Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 540: Feudal residues are powerful

Changes in the grain futures market directly affected the price of grain, and capitalists invariably increased prices.

This price increase is limited to the transaction price, and the grain purchase price has not changed much. It affects the upstream market from the downstream market, which requires time to ferment.

Increasing the price of grain trade is essentially to get rich. Since last year, the long-term depressed food prices have seriously affected everyone's interests.

The improved food prices have no substantial meaning, and the problem of excess food production capacity has not been fundamentally resolved. Nothing more than capitalists want to take the opportunity to make a fortune and make up for losses in the agricultural crisis.

Franz is not optimistic. If it is the food capitalists who are in charge of the operation, then for their own interests, it is in their best interest to super high and stabilize the food price.

Unfortunately, the three major food futures markets in Europe, with the exception of Austrian food capitalists, are relatively strong and have a right to speak. Both Britain and France are dominated by financial capital.

Even the Austrian food capitalists have no trading power, and even with the relevant capital of the agricultural product processing industry, they have barely the strength.

Not to mention Britain and France, unless the entire real economy capital is tied together, otherwise the futures market will always be the site of financial capital.

Short-term, quick, and always the best pursuit of capital. It is not the purpose of financial capital to settle down to do business, which means that the food market may collapse at any time.

Now everyone is still working together to make high food prices, and when they have risen almost, attracting enough speculators to enter the market, it is time for the end.


In the Palace of Vienna, Franz summoned the Minister of Agriculture Halls.

"Food prices are recovering, but the problem of overcapacity remains unresolved, and the Ministry of Agriculture's next job is to reduce production.

Don't worry about running out of food, even if something unexpected happens, we still have enough strategic reserves for emergency response. "

The government cannot interfere in the market at will, and the international capital betting game, such as the futures market, cannot be intervened by the Austrian government. Unless the British, French and Austrian governments intervene in the market at the same time, it will only have side effects and cause greater losses.

Affected by the agricultural crisis, Austria also experienced slow-moving grain. The government implemented a minimum protection price policy and quickly purchased a large number of grains.

The Vienna government itself is a large food consumer and has no worries about too much food storage. Government agencies, schools, and the military add up to millions of people who want to eat.

Affected by Franz, the government has long been accustomed to storing food. In addition to satisfying self-use, it is usually eaten when food prices are low and thrown out when food prices are high.

Of course, this is only a normal period. After the agricultural crisis broke out in full, the Vienna government did not dare to open up acquisitions. If you continue to play that way, you will really go bankrupt.

Minister of Agriculture Halls: "Your Majesty, we are planning an agricultural summit to invite European capitalists and farmers in the agricultural field to join us. We will join forces to stabilize food prices."

Franz froze, and then came over. This is the normal operation. As the world's largest agricultural exporter, how can it respond passively to an agricultural crisis?

It should be known that before the agricultural crisis broke out, the pricing power of international agricultural trade had always been in the hands of Austria.

The Russians broke the rules and played with the British to sell bundled loans, breaking the monopoly on Austria's pricing power, which led to a flood of food prices.

After this wave, capitalists naturally realized the terrible consequences of this kind of irregular competition. At this time, it is almost inevitable to hold a group again.

The Ministry of Agriculture is tinkering with this plan, and I am afraid it cannot do without the influence of capital. Either aristocrats engaged in agricultural production or capitalists in related fields may be behind the scenes.

Knowing to know, Franz did not mean to go to the bottom, this kind of thing is inevitable. There are many ways in which capital influences government decision-making. In many cases, the parties have been rhythmic before they can react.

"It sounds very good, but just how can it be implemented? Even if no more results can be achieved at the Agricultural Summit, how much can it play without being binding?

If this problem cannot be solved, it is better to find a way to push tariffs on the plateau grain trade and increase the cost of competitors.

Get in touch with the big farmers, I believe they will have the same interest, encourage them to mobilize the vast number of farmers, and put pressure on the government together. "

This idea is very gloomy and very disadvantageous for the industrially backward countries. Perhaps in the end, it may evolve into a tariff on all agricultural products.

However, Franz was not worried at all, and it was nothing more than a lower-margin primary processing company. In the short term, it will have some impact on Austria, but in the long term, it will help further promote industrial upgrading.

You ca n’t count on grinding your noodles forever? This kind of enterprise without much technical content will be squeezed unprofitably sooner or later.

If we do not develop new products with higher added value, this kind of processing enterprise with low technical content and standing on the ground and not willing to move forward will not survive in this cruel world.

These are all just plain. If there is no other gain, this is the tactic of killing the enemy one thousand and causing eight hundred. How can Franz use it?

The biggest impact on raising food prices is industry. Enterprises with rising prices will have to pay more, otherwise workers will not be able to survive.

This is the fundamental purpose of Franz. Perhaps in the short term, this effect will not be obvious, but as time goes on, the more and more tariffs on agricultural products are imported, the aftermath will come out.

High labor costs will cause labor-intensive companies to become unprofitable. For higher benefits, capitalists are bound to invest funds into higher-yielding financial sectors.

