Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 585: Near East Treaty

The matter did not surprise the British. The time was delayed until the end of 1874. Seeing that Austria did not intend to continue the war, it may be because they were worried that no one would take care of the meal later, or they were in a hurry to go home for Christmas, and the Tsarist government decided decisively. compromise.

On December 18, 1874, Austria, Russia and Ottoman signed the "Near East Treaty" in London.

Treaty content:

1. The Ottoman Empire acknowledged the failure of the war and is responsible for the war;

2. Return the Kingdom of Jerusalem and transfer the sovereignty of the Arabian Peninsula to Austria as compensation; (Note: Excluding the two river basin areas, but including Kuwait areas)

3. The Caucasus region was ceded to the Russian Empire and the Russians were compensated 2 million rubles for war expenses;

4. The opening of the Black Sea Strait is a free strait, and the three countries must not block the strait at any time and under any circumstances;

5. The Austrian navy will lift the coastal blockade of the Ottoman Empire from now on;

6. From the date of signing the treaty, the two sides exchange prisoners within one month and withdraw from each other's territory within three months;


The treaty reached the Vienna Palace and Franz ratified it decisively. The Ottoman Empire itself was a poor ghost, and it was enough to cut the land. It was a waste of time to ask for war compensation.

The Russians worked hard for so long, and finally got a compensation of 2 million rubles. For individuals, this is a huge sum, but it is trivial to the country.

What's most relishing in this war isn't the airship's debut, nor the coalition's invincible strength, but the sky-high price of transfer fees in the Arabian Peninsula.

Although the treaty did not specify a specific discount amount, the 3 billion Aegis compensation proposed by Austria was reported by the newspaper.

This headline news is most popular among people who eat melon. From 3 billion sky-high compensation to the sovereignty of the Arabian Peninsula, the value gap between them is more than ten times.

After dinner, just talk, and normal people would not think that the Arabian Peninsula is worth so much money, and no one thinks that Austria can claim so much money.

Ask the price, pay the money on the ground. Originally it was a normal means in the negotiation, and the final result and the initial requirements were also quite different.

Franz couldn't help but be grateful that he did not ask for the amount of compensation in the treaty. Otherwise, this topic can be argued into the next century.

As the winner of the Near East War, Austria's biggest gain was not territorial expansion or economic interests, but the strengthening of religious influence.

The merit of regaining Jerusalem is enough to keep Franz's name in the history of religion, and even to lengthen his title, such as: "Holy Land Restorer", "Saint", "Guardian of the Christ World" ...

The Holy See is very generous this time, and the title of honor is not wholesale. It is not only the emperor. The officers and men who participated in the war of recapture in Jerusalem have not fallen. They have collectively awarded the honorary title of "Holy Land Recoverer".

If not for the reaction of the Vienna government, it is estimated that the Holy See would also wholesale Paladins. Pius IX had already come to Jerusalem with a group of archbishops, waiting for Franz to be crowned. They also worked to restore the Holy See.

They were forced out. In recent years, the Holy See has been severely suppressed by the French. Even the headquarters of the Vatican has to be controlled.

Don't say privilege, now the Pope must obey the French religious management law. When Napoleon III killed the chicken and tamarins, he also sent the cardinals who violated the law to prison, and did not save the Holy See at all.

Now it's necessary to run to Jerusalem to establish a parish. At least Franz offered them more favorable conditions, and he could take the lead within one-third of the acre of the Holy See.

The situation in the Middle East is complicated, and none of them can thunder in front. The parish of Jerusalem is reopening, and there will be gangsters in the future.

At the Palace of Vienna, the Prime Minister Felix reported: "This battle in Jerusalem was dominated by siege. There was no major war in the city and the buildings were not damaged.

The Royal Palace has begun repairs and can be completed up to two months without affecting the coronation in April next year.

However, in recent times, there have been many religious conflicts in the region. Although we have repatriated the Ottomans back to China, there are still some people who are leaking the net to damage.

The government is preparing to carry out law enforcement and crackdown activities, implement real-name registration in the local area, and strictly investigate saboteurs who are illegally stranded in the local area.

... "

The recapture of Jerusalem does not mean that the matter is over. The king of Franz is still near the door. Jurisprudentially, after the coronation of Jerusalem, it is considered the true legal monarch of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Franz asked: "How do the people of the Holy See behave, and who are they supported?"

