Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 515: Come over

After confirming the safety of Massimilino, Franz ordered house arrest for the first time in order to prevent the moth.

There is no way, he is really uneasy about the unreliable brother. There is a saying well that you can't die without death.

Don't think that it's really safe now. Those who want Massimilino I's life can hold hands and circle around Mexico City.

Fortunately, in Austrian military camps, they are all their own, and no one wants his life. If you go out and sway, black guns and bombs will definitely not be a minority.

Of course, keeping him out of the negotiations is also an important factor. This is also a good bargaining chip to negotiate with the Republican government, which can be used to flicker.

As long as Massimilino I did not announce his abdication, it was that the legal emperor of Mexico had the same legal effect as the treaty he signed.


Inside the Embassy of Mexico City, Austria.

Minister Compton threatened: "His President, this is our bottom line. Now every day of delay, your country will need to pay an additional hundred thousand Aegis military expenses. It is not good for you to continue to delay."

President Juarez was very embarrassed in his heart, still unmoved, he just kept himself calm.

"My Excellency, your country has such an appetite that we have compensated the victims. Now we can pay up to one million SHIELD military expenses, which is already our limit."

It is the most compelling option to cede land to pay compensation. When the Americans annexed several northern states, Mexico's emphasis on territories suddenly increased.

Juarez is very clear that the Austrians are extorting. The more intimidating they are, the more they can show that Austria is not ready to destroy Mexico.

Strategically speaking, Mexico is also an important force to contain Americans. Even the United States, which is divided into two, cannot be underestimated.

It is in Austria's interest that a stable Mexico can stop American expansion.

Apparently, President Juarez overestimated the role of Mexico and Russia. Franz never believed that Mexico could fulfill the task of balancing Americans. Now the stability of North America is the result of the suppression of the powers, in addition to the mutual restraint of the United States of America and the Union.

This is a lesson from history. Those who tried to use Mexico to check and balance the United States ended up in tears.

The gap between the two sides is completely qualitative. Compared with the fertile United States and the Confederate states, Mexico can be regarded as bad land.

Of course, this is nothing. Americans are uniquely endowed with fertility, resources, and climatic conditions, and more than 80% of the world ’s land can only be considered rotten.

Although Mexico is mountainous, its mineral resources are relatively rich and its agricultural resources are good. If it develops well, a medium-sized country is not a big problem.

It is a pity that when we met Americans, not only the population gap was wide, but the population quality gap was even larger. Although in this era, both the United States and the Confederate nations are mostly semi-illiterate, it is also better than the tribal civilization of Mexico.

This is not an exaggeration. A large part of Mexico's population still lives in tribes, as is the case with Austrian Central American colonies.

However, Mexico is even more miserable. Austrian Central American colonies are backed by Austria. They rely on selling agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and the local economy is developing well.

Who will support Mexico now? It can be said that as long as President Juarez receives the box lunch, the Mexican civil war will break out.

It is more serious than the original time and space. The United States of America and the United States of America are incompatible with each other. They all have political forces in Mexico.

This has not considered what role the British, French and Austrian parliaments play in it. If you want a stable Mexico, the problem is that there is no political force in Mexico.

Including Juarez, he is not a qualified leader. Prestige is only based on his insistence on anti-imperialism and the establishment of a republican government, which does not make a substantial contribution to the country.

Despite social reforms, the reforms ended in failure. Compared with Massimilino I, his reforms were only moderated, and he knew how to compromise with interest groups.

Without convincing enough, this is the root cause of political instability in Mexico. Many people oppose the Republican government not because of ambition or interests, but simply because they do not have the ability to govern.

There is nothing wrong with this judgment. If it had the ability to govern, the civil war would not have broken out in Mexico.

You must know that after the overthrow of Massimilino I, Mexico has not yet erupted into a full-scale civil war, the Republican government led by President Juarez persisted for some time.

If there is a mature governing team, there is a complete opportunity to survive the crisis, rather than the chaos that has lasted for hundreds of years.

Compton smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, I believe in the affordability of your country. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, we can do it ourselves.

But in this way, everyone's face is not good-looking, and your country will have to pay more. "

This is not a threat, but an action has already begun. It wasn't the Mexican government that led the offensive, but the young planters and promising young people who wanted to become planters.

