Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 546: Second Near East War

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world. The Austrian military's plan was quickly recognized by the Russians, and the two sides reached an agreement on the issue of fighting against Turkey.

After a fierce scramble, the coalition commander fell into the hands of Austria. Not because of Austria's strong contribution, but mainly because the Tsarist government was poor.

"It ’s short in terms of manpower and population." The Russian army's combat supplies were to be supplied by the Vienna government, and the Tsarist government naturally lacked confidence in the negotiations.

When it comes to joint operations, they actually fight each other. Austria is responsible for solving the enemy's navy and covering the landing of Russian forces to ensure the smooth passage of maritime transport channels.

On land, the Russians can play freely, and life and death have nothing to do with Austria. When necessary, the two sides can cooperate.

For example: After the enemy is mobilized, he suddenly shifts the battlefield and attacks new targets. This requires Austrian ships.

Time passed quickly. On March 1, 1874, Franz declared war on the Ottoman Empire under the name "Revenge", and the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire fought again.

On the same day, the Tsarist government also declared war on the Ottoman Empire on the grounds that "the Ottoman Empire interfered in Russian internal affairs and conspired to plot the Bulgarian rebellion."

The Sudanese government has not responded, but this is no longer important. The complete outbreak of the Second Near East War is a foregone conclusion, and no one can stop it.

Franz's excuse for declaring war on the basis of "revenge" has been criticized internationally. Compared to the Russian excuse for war, this excuse is almost like making up numbers.

Fortunately, the enemy was the public enemy of Europe, the Ottoman Empire. With the exception of a few individuals, most Europeans are still happy to eat melon.

A few people clamored for the Ottoman Empire, and before the Vienna government took care of it, some people sprayed in the newspaper. Franz appreciates this kind of enthusiastic people, but he doesn't know if this is the trust of the newspaper.

News always requires hype, and there is only one voice. How can newspapers have sales? So in general, when encountering big news, European newspapers like to split into two waves, and everyone gets rich together.


In the Balkans, the Russian army is gathering. I have to say that the Tsarist government is sincere, and that 150,000 people is good, that is, 150,000 people. Not to mention weapons and equipment, even military uniforms are saved.

Looking at the 150,000 Russians who were bare-handed, General Arest was speechless for a long time. Anyway, as the commander-in-chief of the coalition, he still has to solve these problems.

The Vienna government promised to provide half a million troops with combat materials for half a year, which must be fulfilled.

After a moment of contemplation, Arest said to the Russian general: "General Ivanov, the weapons and equipment have been delivered. You can now send someone to receive them.

However, military uniforms have to wait. Austria does not have Russian military uniforms. It is currently in the process of being manufactured. You still have to wait. "

When he said that, Arest was broken inside. Cast a ghost, they didn't even think of it beforehand. Who knows that the Tsarist government even saved the military uniform?

Well, the uniform of 150,000 people is not a small number. According to Austrian standards, three sets of recruits are standard for one-time enlistment, and three sets must be issued for changing seasons. Accidental damage during training can be replaced.

According to preliminary estimates, the distribution of military uniforms to 150,000 Russian troops is also several hundred thousand shields. Not expensive military uniforms, but mainly supporting equipment such as: water bottles, military boots, backpacks, tents ...

Don't doubt it. Just look at this situation and know that the Russians are not prepared except people. In order to save money, the Tsarist government has lost its mind.

Arest understands the Russians' approach. 150,000 troops come empty-handed and can obtain at least 67 million Aegis equipment.

The Russian Empire at its peak may not care, but now this is almost a month of fiscal revenue of the Tsarist government. Compared with the actual interest, what is face?

"A cannon sounds, the gold is worth two thousand dollars." This sentence is nothing wrong. After entering the era of hot weapons, the cost of war has also increased significantly.

For the Near East War, the Vienna government prepared 150 million Aegis war funding. This war funding will be supported for a maximum of one year.

If the war continues, we will continue to add money in the end. This is also the reason why the Vienna government is unwilling to fight, which is too much money.

After hearing Arest's explanation, Russian commander Ivanov flushed. It is an order of the government not to wear military uniforms. The purpose is not only to save a little money, but also to cry poor.

The Tsarist government was not sure about raising enough funds for the war, and Alexander II feared that the war would continue and the government's finances would be too much.

From the beginning, it was ready to go to Austria. Russia and Austria are allies, the war has hit half, and the tsarist government suddenly has no money. What can Austria do?