After thinking about it, Prime Minister Felix said: "The performance is quite satisfactory. It seems to be frightened by Napoleon III, and basically operates within the scope we agreed in advance.

Judging from the current situation, several cardinals have performed similarly, and whoever supports them is the same. Then came the restoration of Jerusalem, the time to test their ability. "

The restoration of Jerusalem is not only about repairing damaged buildings, but also rebuilding ancient buildings destroyed by the Ottoman Empire.

The Holy See has the most say in this regard, and they have well-documented records. Restoring the Holy Land is not a matter of one country, and Franz is not ready to be the head of this grievance.

The Holy See is the most suitable for this purpose in Europe, so the task of raising funds and rebuilding the city also falls to the Holy See.

After the reconstruction of the Holy Land, the parish of Jerusalem also needed a weighty religious leader who was responsible for the cultivation of the local faith. It is not possible without the ability.

Franz nodded: "The reconstruction of Jerusalem is completely delegated to the Holy See. If they do well, even the management can be handed over to them.

We are responsible for tax collection and law and order, there is no shortage of a small city in Austria. The government's focus is still on land fallow. The land in the Middle East is severely desertified. If it is not treated, it will soon be completely reduced to a desert.

If it doesn't matter if the Holy Land becomes a desert in the hands of the Ottoman Empire, if the Holy Land becomes a desert in our hands, then we are sinners.

The government must organize manpower as soon as possible to turn the local cultivated land into mountain forests and grasslands, and plant wind- and sand-fixing plants on the desertified land. Funds are mainly collected from believers, or they directly encourage pilgrims to do it themselves. "

Franz has little interest in Jerusalem. Even if this ancient city develops, it is just a tourist city, but he doesn't care about the oil resources in the Middle East.

The protection of sacred sites is only nominal. In fact, it still lays the foundation for future exploitation of petroleum resources. Now the natural environment in the Middle East is not as bad as future generations. With a little protection, there will be no special situation where water is more expensive than oil.

Anyway, there is no need to pay much. After the local population is relocated, the land is completely fallow, and the problem of desertification is mostly solved.

It is still possible to call on pilgrims to participate in meaningful activities such as planting afforestation and increase the oasis by one hundred and eighty square kilometers each year.

Everyone naturally does not know what Franz is paying attention to, but this does not affect everyone's execution. Now that Jerusalem is in Austria's hands, even for the sake of face, the Vienna government cannot turn the place into a desert.

Colonial Minister Stephen proposed: "His Majesty, there is also a serious problem of land desertification in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Ministry of Colonization recommends the relocation of local people and the same fallow land."

Franz nodded with satisfaction, this learning ability is fast. The desertification of the Arabian Peninsula is more serious and the management is more difficult, but this is not the point. The key is that the nomadic tribes on the Peninsula are not easy to rule.

Now Austria wants to control the Arabian Peninsula mainly because of its strategic position and does not expect to plunder wealth from the Peninsula.

The nomadic tribes on the peninsula are clanging poorly. The main economic pillar is raising camels. Even if they send people to collect taxes, they may not be able to support tax officials.

If left unattended, these tribes would threaten Austria's rule again as long as they are secretly supported. In this context, moving local tribes away is undoubtedly the best way to reduce the cost of domination.

Franz replied: "The Arabian Peninsula has long been overexploited. To protect the natural environment, it will indeed take decades of fallow.

However, the Arabian Peninsula is not small. There are still many small countries on the peninsula. It is not easy to achieve this. Has the Colonial Ministry made plans? "

The size of the Arabian Peninsula is not small. Even with its vast population and sparse population, it has at least two or three million people. It is not comparable in the Jerusalem area, and it is not easy to migrate the local people to leave.

(Note: Excludes the densely populated areas of the Euphrates and Tigris river basins, this part is not included in the treaty)

Colonial Minister Stephen explained: "His Majesty, the Arabian Peninsula is arid and lacking water, and the population distribution is concentrated along the source of water. We only need to control the source of water.

The colonial ministry plans to leave some young labor to the African continent to mine and build railways, and all the rest will be sent back to the Ottoman Empire. "

Water shortage is the biggest shortcoming of the Arabian Peninsula. Once the water source is lost, nomadic tribes can no longer swim.

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