Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 480: Industrial tuition

There are many types of minerals, coal, iron and petroleum are the most important.

Russia, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, and the United States have high iron ore reserves in the seven countries;

The coal mines are China, the United States and Russia, and Asia, Europe and North America have good coal quality;

Oil distribution is concentrated, Russia, the United States, China, Mexico, and the Middle East.


In the previous geography lesson, Franz remembered it clearly, summing up the lack of ore in Europe.

On the one hand, the development time is too early, and by the 21st century, many resources are exhausted; on the other hand, there are really not many mineral reserves.

With the exception of Russia, the European countries are all poor mining nations, or a single mineral resource. Typical example: Germany, almost everything except coal and iron ore.

Many countries are envious of this. The two basic elements of the industrial era are in place. Is the French next door short of coal?

In contrast, Austria is a happy place, perhaps with a slightly larger territory, and basically all mineral resources are in place. It's just this reserve that can't be sold.

Of course, this is also relative. Compared with European countries other than Russia, Austria's mineral resources still dominate.

These resources laid the foundation for Austria's industrial development. By 1870, Austrian steel output surpassed the British for the first time, jumping to the top of the world with an annual output of 6.48 million tons.

Of course, the advantage is not obvious, just over 20,000 tons of Britons. The main factor contributing to the rapid growth of Austrian steel output is the increase in demand in the domestic market.

A local market of more than 30 million people and a local market of more than 70 million people have all completed industrialization. The demand for steel is obviously the latter.

In fact, this output still cannot meet the market demand. In addition to the local market, the African colony is also a large steel consumer.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Industry, Austria's steel demand will double in the next ten years, of which steel demand will reach 1.5 million tons.

Seeing this data, Franz had a headache. At present, the steel production in the Bohemia region has encountered a bottleneck, the output growth rate has slowed down, and it is necessary to rapidly expand production capacity unless further technological innovation is carried out.

However, this is not very realistic. The steel technology has only recently revolutionized, and a breakthrough has been made in the short term, which is almost impossible in the existing industrial technology.

Although the second steel production base in Bosnia and Herzegovina has developed rapidly, there is still a long way to go to fill this vacancy. It will not be reached within ten years.

At present, most of Austria's major steel companies are concentrated in the Bohemia region (later Czech regions), accounting for 63% of the country's steel output.

In addition, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Linz, Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Saxony, Galicia, Silesia and other regions are all distributed.

The main reasons for this situation are various. The steel mills in Bavaria, Wurttemberg, and Saxony are left over from history, and have not been developed due to limited resources.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the industry started too late, and the government is still busy building roads. Although steel companies have settled down, they cannot reach their maximum production capacity due to limited traffic.

Galicia is the government that does not pay enough attention to compete with Bohemia; Silesia is the pot of the Prussians. They ran away and left the mess. The Vienna government has just finished packing.

Human factors can be overcome, the most troublesome is the distribution of resources. There are many coal and iron mines in Austria, but unfortunately they are not concentrated.

The development of iron and steel enterprises must inevitably move closer to the origin of raw materials, resulting in a situation of blossoming on all sides.

According to Franz, capitalists have made the right choice. Since investing, the main purpose is to make money. If it is far away from the origin of raw materials, the competitiveness of the product will naturally not be guaranteed.

To this day, centralization of heavy industry is no longer suitable for Austria. The supply of resources in each place is limited. It can only provide one million tons of steel raw materials. You cannot make two million tons of steel.

To meet growing domestic demand, it is inevitable to open more industrial bases. Except for the concentration of resources in Germany, almost every major industrial country has multiple industrial bases.

After carefully reviewing the information, Franz made the decision: "This multiple choice question need not be done. Given the domestic development situation, the demand for steel will only increase.

It is better to develop a heavy industry base today and another heavy industry base tomorrow.

Serbia, Silesia, and Galicia all have the potential to develop into heavy industrial bases. Let's list them together this time!

In other areas, as long as there are coal mines and iron ore at the same time, transportation is relatively convenient and development can also be carried out.

The government has formulated corresponding policies and tried to solve transportation problems, and the final development is left to enterprises and the market. "

In this era, governments of various countries are laissez-faire on industrial development. What the industry develops is basically determined by the market economy.

Austria ’s government to solve infrastructure problems is actually an administrative means to intervene in the market economy, but it is relatively vague.

Just look at Russia next door. As Europe's richest country, steel production is less than one-twentieth of Austria's.

This is not that the Russian capitalists have not seen business opportunities, mainly because the traffic is too poor. The Tsarist government does not solve the traffic problem and asks them to build their own roads. Who dares to make this sale?

After the Tsarist government attached importance to the passage, the Russian industry began to truly develop. Unfortunately, the Russian Empire is too large, and this road is too difficult to repair.

Prior to World War I, the Russians only repaired more than 70,000 kilometers, which was already the result of the efforts of successive tsars.

Before crossing Franz, he often talked about the Russians' traffic. After arriving in this world, his ideas changed.

The road of the Russian Empire is really difficult to repair. Building railways in ice-snow countries is technically more difficult and more expensive to build than European countries. The Tsarist government is a poor ghost.

"Want to build the road rich", this sentence is not wrong at all. However, there is no money for road construction, which is a tragedy.

