Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 583: Can't solve the problem, just ...

Despite the disparity in terms of conditions between the two sides, negotiations between the parties have been smooth.

It is impossible to lose money. Even if the Sudanese government is willing to lose money, they will not be able to get it. This war has already broken their wallets.

The Ottoman Empire is actually financially bankrupt. Not only has the international debt been suspended, but even the salaries of domestic public officials have not been paid.

Austria did not launch this war to blackmail war compensation. Although an astronomical figure was called, it was just a bargain.

It is common practice in continental Europe to cede land without money. In fact, there is nothing to talk about in this regard. It is impossible to spit it out after it has been eaten.

Austria's requirements are not high. In addition to the 100,000 square kilometers of land in the occupied area, it has also increased Jerusalem and the Arabian Peninsula.

The Ottoman Empire had long lost actual control of the Arabian Peninsula, and Austria wanted only the legitimacy of nominally ruling the Arabian Peninsula.

The real headache for the Sudanese government is Jerusalem. This is not a strategic or economic issue. The declining Ottoman Empire is no longer qualified to discuss Middle East strategy, mainly due to religious trouble.

On this issue, European countries did not support them. Politicians are also people, and they have the same passions. It is important to curb Austria, and it is not worth it to get in.

No one can afford to betray the Holy Land. The Ottoman Empire is supported on this issue, and the spit stars of the people can spray them to death.

Under normal circumstances, this controversial negotiation will last a long time. Unfortunately, the contradictions within the Ottoman Empire continue to intensify, and war refugees are swallowing up the country.

Austria can afford it, and the Sudanese government can't hold it. If the war is not ended soon and the refugees are sent back to resume production, the spring ploughing will be finished next year.

As an agricultural country, the family of the Ottoman Empire is not thick, and this war has exhausted the family. Once spring ploughing cannot proceed smoothly, they will be unable to withstand the famine that will break out next year.

In contrast, negotiations between the Ottoman Empire and the Russians have reached an impasse. The Tsarist government wanted to recover both the Caucasus lost in the last war and the Black Sea Strait, and it also demanded compensation.

From the standpoint of the Russians, their requirements are in line with actual needs. Alexander II needed to give a big victory to offset the bad effects of the defeat of the last war.

The war has been won, and the Caucasus that was lost the last time must be taken back. For the Russian Empire, the strategic location of the Black Sea Strait was very important, and the Tsarist government could not let it go.

The Tsarist government was so drowsy that it wanted to ask for war compensation to make up for its finances. Too many demands, the Ottoman Empire naturally cannot accept.

Austria and the Russians are still allies. The war was launched jointly. The Russian-Turkish negotiations have not ended, and the armistice treaty cannot be signed.

Franz was also shocked by the lion's opening of the Tsarist government. He finally understood why everyone's evaluation of the Russians was indispensable for "greed".

This is not ordinary greed. If the Russians sent troops alone to fight the current results, the conditions of the Tsarist government could barely be justified, but the problem is that they did not have such a strong strength.

As long as Austria stops distributing logistical supplies, the frontline Russian army will soon collapse, and the Tsarist government now has no money to expedite divisions.

Franz did not consider Alexander II to be a fool. It was obvious that the Tsarist government clearly knew that it would be intriguing to continue to insist on such excessive conditions.

"What do the Russians say, will they continue this war?"

Now is the best time to destroy the Ottoman Empire. With the hatred between the Russians and the Ottoman Empire, it is not surprising that the Tsarist government wanted to take the opportunity to kill them.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "His Majesty, the Tsarist government seems to be swaying. They are worried about international pressure and they don't want to let the Ottoman Empire just leave.

In the current situation, every day that the war drags on will cause heavy losses to the Ottomans. Despite the armistice treaty, frontline Russian forces have not stopped sabotage.

Expel the surrounding people, tinker with farmland, roads, water conservancy projects, destroy urban infrastructure, and blow up *** temples ... "

These are the practices of the Russian-Turkish war, and once it is determined that they cannot be occupied, they will be sabotage. Franz's choice to partner with the Russians, in addition to reducing the cost of war, requires the Russians to pull hatred.

The international image also needs to be set off. After the atrocities of the Russians, even the Austrian army is occasionally out of order.

