Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 528: Unpleasant throne

In the face of Christmas, the Vienna government was not in a hurry to find the Polish government's obscurity. Even the news of the Polish diplomatic note was suppressed, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only conveyed the threat of Franz.

No European country has a tradition of doing things at Christmas. This Christmas Vienna is still so lively. Franz held a court banquet as usual.

The good times are always short-lived. Just after Christmas, Franz received bad news-Greek Otto I died.

Compared to the original time and space was kicked out in 1862, Otto I was lucky. With the strong rise of Austria, naturally he will not be kicked out because he is the wrong team in diplomacy.

What is a headache is that Otto I, who was born in the Wittelsbach dynasty, had no children. His younger brothers were unwilling to convert to the Orthodox Church. The crown prince of Greece has been vacant.

Now the question is, who should inherit the Greek throne? Franz has sent a telegram to the Wittelsbach dynasty, which is now the Lombard royal family, hoping that they can send a prince to do this task.

The result was very embarrassing. No one was willing to take this mess. Think about it, Greece is in very bad shape. The external debt is rising, and the interior is surging.

This is the aftermath of the Near East War. As one of the participating countries, although Greece stood on the side of the victor, the military pressure forced by Britain and France in the middle shrank.

Not only were the spoils gone, they were also cleaned up by Britain and France, and they carried huge debts after the war.

In any case, Greece also bleeds blood in the Near East War, paying tens of thousands of sacrifices and holding back some troops of the British-French Ottoman Alliance.

After the war, Russia and Austria still pulled Otto I to help him keep the throne. Greek anti-British anti-French sentiment was strong after the war, and Otto I naturally moved closer to Russia and Austria.

With the change of the international situation, Austria has reached a deal with Britain and France successively. Austria took over the French Balkan Peninsula and got the Coffer Island with the British.

In the Mediterranean dispute, France and Austria together pushed the British out. Against this background, with the support of the government of Vienna, Otto I took the opportunity to expel the British.

This "deportation" is almost the same as the British initiative to give up. After all, Greece's interests are too small. Despite its strategic position, the British are lacking in skills, and they really do not care about this scrap.

Finally, under the mediation of Austria, the Greek government paid a ransom in exchange for the British "withdrawing" from Greece.

This is the inevitable result. Since the French gave up the Balkans, Greece's geographic location has determined that the British can't linger for a long time.

Facing the constant resistance of the Greeks, the London government did not have the energy to suppress it. The sly John Niu decisively chose to sell for a good price. Finally, the Greek government owed a large debt to the British.

Nationalism is a double-edged sword. Since the British were driven away, Greek radical groups have turned their attention to Austria and wanted to restore the Roman Empire.

This radical thinking was naturally suppressed by the government of Otto I. Everyone knows that this is an impossible plan, but idealists are the exception.

Unwilling to fail, idealists want to overthrow the rule of Otto I. There is no doubt that this gang of people has not succeeded.

With the outbreak of the agricultural crisis, Greece ’s domestic economy also experienced problems. Many farmers went bankrupt in the first wave of crisis, and social conflicts intensified.

Although many immigrants have been taken away by Austria, many have remained, and Greek social order is deteriorating.

This created favorable conditions for the radical groups to rebel. If Otto I was still there, there was not much of a natural problem in suppressing this group of Wuhe people. The problem was that the throne was vacant and the government was chaotic.

The Wittelsbach family has invested a lot of resources for the Greek throne and has been unable to get a return. Now they do not want to continue investing.

This is not what Franz wants to see. If the Greek throne does not settle down soon, it won't be long before the three countries of Britain, France and Russia will join in.

With the participation of all countries, it will be difficult for Austria to occupy a dominant position. If an anti-Austrian government emerges in Greece, Franz's initial investment will be lost.

"Prime Minister, who is the best person to inherit the Greek throne?"

Prime Minister Felix frowned: "The best candidates are of course Prince Otto I's younger brother Prince Lutebod and Prince Adalbert, but both of them have explicitly given up the right to inherit.

There are many more descendants, but because of age, we are not sure whether Otto I ’s nephew can hold the Greek throne. "

Otto I died suddenly, leaving a mess. The current Greek king is not good at doing things. Without a certain ability, he simply cannot control the situation.

