Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 510: Planting flowers without heart

After the storm, Mexico City ushered in a **** storm. Before entering the city, the Republican government army stopped catching people without stopping.

That night Mexico City was crying, and countless Massimilino government was arrested. True or false is no longer important. Anyway, the revolution needs bloodshed. How to stand up without killing?

President Huárez watched this happen quietly, not because he didn't want to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all.

The Republican government was originally the product of alliances and compromises between the various forces. These hills are not what his president can order.

The chaos in the city may not be as troublesome as many people like Massimilino I.

The insurgents did not have military conscripts, and the officers and men's income depended on loot. Now that they have finished fighting, how can they disband the army if they are not allowed to make a fortune?

Massimilino's party feathers are a joke in themselves. If there were party feathers, it would not be possible for the insurgents to occupy Mexico City bloodlessly.

This night, the people of Mexico City experienced two days of ice and fire. The long-awaited Republican Army finally arrived, but it was not a new life, but a **** storm.

The purge has been going on for more than a week, and one third of the people in Mexico City have been implicated. In the end, the Republican Army's family members were affected. Seeing that the situation was getting worse, President Juarez stepped forward to stop.

The Republican government, which has just gained power, lost the hearts of the people in the shortest time. Because of this atrocities, the internal contradictions of the Republican government have been further intensified, and hidden dangers have been laid for the civil war.

These issues, President Juarez ignored them, there are two major problems before him:

First, what should Massimiliano I hide in the Austrian embassy?

Second, the civil war is over. How can so many mountains in the Republican government soothe the mountains?

The second point is the most difficult to deal with. We can still be united when we fight the world.

Most of the top positions in the Republican government are occupied by the insurgent forces led by President Juarez. Before the end of the civil war, at that time, the future was uncertain. Everyone was staring at the army. Not many people paid attention to these empty shelves.

Now it's no longer possible. Everyone is reaching out for officials in an attempt to occupy a greater initiative in the new government, and no one is willing to give in to the interests.

President Juarez is very embarrassed. He is unwilling to give up these positions based on personal feelings. If he changes to another faction, his control of the government will be difficult to guarantee.

Of course, this is impossible. If you want to eat alone, you also have to see if the gun in the hands of others does not agree, a bad one will trigger a new round of civil war.

Compromise is not so simple. The Mexican Republican government is now also full of mountains. It is impossible for the distribution of rights to be recognized by everyone.

These issues could not be dealt with overnight, and President Juarez was unable to deal with them in the first place, which finally triggered the Mexican Civil War.

The problem now is Massimilino I. The emperor's stay in Mexico City threatens them too much.

As long as Massimilino I did not announce his abdication, he was the legal emperor of Mexico and the Republican government could not obtain legitimacy.

President Huárez has passed with the ministers of various countries without any accidents. Now everyone still recognizes that the government of Massimilino I is the legal government of Mexico.

You can use your fist to make sense inside. When you are involved in foreign affairs, President Juarez does not know what to do.

It is imperative to take the throne of Massimilino I as soon as possible, strive for countries to recognize them as legitimate governments, and then seek international loans to weather the financial crisis.

That's right, the Mexican Republican government that was just born has a financial crisis. No way, this is the giant pit left by Massimiliano I.

Tariffs in Mexico are still in the hands of the powers, and these revenues have been withheld since Massimilino I was dead.

The previous debt owed by the Mexican Republican government must be fulfilled. President Juarez is ready to settle accounts, but it is not now that he dares not act rashly until the situation stabilizes.

These are nothing, the key is that the total strength of the insurgent army is as high as 200,000. Now the battle has to be dismissed.

This can't be said to be scattered, and people have saved blood for the revolution. Now that the revolution is victorious, it is impossible to say nothing.

It was okay to send a troop in Mexico City. The soldiers had a little money in their pockets. The insurgents scattered throughout the country have not received any returns?

A lot of money was reached, but President Juarez was also a poor man. Taxes could not be collected, and government revenue was almost zero.

Originally expected to grab from the Maximilian government, unfortunately the Maximilian government relied on loans. There is money, but it is all in the banks of the major powers.

The Republican government has not obtained legitimacy, so these banks will naturally not pay them. Of course, even if the legitimacy is obtained, the chance of getting money is very low.

Without the cooperation of the previous government, they don't even know how much money they have. If they didn't save their money, would they still be bankers?

Looking at the dejected foreign minister, President Juarez asked with concern: "Are the Austrian embassy still closed?"

The Foreign Minister replied with ashamed expression: "Yes, Your Excellency the President. The Austrians are very brutal and warn our people to evacuate immediately, otherwise they will take extraordinary measures."

President Juarez was not surprised that this is normal operation. The powers of the past few years have been so brutal, they have irritated three points. If it makes sense, don't say anything, just lift your arms and do it!

