Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 524: Dealt with

Most of Berlin's top government officials are from the military, and their work has always been fierce. Since it was decided to pit the Poles, naturally they will not relent.

Because of the dispute over the Polish throne, nails were also planted between Popov. It was not easy for the Poles to gain independence, but they were not willing to be annexed by Prussia.

Coupled with the interference of international forces, the contradiction between the general and the Bo is constantly magnified. If there was not a great enemy of the Russians, the two countries would have separated.

Even so, the radicals in the Polish government did not want to see the Prussians pointing their fingers and wanted to kick away the Prussians alone.

These issues, the Berlin government is looking at it urgently. Secondary 2 radicals are not easy to deal with, and a bad operation will trigger a sharp rebound.

The Berlin government has long been thinking of killing with a knife, but the hidden dangers of operation are quite large. A bad one is a disaster.

To deal with the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia needed Polish cannon fodder, but Poland could not be beaten.

If Russia-Austria relations were not broken, Mao Qi would never dare to make this proposal. Otherwise, the Russians took the opportunity to join in and forcibly drove Austria into the water. Popov was not Russia's opponent.

Now that the Russian-Australian alliance has a problem, Austria also needs to weaken the Russians by using Popo's hand. In this context, the Vienna government has at most taught the Polish that it is impossible to physically kill them.

The Berlin government doesn't care how much the Poles have to pay for it. Although Poland is regarded as something in the bag, there is a reality that they have to face.

For the Kingdom of Prussia, Poland's bulk was too large, and if swallowed, the end result was most likely to be stung.

In the first Russian-Prussian war, the reason why the Poles suffered heavy losses was Prussian writing. It's just that it's hidden and unknown to the outside world.

It is really simple to inspire the second and middle school children. It is enough to stir up public opinion. Newspapers are the most advantageous weapon. Overnight, the old story of Poland and Austria dividing up Poland was revealed.

Of course, the Kingdom of Prussia has been hidden, the newspaper has become a part of Poland between Russia and Austria, and the role of Austria has been artificially amplified.


Saint Petersburg, since the beginning of the dumping in Austria and the collapse of international food prices, Alexander II has been bad for everyone.

After so many years of hard work, the land problem of the Russian Empire was finally solved, and before the fruits of victory were harvested, it came to a head.

Austria's revenge is too harsh. If this agricultural crisis cannot be weathered, the Russian Empire will soon be in dire straits.

It is mainly a fiscal issue. Russia is not an industrial country. Agricultural taxation is still the most important government revenue, accounting for more than half of all fiscal revenue.

The collapse of food prices means that the tsarist government's finances will be cool. The loans obtained from the British were used to build railways and develop industries, but not to maintain the daily expenses of the government.

This is still based on the performance of the British. If John Niu does not pledge, the Tsarist government will really go bankrupt. Although they went bankrupt only once a few years ago.

Don't look at the contract signed between the two countries, but the loan is not a one-time deal. The British lent in batches, and now the Tsarist government has just received more than 5 million pounds.

For individuals, this is a huge sum; for the Russian Empire, this money is a matter of hundreds of kilometers of railway.

Don't feel expensive, the complicated terrain, the bad climate, the railroad tracks have to be imported from Britain, if the final cost is not high, there will be ghosts.

John Bull's loan is not easy to obtain. Fifty percent of it must be used to purchase British goods. The construction of railways is even forced to purchase railroad tracks from the United Kingdom.

Foreign Minister Chris Basham produced a document and handed it to Alexander II.

"Your Majesty, the Austrians yesterday again issued the" Food Reduction Initiative "to the world's major food exporters, and they proposed that countries reduce their food production capacity by 8% in 1873 in response to the agricultural crisis."

The 8% food production capacity is not 8% on the international market for export, but 8% of the total food production of various countries. When converted into output, the global food production has fallen by tens of millions of tons.

