Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 470: Want to be a fisherman

It wasn't just the French who wanted to be a fisherman. After the outbreak of the English-Bulgarian war, Prussia was also about to move.

It was just that William I was more cautious and didn't rush to take the lead. Although Britain and Austria have worked in South Africa, they are secretly, and on the bright side, they are "friendly countries".

The absence of tears means that both parties can compromise at any time. William I did not think that the South African issue was the end of the two countries.

However, his point of view is not the same as that of the Berlin government. The Junker aristocrats who have been unable to bear it have already begun to move.

Prime Minister Mao Qi said in surprise: "His Majesty, this is an excellent opportunity. The conflict between Britain and Austria broke out, and the French's attention was focused on Italy.

At this time, no one has been able to restrict our chances for the German Federal Empire to unify the North German region. "

The unification of North Germany was crucial to Prussia. Once the German Federal Empire was annexed, it would not be the three major powers that dominated the European continent, but the four major powers.

Although Prussia now defeats the Russian Empire, in the eyes of everyone, they still rank behind the Russian Empire.

Recognized as a member of the Powers Club, but only a second-rate power, with a certain right to speak, but not the influence that dominates the situation in Europe.

This is not a matter of stigma, but strength. Regardless of economic strength or military strength, the Kingdom of Prussia has not been able to compete with Britain, France and Austria.

After defeating the Russians, the self-confidence of the Junker aristocracy burst into full bloom. If it were not for the great losses in the war, they have not recovered their vitality so far, and they would not be so calm.

To change this situation, the unification of North Germany is the best choice. Of course, being able to annex Poland is even more perfect.

Prime Minister Mao Qi is still IQ online, and there is no foolish desire for a two-pronged approach. Prussia's strength is limited, and the consequence of taking both into account must be a chicken fly.

William I asked directly: "My Prime Minister, do you think the South Africa region is important to Austria, or the German region is important to Austria?"

Don't think about it all, obviously the German region is obviously more important. Even if gold deposits in South Africa have been discovered, they are still less important to Austria than to the German region.

Politically, it was decided that Franz could not give up the German region. Even if it was not possible to unify the German region, the unifying slogan must be called.

This is related to the legitimacy of the Shinra Empire. The Vienna government cannot easily let go, or it cannot explain to the people in the country.

Mauch replied: "Naturally the German region is important, but from the performance of the Vienna government, their interest in the German Federation is not too strong.

If they really want to annex the German federal empire, they don't have to wait until now, when we had a hard battle with the Russians a few years ago, we could start. "

This is a fact. At that time, Prussia held the Russians, Austria took over the German Federal Empire, and only the French were able to intervene.

And the French eyed Italy, France and Austria exchanged interests, and the success rate of annexing the German Federation was very high.

William I took the baton and pointed at the map of Europe on the wall. "If the Vienna government does not take action, it does not mean that we will let it go.

Sir Marshal, you are also military. You must also be aware of the strategic situation that Austria will face when it annexes the German Federation.

From a purely national defense perspective, the current situation is best for Austria. The Russians in the east were licking wounds, the Ottoman Empire in the south was dying, and we in the north could not threaten them.

There is the Albis mountain barrier, and it is difficult for the French to the west. The French attacked Austria in addition to attacking from Italy, but only from Belgium and Rhineland.

The French are also busy annexing the Italian region. It can be said that the situation will not be stable in the next two decades. Attacking Austria from the Italian region, the French wanted to consider guerrillas inside.

As for excuses, that's even more impossible. At least we didn't have the courage to let the French come in. The French couldn't believe us. They would rather fight all the way.

The possibility of a war between France and Austria has been reduced to a minimum, which is lower than the probability of a war between us and the French.

Once the German Federal Empire was occupied, this strategic advantage ceased to exist for an instant. Not only the French threat, but also the maritime threat from the British.

Aside from military threats, do the Austrians now really need the German Federation?

The German Federal Empire has more than 20 large and small states and annexed them. Isn't the Vienna government afraid that the Imperial Parliament is too lively? "

The last reason is the crux of the problem. So many states have joined the Shinra Empire, and the number of votes in the Imperial Parliament exceeds Austria, which will weaken the central government's control of the state.

Don't say that it is not allowed strategically. Even if there is no strategic issue, no one dares to take action just because of the political impact.

When Franz reorganized Shen Luo, there was no way. Austria's strength is insufficient, and the number of main nationalities in the country is seriously insufficient, so it can only choose to compromise.

After so many years, after a series of measures such as compulsory education, planned cross immigration, and assimilation, the internal ethnic conflicts have now been almost resolved.

At this time, the Vienna government was naturally reluctant to add another bunch of states. Otherwise, there is no need to use force at all, and the German Federation will come forward on its own initiative.

According to the principle of at least one vote for a state, so many small states in the German Federal Empire can directly become the masters of the empire by virtue of their votes.

How is this good thing possible? Not only does Austria not agree, even several states in the country will not agree.

