Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 517: John Bull doing things

With the withdrawal of the army, Mexican affairs have temporarily come to an end. As for the occupied southern territories, this will have to wait until later.

The colonists of this year are not easy to mess with, they did not spit out after eating. Even if the Vienna government orders to give up, they may not let go, and the strength of the Mexican government forces may not be able to win these planters.

This was proved in the Civil War, when fighting for themselves, the planters were always able to explode greater potential.

No matter what Massimilino I had, Franz immediately "escorted" him back to Vienna. Literally, the process is certainly not so harmonious.

All these are minor problems, and he can bring him back to Vienna alive. Franz can already deal with the elderly Queen Sophie. The farce staged in the middle is not worth mentioning at all.

Now Franz was stunned by a sudden invitation, Monaco became independent, and Charles III invited him to watch the ceremony.

I have to say that the French just have fun. In order to reverse the unfavorable international image, Napoleon III actually let Monaco independence.

Monaco is just a small projectile country with a land area of ​​less than 2 square kilometers, and its population is even more than 10,000. It is estimated that Charles III can name every citizen when he walks down the street.

On the surface, the independence of Monaco is irrelevant to France. But politically, the situation is completely different, which will stimulate the Italian independence movement.

A small country like Monaco can achieve national independence through the independence movement. Can the Italians stand it?

Of course, the benefits are also very great. Monaco's independent European world gave the French high praise. Napoleon III's image in the newspaper suddenly improved.

If he can make persistent efforts and let Italy follow, he will be a saint in the 19th century. Perhaps he could also become the founding father of Italy, because he let several Italian states sit together.

When was Monaco independent in time and space, Franz couldn't remember, anyway, also in the era of Napoleon III.

Now Franz admits that the previous keyboardman's evaluation of Napoleon III still makes sense: "Small things are smart, big things are confused."

This is in keeping with Napoleon III ’s design, in Kissinger ’s words: “Napoleon III did not like internal affairs, but made outstanding contributions to French internal affairs; he liked diplomacy, but made diplomacy a mess.

During his lifetime, he devoted himself to colonial contention without strategy; he wanted to prevent the unification of the German region, but helped Prussia complete the unification of Germany, and lost his empire. "

Not only helped Prussia unify Germany, but also helped the Kingdom of Sardinia unify Italy. The life of Napoleon III is a crazy dead song.

It's actually almost the same now. It seems that Napoleon III's achievements have surpassed the same period in history, and this is no longer starting to toss.

In order to maintain long-term peace and order, the current French empire must first sever the possibility of independence and slay all independent organizations.

The Italian independence movement could not stop without violently deterring the latecomers. The easing political means are not useless. The problem is that the operation is too cumbersome and the hidden dangers are still very large.

Franz considers it incomplete, so Austria has been enforcing a national integration policy. Even if it is resisted, how many years old will not.

Compulsory education is a movement of great ethnic integration. The newly-developed generation, even if there are traces of the original nation, has already completed Germanization in language.

France now also needs a national integration movement. Although the Italians are not well integrated, they must also be promoted. Otherwise, France and Italy will part ways.

What Napoleon III thought, Franz didn't know, but it was another political failure. Even if it is to release smoke bombs and confuse the international community, Monaco should not be independent at this time.

If Franz had changed, he would have preferred the independence of the Italian region, thus gaining an opportunity to unify the western Rhineland.

Except for some people in Italy, the handicraft industry is relatively developed, and it seems that economic development is not bad. But these people cannot be integrated, and France's national strength cannot be increased.

Instead, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Rhineland region have the coal and iron resources that France needs, which can greatly increase France's comprehensive national strength.

The local population is not as large as in Italy, and integration is relatively easy.

This is not without opportunities, in fact France has missed two opportunities to annex these places. The period of Austria's unification of the South German region, as well as the period of the Russian-Prussian war, were opportunities for France to take action.

Don't look at the screams of Franz, in fact, the French really want to annex the territory west of the Rhine, and Austria really can't help them.

The prerequisite is that Napoleon was willing to abandon the Italian region, and there was no direct border area, so that Austrian transnational laborers expedition, Franz did not have this spirit of internationalism.

A few thanks for winning the battle, and the cost of the war must be borne by ourselves, unless the French can hit Paris in one breath, otherwise the French will not lose money; losing is even worse, or it will cause internal unrest.

"What does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs think of Monaco's independence, what medicine is sold in the gourds of Napoleon III?"

Although he couldn't see the purpose of the French, Franz still thought that there was an article in it. Even if Napoleon III was temporarily dizzy, it was impossible for the entire Paris government to faint.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied: "His Majesty, the issues involved in Monaco's independence are complex, and they also involve Britain and the West.

Before the time of Napoleon, Monaco was a protectorate of Spain, only to become a protectorate of France at the end of the 18th century.

