Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 486: Mud clams fight, first fisherman

The uprising in Rome made many people see the opportunity and fell into ruin. International public opinion has even drained dog blood approved by the French government, including French media.

There is no way, this is the sequelae of confusion. Some people support the Reformation, and some people also oppose the Reformation. More often, they oppose it.

Perhaps Napoleon III was used to it, and domestic public opinion did not have much influence on him, and he still suppressed the rebellion step by step.

This made the British very disappointed. The uprising in Italy could not move the foundations of France. As long as Paris was not chaotic, the Grand French Empire would be difficult to defeat.

The facts did not come as a surprise. The powerful Roman uprising lasted less than a week and was suppressed by the French. It was exactly one morning of resistance, and the insurgents were defeated.

The people in Wuhe are the people in Wuhe. The uprising launched in a hurry looks powerful, but the internal organizational relations are chaotic.

The revolutionaries were not able to control the situation from beginning to end. Although the church members participated in the uprising, they jealous of the strength of the French and had no confidence in the revolution.

Noisy, that crying child has milk. Show the French people their strength and strive for more favorable conditions for themselves, but they are not ready to die with the French.

The French counter-insurgency army arrived quickly. After seeing the momentum was not good, the gang quickly changed their positions and betrayed the Revolutionary Party.

Before the British shot, the Italian independence movement fell into a low tide. In addition to some of the scattered guerrillas still insisting on resistance, the cities controlled by the rebels returned to the French.

In London, Prime Minister Benjamin was very distressed recently, the situation in South Africa was tight, and the help telegram arrived three times a day.

After finally planning an Italian independence movement, the results have just begun and they are coming to an end. The Italian's spirit of independence is very strong, but the actual combat ability is no help.

There are many revolutionaries in the mouth, and everyone yells slogans very well. On the battlefield, these people are usually the first to run.

Of course, it is not without results. After the failure of the uprising, the cultural industry in Italy developed significantly, and a large number of artists emerged.

Italian artistic creation, this is not a question of Benjamin's concern, now he is busy thinking about the aftermath.

With so many bad things happening during his tenure, he can almost announce that he does not need to participate in the next election, lest he lose too badly, and his face will not look good.

The next session will not go, it will not go, and Prime Minister Benjamin will not care. But the problems at hand must be dealt with, otherwise he won't be able to get ahead of the election.

Queen Victoria, who doesn't interfere too much in politics, has called him three times this week and asked him to come up with a plan as soon as possible to solve the problems facing her.


Foreign Minister Macleans said with a sad expression: "Prime Minister, the current situation is very bad for us. France and Austria have stood together.

The Vienna government has acquiesced to the French annexation of Italy, and has not intervened from start to finish, otherwise the Italian independence movement would not have failed quickly.

In the Mediterranean, they joined us to squeeze us together; in South Africa, they also joined together to pose for the Cape of Good Hope.

Judging from the strategic layout, this time France and Austria are not only joining forces to expand in the European continent, they are likely to want to seize maritime hegemony.

Now we are losing the Mediterranean Sea. If we lose the Cape of Good Hope, the distance to the Indian Ocean will increase significantly.

This is not an exception to our control over India, including the Far East. The Austrians' tentacles have penetrated the Arabian Peninsula and are very close to India.

For the time being, the Royal Navy can suppress their ambitions, but in the context of the Franco-Austrian union, how long it can suppress is also unknown.

Now is the time to change foreign policy, and I propose that, at the expense of recognition of France, we get the French to join the alliance. "

Joining the league is not that simple. Now that the French have annexed the Italian region, Austria has not achieved much. At this time, the Paris government has compromised, and the Vienna government will definitely be dissatisfied.

Although it is not possible to determine the specific content of the Franco-Austrian alliance, Macleans can be sure that Austria has not received the benefits stipulated in the treaty.

Just the small gains in South Africa, in his opinion, are not enough for Austria's appearance fees. After all, Austria ’s investment in the South African War is very large, and it is very difficult to recover the costs.

From the perspective of benefits, the two do business together. One company makes a lot of money and the other one loses money. This kind of cooperation is doomed to fail.

Prime Minister Benjamin rubbed his forehead and hesitated. It is easy to recognize the French Empire, but the aftermath is very serious.