If this can be done, then the agricultural crisis is over. The overcapacity announced by Austria is 21%, which is a theoretical figure calculated by formula.

It just estimates the demand for food, brewing demand, demand for industrial use, and demand for making feed.

In real life, food is inevitably wasted. For example: loss during transportation, mildew and deterioration of grain due to weather, waste in daily life ...

If several grain exporting countries reduce their production capacity by 8% at the same time, the grain that can flow into the international market will basically return to the level of 1870.

Because the population is constantly growing, at most two or three years, the extra grain on the market will be consumed and the price of grain will be normalized.

On the surface, Austria's proposal is fine. All major grain exporting countries have reduced their production in the same proportion and maintained market prices stable, which is equivalent to accepting the Russian Empire as one of them, and Austria has also given up a large market.

In fact, this is very terrible for the tsarist government. Reducing production is easier said than done. If the Russian empire is to increase grain production by 8% next year, it is easy to expand the planting area.

At present, the Russian people are highly enthusiastic about grain production and their output is rising steadily. As long as the transportation problem is solved and Austria is replaced as the world's largest food exporter, there is no problem.

But reducing production is not easy. The government cannot ban the people from planting food, right? There are tens of millions of peasants in Russia. No one can stop them from increasing the area of ​​grain cultivation.

Even if plagiarism was copied from Austria, it wouldn't be useful. Russia had land. As for the Austrian wasteland law, the Tsarist government did not dare to follow suit. It was an accident.

After a while of contemplation, Alexander II set his sights on everyone.

"What do you think, is the Austrian proposal feasible?"

An obese middle-aged man stood up emotionally and said indignantly: "Your Majesty, this is an Austrian conspiracy. How can we reduce grain production capacity by 8% within one year?

Even with the current low international food prices, waiting for farmers to adjust their cultivation habits is a long process.

The government cannot directly stipulate what farmers are allowed to plant. The surplus of agricultural capacity is similar to the excess of industrial capacity. After a crisis, the market will choose to survive the fittest.

If we forcibly reduce production capacity, it will have no value at all, except to cause a chaos.

The Austrians are demonstrating to us. They want to use low food prices to force us to compromise with them. "

Manilov is not stupid. As the Minister of Agriculture, he knows very well how enthusiastic the Russian farmers are in growing grain. At this time, they are required to reduce their output, which is not a favor.

Russia and Austria are completely different. The national conditions of the two countries are very different. After the Vienna government enacted a law, it curbed the increase in the area of ​​land for growing food.

As long as the big aristocrats at the top of the government take the lead in changing cash crops on their own land, many people will still respond. The Russian aristocracy is different. It seems easy to change cash crops. The question is who do they sell to?

This is the gap between the agricultural and industrial countries. Austria has a complete industry, well-developed transportation and communications, and relatively transparent information.

These aristocrats at the top of the society want to know the market situation is very simple, know what kind of sales will be sold.

The Russian Empire is different. Local industry has just begun. Poor traffic has isolated communications. Not to mention the telephone. Even telegraphs have not been able to spread to every city.

Even if someone wants to switch to cash crops, they don't know what to plant? Even if it is planted, it is not known where to ship it for sale.

Without effective sales channels, everyone naturally can only conduct conservative planting. Regardless of the price of grain, at least the grain is easy to sell, and there are merchants to buy it.

If you grow cash crops, you must think carefully. If there are corresponding factories around, then there is no problem, everyone can rest assured to plant boldly.

If there is no factory, then it must be scaled. If the production capacity is insufficient, the transportation cost may not be enough.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Chris Basham: "Marquis Manilov, please calm down first. Don't forget that Austria is the largest exporter of agricultural products and they will lose the most in this way.

After the price of raw grains collapsed, the prices of finished grains continued to fall. If it continues, eventually these processing companies will not escape.

In order to protect domestic companies, the Vienna government has reduced taxes for these companies, but the Austrian share of the international market is still shrinking.

