Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 562: More wayward

The sudden Russian-Polish conflict shattered all plans of Prime Minister Donbrovsky. If one is not handled well, a full-scale war will erupt between Russia and Poland.

In this context, Poland would not have had the power to fight without the support of the Kingdom of Prussia. It can be said that the Tsarist government helped the Prussians a lot and forced the Polish government to make a compromise.

Is it so simple? The Tsar is not stupid. If there is not enough interest, why do they help their enemies?

The Polish government is still aggressive, and Franz, who is far away from Vienna, has figured out the ins and outs of the matter. It is nothing more than a secret deal between the two countries, which together divide the Kingdom of Poland.

There are no enemies in front of the interests, the Tsarist government wants to regain lost ground, the Prussians want to strengthen their strength, and both sides are eyeing the Poles.

A few years ago, the two sides beat you to death, the scars of war have not disappeared, and the two sides have joined forces again.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be very incredible, but the reality is so nonsense.

For the Kingdom of Prussia, it is tempting to swallow Poland alone, but the weight of the Kingdom of Poland is too large, and there are 70% to 80% of the Kingdom of Prussia. If it is swallowed, it will be stung.

In this context, the best choice is to choose and divide people to reduce the difficulty of operation and share the international pressure.

Cooperation between the Berlin government and the Russians was also forced. The three countries bordering Poland are Prussian Austria, Austria is too strong, and the Prussians dare not to do things with tigers, and would rather choose to cooperate with the enemy.

Even Franz can boldly speculate that the Prussians are ready to sell two. Perhaps at this time, someone had been contacted by the Austrian Foreign Ministry. Promise the territories that the Russians favored to Austria, and take the opportunity to stir up the contradictions between Russia and Austria.

Putting down the information in his hand, Franz ignored it. For no reason and no desire, he did not dare to be interested in Poland. Franz naturally did not care about the plot between the two countries.

Whatever their calculations, as long as Austria stays still, all conspiracy and scheming will be pale in the face of absolute power.

The more fully prepared Russia and Russia are, the worse the next war will be. If the governments of both countries are smart people, the best thing to do at this time is to pull people into the water, and it is best to pull the lively countries in Europe together.

Otherwise, neither Russia nor Russia will be the winners in the next war. Seeing the bustling Britain, France, Austria and Austria, as long as they intervene halfway, their efforts can be wasted.

Unfortunately, everyone is not a fool, and the fact that Britain, France, Austria and the United States can form an alliance shows a lot of problems. Neither Russia nor Russia is a master of diplomacy. If you want to break up the three-nation alliance and pull people to your side, it is too difficult to operate.

Austria does not want to expand in the European continent. The French have no time to fight. The British cudgel always likes to stab a knife in the back. If they want to play in person, forget it!

The three countries are not so easy to pull, and the cost of the game alone is not what the two countries can afford. The empty gloves White Wolf England, France and Austria are smoother than them.

In theory, the world hegemony between the three countries: Britain, France, Austria and Austria. There should be contradictions among the three great powers. Unfortunately, these contradictions have not yet erupted.

For example: The British ’s maritime hegemony is of great interest to both France and Austria, but unfortunately they are constrained by their strength. Neither country has challenged the strength of British maritime hegemony.

Another example: The struggle for continental hegemony in France and Austria should be dead or alive in the face of it. In reality, Austria's lack of interest in continental hegemony is basically too lazy to fight; the French are busy dealing with internal issues and temporarily ignore European hegemony.

In the overseas colonial movement, all three countries were vested interests. If we stab each other, the cost of maintaining colonies will increase by a lot. If the three countries compromise, everyone can save a lot of money.

As long as the three countries, Britain, France, and Austria, do not stab each other, even if other countries want to fish in troubled waters, they must consider whether they can bear the consequences of exposure.