This means that the enemy, France, has grown again. On the bright side, after the annexation of the Italian Empire, the overall national strength of the French empire increased by a third.

If the internal integration is completed, the strength of the French will continue to grow, and Britain will lose many of its advantages over France.

Unlike Austria, with France and Spain in the middle, the London government doesn't feel much pressure.

France is not the same as it is separated by water. The British must face the pressure of this moment. The London government always has the greatest vigilance.

"Then try it. The threat from the Franco-Austrian alliance is too great for us. We must dismantle them. There are also many people in the Austrian government who oppose the Grand French Empire. These people can use them."

The decision was made and Prime Minister Benjamin was relieved. Although the Royal Navy has always vowed to guarantee British security, he felt pressured against the two great powers.

He is also bad luck, turning over the history of British diplomacy, this should be regarded as their most isolated era.

After the tireless efforts of the predecessors, the European countries that paid the expensive tuition fees are not so good now.

Seeing that France and Austria have a tendency to form alliances, everyone has chosen Mingzhe to protect themselves. It is true that they are opposed to the establishment of the French Empire, but they are still talking about it, and the actual actions are still on the sidelines.

This caused Prime Minister Benjamin to be very distressed, the anti-French alliance became a real name, let alone the anti-Olympic alliance that was secretly stirred up, not to mention that they did not dare to raise it at this time.

In case of a stimulus, France and Austria simply tore off their final disguise and divided Europe up brightly, and then stoned their own feet.

France and Austria will have a battle for continental hegemony. This concept was put forward by his predecessor, John Russell. In order to separate the relations between the two countries, they also preached.

The plan will never keep up with the rapid changes. France and Austria will erupt conflicts for continental hegemony. This is the consensus of all people, but it is difficult to say when this conflict erupts.

For example: Now France and Austria have another broader idea, which is to clear the market first, so as not to make people profit.

This is hard work. Both sides are willing to restrain the contradiction. They must kill the fishermen before decisive battle. This makes them embarrassed as a fisherman.

A difficult problem was dealt with, and another old one surfaced. Colonial Minister Louis said: "You, South Africa, is in a tight situation on the battlefield, and everyone has seen the help telegram.

If you still don't want to lose the Cape of Good Hope, send out reinforcements as soon as possible! The frontline casualties are very large, and if we are slow to respond, maybe they will surrender directly to the enemy. "

Surrender with surrender, forcing the government to send reinforcements. This is not a trick. The London government does make compromises now, but it will also be settled in the future.

No doubt, this is not the writing of Governor Delphi. As a politician, he would not take himself in.

However, there are still people who are not afraid of the London government, and private colonial companies. They are also an important part of the South African Armed Forces. They do not mix politics, they have background, and they do not care about offending the cabinet at all.

Not only colonial companies, but the middle and lower bureaucrats in the colonial government did not care about the London government. They are not soldiers who do not have the responsibility of keeping the soil. Even after the war, they can't chase them.

This non-threatening telegram appeared in the London government. If the reinforcements are not in place and there is no hope of victory, these people may indeed surrender in order to save their lives.

The atmosphere was embarrassed. Everyone has seen the casualty data reported by the Governor's House of Cape Town in the recent period.

If it is seen by ordinary people, it is a set of data. On average, there are seven or eight hundred casualties per day, plus ten times more brilliant results, this loss is not worth mentioning at all.

The layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway. Some of them know a little bit about military common sense, and they know the consequences of going on like this.

You must know that the attackers are all the cannon fodder forces in the hands of the enemy. That is how much they want. The enemy will not feel the pain even if the loss is heavy.

This situation can imagine the blow to the morale of the army. The best option is to launch a counter-offensive and have a decisive battle with the enemy, otherwise they will suffer.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Governor Delphi fought against his opponent more than a dozen times, all of which ended in failure. All the ambitions were wiped out, and he was afraid to go out of town to fight.

The London government did not dare to make this order. Everyone was afraid to take responsibility. Although the number of British troops in Cape Town is not small, it is not without the strength of World War I. Unfortunately, everyone does not have the courage to fight World War I.

Governor Delphi expects the London government to send more troops to crush the past with absolute strength, while the London government has no troops to send.