In order to annex it, the French also did a lot of work, but because the regime was too ordinary, Monaco was gradually ignored by the Paris government.

After so many years, the call for local independence has not weakened. The French were also nominally sovereign states and did not control the area.

The independence of Monaco was led by the British this time. As a cost of independence, the government of Monaco also gave up its sovereignty over the two major towns of Menton and Rockbrunn, and the territory area was reduced by 90%.

The Paris government agreed to Monaco's independence, the main purpose of which was to legally annex Menton and Rockbrunn, by the way, to clean up radical independents. "

Sure enough, there is a story behind it. In such a projectile place as Monaco, Franz could not pay attention, and the small states in the German region have made him big.

On the surface, it seems that the French made money, annexed more than 90% of Monaco's territory, and was still an economically developed region, and then sent the independents out.

In fact, this is not a problem at hand, and it will be judged by the subsequent impact. It seemed that the British were digging a pit for the French, and Franz began to be vigilant. If he was accidentally pitted by John Bull, it would be tragedy.

"Well, since this is the case, as an ally we artificially for France, their international image is too bad and needs to be repaired.

Don't do it too deliberately, the French will also know the consequences of Morocco's independence. If they do too much, they can easily alert them. "

This pit is not big enough to bury the French Empire. Even if it stimulates the Italian independence movement, it will be difficult to play a role in the short term.

Some people oppose the merger with France, and some support the merger with the French. Napoleon III was not in vain, and there were still a number of supporters in Italy.

Although the number of opponents is larger, these people are okay with their mouths. If they are allowed to take up arms and fight the French, it is estimated that most Italians do not have the courage.

Dripping through stones is not a day's work.

Now that the British have taken the shot, Franz is naturally willing to cooperate. A strong France is not in Austria's interest, but it is better to decline.

After a pause, Franz added: "We must also be alert to small British actions. Some seemingly inconspicuous actions may actually cause a disaster in the future.

As long as the bait thrown by the British is not sure of the consequences, they will give up directly. God told us that greed is the original sin of mankind, and everyone must be vigilant. "

Everyone looked at Franz's cautious warning. Secretly wondered: Is the British so scary?


In Paris, Napoleon III dropped the newspaper in his hands with satisfaction. Since the announcement of Monaco's independence, European opinion has sang praises, making him a little bit drifted.

Good reputation, this is not a disadvantage. If a monarch loses his reputation, it is disastrous. But it will be troublesome if it is too much, and a bad one will pay a heavy price.

Napoleon III hesitated to make Monaco independent. A few years ago, it was ready to do so. It was only for the purpose of expanding in Italy and considering political influence that it has been delayed until now.

The great powers also need to make a show, and the establishment of a small village-level Principality of Monaco is an important part of it.

Throughout European countries, only France has no younger brother shouting at the international level, which makes Napoleon III very faceless.

Every time an international conference is held, France's proposal will not be answered until the big powers speak out. If several European powers remain silent, it will be dumb.

At present, the small European countries basically have bosses, and the price to pay to win over is too great.

Since there is no younger brother, then make a younger brother. This is how Monaco came out of independence, and it is completely different from outside speculation.

If it were not for Napoleon III's needs, no matter how hard the British tried, they would not succeed. Don't look at Monaco's independence, this is actually a country within a country.

Except for one face to the sea, the remaining three sides are surrounded by France, and political and economic cannot be separated from the control of France.

Napoleon III kindly asked: "Ouren, do you understand?"

(Full name of Eugene: Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean Jean Joseph Bonaparte)

There were several sons of Napoleon III, but only one such son was legal. Still a middle-aged child, naturally receives much attention.

Although less than 16 years old, Napoleon III brought him into contact with government affairs. The little crown prince became a unique presence in French politics.

Emperor Auren nodded and shook his head and said, "Some understand, but some don't understand. Since we know the British are uneasy, why should we accept their suggestions?

Is there any Monaco that doesn't help France much, but brings hidden dangers but not small, why should we let them be independent? "

Napoleon III smiled slightly, touching the head of his son, and said intently, "You can't just look at the surface, Monaco independence will stimulate the Italian people's desire for independence.

But without Monaco independence, would Italians not want to be independent?

It is indeed uneasy for the British to encourage Monaco to become independent. If they don't intentionally sell them a flaw and attract their attention, they will struggle elsewhere.

Remember, the enemies exposed under your eyes are never terrible. France is already very powerful, and only we can beat us!

As for the Italian Independent Organization, a bunch of clowns hiding in the corner. If we don't jump out, we can't find them; once they come out, we can wipe them out.

The real enemies of France are not these unseemly rats. Only Britain and Austria are eligible to be taken seriously. Both Prussia and Russia can only count half. "

Ou Ren nodded reluctantly, it seemed that he had learned something, and it seemed to be ...

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