The first person who could not hold back in time and space was the French. After the Franco-Prussian war, without the government's suppression of capital, France began to run wildly along the non-return road of the usury empire.

The British followed suit, followed by self-defeating martial arts. Otherwise, during World War II, the Luftwaffe would not be able to loot over the British Isles, let alone block sea transportation by submarines.

Looking at the incomprehensible Minister of Agriculture, Franz did not explain. This obscure means can not be explained in a few words at all. If it leaks out, it will arouse the vigilance of all countries, but it will not be beautiful.

After things happen, it doesn't matter if they are exposed. The government can lower the tariffs, and first see whether the domestic farmers agree.

Even if it is enforced, can it still be expected that the capitalists who have tasted the sweetness in the financial field will not turn back?

Not to mention the sweetness, let alone consider it. Unlike the real economy, it is not uncommon for play finance to lose money in the end.

Earning is a huge profit, and the real money is also lost. Wealth is a number. Billionaires today, see you on the rooftop tomorrow. This kind of thing happens in several financial centers in London, Paris, and Vienna every time.

Under the black hand to return to the black hand, it is necessary to reduce production. Opening the window and looking at the sky, Franz added: "These are all done in secret, don't make everyone known.

The focus of the work of the Ministry of Agriculture is still to find ways to reduce grain production capacity and promote the cultivation of cash crops. The government can encourage companies and farmers to sign planting contracts to reassure them.

I think in some areas, the agricultural cooperatives that the aristocrats have tampered with are also a good way. Everyone joined up to grow the scale, and the negotiations with the enterprises are more confident.

The government can promote the establishment of similar semi-official institutions or purely civil institutions. It is up to the people to decide whether to participate, and the governing body allows them to elect themselves. "

Agricultural cooperatives are not new. In many parts of Europe, there are such mutually beneficial organizations.

What really developed in Austria was after the abolition of serfdom and the agrarian revolution. The original purpose was not to help each other, mainly because the nobles wanted to maintain local influence and came forward to establish such an organization.

Even now, no one can join. Feudal dross can be seen everywhere. It was either the family members or the original serfs who joined these organizations and refused to accept other members.

Especially after the start of the Austrian colonial era, after seeing aristocrats using this model to pull out a private army in the shortest possible time, almost all the feudal nobles realized the role of "agricultural cooperatives" and acted.

Facts have also proved that this kind of private army is more reliable than mercenaries recruited outside.

The African continent is not very good, especially after the riches, betrayal and betrayal are being performed almost every day, and the killing of employers by mercenaries is also widely spread among the people.

Maybe it's because of loyalty, maybe it's a monk who can't run the temple. Franz hadn't heard of any aristocracy, but was attacked by his own private army.

Loyalty is not for nothing, and it takes a price to make people die. Buying people's hearts in ordinary times is essential.

For example, during the grain purchase season, the aristocracy, as the leader of agricultural cooperatives, will come forward to negotiate with businessmen, or directly organize people to transport food for sale, avoiding being pressed down by businessmen.

Another example is: promoting agricultural farming technology, coordinating civil conflicts, and occasionally lending money for emergency.

In this respect, the old big nobles have done better. They have been full and washed ashore for a long time. They will not easily make fun of their own reputation.


Fortunately, this is the European continent, otherwise these guys would have lost their heads long ago.

Franz thought about whether to kick out these feudal remnants. Later, considering that he was also a feudal remnant, he silently chose not to see it.

Buy people's hearts, buy people's hearts. Anyway, they were just moving on their original site, and they didn't stretch their claws, nor did they want to rebel, and Franz was too lazy to care.

These people looked at the place, and they could also protect the people, at least the robbers, bandits, revolutionaries and the like were all exchanged for military service.

That's right, catching the Revolutionary Party in Austria is also a military feat. Franz is spared no effort to deal with these rebellious existences.

Hiding and sheltering the Revolutionary Party, then I'm sorry, no matter who it is, don't think about it, it is nothing more than how to die.

The lesson from the past is still there, the unfortunate aristocracy in exile in the Arctic Ocean has the most say. Of course, if technology develops hundreds of years later and people can be frozen, they may still have a chance to sue Franz's atrocities.

Except for organized, naturally it is not organized. Since these organizations have a positive role, Franz naturally does not mind promotion.

To adjust the agricultural structure, it is too difficult to convince the majority of farmers. Government enforcement. It only makes things worse.

Do n’t let farmers grow food, you have to tell what to plant? Franz couldn't believe this bureaucracy.

Bureaucrats can make a decision by patting their heads on the back, and then pat on the back to leave. No one knows whether the cash crops planted at that time can be sold.

This consequence is more serious than excess grain production. Even if the grain cannot be sold, you can keep it for yourself, at least to ensure that farmers will not be hungry.

If cash crops can't be sold, they can only be rotten. One year's harvest can bite the teeth to support it. If it is the case for several years in a row, the horrible consequence of this is to shudder when thinking of Franz.

Hols is not opposed to the establishment of agricultural cooperatives, and there have been many successful cases, which are indeed conducive to the development of agricultural production, as long as the successful experience can be replicated.

After a little thought, Secretary of Agriculture Hols replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."


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