Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 645: Behind the scenes

After waiting for European countries to take a stand, the situation in South America has changed again. Under the pressure of dying lips, Peru chose to ally with Bolivia, and the Pacific War broke out.

With the participation of Peru, the situation in South America has become more complicated. Originally Chile was fighting Bolivia, and the situation changed after Peru joined the war. The two sides seemed to be evenly matched.

As military strength approaches, diplomacy will be tested. The powers of speech of the powers these years are very heavy, especially when they are evenly matched, whoever gets the support of the powers gets the last straw that crushes the camel.


Downing Street, London

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward: "The situation in South America has not been very good. In addition to competing for minerals in the desert of Atacama, this war between Chile, Bolivia, and Peru was more about transferring internal conflicts.

Nearly all South American countries and neighboring countries have territorial disputes, and most of these countries have serious internal contradictions, and there are demands to transfer internal contradictions.

If we do not intervene in time, more countries will be involved in this war. Once the full-scale war broke out in South America, it will be a new round of shuffling, which is not in our interest.

Both warring parties are now seeking our help. Considering traditional friendship, I suggest supporting Chile to win this war. "

It seems that the South American countries have become independent, but in fact they are still economic colonies of European countries, but they are framed a bit and the food is not so ugly.

There is no doubt that Britain has taken the largest share. As described in the British newspaper: "Argentina is our ranch, Peru is our silver mine, Chile is our mine ..."

As the biggest vested interests, the British naturally do not want to break the situation.

Just the war between Chile and Peru and Bolivia, the British still have the power to control the situation. If the full-scale war in South America isn't the case, then, the London government will be fine.

Today, unlike in the past, France and Austria have been relatively busy lately, and have long regarded the interests of the British in South America.

Once reshuffled, the three countries will inevitably start a new round of competition. Can the British still have the advantages they have now?

This is a question worth thinking about.

Economic competition is also a war, and nothing more than smoke can be seen.

If you use statistics, you will find that nearly 60% of the foreign trade of South American countries is conducted with the British, and the rest is divided up by other European and American countries.

Prime Minister Benjamin: "The Chileans agreed to our terms?"

In Britain, "traditional friendship" and "benefits" are usually equal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advocates support for Chile, and there is only one explanation-Chileans bid higher.

As for the relationship between the two countries, that is secondary. There are many younger brothers in Britain. If the younger brothers have to support, then the London government has nothing to do.

Foreign Minister Edward: "Of course, in addition to linking the peso to the pound, the Chileans also promised that if we help them win this war, we will get mineral development rights in the Atacama Desert.

The Atacama Desert has the world's most saltpeter mines. Mastering this, we control the saltpeter market.

Both strategic value and economic value are worth our shot. "

After hesitating for a moment, Prime Minister Benjamin made a decision: "Try again, to see if you can get an exclusive license, and when you least likely to grant it to a third party, we must first obtain our consent."

Promoting currency hegemony is the core, and controlling the saltpeter market is incidental. The importance of this is clearly understood by Prime Minister Benjamin.

"No problem!" Edward said confidently.

With the world's No. 1 Royal Navy, Britain's right to speak abroad has always been heavy. Even if France and Austria combined, there was no way to compete with them in South America.

From the perspective of strength, whoever won the support of the British had an advantage in the war.


In the official residence of the president of Santiago, President Anival Pinto Gammondia is reaching out to a special group of guests.

"Her President, we have done our work, and now it is your turn to honor your promises."

Talking is a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit. Although smiling, it is still difficult to cover his pride. The seemingly peaceful conversation was full of warnings.

President Anival Pinto Gamondia frowned, apparently the performance of the middle-aged man made him very uncomfortable. However, as a politician, he can restrain this emotion.

He smiled and replied: "Relax, Sir Lockes. As long as we win this war, you will have the mineral development right in the Atacama Desert.

The war is still going on, even if the promise is fulfilled immediately, it will not be fulfilled at this time! "

There is no way, the British people always have a low degree of integrity. If they get everything they want in advance, who knows if they will be sold to them?

President Anival Pinto Gamondia has no ability to influence the London government and can only take devious measures to influence the London government through British capitalists.

In fact, this war was also the result of British capital pushing hands behind it. The core goal is to monopolize the saltpeter trade and, by the way, promote sterling hegemony.

Compared with Bolivia's introduction of the British, French, and Austrian forces to check and balance each other, Chile is much simpler and has always held British thighs.

Rocks shook his head: "It doesn't matter, we can sign a treaty first. Implementing the treaty can wait for the post-war period, and I have enough patience."

President Anival Pinto Gamondia was worried, and Lockes was equally worried. Don't think that he is British, there is no change, in fact, Britain is also full of competition.

If the contract is not signed earlier, it may be cut off by other domestic forces, and the capitalists will have no control in the face of benefits.

For the London government, as long as the meat is in the pot, no matter who controls it. Rocks didn't want to be lucky to work so hard for so long, and finally made a wedding dress for others.

After a short pause, Lockes added: "His Excellency President, I heard that your new army is still short of weapons. I would like to personally sponsor the equipment of a regiment."

Seeing the intention of President Anival Pinto Gammondia, Lockes continued to add: "All British Army active duty equipment, plus one million bullets and five thousand artillery shells."

After much hesitation, President Anival Pinto Gammondia shook his head. He wanted the weaponry, but the equipment was tricky.

Locks's face sank: "Equipment for the two regiments!"

President Anival Pinto Gamondia was ashamed, as if he was fighting fiercely, and it was difficult to choose.

Lockes: "Equipment for the three regiments!"

"This is the bottom line. If His Excellency is still unacceptable, then I can only find someone to cooperate with."

"Closing!" President Anival Pinto Gammondia replied hard.

Facts prove once again that there is nothing that cannot be solved by weapons and equipment. If not, it must be that weapons and equipment are not enough.

South American countries are not peaceful, and Chile is no exception. The presidency does not necessarily depend on elections, but it must have military support.

In this case, no matter who is president, the interests of supporters behind the scenes must be safeguarded.

Weapons and equipment are undoubtedly the best weapon to buy the military. Even if President Anival Pinto Gammondia wants to refuse, people behind the scenes will not let him refuse.

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