Even more tragic is that the Russians' railways are not only expensive to build, they are also much more expensive to maintain than European countries. Even if the railway is open, there is no guarantee that it will be open to traffic all year round.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of railways, railway companies have to invest a large number of workers for maintenance in winter. Many sections only need a few hours, and the snow will cover the railway.

As a result, the operating costs of railways have also gone up, and freight rates have naturally increased. Originally cheap industrial raw materials, after thousands of miles of transportation, also become not cheap.

It is not surprising that the Russian industry has not developed since it started late and faces such harsh conditions. In addition to the decay of the Tsarist government, it is not surprising.

Estimating these issues, Alexander II has not thought about it, and he is still busy leading the Russian people to wasteland.

No, the land reclamation has been going on for almost two years, and now we should worry about how to handle the new food.

If you want to sell food, you must first be able to ship it. Let's not talk about the food in the Ukraine. The food exports of the Russian Empire mainly come from here.

There is also a way for food in the Moscow region to be transported by river. For the food in the Caucasus, build roads first. The lack of railways is really a headache.

The most tragic is the Siberian plain. The Russian people who opened up wasteland are tragedy. Not to mention the harsh weather conditions. After all, the patience given by the Tsar has passed.

The transportation problem is a headache. Rivers exist. The prerequisite is that your land must be along the river, and that the river can be navigable.

Fortunately, Alexander II waived the tax on newly reclaimed land, otherwise the tax officials would collapse. People do n’t have money in their pockets. Do they collect food taxes, or do they not collect them?

Perhaps for the Russian people, this is also a trouble of happiness. Never have to worry about starving again. If you wait a few more years, everyone's warehouse will be full of grain.

The time is short, and the power of the great wasteland is not yet visible, but looking at the big data Franz knows that Alexander II's reform was half successful.

More food means lower prices. In addition to filling the stomachs of farmers, it can also feed a large number of workers at the lowest cost.

Everyone is full, and the country is stable. For at least decades, most Russians will be satisfied.

The only question is whether it can withstand the counter-attacks of the conservatives. With so much land reclaimed, how can the Russian nobles remain indifferent?

After the land reclamation was completed, someone jumped out to pick peaches. If land mergers cannot be curbed, the Russian Empire will still be in crisis again.

Land merger is still a problem in the future, and the biggest trouble now is grain sales. If so much food cannot be sold in the international market, then the joy will be great.

This time does not take long, and next year or the following year, the Russian Empire will be in distress oversupplying food.

So far, the Russians have opened at least 200 million acres of arable land, which is almost half the area of ​​Austria's native arable land.

Fortunately, the newly developed land of the Russians is relatively rotten, and the grain output is relatively low. Many places can only grow one season of potatoes.

If in accordance with Austria's land output standards, this grain output can directly support the international grain market.

In order to deal with the impact of Russian food on the international market, Austria has begun to destock, and many savvy farmers are preparing to switch to cash crops.

As for the grain processing industry, Austria is still the world. Taking advantage of self-produced and sold products, these years have defeated many competitors and controlled terminal pricing in the grain market.

Even if the Russians export food, most of them are exported to Austria, after finishing finishing, and then sold to European countries.

Near the water tower, the first month, this advantage will not change in the short term. Unless the Russians complete industrialization, their own processing industries develop.

This again involves industry, and wanting to change is not an overnight problem. Take the flour processing industry as an example: the flour produced by Russian companies is not only costly but also of poor quality.

Now, the flour sold in many cities of the Russian Empire is actually produced in Austria, and we know how strong the competitiveness of Russian products is.

The machines of this era are not so easy to use, unlike the flour mills of later generations, they are all fool-type operations, which anyone can master.

Today's machinery is high-tech. Without professional technicians, there is no turning around at all. The shortcomings in talent are not so easy to make up for.

It is not easy to send someone to train skilled workers. Many countries exported machinery and equipment in this era, and many mines were pre-buried.

For example, for machinery and equipment exported from Austria, the instructions are all in German, and they may be in key places, and they must be sandwiched by a few local dialects.

Even professional translators can definitely figure out the meaning. What should I do? It is natural to ask an expert. Depending on the export of labor services, the enterprise can make a profit again.

If you are a little bit ill-intentioned, you will still have an ambush in some places, intentionally allowing buyers to continue to earn post-maintenance fees due to improper operation.

This is why everyone imported the most advanced equipment in Europe, and they have to toss back and forth, so that manufacturers do not make enough money, do not want to start smoothly.

Some unscrupulous merchants even sell machinery and equipment at a low price first, enticing buyers to fool around, and then fiddle with machinery and equipment, earning huge profits through post-maintenance.

If it were not for these invisible obstacles, in this age without technical barriers, the industrial production levels of countries around the world could be brought to a line.

This is not a secret in the entire industry, and even many buyers know that there may be loopholes in the transaction.

However, they have no choice. This is the tuition fee for latecomers. If you don't pay now, you will pay more in the future.

If you want to directly obtain the industrial technology of the powers and quickly climb to the advanced level in the world, let's wash and sleep!

The powers are not charitable. In order to ensure that their technology is ahead, deliberately burying nails is only the most routine operation.

Otherwise, this chasing after the industrial powerhouse, as long as the entire technology of the other side is copied, can quickly close the gap.

How is such a good thing possible? If it were that easy, it wouldn't have been so many years. France and Austria are both British chasers.

If it were not for the outbreak of the second industrial revolution, it is estimated that the advantages of the British would continue to be maintained for a long time.

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