not think they can hit Moscow all the way. William I was not Napoleon, and the combat effectiveness was not so abnormal.

Minister of Finance Kirksal shook his head: "Sir, don't forget that our finances are not much better.

Although preparations have been made in advance, within a short period of time, the Ministry of Finance still cannot provide sufficient war funding. "

War is the swallowing of golden beasts, and a few years or even more than a dozen years of financial revenue are a normal operation. It can be said that large-scale wars are the greatest financial disaster.

Unfortunately, such a catastrophe, which has gone through twice in just thirty years, is now about to take place for the third time.

The Russian Empire did have a great career, but no matter how thick the family was, it couldn't afford such a frustration.

Obviously, fiscal revenue is not enough. No matter how aggressively the government collects taxes, it is impossible for the government to rely on taxes to collect enough funds for war.

The best source of war funding is financing in financial markets. Regrettably, the Tsarist government does not have enough credibility. If it wants to raise funds in the international market, it is a dream to work part-time.

The Minister of the Interior Mikhail was unmoved: "If there is no money, go to raise it. If you don't raise enough funds at home, go abroad.

London, Paris, Vienna, any financial market has the ability to provide us with sufficient funds. As long as the benefits given are large enough, are you still afraid to borrow money?

There is no need to consider costs, this war is no longer something we don't want to fight, and can be avoided.

The price paid now is no greater than the loss caused by the defeat of the war. "

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