Franz asked in confusion: "You mean that the Russians want to take the opportunity to weaken the power of the Ottoman Empire, but is this necessary?"

The war has now ended, and the Ottoman Empire is virtually dead. Hundreds of thousands of young people have fallen on the battlefield, and millions of refugees have been born. All coastal areas have been rendered white, and civil war has erupted in China.

According to Franz's experience, the number of casualties caused by this war may exceed two million. Just over a quarter of them actually died on the battlefield, and most of them died on the way to flee.

The biggest black hand is hunger, followed by illness and refugees who flee together. In the face of life and death, human nature cannot stand the test.

The Ottoman empire was badly injured, and civil war will continue. Now, because of the external war, it affects the life and death of the Ottoman Empire, forcing reformers and conservatives to join forces temporarily.

Once the war is over, the situation will change. After this wave of stimulus, I do n’t know how many revolutionary parties have emerged. Whether the Sudanese government can survive this calamity is a question.

Weissenberg: "Your Majesty, no matter how weak the Ottoman Empire is, it has such a large body, and no one knows whether they will be reborn.

In normal times, the Russians will not jeopardize their threats, but at the point where the Prussian-Russian war may break out at any time, the Tsarist government must be careful. "

People can grow up, eat a pile of wisdom, and after a lesson, the Russians have learned a lesson.

Multi-line combat, this is no way out. Over the years, hatred has increased, and it will not be resolved for a while. It doesn't matter when the Russian Empire is strong, it is very terrible when it declines.

A hundred-year-old enemy like the Ottoman Empire did not need to consider dissolving hatred at all, and it was best to kill it directly.

In recent years, nationalism has flourished in the Near East, and the Tsarist government has also contributed. Once the government of Sudan, which relies on religion, collapses, the multi-ethnic state will explode.

After the split, Ottoman was destined to fall into national and religious hatred and completely lose his power to threaten the Russians.

After thinking about it, Franz made a decision: "Then let Britain and France put pressure on the Russians, and we will symbolically support them."

Want to drag Austria into the water, not to mention the door, not even the window. Franz also has to keep the Ottoman Empire to attract the attention of European countries. It would be better if Britain and France could give the Sudanese government blood transfusion.

History has long proven that the decaying last dynasty was never terrible, but the emerging countries may have a stronger combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is a very small number. Most of the new-born regimes are limited by internal contradictions and lack of local governance experience, making the country a mess.

A country with serious ethnic and religious contradictions, such as the Ottoman Empire, once prolonged, it is a protracted civil war.

In the original time and space, it was the son of the celestial celestial celestial celestial body that opened, and then there was Turkey in the future.

Don't worry about it now, it is unknown whether the famous Turkish national father has a chance to be born.

You must know that the butterfly effect is horrible. This Near East War changed the fate of many people. Perhaps the parents of the sons of the heavens had met in advance ***.

Facing the torrent of history, personal strength is small. Franz did not think that the Ottoman Empire could be revived, and the war had actually brought an end to this old empire.


Prime Minister Felix proposed: "Her Majesty, the Kingdom of Jerusalem has been taken back, and now we have to consider governance.

The local people do not support us because of religious beliefs. I propose to reach an extradition agreement with the Ottoman Empire and send back the Ottomans. "

There is a precedent for repatriation. In the previous expansion, the Vienna government sent all Ottomans back, which avoided ethnic and religious contradictions.

Franz nodded, adding: "It is not enough to repatriate the Ottomans back to Jerusalem. The Jerusalem area is about to become a desert. We have to solve the problem of land desertification.

The 20 years of fallowing of local land proposed by experts before have been very constructive. Jerusalem is a religious shrine. The development of industry and agriculture is not needed in the area, and the development of tourism economy is sufficient. "

People are poor in this era, and the tourism economy has not yet developed. Whenever there are exceptions, the people are rich no matter how poor they are. For example, after Vienna became a city that never sleeps, it attracts many people.

Not to mention Jerusalem's special status in religion, it is not afraid that no one will go. Not to mention being able to get rich, but maintaining local government operations is still possible.

Fallow land is inevitable. Austria itself is an agricultural exporter. There is no shortage of food production.

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