If they want to continue to contribute to the war, the Vienna government must borrow money. Otherwise they would paddling reasonably and follow Austria's final victory.

As one of the specific executors, Admiral Ivanov's cheek is obviously not thick enough. After hearing Arest's statement, I was a little embarrassed.

"There is no problem, Commander. There is no uniform and it does not affect the operation. It will be no problem to supplement it after a while."

Ivanov didn't think there was a problem, and General Arest didn't see it that way. If the Russian soldiers were to be put on the battlefield in this way, his commander-in-chief would probably have to be followed for hundreds of years.

"You can rest assured that the military uniform will definitely be issued before the landing operation. Now you take a rest. You will not be allowed to play until the navy performance is over."

Arest was an admiral and was able to serve as commander in chief of the coalition force, mainly because in this cooperative operation Austria was mainly responsible for maritime affairs.

Franz does not like remote command from thousands of miles away. The headquarters of the Allied Forces is in Constantinople, thousands of miles away from the Middle East. If the Middle East is placed under the name of the Allied Command, there will be no remote control in Vienna. the difference.

So in this war, the Allied Command was actually just a coordinating agency. The main task is to ensure the smooth passage of maritime transport channels and cooperate with the Russian army's attack on the Asia Minor Peninsula.

Combat? The Russians on the ground would command themselves, and no matter what the results were, Arest was not responsible.

The only thing under his command was naval warfare. If the broken ships of the Ottoman Empire were also enemies, the Austrian navy would fight a naval warfare.


At the Palace of Vienna, Franz received an instant telegram, and Franz was in an instant. The imperishable Russian empire no longer exists, and now there is only one tsarist government that is capable of calculating.

This change undoubtedly indicates that the Tsarist government has become more rational. Face is sometimes very important, and sometimes it is worthless.

There is no doubt that for the current tsarist government, "money" is the most important thing, and the thing of face cannot be eaten.

From the moment the Prussian-Russian war failed, the face of the Tsarist government was worthless. Being able to change your mindset no doubt proves that Alexander II has grown.

"Just as Arest did, there was no need for this little thing that affected our plan."

A group of military uniforms is indeed a trivial matter from the standpoint of the Vienna government, and naturally no one will object.

Secretary of the Army Albrecht: "His Majesty, according to the plan, we launched our offensive in the Middle East after the war on the Asia Minor Peninsula began.

Affected by the Bulgarian insurgency, the army originally prepared by the Russians was sent to suppress the insurgency, resulting in some inadequate preparation.

At present, this group of soldiers has not undergone transitional naval combat training. In addition, new equipment has been acquired, and it will take some time to run in. I am afraid that it will not be possible to launch an attack in the short term. "

Franz withdrew the previous idea, and the tsarist government was as unreliable as ever. The war broke out, and he was suddenly told that the Russian soldiers had not received training in transitional sea operations.

Why did you go early? You know, this war has been prepared for more than half a year. Austria is in charge of equipment and logistics, and the Tsarist government is only one person.

If it wasn't for leaving time for the Russian military to cross the sea, why wait for half a year? Does the Russian Empire not even have 150,000 active army, and need to recruit new recruits?

It is natural that there is no reason to start the battle on the Asia Minor Peninsula. For the Ottoman Empire, the Asia Minor Peninsula was the core territory.

Once the war breaks out, the Sudanese government must concentrate its forces on defending the Asia Minor Peninsula. Even if the troop deployment in the Middle East does not decrease, it will not increase. This is very beneficial for Austria who want to grab a land.

"Don't worry about that much, proceed according to the original plan. The Russians did not conduct cross-sea combat training, that is their own business. Our door will send them ashore according to the prior agreement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs all countries to let them withdraw their expats as soon as possible. After half a month, we will launch a comprehensive offensive. In case of accidental injuries, we can only express regret. "

Declaring war starts, which is a special case. In the Near East War, Austria will surely shell the coastal cities of the Ottoman Empire, with civilian casualties inevitable.

In this case, it is necessary to give countries time to evacuate. Otherwise, a large number of foreign casualties will be caused, and the Vienna government will also be troublesome.

Franz didn't want to be pointed at by the Qianfu, and the Spit Star could sometimes kill people. Attack the Ottoman Empire is not anxious, they can not run away anyway.

Don't look at the ease of Franz's mouth. If the Russian soldiers really suffered heavy casualties and did not complete the set combat tasks, Austria would be sent to help.

Allies are used to pit, this sentence is not wrong at all. The war had just begun, and Franz had a feeling of being trapped.

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