Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 492: Promote pork

Agriculture accounts for a large proportion of the total economy, and the entire industry chain employs tens of millions of people. Once it does not withstand the shock, the Austrian economy will be hit hard.

Despite colonial spillovers, homeland remains at the core. It is far from the time to transfer the primary industry. Before the birth of fertilizers, the Austrian agricultural dividend period will not end.

Due to practical needs, Franz can only advance the development of the aquaculture industry in advance and artificially increase food consumption.

The reason for this is that the income level of the people has not increased, and the demand for meat in the market is relatively small.

According to the original plan, Franz was planning to put the aquaculture industry after 1875, which was determined based on the economic development of European countries.

Those who study the economy are accustomed to putting 1870 ~ 1890 in a cycle, mainly due to the outbreak of the second industrial revolution. During this period, the economies of Europe and the United States have grown rapidly, and the people's income has also greatly improved.

The increase in income is accompanied by an increase in consumption levels. According to data analyzed by economic experts, 5 years will be the golden period to promote animal husbandry.

Due to the restrictions of the times, in this era, there is no need to worry about the impact of beef and mutton in Argentina, Canada, and Australia, at least in the fresh meat market.

Freezing technology is not enough. If you want to deliver fresh meat to Europe, you must deliver it.

It is not easy to transport living cattle and sheep from thousands of miles to the European continent. A small accident at sea will cause heavy losses.

Amortizing these transportation costs, even if they are shipped to continental Europe, the price is not cheap. At most, it sells beef jerky or bacon.

In the short term, there is no such competitor, and it is another period of agricultural product dividends. However, this dividend period must occur at a time when the market demand is strong.

Now the development of aquaculture industry is started ahead of time, and it is still difficult to make the market in the early stage.

In fact, the development of animal husbandry was not conceived by Franz himself. The Ministry of Agriculture had long planned, but it was not expected that the Russians would return to the agricultural export market so soon.

After the tsarist government announced that it was in bad debts, European countries took revenge measures, radically confiscated Russian exports directly to pay off debts, and eased a bit of debt taxes.

Well, this debt tax was pioneered by Franz, that is, a certain percentage of tax is drawn from Russian imports to pay off previous debts.

In the relationship between the Russian and Austrian alliances, this debt tax Austria only collects a little bit of symbolism, and other European countries do not give it such a face.

The specific ratio depends on everyone's mood. Generally, it will not be less than 30%. Affected by this, in the past two or three years, the export trade of the Russian Empire has shrunk by eight layers.

Now that the Tsarist government proposes to pay off grain, it is actually in order to break these restrictions. Otherwise, even if the price of their food is cheap, it will be difficult to have market competitiveness.

Finding problems is easy, and solving them is difficult. After being aware of the Russians' movement, the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture became busy.

Christian, nearly seventies, had to take back his leave report. Without solving this problem, he should not want to go on holiday with peace of mind.

This time is not too long. Perhaps from the second half of the year, Russian agricultural products will appear on the international market again.

After another two or three years, Austria's dominance of agricultural product exports will cease to exist.

The international market is so big, as long as the Russians send out grain from Ukraine and Moscow, they can grab a large market share.

There were only a few major food importing countries in this era. Britain, Italy, the German Federal Empire, and the remaining Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Switzerland, although they were also importing food, were not in great demand.

Overall, there are about 30 million people in the European grain market.

Of course, this only refers to staple foods. The demand for other agricultural and sideline products varies greatly and it is difficult to make effective statistics.

This market is still increasing at a rate of 2 million per year. This is due to population growth in various countries. There has been no improvement in agricultural technology, population growth, and grain production has not increased simultaneously, and a gap has also appeared.

Of the agricultural products produced in Austria, 24.6% are for export, and this is the part that is most affected.

After collating the information, Christian sighed. The Minister of Agriculture is not easy to do, it is too difficult to get results, and it is too easy to get problems.

The proportion of exports is too large and it is easy to be affected by the international market. This is the biggest problem. If you want to switch to domestic sales, the domestic market can't consume it.

The snow is still falling, and the sky in Vienna seems to like silver this winter. Cold wind blows, and Christian, who just came out of the carriage, shivered.

Without a pause, Christian entered the palace quickly and transferred to another carriage.

The area of ​​Schönbrunn Palace is not small. After Franz's succession, the reconstruction of the rotten tail project has begun, and the area now is even larger.

Of course, I mainly went into a hunting ground, which was strongly demanded by Grand Duke Carl, because Queen Sophie was worried about his body and would not let him go hunting. To make it easier for the elderly father to hunt, Franz naturally agreed.