Everyone has contributed to the empire's development to this stage. It is no longer easy to share these benefits. You have to give up your rights, and no one can agree!

The Vienna government is afraid of eating, and it is impossible to openly violate the promises of the year, and things have dragged on. But they don't do it, nor do they let others do it.

William I estimated that as soon as they started their forefoot, Austria jumped out to pick peaches. It is precisely that they killed these state governments, and Austria can directly turn these areas into municipalities and provinces.

The current Prussian kingdom does not have the power to fight a war. Even if it has the courage to challenge Austria, it must first consider whether the Russians behind them will stab their swords and worry whether France in the west will fall to the ground.

In the days without Bismarck, these troubles caused William I a headache and he had to go to battle in person.

The struggle for power is cruel, and the military is too powerful. Now even the King, William I cannot do everything.

The Prussian kingdom is not without talents, but it is very difficult for these people to be promoted. Many people have become king's aides.

Not long ago, William I wanted to promote a foreign minister of civilian origin, but he was opposed by Juncker aristocracy for a simple reason: no credit for the country.

William I cannot refute this reason. The system of appointing officials with credit was copied by Austrian Junker nobles and then changed.

In Austria, officials are evaluated for their political achievements. Prussia sees credit directly. Political achievements are credited to military achievements. Under the rules of the game, a large number of Junker aristocrats occupy high positions.

Having just won the Russians, Junker aristocrats are not much more than military merits, and most of the government's rights fall into their hands.

The origins of the Juncker aristocracy of the Prime Minister and ministers of all ranks, the rights of William I were inevitably weakened.

If it wasn't for William I's preemptive start, the division broke up the Junker aristocracy, and this group split into several waves. Now he will be a rubber stamp.

These are the elites of this era. Although the political sense of smell is not good, once the problem is put on the bright side, Marshal Mao Qi still reacts quickly.

William I was very satisfied to see Mao Qi's complexion change. It was because of Mochi's talents that he had limited military and political capabilities, and he let Mochi become prime minister.

Otherwise, how to divide Juncker aristocracy? Now there is a strange circle in Prussia. Many people with explosive military capabilities are serving in the government.

Of course, those who are full of political abilities have not joined the army, and William I will not do anything to destroy the Great Wall.

After a moment of silence, William I added: "The focus of the government's work now is to develop the economy. Prussia has just emerged from the war. The country's Baidu is awaiting prosperity. People need rest.

In recent years, the Russians have also carried out social reforms. In order to raise funds, Alexander II even spared no expense.

This enemy is terrible, and we cannot relax our guard for a moment. At most twenty years, there will be a war between Russia and Russia. "

The transfer of topics was very successful, and the Russians made outstanding contributions to the unity and stability of the Kingdom of Prussia. Only in the face of this great enemy can all sectors of Prussian society be united unprecedentedly.

The Russia-Prussian contradiction is no longer solvable, and William I was not ready to reconcile with the Russians, and it was right to throw them at any problem.

For this reason, everyone in the cabinet has no opinion. When enemies with Russia, go to provoke Austria and offend England, that is to death.

That's right, the British are now opposed to Prussia's annexation of the German Federal Empire. The presence of France and Austria is enough for the London government to do its work, and a stronger Prussian one will not be able to bear the British.

Moreover, the British have a lot of interest in the German Federation, and they have no interest in doing things in Austria. They are very happy to keep this little brother.

In fact, any merger in continental Europe is a threat to the British. Limited to the small size of the homeland, the London government had to prevent any possible European unification.

To ease the atmosphere, Finance Minister Ron proposed: "Your Majesty is right, our finances are not optimistic, and we are one step away from bankruptcy.

The Russians not only lost their international credibility this time, they also lost almost all the international market.

This kind of cost is not something we can afford. Now it is vital to develop the economy, and the government must formulate a more proactive economic policy. "

Don't look at them as military origins, not very familiar with political business, in fact the situation in the Kingdom of Prussia is still very stable.

They directly brought the model of managing the army to the country. What consequences are unknown, at least in a short period of time, they have achieved positive results.

After the war, the kingdom of Prussia came out of its predicament in less than three years. Of course, loot is also an important stimulus, otherwise they will never recover so quickly.

Until now, the Kingdom of Prussia has not only escaped the food crisis, but has also changed from a food importer to an exporter.

Significant achievements have also been made in industry, especially in the military industry. Under the stimulus of the war, the Prussian military system has been upgraded and is in the top ranks of the world.

Economically, during the post-war recovery period, the Kingdom of Prussia also maintained rapid growth. But over time, economic growth is now slowing.

The huge debt has become an important factor restricting the continued development of the Kingdom of Prussia. The Berlin government receives more than half of its fiscal revenue each year and is used to repay foreign debt.

Despite this declining ratio, Prussian finance is on the verge of bankruptcy. If it weren't for the consequences of stumbling, they would have followed the Russians.

Behind this, of course, the Poles are also very successful. Selfless contribution to industrial raw materials and product sales markets.

Otherwise, Prussia's economic recovery will not be so fast.

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