Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 560: Primer

Countries have "only eternal interests and no eternal enemies." They have directly exhausted the essence of international diplomacy. This is not only the British and Austrian countries that have just become annoying for the Near East War, but they have begun to join forces in an instant.

This is not excessive. Britain and Austria are still allies. Even if it is often unpleasant, it does not affect everyone's fun together.

If anyone knows that the two countries have secretly contacted each other, it will definitely cause a stir. Now the Russians are fierce and ready to seek revenge from the Prussian kingdom; the Prussian kingdom is almost the same and has been preparing for the war.

However, there is nothing impossible in front of the interests. Even in the period of the Russian-Prussian war, the private ties between the two countries have not been broken.

After trying to convince the Vienna government to send troops to interfere in the Polish throne election, the tsarist government knew that things were in trouble.

Alexander II was not a simple figure. He decisively chose to temporarily abandon hatred and use this incident to seek the best interests of the Russian Empire.

A well-dressed old man said coldly: "How is your Excellency thinking, as long as your country is willing to agree to the previous conditions, we will assume you annex Poland."

The middle-aged man sitting facing him shook his head indifferently: "This is not for us to annex Poland, but for the two countries to divide Poland. Your country is too big, and half of Poland is directly taken away.

How can we agree? If it spreads, the Polish people will not be upset. Moreover, we are not prepared to annex Poland, this election is only to respect Polish opinion. "

If an acquaintance is present, they will find that the two negotiating are indeed the former Minister of the Interior of the Russian Empire, Mikhail, and the former Minister of Land and Navy of the Kingdom of Prussia, Ron.

The two enemies were sitting together, discussing in a calm manner to divide up Poland. If this were said, no one would believe it.

Mikhail rolled his eyes in disdain. Prussia did not annex Poland's ambition. It was enough to fool the ordinary people outside, and also wanted to conceal the enemy who knew each other best?

A large group of people in Poland supported William I as king, for a lot of reasons were forced by the Russians.

In the last war, the Kingdom of Poland was the main battlefield, and was directly destroyed in ruins. The economic loss was also ignored. The key point was that the youth loss also exceeded 800,000.

This directly caused the Kingdom of Poland to fall into a state of weakness after the war. At present, Ukrainians in the country actually account for nearly one-third. Poles, as the main ethnic group, suffered heavy losses due to war, and the main national population has also experienced negative growth.

Of course, this is also related to the poor economy in Poland. Especially after the outbreak of the agricultural crisis, Poland's outflow was serious. In order to survive, many people went to Prussia and Austria for a living.

Most of them were women, either volunteering or deceiving. Poland's underground population trade was prosperous during this period. A large number of young women were transported overseas by unscrupulous capitalists to engage in flesh and blood businesses.

In this case, the Polish government has repeatedly cracked down, and it still has little effect. Where there is demand, there is a market. In the face of survival, dignity is not worth mentioning.

It happened that the Tsarist government had completed preliminary social reforms. Seeing that the enemy next door had recovered its strength, the vested interests in Poland were in a hurry.

Once the Russians returned, everything was gone. Bare feet became shoe-wearing, and political positions were inevitably affected.

The Prussians proposed that the monarchs of the two countries formed the most secure alliance. Many people were tempted. They subconsciously ignored the fact that Prussia wanted to annex Poland.

This is determined by interests. Even if the Kingdom of Prussia annexes Poland, the Berlin government will still have to pay them a price, much better than the Tsarist government that cuts their heads.

The choice of interest groups directly affected the entire Polish society. Everyone never mentioned the fact that Prussia wanted to annex Poland and Russia, and limited its propaganda to the Commonwealth Union.

The monarchy system is very familiar to Polish people. Old ancestors have played with it, and people's acceptance is still very high.

Now the media is building momentum, claiming that the Kingdom of Prussia is also part of Poland. The old thing that the Kingdom of Prussia had surrendered to Poland at that time has been turned out, which greatly satisfied the vanity of the people.

We ca n’t see it in a short time. Perhaps the time will be long, the Polish will regard the Kingdom of Prussia as their own, and the obstacles to the merger of the two countries will no longer exist.

William I dared to pay attention to Poland, and it was not just ambition. A large part of the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia was the old land of Poland, but the people above were Germanized.

What's more important is that now that the German region has been targeted by Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia cannot win at all. The best choice is to annex the Kingdom of Poland and change to a vest.

In recent years, the Kingdom of Prussia has ceased to live as a German state, which is a change in national policy.

This road was not chosen by William I. The decision was made by the Junker aristocracy. Who can be the master of their own, who wants to be the younger brother?