After getting cheap raw materials, the grain processing companies of various countries suppressed by Austria are now also booming.

If the situation of oversupply does not change and the price of raw grains continues to slump, grain processing enterprises in European countries will soon develop.

From the perspective of interests, the proposal issued by the Austrians is more to preserve the domestic manufacturing industry.

In any case, Austria is still our most important food exporter, and even if the British market is reopened, this fact cannot be changed.

If Austria refuses to accept our agricultural products, this will be the beginning of the disaster. No European country has such a large-scale agricultural product processing industry chain. "

Alexander II reached out and patted his forehead. The harvest was also a headache. Oversupply in the international food market has made this year's stagnant food a foregone conclusion.

Once the biggest buyer in Austria is lost, there is really no way around the country's mountainous grain. According to preliminary estimates, there will be tens of millions of tons of extra grain in the Russian Empire this year.

Except for Britain's unsure whether the contract can be fulfilled, they currently do not have any large orders. At the same price, no one wants their food.

Everyone has a stable supplier. How can you change people for no reason, or change people you hate.

No way, the Russians have been hacked in Europe in recent years. Now 70% of Europeans do not recognize Russia as a European country, and Russians are naturally not Europeans.

The remaining 30 percent admitted they were Europeans, including more than 74 million Russians. In this era of continental Europe, the total population was less than 300 million, so this ratio is quite touching.

Fortunately, at least half of this grain cannot be shipped. Otherwise, competition in the international grain market will be even more brutal.

This is completely different from Alexander II's original plan. Originally, he also wanted to use food as ammunition to leverage continental hegemony. The result was in his hands before it had time to start.

There was no problem with the plan, but the change was sudden. The main grain exporters in continental Europe are Austria, Russia, Poland, and Prussia, and the rest are not worth mentioning.

For the time being, overseas competitors are not in a good shape. Because the American countries also send more than one million tons of agricultural products to the European continent each year, their market share is not high.

This is determined by interests. The Confederate States of America are going further and further on the road of growing cotton. Now their status of cotton overlord is still unbreakable.

The same price fights for quality, the same quality fights for price, and no cotton in any region can compete with them these days.

The British's Egyptian cotton planting plan died early. After the French occupied Egypt, they wanted to develop the cotton industry. However, under the impact of American cotton, the French finally gave up.

The Indians used the Indian cotton, but unfortunately it was costly to the Americans. Before the interests were discussed, Indian cotton could not become the mainstream.

The West African cotton plantation base in Austria is not much better. Production has not increased much over the years, and domestic capitalists are also big fans of American cotton.

There is no way, this is caused by unique natural conditions. If companies do not use the cotton of the Confederate countries, the products they produce will lack market competitiveness.

The government is not a panacea. It is impossible for all industries to support and disperse energy. In the end, often nothing is achieved. Austria has no advantage in the cotton spinning market, and the Vienna government will naturally not invest in it.

Without this powerful opponent, everyone's life would be even more difficult.

At present, the major grain exporting countries in the Americas are Brazil and Argentina. However, these two countries have fewer people, their grain cultivation area is limited, and their production capacity is not very large.

He got up and walked a few steps, and Alexander II made a decision and made a move.

"Respond to the Austrians and tell them that the Russian Empire is also a responsible big country. We agreed to reduce grain production capacity. The specific measures will follow Austria's example, but we need to change it.

There is no problem with the land fallow method, just move it over. The reclamation law was changed from now on: newly-reclaimed wasteland shall not be allowed to grow grain for five years. "

Alexander II has seen the consequences of overcapacity, and since international grain exports are no longer profitable, he does not want to continue to increase grain capacity.

In this case, it would be better to give the Vienna government a face. The Russian empire is not increasing its grain production capacity for the time being, but it is OK to reduce the production capacity. Such a challenging thing is not something the Tsarist government can do.

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