Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 501: Scam

After preparing for the stop loss, the French government immediately compiled a list of assets and sent them to European countries to find prospective customers.

The focus is naturally on Britain and Austria, and other countries simply do not have the power to eat the Mexican Empire. The military strength of the two countries may be enough, but they have no money in their pockets and are not good buyers.

In Vienna, the Austrian government has also conducted an in-depth analysis since France prepared to sell assets in Mexico.

The result is naturally self-evident, proper low-quality assets. Don't look at the French who have obtained a series of privileges, which almost monopolized the mineral resources of Mexico. The problem is that these assets are difficult to realize.

To turn these real estate into real assets, first help the Mexican government stabilize the situation. As the civil war continues, these minerals are worthless.

The local population has no purchasing power, and commercial privileges are also poor. You ca n’t afford to contribute money to help the Mexican people to become rich and well-off?

This is not the 21st century, and the current resources are simply worthless. In this era, the most valuable of the Mexican Empire was the silver mine. However, the silver that was mined was first used to repay the French debt.

That's right, now the French are crying for a big sale, but the investment required is too large, and the benefits they can get are not clear.

To put it plainly, the money that can be obtained is his own money. The future benefits of nothingness are portrayed in the good, as long as you can't get it, it is all frivolous.

Everyone understands that the bottom line of the French is falling again and again. From the initial repayment of the loan and the sale of three melons and two dates, now I can get back the principal.

If it does n’t work, you can discuss it again, and you will be able to recover a 70% off investment.

This is not the low bottom line of Napoleon III, but mainly the loss of confidence in Massimiliano I. Throwing money into a bottomless pit for a long time, even France, which is rich in wealth, cannot stand it.

Once the Massimilino regime collapsed, all their investment was lost. The Mexican Republicans were overthrown because of reliance on their accounts. It is too low to expect them to continue to perform.

It's a pity that the French may have too much fame in Europe. They can't eat any meat and everyone dare not touch it.

Although the Paris government has repeatedly lowered the conditions, these loans do not need to be paid immediately by the takeover, as long as the Mexican government is guaranteed to perform, and they even give commissions.

In simple terms, the French get back most of the loan principal, and the rest of the interest and the benefits of various privileges are attributed to Pan Xia.

The result remains, no one is willing to take the offer. In case the Mexican government fails to meet its debts, it's Panxia's turn to pay.

Facts have proven that all countries have a bottom line and are unwilling to lose their own credibility, and no one is willing to give the French this guarantee.

In fact, there are many people who are interested in Mexico, but most of them just want to get a fish, and they are simply not willing to invest in large-scale.

The Spaniards, for example, have always wanted to turn Mexico into a colony. After the outbreak of the American Civil War, they also took actual action, and as a result they were squeezed out by the French.

Now civil war broke out in Spain due to the throne battle. There is also a credit from the French here. If Napoleon III threatened with force and strongly rejected the military nominee, things would not have happened at this stage.

Civil wars are fought, and it is naturally impossible to expand to Mexico. Now the Spaniards ’overseas colonies are still trembling, for fear of being swallowed.

Another example is the British, who are also expanding in Mexico, but they have not invested enough and have not competed with the French.

Not willing to invest in those days, let alone now. The British had too many colonies, and their families could not manage it, and the Mexican Empire could hardly raise their interest.

There is also the Kingdom of Prussia, which has also expressed interest in Mexico. Unfortunately, they had no money in their pockets, and they could not get the initial investment to suppress the Mexican rebellion.

Such poor ghosts are naturally not good customers. It is estimated to be given to Prussia for free, and they have no money to send troops to interfere in the Mexican civil war.

To stop the loss, the French government has secretly contacted the Republicans. As long as Juarezken continues to implement the treaty that Massimilino signed with them, it will not be negotiable for them to come to power.


Late at night, the Mexican Rebel Command was brightly lit, and Juarez was still holding a military meeting to discuss the next battle plan.

Repeated defeats are used to describe the Mexican uprising. From the start of the rebellion in Juarez, it has continued to the present. The insurgent army has gone through hundreds of battles, large and small, and basically ended in failure.

Thanks to the reform policies of Massimiliano I, the insurgents did not disappear as a result, but grew stronger in failure.

War is the best teacher. From the beginning of the hard fight with the French, to now guerrilla wars started everywhere, the insurgent army has grown a lot.

Although they still couldn't win the French, they were no longer against the Mexican government forces. Without the support of the French, Massimilino I would have been overthrown.

"Honour President, the Americans have heard the news, the position of the Paris government has changed, and they are preparing to sell the privileges obtained from that tyrant," said Foreign Minister Hadrow.

The Mexican Uprising Army also has a government. They do not recognize the legitimacy of Massimilino I ’s government. In addition, they formed a Republican government, which can be said to continue the previous Republican government.

After receiving the funding from the gold master, the situation of the insurgent army improved, and the government of the Caotai team gradually improved, and now it has all the organs.

The leaders were almost all political prisoners pardoned by Massimiliano I, which was a little awkward.