The Shen Luo Empire was good, but it was not in power, and Austria's weight was too large. Even if the Prussian kingdom joined it, it would soon be diluted and slowly swallowed up.

Since it is better to choose another option and reopen a new world, Poland happens to be in this situation.

Opening the history book and looking for it, they soon found the connection between Prussia and Poland, and the jurisprudence of Prussia's unification of the Kingdom of Poland also came out.

Of course, this relationship is far away. The so-called legal reason is also that they consider themselves legitimate, and the outside world will certainly not recognize it.

This led to the dispute over the Polish throne. According to the Prussian plan, the two monarchs were first promoted, then the federal empire was formed, and then annexation and fusion were carried out.

The plan was very clear. William I was just a trader launched by Juncker aristocracy. It seemed like a high weight, but it could not be against class interests.

Mikhail: "Sir, this joke is not funny. If you don't want to annex Poland, then we don't need to talk about it.

Maybe once again the three of them to divide Poland, is also a good choice. I'm curious to wait for Austria to join in. I don't know what your thoughts are? "

Ron's face changed greatly, and he invited Austria to jointly divide the Kingdom of Poland. Even if Prussia was able to annex Poland, it would be a shrinking version. It is unknown whether it will even get the maximum benefit.

This is a world with fists. If the Russians really conspired with Austria, no one can stop them now.

It seemed to be aware that Mikhail's words were insincere, and Ron quickly responded that the Russians would not easily invite Austria in.

You must know that the territory of the Polish kingdom was previously the territory of the Russian Empire. If it fell into the hands of the Kingdom of Poland or the Kingdom of Prussia, the Russians had a chance to take it back.

If it falls into the hands of Austria, in the current situation, it is a permanent loss. This is determined by the strength of both parties, and is not changed by individual will.

"His Excellency Mikhail, if your country is really willing to invite Austria to divide the Kingdom of Poland, you will not lose the last war.

The price you didn't bother to pay at the beginning, are you sure that St Petersburg can promise now?

Moreover, today's Austria is no longer the former Austria. Believe it or not, Austrians are involved, and the Vienna government will eat half of the Polish kingdom in one bite.

At that step, we don't have to worry about the war between the two countries in the future. Let's tremble together in the shadow of the Austrians!

Don't forget that the Kingdom of Prussia was once one of the states of the Holy Roman Empire. If we are willing to go back, the Vienna government will definitely welcome it.

Your country is miserable. Don't look at Russia and Austria as allies now. Once the German region is unified, Austria is the new European hegemon. As your former hegemon, your country is destined to be suppressed. "

This is a conspiracy. How could the Russians have no idea of ​​the rise of Austria? If Russia-Austria relations are so solid, after the collapse of the hegemony, the Tsarist government will directly push Austria to the top.

Obviously, this is impossible. The Russians do not want to see Austria grow stronger. Even if they are in a state of weakness, they also intentionally or unintentionally pull Austria's hind legs.

Such a small action cannot be concealed from the Vienna government, but Franz has little interest in continental hegemony, and it has become a shared experience among countries. To be precise, the two countries have divided up, and the three countries, Britain, Russia, and Russia, each have a part of the right to speak. .

Just thinking about the affair between Russia and Austria in these years, Mikhail wants to cry without tears. If history can be repeated, he will certainly prevent the tsarist government's original small actions.

Apart from deteriorating the relationship between the two countries, there is no substantial effect, but they did it. You do the first day, I do the fifteenth, once the valves of the teammates pit each other open, it is out of control.

In this context, once Austria becomes larger, it is almost inevitable that it will suppress the Russian Empire in the future. From the perspective of the Tsarist government, it is better for the French to become European hegemons than for Austria to become European hegemons.

It is too late for the Tsarist government to hinder Austria's development. How can Austria continue to grow?

Even Ron raised the threat of joining Shinra, Mikhail dare not ignore it. This is certainly not going to happen now, and it may not be in the future.

If the Kingdom of Prussia is defeated in the next war, it is very likely to join Austria in order to protect its own interests.

Ron couldn't think of it, simply provoking alienation actually made Mikhail think so much.

Joining Shenluo is so simple. Unless it is exhausted, this kind of thing is impossible.

Austria is not a vegetarian either. It would be strange if the Kingdom of Prussia was delivered to the door without being slaughtered. If it is not possible, the kingdom will be abolished and it will become a province directly under the Central Government.

Do n’t think that the Austrians ca n’t do it. For the sake of its dominance over the Shinra Empire, it was normal to break up the Prussian kingdom.

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