Otherwise, Franz just fooled a child of the Wittelsbach family, forcibly holding the upper rank.

Europe is a world that sees one's body. The inheritance of the throne is naturally the closer the blood, the closer it means to be orthodoxy. If that kind of heir ranks more than a dozen, even if he is in the rank, it will be difficult to gain popular support.

After lingering a few steps, Franz made a decision: "Continue to send people to contact them, as long as they are willing to inherit the Greek throne, they do not need to convert to Orthodox Church, and we are responsible for all issues."

Although this may be for sale, Franz decided to give it to benefit from Austria. Who makes the Greek throne unpopular?

The Wittersbach family is worried that the investment is too large to recover the cost, and it is understandable to find someone to share the cost.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you take advantage of Austria, you must work for Austria. The more you get, the more you have to pay.

Although Greece is small, Franz still dares not to despise, but it is better to be in his own hands. Otto I did a great job, and even though Greece was a little messy, it was harmless.

Franz is not demanding, as long as he continues to implement Otto I's population restriction policy. In this era, the population of European countries is rising rapidly, and Greece can remain in place, which is also a clear stream.

As long as it stays on, Greece, with a population of less than one million, can't afford to throw a few waves, no matter how tossing.

These are all advanced experiences of learning from France. If it was not for Napoleon III's succession, the French economy would develop rapidly, and perhaps their population growth would be even lower.

It just changed some of the unreasonable parts, and then sold it to the Greek government, and cooperated with Malthus's population theory, which was very convincing.

With the current land in Greece, it is indeed impossible to support more people. In a short time, the effect is very obvious.

Since the increase in the Dingkou tax, the Greek people's enthusiasm for childbearing has greatly decreased, fewer children need to be raised, and the people's living standards have risen without falling.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg shook his head: "Your Majesty, we may not be too involved in too much. At present, the anti-Austrian sentiment of the Greek people is constantly increasing. If we step in, it may make things more troublesome.

Moreover, the stances of Britain, France, and Russia also have to be considered. They are not willing to see that we control Greece. If they are disturbed, the Greek throne may be delayed indefinitely.

Rather than wait and see the situation first. Whoever wants to cooperate with us will support the top. If someone is ignorant of current affairs, it is much easier to subvert the rule of a country than to establish a country. "

The subtext, Franz has heard it. It is nothing more than worrying that after setting this precedent, it will affect the political structure of the empire.

There are many nations in the Shinra Empire. If the Wittelsbach family relied on too much power of the empire when fighting for the Greek throne, does it mean that several other royal families can also use the power of the empire to expand?

This is not unfounded, but it will happen. The relationship between the European royal families is a mess, and it is common to have other countries' succession to the throne.

What about the thrones of Poland and Spain? There are a lot of big nobles who are interested in the country, but they lack support from the big powers and have no way to take advantage of the competition.

The Vienna government did not support any big aristocracy in the country, and now fully supports the Wettersbach family to secure the Greek throne. If they get a generous return, it will definitely cause a political storm.

According to the rules of the game, the Wittelsbach family can get the support of the empire, but they must come up with resources in exchange.

This set of rules was designed by Franz himself, including operations in Mexico, where the royal family bears a considerable part of military expenditures.

Franz frowned: "This is indeed a problem, but it is not difficult to solve. How much the empire has paid, how much it will pay in the future.

The problem can be made clear in advance, if the Wittelsbach family is still unwilling. Presumably, Greece was brought back into the embrace of Catholicism, and no one would object. "

Austria is suppressing religion, but it does not mean that religion cannot be used for its purpose. Without a law, the Greek king cannot be a Catholic.

Even if it does, such a code that is behind the times must be repealed. Now, in the era of religious freedom, how can we discriminate against religion?

Franz was not worried at all about the return on investment. The big deal is to promote cotton cultivation in Greece. Later Greece is a big cotton exporter, and now it is certainly possible.

The addition of an additional place of production of raw materials and an additional place of food dumping is enough to satisfy domestic interest groups.

Thinking of this, Franz suddenly opened up new ideas, this agricultural crisis may be resolved in advance.


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