Anyway, Vienna is the territory of the Habsburgs. Most of the land is royal, there is no land cost, and it will not cost much to add a fence.

Franz didn't like the original palace, and took the opportunity to add a few more buildings as daily living areas.

This made the palace door farther from the emperor. For security, the Royal Palace prohibits any foreign carriages from entering. Either transfer or walk. This multiple-choice question is easy to do, and Christian doesn't want to be frozen.


The phone was a good thing. As soon as Christian entered the palace, Franz was notified.

Franz, who is sympathetic to the old man, doesn't already make the coffee ready according to his preferences.

Of course, if anyone knows that the various drinks in the palace are always available and changed every fifteen minutes, perhaps the effect of buying people's hearts will be small.

Of course, even if someone knows, most of them will be confused. Some drinks are good. Where there is so much nonsense, if you tell the truth, this day will not pass.

The personal preferences of the ministers, how could Franz remember that only his subordinates paid attention to the preferences of his bosses. Which emperor was full and ran to care about the personal preferences of the ministers?

Tastes and hobbies are not specifically recorded. In case something is wrong, it's a big deal. The relationship between monarchs and ministers in Europe is not so complicated, and the subsections in daily life are not worth mentioning. Don't worry about accidentally dropping your head.

He took a sip of coffee, dispelled the cold, and after a ten-minute break, Christian reported to Franz.

"Your Majesty, this is data from the Ministry of Agriculture. At present, domestic supply and demand of meat products are basically balanced. The best way to expand domestic demand is to reduce prices.

It is not that the people do not like to eat meat, but currently the domestic meat price is still relatively high compared to their income.

The international market is even worse. Although the supply and demand relationship in the fresh meat market is still in balance, the supply of beef jerky and cured meat foods is somewhat overwhelming. Most of these products come from the United States of America.

According to preliminary judgment, increasing the supply of 600,000 tons of beef and 400,000 tons of mutton each year, and 350,000 tons of other types of meat products, are the limits of the market.

If this supply is exceeded, it will have a huge impact on the market and will likely cause prices to plummet. "

Franz obviously couldn't do the things that broke the market. As the largest exporter of agricultural products, the market has been hit, and Austria has suffered the most.

After thinking about it, Franz asked, "What if you put this time in one year, or two years later?"

It takes time for animal husbandry and breeding, and feed is not popular in this era. It is forage and food, and the time to market is relatively long. The shortest time is more than one year.

Minister of Agriculture Christian replied with a moment of thought and replied: "Your Majesty, although the population of Europe is now steadily increasing, the aquaculture industry is also expanding its production capacity. If the time is put in two years, it will increase by about 10% at most.

After wandering a few steps indoors, Franz made the decision: "The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing to promote aquaculture programs based on an increase of two million tons of meat products.

First push down the price of meat products and cultivate the market. If the market cannot digest it, we will increase our strategic reserves. Around two or three years is not much money. "

The direct grain consumption of cattle and sheep is not large, but the planting of forage will inevitably occupy the land where the grain was originally grown, thereby reducing the grain output.

Unlike later generations, the pork thing is not very popular in this era. This is determined by eating habits. It takes a long time to change.

In fact, the per capita consumption of meat products in Europe in this era was not too low, maybe it was pulled up by the rich. In Austria, for example, per capita meat consumption is 82 pounds. (About 37 kg)

After a pause, Franz added: "It can increase pork production. Compared to beef and mutton, pork is relatively cheaper and more acceptable to the public.

If pork production goes up, I plan to add 300 grams of pork per week to the table of children who are compulsory. "

Don't say whether you like it or not. Those who are qualified for picky eaters go to private schools. In compulsory education schools in Austria, all facilities are inferior to private schools, and they are all civilian children at the bottom.

It's good to have meat. You must know that the school only provides meat once a week. Don't think about beef and mutton, unless it is a holiday, or Franz's birthday, can appear.

In normal times, the school only serves fish. There is only one reason, and that is cheap. You can buy more meat for the same money, and the budget-minded Ministry of Education can only provide this cheap meat.

There is no way to promote pork. The price of beef and mutton is too high. This isn't something you want to drop. Pork is cheap, so promote it.

Prior to this, the government had promoted fish, and only the sea fish was welcomed by the market.

This is the aftermath of industry. With the development of industry, the inevitable environmental pollution, fish and shrimp mutations have appeared in many rivers.

Mutated fish and shrimp is not a good thing. After food poisoning, no one dare to eat it. The Vienna government has also banned the sale and consumption of mutant fish and shrimp.

This affects the entire freshwater fish school and makes them unpopular. Except for inland mountains, almost no one is eating freshwater fish.

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