Austrian Central America is no better than the United States. The local fertile land is limited, and the number of plantations that can be opened can no longer meet everyone's needs.

Expansion became the only option, with only two neighbors in total, either Colombia or Mexico. Unfortunately, Mexico was selected for this alternative question.

If you open the history book, you will find that Mexico is actually magnanimous. When they first became independent from Spain, they were also one of the largest countries in the world.

It's just that good luck ends here. First, Central America became independent, and then it was bitten by the United States for 2.3 million square kilometers. The Empire dream ended here.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to get the land at the negotiating table. Almost all expansions are accomplished by the army, which results in the established facts.

This time is no exception. Minister Compton is negotiating here, and Governor Hummer is not idle. Only one division appeared outside Mexico City. The rest of the troops were out of protective logistics and were engaged in an expansion war.

The fighting has just begun, communications in Mexico have been blocked, and the telegraph has not been popularized. Naturally, President Juarez could not receive the news in advance.

The furious President Juarez slammed the table and stood up and scolded, "You are aggression, this shameless ..."

Before the words fell, they suddenly fell. Minister Compton's face suddenly gloomed, and the facial expressions of all the people involved in the negotiations became wonderful. The nervous, pleasant, and gloating were different.

Compton doesn't care about President Huarez's life or death. The problem is that he cannot die in the Austrian embassy. Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to the subsequent negotiations.

"Guard, call Dr. Rael, speed!"

Without hesitation, Minister Compton immediately ordered a rescue. The Vienna government is serious, if Juarez died here, who knows what snippets will come out.

These guys present were not bad without adding jealousy, Compton didn't think they would be fair.

Maybe a guy's memoir will also record: President Juarez argued reasonably in negotiations with Austria and was brutally killed.

Soon a middle-aged man in a white coat entered the conference room and immediately rescued President Juarez.

Minister Compton restrained his emotions and said, "Mr. Kurd, President Juarez's life is in crisis. There are insufficient medical staff in the embassy. You can send someone over!"

Juarez is the leader of the Republican Party. If he dies at this time, the Republican Party will have no heads. Kurd will not be easier than Compton.

"No problem, I will arrange it immediately."

Kurdish's words have just been finished, and some in the Mexican delegation jumped out and rebuked: "You have poisoned President Juarez, do you still want to shirk responsibility?"

Compton and Kurd both cast their eyes on the killing at the same time. Juarez was not dead yet, so he jumped out in a hurry.

Although at this time President Huárez was dead at this time, it was in Mexico's best interest to hold the **** on the Austrians, which was not acceptable to Kurd.

Regardless of the shouting of the middle-aged man, Kurdish went out to find someone. The relationship is very important. There are definitely more than one or two people who want President Huárez's death in the Mexican government.

Minister Compton mocked and said, "Guard, take this lunatic down. If President Juarez had an accident, he would be the biggest suspect."

To kill the negotiator, and dare to buckle this hat to Austria, Compton has already sentenced the indifferent guy to death in his heart.

Even if you want to make a rumor, you have to go out and then secretly carry out, so shouted so loudly that you didn't die fast enough?

The great powers of this era are not easy to mess with. Today is just the wrong place. If you kill someone on another occasion, it won't matter.

Soon the bad news came. President Huárez, who was exhausted and exhausted, had reached the end of his life.

On January 21, 1872, President Juarez was severely stimulated to rescue invalid deaths in the Austrian embassy, ​​half a year earlier than before.

This may also be understood, after all, the situation he is facing is much worse than the original time and space. After a few more years of civil war, Austria was knocked on the door.

After so many things, the body naturally can't stand it anymore, this can't get up.

Even more tragic is that, for physical reasons, in order to have the energy to deal with government affairs, President Juarez relied on taking drugs to support himself.

The result of this autopsy made the Compton Minister to cry without tears. The doctor on the Mexican side insisted that the death was poisoning.

The medical staff sent by the British and French countries have reached the same conclusion, except that they have notarized it once and wrote that the conclusion: long-term use of drugs leads to death.

After such a big incident, Compton couldn't help himself, and immediately sent someone to the Vienna government to send a message.

There is no way, Mexico does not have a direct telegram to Austria, and can only go to Austria and Central America to relay the message. To be precise, transit should be more appropriate.

Passing the message from the Americas to Vienna still requires the transfer of multiple links, and the cable telegraph is so troublesome.

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