Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 643: Technology

In the late 19th century, the second industrial revolution began to exert its full force, and technological innovation continued to emerge.

As the birthplace of the industrial revolution, Austria first enjoyed the dividends of technological progress, and the domestic economic development train ran directly on the fast track.

By the end of 1877, 80% of Austria's cities had electricity, and the remaining cities were in progress.

This speed is beyond everyone's imagination, and the root cause of all this is the advancement of technology.

No one expected that power generation technology would make another breakthrough in a short time. The power of the generator has increased, and the coal consumption has been reduced to 450 grams to 630 grams kilowatt-hours.

This disparity is mainly due to the quality of coal. Austria's power plants are privately owned and naturally do not require uniform government coal standards.

Second, there is the gap in power generation technology. Different power plants and power generation technologies have also begun to widen the gap, and a new round of winners will soon be launched.

While the cost of power generation has fallen, the Austrian metallurgical industry has also made breakthrough progress. The price of copper in the market has fallen sharply, leading to a decline in the cost of wire production.

The drastic reduction in costs has made the establishment of a power supply network no longer a dream and laid a decisive foundation for the popularization of electricity.

The popularity of electricity has brought not only a revolution in lighting technology, but also an industrial revolution. Electricity-powered machinery and equipment have sprung up like mushrooms.

In addition to power technology, there is also a major development in internal combustion engine technology. This inter-generational invention directly swept the steam engine into the garbage dump.

Of course, this will take time, and the steam engine is still the mainstream of the times. Even Austria, which is at the forefront of the industrial revolution, has just begun to experiment with internal combustion engine equipment.

But the potential of internal combustion engines has been seen by everyone. Capital is profit-by-profit. After realizing the huge potential of internal combustion engines, the number of companies developing internal combustion engines has increased rapidly.

In particular, companies engaged in machinery and equipment manufacturing cannot keep up with the times if they do not start the new power R & D project.

Quantitative change causes qualitative change. With more people involved, there will always be results. For example: internal combustion engine cars were born in advance.

Of course, limited by power technology, internal combustion engine cars of this era have no practical value. A car that has to be serviced once every thirty to forty kilometers has obviously no economic value.

The cars in the market are steam-powered cars. However, because the noise is too loud, the brakes are not flexible, and accidents are prone to accidents, so it is prohibited to use them in cities.

Although the steam engine car is bulky and inconvenient to use, it runs relatively slowly and its load capacity is good. This black technology device is usually active in mines.

Occasionally, there are locals who are not afraid of death, and use this steam engine version of the large car. This is not a big idea. If the size of the car is small, where should the steam engine be placed?

Franz has always admired these warriors. Without their death spirit, the Austrian automotive industry would not have developed so fast.

As the so-called market exists, there is production. After realizing the needs of the local tyrants, automobile companies began to develop internal combustion engine vehicles.

Of course, there are deviations. According to Franz, there are still people who make electric cars.

It's not about installing batteries, but it doesn't have the technology, but it's about installing a small generator directly, and then installing an electric motor as the power system.

Can it be done, Franz doesn't know. Anyway, the final volume of this car is definitely not small.

As the volume becomes larger, its own weight goes up. If you want to run, you can only increase the power of the motor, and by the way, increase the power of the generator.

This is a vicious cycle. This year, the more powerful the mechanical equipment, the larger the volume, the self-weight will increase, and the problem is fed back again.

In this respect, this super-era car has lost market competitiveness in the development process.

Technological innovation is worth encouraging. Even if it fails in the end, it can also summarize lessons learned.

After seeing this news in the news, Franz just smiled and did not interfere.

An enterprise must survive for a long time without taking a few detours and learning from lessons.

If the business operator's vision is unsatisfactory, or if his own judgment is insufficient, then it will end sooner or later. Such enterprises have no salvage value at all.

One step ahead is genius, one step ahead is lunatic. A few steps ahead, Franz didn't know what it was, maybe he would become a martyr!

Who knows? Many scientific and technological innovations are inadvertently inserted. In the event that the company is lucky, it will make other valuable by-products on the road to death, and it will also make a lot of money.

For example: make the motor smaller and more powerful; or make the generator smaller, all of which can be achieved under existing industrial conditions.

There are many similar advance projects, such as: electric power trains.

In the end, the development of an electric power train failed, but a tram was unexpectedly produced.

This is also fortunate. The Austrian railway company, which invested heavily in research and development, directly switched to urban transportation.

Trams are obviously more competitive than Mara buses and steam buses. At present, there are already many cities in Austria that use this advanced mode of transportation.

Unlike later generations, a project needs several years or even ten years of promotion from its birth to its use.

Today's capitalists are undoubtedly much more active. Usually, after the introduction of a new product, it only takes a few months and the longest time is one or two years before it will be promoted to the market.

The main factor is interest. Many industries have just begun and there are not so many interest groups hindering it.

The Malayan bus and steam engine bus are mostly government-funded infrastructure projects. More advanced and lower-cost trams are available, and the Austrian government will naturally not refuse.

There are successes as well as failures. For example: Franz has a "moon landing plan", and Franz can only sigh for money.

If you want to go to the moon in this era, you should go to bed early, and it will come true in your dreams.

This project has just begun and has yet to come to fruition. However, the momentum is quite loud. It is said that there are already dozens of wealthy people in China who are preparing to start the human interstellar era.

If this project can last for one hundred and eighty years, there is still a possibility of success. If it is to generate economic value, perhaps this time will be doubled.

In any case, this spirit of scientific research is worth encouraging.

If nothing else, the moon landing program should win the Austrian Best Technology Innovation Award in 1878, and the Star Program will receive the most potential project award.

These awards were specially set up by Franz to encourage technological innovation.

There are only two application conditions, and any one can be satisfied: first, the project has achieved staged results; second, the project investment exceeds one million Aegis.

Of course, there is also a premise that scientific research projects must be beneficial to human beings.

Winning projects can be applied for free use of scientific research sites, water and electricity costs are halved, and local governments will cooperate with the project team.

Not to mention tax exemption, all Austrian scientific research projects can receive government tax exempt support. The prerequisite is to accept government-sponsored scientific research funding and prevent anyone from using scientific research to launder money.

In theory, whether the project will succeed in the end, as long as you draw a big cake, get social recognition, and be willing to throw money into it, you may win.

The moon landing plan and the subsequent interstellar plan are all money-throwing projects, and have been widely recognized by the society.

This is only an honorary award, and it is not difficult to win. The real scientific research award is the royal science and technology contribution award, in addition to cash awards, there are title awards.

However, winning the prize must have the outstanding scientific research results. If it is a theoretical research, it must also obtain the collective recognition of the scientific community.

The "Science and Technology Contribution Award" is not issued every year. It is awarded once every three years, regardless of the field, and only depends on scientific and technological achievements.

Overseas scientists can also sign up, and Franz is an open source.

Of course, this is theoretical. Scientists in the Austrian military industry field can also win awards, and overseas scientists in the military industry field have no chance.

No way, the award is to test the success of science and technology. Military technology is strictly confidential, and you ca n’t just give the results to the Austrians for the prize!

Do you really believe that the Austrian judges will not use these techniques for their own discipline?

If anyone did that, Franz wouldn't be stingy about this reward. He is willing to carry it, including the subsequent effects.

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