There is no need to look at the current conflict between Britain, France, Austria and the three colonies, which has been more restrained than before the three countries' alliance. At least there were no more colonial expeditions with hundreds of people, and the army was completely obscured.

Now that negotiations between Britain, France, Austria, and the three countries on the division of colonial power have begun, according to the current progress, there will be a result in about one or two years, and the conflict in the overseas colonization activities of the three countries will further decrease.

It wasn't Franz or Napoleon III who drove it all, but John Bull as a cuckoo.

Everyone opens colonies to make money, not to lose money and make money. The British have the most colonies, and the number of conflicts overseas and with countries is also the highest.

In the late 19th century, the maintenance costs of the major colonial empires rose sharply. If we continue to fight like this, everyone will not have to make money.

For his own benefit, John Bull must also establish a set of rules and regulations to restrict countries' colonial activities abroad, so that everyone will not stab each other every day and cannot make money happily.

Of course, this is limited to the land that is acknowledged. No one will show mercy when it comes to fierce competition in the unowned colony.

This international pattern is completely different from the original space-time. The main international contradiction in Europe now is the contradiction between Russia and Russia.

In contrast, the contradictions between Britain and Austria, the conflict between Britain and France, and the conflict between France and Austria have all become secondary contradictions. The fact that Britain, France, Austria and the United States can form an alliance proves that the common interests of the three countries have outweighed the contradictions.

John Bull wants continental balance, not continental darkness.

War means uncertainty, and no one can guarantee the final situation in order to provoke war without any certainty.

What if the situation is out of control and you hit a giant? Napoleon's lesson learned was not far away, and that one was almost successful.

Now that the two countries are restraining each other, and the two countries are hostile to each other, the European continent is just in a delicate balance.

No matter what happens in any country, it can cause chain reactions. In the last Near East war, the British were told with facts that it would be costly to easily intervene in the Continental War.

From the perspective of the British, it is best that the situation in continental Europe is so balanced. Conflicts have arisen in various countries, and they just have to be arbiters.


On May 18, 1874, the Tsarist government issued a diplomatic note to the Kingdom of Poland, ordering the Polish government to surrender the "killers in the border conflict" within 24 hours and ceding the Kiev region to compensate the Russian Empire.

Such conditions are obviously not acceptable to the Polish government. The prime minister of East Brovsky was furious, but he was powerless.

The standing army of the Russian Empire is as high as 876,000, and the Kingdom of Poland is doing its best, and the standing army is as much as 136,000.

Warsaw, an office with only two tables, four chairs, and a filing cabinet, is the office of Prime Minister Donbrovsky.

The Polish government is poor. As the head of government, Prime Minister Donbrowski has set an example by reducing office expenses as much as possible.

In this respect, the prime minister of East Brovsky is impeccable. Unfortunately, a country cannot be governed by frugality.

Prime Minister Donbrowski: "What do the powers say, will they interfere in the actions of the Russians?"

The Polish government could not accept the conditions of the Russians, the war had entered the countdown, and Prime Minister Donbrowski had to pin his hopes on international interference.

Foreign Minister Va Vlubrevski: "The British Minister has promised to mediate this conflict. The French Minister did not give a clear answer and may be waiting for a resolution from the Paris government.

The Prussians promised to support us. They promised to send troops to support us as soon as the war broke out.

Austria has not stated its position, but because of the relations between the Russian and Austrian alliances, they are at best neutral. They cannot stand on our side.

The remaining European countries are watching the situation, and what choices they will make will need to be determined after the situation is clear. "

After hearing this result, the Prime Minister of East Brovsky was not half relieved.

The reaction of European countries made him very chilling. As the gatekeeper of the Russian Empire for European countries, the Kingdom of Poland also did its utmost, and none of the three great powers of Britain, France, and Austria clearly stated their support.

Seems to have the support of the Kingdom of Prussia, in fact all of this support comes at a price.