In the interim government, there are also internal contradictions. In order to prove that they did not collude with Massimiliano I, these people gave Massimilino I the name of a tyrant.

Frankly, this hat is too wrong. Massimilino I was at most a stupid monarch, and had absolutely nothing to do with the tyrant.

This is the point. Everyone is a republic. No one will defend him. Since it is the enemy, the darker the better.

Juarez said with joy: "It seems that the French can't stand it, and the day of the victory of the revolution is not far off."

Everyone was beaming at the good news. After all, they are fighting against France, and the pressure is still very great.

France in this age is like a sky in the sky, and its influence in Mexico is even more extraordinary. Many of them would not participate in this revolution if it was not because their interests were seriously damaged.

Even with the uprising, many people are skeptical that they will succeed. In order to drive away the French, they have launched many decisive battles, and the results of each decisive battle ended in failure.

The shadow of failure has been shrouded in the hearts of everyone, and everyone knows that the French invested less than one-tenth of their strength in Mexico, not even one-twentieth.

Just being so involved, they were so overwhelmed that everyone was naturally jealous of the French. At this time, everyone was very happy to hear that the French were about to give up.

A middle-aged officer asked with concern: "Is anyone taking over?"

The French withdrew, and if someone made a replacement, it would be their new enemy. If you just finished the front door rejecting the wolf, and suddenly found that the back door enters the tiger, it will be a tragedy.

"Drive the wolf to chase the tiger" sounds very good, if it is really uncomfortable to operate. The insurgents had limited strength and could not accomplish such a great task.

Everyone is most worried about Austria, the emperor came from the Habsburgs. If the troop intervention changes from France to Austria, the cooperation between the two sides will definitely be closer.

The Austrian Central American colony is next door. It is too easy for the Vienna government to get involved in Mexico's internal affairs.

Foreign Minister Hadero replied with a spirited answer: "French people have failed. How could anyone take over?"

The tense expression of the crowd alleviated all of a sudden. Without the intervention of external forces and overthrowing the rule of Massimilino I, everyone would still be confident.

After a pause, Hadrow continued: "Her President, how about we agree with the French first and wait for the expulsion of Massimilino I?"

The contact with the French was carried out in secret, but here are all high-level, it is naturally clear that the insurgents had a secret connection with the French.

This is not surprising. The French have too much influence. Everyone is not sure of victory. At the same time as the armed uprising, they are ready to compromise with the French.

Without discussion, that is because the conditions between the two sides are too different. However, this line is still kept, and it is considered a backward path.

"Playing with the French", as soon as Hadrow's suggestion came out, everyone's face changed.

After waiting for the French to hold on, they may have to prepare to withdraw their troops. At this time, to stimulate the French, who knows if it will make the French into anger?

Juarez shook his head and said, "No, France is a big country. Even if they fail here, they will still not affect their strength. If we offend and die, we will never have peace in the future."

This is not Juarez's fear, he really has no strength in his hands, and he is not arrogant in speaking or doing things. Even if the French give up Mexico, they can cause them a lot of trouble.

Hadrow reluctantly defended: "His President, what the French have secretly contacted us is strictly confidential.

Even if we deal with us, the Paris government dare not sign a treaty with us on paper. Otherwise, the news of the betrayal of Maximilian I was exposed, and Napoleon III could not afford the political impact.

Just a verbal agreement, even if we breached the contract, the French would not be able to speak out.

As for revenge, can we still have a good relationship with the French at this stage?

Unless we continue to implement the treaty signed by Massimiliano I, the two sides have no possibility of easing. "

Juarez fell into hesitation and wanted to win the revolutionary victory in the shortest time, then Fudge French was the best choice.

Don't say that there is no treaty, even if there is a treaty, you can rely on it. But the French's revenge can be uncomfortable, and Juarez dare not underestimate the French's strength.

The debt default that year was a profound lesson. In addition to the government's financial collapse and inability to pay, there is also the Mexican government's belief that European countries will not mobilize for such a small amount of money. As a result, the three countries, Britain, France, and Spain, intervened, and the French even left here.

After so many years of civil war, it is no longer known how many times the debt is caused to Mexico.

Even if no one accuses him of this, Juarez is very clear that he has a responsibility on this issue. After one lesson, it became more cautious.

Juarez asked, "What about the opinions of others?"

Finance Minister Andersson replied first: "I think it is worth a try. Not long ago, the French annexed Italy and were busy digesting the results.

In a short time, they should contract strategically. This is a matter of national policy, and the Paris government cannot change for us.

This time may last more than ten years. This is our chance. As long as we complete internal reforms during this time and the country is strong, we will not be afraid of French revenge. "

Secretary of the Army Gro Wei echoed: "It's all this step, do you still care what the French do? Anyway, they are all enemies, and it's okay to offend some more.

As long as we can overthrow the decaying tyrant regime at an early date, we can build a strong Mexican republic without worrying about French revenge at all. "


Everyone is an optimist, and believes that as long as the rule of Massimiliano I is overthrown, Mexico can become strong immediately.

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