"Come down, ban anyone from doing their business, cut off their food and water supply, and see how long they can last!"

President Huárez sternly said that this was the toughest measure he could use at the moment. Harder measures, not without, the problem is that the consequences are too serious.


It is a joke that the water is cut off. Most of Mexico City uses groundwater. By the 21st century, there are still more than 5,000 wells. There are water wells in the Austrian embassy, ​​unless Mexicans dare to run in and do damage.

Food shortages are also easy to solve. The embassy of this thing also has reserves, and it is no problem to support it for a month or two.

Even if the role was not significant, Compton rushed to protest early. Water and food are not a problem. Melons, vegetables, and meat need to be replenished.

In any case, Massimilino I was also the emperor of Mexico. The treatment should still be indispensable, and he should not be allowed to scoop bread every day, right?

Of course, the problem of eating is still a trivial matter. Massimilino I is an idealist, and it is not a problem to let him and his men share the same problems.

Minister Compton ran so aggressively that he did not find any excuses for interference. The Vienna government, however, was cruel and had to pay attention to eating.

If the Mexican Republican government now opens its way and lets them send away Massimilino I, then this intervention will end without any problems.

It is not easy to be a minister in a small country, and there is no chance for merit. It must be known that before Massimilino's succession, Austria had only offices in Mexico, and there was no such high-ranking post.

Upgrading diplomatic relations was not that Franz attached importance to diplomacy with Mexico, mainly to give political aid to Massimiliano I.

Compton still jumped into the ranks with this shareholder style. If he missed this opportunity and could not achieve superhuman achievements, the Minister of Mexico is the pinnacle of his political career.

Running diligently now is creating trouble. In recent days, Compton has clashed with several Republican government military and political personnel.

Unfortunately, these people are too irritating. No matter how irritating he is in words, these people accompany the smiling face and make him powerless.

Now what he is most eager for is the sudden emergence of a second-year boy in the Republican government. It is better that he stimulates a few words and stupidly declares war with Austria, and then he promises it, which is perfect.

This kind of good thing is impossible to happen. The Mexican Republican government ’s internal fighting is so fierce that it is impossible for the second and middle-aged people to become high-ranking. Anyone who stands high is an old fox.

There are indeed many middle and lower middle-aged and middle-aged youths in the Republican government. Unfortunately, these people are not qualified enough to represent the government. Moreover, these people are not easy to mess with, or they will shoot black guns.

By that time there was an excuse for war, and he was taken in. Minister Compton hasn't lived enough. He doesn't want to die for his country so early.

Once again, Mr Compton asked, "Your Majesty, don't you have trouble?"

Every day, the Emperor ate bread, potatoes, corn, and vegetables, fruits, and meat. They were all abuses. Compton was still worried that Maximilian could not stand it.

The secretary replied: "It is better than expected. His Majesty asked for the same food as the soldiers and rejected the small stove."

Minister Compton nodded, and the staff in the embassy have been suffering in recent days. His minister is okay to run outside every day. He often attends some banquet activities to improve his meals.

No matter how chaotic Mexico City is, the embassies and diasporas of all countries are still living a flourishing life, and Republican government troops are innocent of these places.

Although the Austrian embassy was surrounded, it was virtually invisible to a gun at a glance. President Juarez was also afraid of firing his gun and simply firing his soldiers who did not surround him.

Anyway, the city is full of people, and I'm not afraid that Massimiliano I ran away. The main purpose of the siege is to put pressure on it, not really to launch an attack.

Otherwise, Minister Compton had long shot a black gun and provoked conflict. As long as the rage breaks out, responsibility must rest with the Mexican Republican government.

At present, people do not have guns in their hands. Even if they want to get things done, Compton can't get started. Actively provoking incidents and passively responding to those are two concepts.

The embassies of all countries are not far away. If they are seen, Austria's reputation will be lost. Compared with the national reputation, personal achievement and dedication must be put back.

"In this case, you don't need to be so nervous. If these guards want to go home, they can take turns to look back. If there is any trouble, the embassy will try to solve them."

At this point, Minister Compton had confidence, and Governor Hummer's army was about to set off. If there was no reasonable excuse, then take Maximilian I.

The Vienna government is not very interested in Mexico. There are excuses to take advantage of it, and if there is no excuse, it is not a strategic focus.

Strength is the best confidence. It is just water and food. If the Mexican government does not have a reasonable explanation, they will not be able to take it.

Of course, this is only a small problem, and an apology and a loss of money can be solved.

If the Mexican government cooperates well and does not prevent Austria from taking Massimilino I, then these can be omitted, which can be regarded as offsetting the Austrian army's unauthorized entry.

Among the powers, Austria's handling of foreign affairs can be considered eloquent. When unreasonable, it is rarely aggressive. Of course, Zhanli is different.

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