The British Army is just a little bit. If all troops are dispatched today, an independent uprising will occur in Ireland tomorrow. The Irish government is clear about the Irish people's desire for independence.

If the army wanted to expand, the navy would not agree. Expansion is easy, disarmament is difficult.

Once the size of the army expands, it is not easy to reduce the size. Even if you think with your fingers, everyone knows that the Army will have enough excuses to keep the establishment.

It is clear from the sitting that although the situation in South Africa is in crisis, it has not reached the point where it will soon fall. There are still so many troops in Britain. As long as there are no internal problems, the enemy will not be able to capture Cape Town for a while.

Behind the crisis, what role does the Army play? This is also an difficult question to answer.

Don't look at the Secretary of the Army without saying a word. In fact, the Ministry of War has made a lot of efforts to promote the expansion plan.

This South African war has provided them with an excellent opportunity. If the London government continues to send reinforcements, it must first expand its army.

Secretary of the Army Fawkes waved and said, "Don't look at me, you all know that the British army is very small. Now the officers and men are very busy. There is no idle force to reinforce the Cape Town frontline.

Didn't Delphi need 100,000 troops? As long as the Cabinet also expands by 100,000, I can send reinforcements within a month. "

Send the reinforcements over a month. If you don't prepare in advance, no one will believe you if you go out.

Of course, it may be bragging, and this is not the first time this has happened. There will be various accidents at that time as a reason for delaying troop dispatch.

Secretary of the Navy Robert sarcastically said: "I remember whether South Africa ’s Boer Republic army was 30,000 or 40,000, less than half of Cape Town's garrison.

The battles are like this, and I'm sorry to expand the army. Isn't this a waste of British resources? "

Without waiting for Fox's refutation, Robert said, "Don't rush to explain, I know you want to say that the enemy has a bunch of servants, but a group of strong men caught temporarily, and the indigenous people who charge with wooden sticks can also be counted as the army?

Although the troops in our colony are not all elite, the enemy forces on the opposite side are also black and white. From the outbreak of the war to the present, no Austrian army has appeared on the battlefield.

Everyone knows the components of the Bur Republic army. It was a group of civilian militants who recruited a group of young people on the spot and hit all the way from Transvaal to Cape Town.

It's time for you to reflect on why our army's combat effectiveness is so bad?

The army has made enough jokes over the years. I don't want to increase the combat effectiveness of the troops, but just want to expand the number, and I can only give the enemy records on the battlefield. "

Robert and Fox have no personal grudges, but identity determines their position. In connection with the military battle, Robert, the Secretary of the Navy, directly opened the scars of the Army.

Fox banged the table angrily, refuting: "Nonsense, the combat effectiveness of the Army is not as good as that of the Austrians, which is determined by insufficient military expenditure.

Just a comparison, the military budgets of the two sides are sufficient to explain all issues. Since the outbreak of the South African war, we have been suppressed by the enemy, otherwise we would not have suffered so many defeats! "

Who is afraid of who is bullying, for thousands of reasons. Being able to achieve their current position, they are all spraying all the way to people.

The dispute between the sea and the land exists in almost every country. Prime Minister Benjamin had to come out and mud. Now both sides make sense, and he is left alone.

"Enough. This is not where you quarrel. Go out and quarrel."

The two looked at each other and became silent. The issue of army expansion has also been put on hold. Robert had no joy in victory, and Fox had no dissatisfaction with failure.

Obviously, this kind of thing has happened many times. Almost every time the government will support the navy, and then it will comfort the army, slightly improve the treatment, or expand the establishment slightly.

The issue of reinforcements in Cape Town was quickly resolved. Compared to the artillery fodder, John Bull would not counsel before the Indians died.

The only problem is that the finances can't stand it. The combat tasks that 10,000 British troops can complete, and 50,000 Indian troops may not be able to complete them.

It looks cheap on the surface, but in fact, who knows who uses it. If the quality is not good, then use quantity to make up.

In the original World War II, the British army had to go to the battlefield in person, which is enough to show that the cost-effectiveness of the Indian colonial army was not enough.

Otherwise, the London government would have used the Indian colonial army to kill the enemy.

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