The Prime Minister of East Brovsky can be sure that if William I cannot concurrently serve as King of Poland, the Prussians will inevitably paddle in this war.

Now the Tsarist government is not ready for war. There is no problem with the Polish kingdom. If you want to destroy the Polish kingdom, the Tsarist government must first consider whether the money in its pocket is enough.

The Kingdom of Prussia has a motive for paddling. A semi-dead Polish kingdom is just convenient for them to annex and can minimize the rebound.

The head of East Brovsky made a decisive decision: "Immediate national mobilization, we must be prepared to fight the Russians dead."

The powers couldn't count on for a while. The French didn't have time to ignore them. Austria was an ally of the Russian Empire. The British knew that it was unreliable.

Mediation is easier said than done, in fact it all depends on the Russians' refusal to buy. The Tsarist government ’s 24-hour ultimatum has passed most of the time. It is estimated that the Russians have already killed the diplomatic notes of the British before they reach the Tsarist government.

The only hope for the Kingdom of Poland is the Kingdom of Prussia, and Prime Minister Donbrowski has prepared for a temporary compromise. In the face of life and death, many things can be compromised.

In any case, the Kingdom of Poland is still so large that even if the Prussians have a good appetite, they will not be able to swallow it for a while.

Before that, they had to block the first wave of Russian fronts. It would be miserable if the Polish kingdom had not been defeated before Prussia's reinforcements were available.

You can't count on Prussia to help recover the lost land and drive the Russians back to their hometown?

Don't look at the last war they won, Prussia still cannot keep up with the Russians in terms of national strength. Without financial support, Prussia would not have been an opponent of the Russian Empire.

The Tsarist government has no money, and the Berlin government is actually not much better. Don't be surprised if one day you hear that the Berlin government is bankrupt, they have been on the verge of bankruptcy.

Rather than the defeat of the Russians by the Prussian kingdom, it is better that the gold master behind him smashed the tsarist government with money.

The European countries all contributed money to finance, Britain and France generously released loans, so good things cannot happen every day. The borrowed money is also to be repaid. Both countries have worked hard to repay their debts for many years.

After the weight loss of the Russian Empire, Europe can no longer be scared, and everyone's funding is naturally gone.

In this context, the Prime Minister of East Brovsky did not think that Prussia had the power to beat the Russians. With this strength, the Berlin government would have annexed Poland long ago, and there is no need to wait until now.

The Polish government has never neglected the "preparation for war" work, but according to prior estimates, the war will be more than a decade later, so the Polish government is not fully prepared.

The Russian-Polish conflict came too suddenly. The Polish government has just received news. The ultimatum of the Tsarist government has arrived, leaving no preparation time for them.

If you want to complete the combat readiness within 24 hours, it is simply a nightmare. Unless it is a small country like Monaco at the village head level, national mobilization can be completed in a few hours.

Poland mobilized, and the Russians were not idle. The Tsarist government, which had long been prepared, has gathered 20 infantry divisions and 5 cavalry divisions on the Russian-Polish border, and 20 infantry divisions on the Pu-Russia border.

Obviously, the Tsarist government did not trust the Prussians, so it stationed heavy troops on the border.

This time, unlike in the past, the Tsarist government has hoarded a batch of grain in advance, and the problem of Russian soldiers' food has been resolved. The logistical pressure of the Russians has been greatly reduced.

Twenty infantry divisions may have nothing to do with the Prussian kingdom, but the defensive boundaries are more than enough. Even if the Berlin government wants to play tricks, it must first consider its own strength.

There is no way, more soldiers can be willful. Casually, the Tsarist government mobilized more than half a million troops, which has exceeded the total of the standing forces of the two countries.

The tragedy is that the Polish government was unaware of it in advance, even now the Prime Minister of East Brovsky doesn't know how many to face the enemy.

In this respect, the Polish government is really unqualified. The eyes and masters' low performance is vividly displayed, and the intelligence work is completely ignored.

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