Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 461: Encourage fertility

In the morning, the sun gilded the ground, and the humid air was still a bit sweet, and the yellow trees began to extract new teeth, telling the coming of spring.

Today is another good day, after a simple breakfast. Opening a colonial development report, Franz began a day of work.

Under normal circumstances, he would not care about these details, but this time it was a bit special. A large satellite was put in the New Brook area last year, which attracted the attention of the Vienna government.

The New Brook area has a birth rate of more than 5.1% for three consecutive years. Except for bears, several major European countries cannot compare with it.

As immigration areas, the majority of the population are suitable for childbearing, and higher birth rates are normal. However, maintaining this record for three consecutive years has attracted Franz's attention.

This era is the era of the European population explosion, and the birth rates of all countries are very high.

The Russian natural European champion, according to the collected data, the Austrian Population Agency has judged that the lowest fertility record of bears in the past ten years is 4.92%, the highest record is 5.39%, and most of the time exceeds 5.1% .

Well, this number is incomparable. Teddy bears have a high birth rate because their mortality rate is equally high.

In this era, the normal death rate of Russia's population is generally about 3.6%, and occasionally it will exceed 4.0%. It is also the European champion.

If the birth rate of the average country was the same, the Russian Empire would be long gone.

From the overall situation in Europe, Austria's performance is also good, with the birth rate remaining at about 4.1%, only for the Russians.

If you look at the birth rate of specific populations, you will find that the birth rate in Central Europe is low, and some areas have fallen to 3.6%; the birth rate in southern Europe is high, and some regions can reach 4.5%.

The more developed the region, the lower the birth rate. This has become the biggest problem for Franz. If this situation is not changed, refer to France next door.

As the most open country in Europe, France generally has a birth rate of about 2.6% and a mortality rate of about 2.3%, maintaining a very weak growth rate.

If it is placed on future generations, it is estimated that the French will be crazy. It's a pity that this era is not eye-catching at all. This is an era when everyone is making full use of their power.

Faced with the high mortality rate, who dares to play without fertility, wait for genocide!

Franz has accepted the fact that the birth rate is not as good as that of the Russians. With the advantages of medical technology, the population growth rate has finally been leveled with the Russians.

Franz has also published many documents, but with little effect. Most colonies also have low birth rates, and coupled with high mortality rates, population growth has been very low.

Franz's birth rate is so high that Franz naturally needs to pay attention. This is a big plan for the future. If it can be promoted, it will make a lot of money.

The report was not submitted by the colonial officials themselves, but was obtained by Franz himself.

The reason is naturally simple. What if someone falsifies the data?

Africa is not the South Ocean and the Americas, and mixed races are impossible. It's really possible to mess up a bunch of mixed-races in those areas. As long as the characteristics are not too obvious, it is difficult to distinguish them at a glance.

It is normal for bureaucrats to falsify for political performance. Therefore, the birth rates of Nanyang and Central America have always been high. As long as it is not too much, the Vienna government will not pursue it, and Africa has no conditions to follow.

As a key area of ​​operation, the Vienna government attaches more importance to Africa than the total number of colonies in other regions.

In order to ensure control of the colony, it has always been a key area of ​​supervision, and the autonomy of bureaucrats has been limited.

For example: The Governor, in other colonies, was in charge of the army and dismissed the people. Here, the Governor is also the supreme commander, but only the military attache is in charge of the military, and civil affairs are managed by the local government.

Being unable to make up numbers does not mean that you cannot make fraud. Colonial mortality has always been high, but it has continued to decline as local development has improved and medical technology has advanced.

If there is a bureaucratic birth rate fraud, raising the birth rate data, and then reusing the previous mortality rate, it will virtually increase the death toll.

The artificial increase in the number of deaths offsets this part of the fake birth population, and the book is erased.

Anyway, as long as the colonial mortality rate has not increased, it can be accounted for, and the birth rate is one of the criteria for evaluating the performance of local officials.

The people who come up with this method are said to be from accounting, and they are the best at making fake accounts.

Franz is currently assigned to work in a state-owned mining company that is about to go bankrupt. When will the company come back to life and when can it return to the city?

Talent is rare and cannot be wasted. If it works well, it saves a state-owned enterprise; if it doesn't work well, it can only stay in the mine as a miner in the second half of his life.


After carefully reading the report, Franz believes that this time it is not a fraud. The measures listed above can indeed stimulate fertility.

All benefits in the New Brook area are linked to childbirth. The more you give birth, the more benefits you get.

For example, the government's unemployment benefit is only eligible for receiving parents who have children. (Unlimited for those who contribute to the country or make significant contributions to society)

It is also very user-friendly. If one child counts one, parents with two children can receive two copies. (If one spouse is unemployed, it will be paid at 50% off.)

This is just one of them. As an immigrant city, housing in the New Brook area is provided by the city government, which is also one of the preferential conditions to encourage immigrants.

Anyway, land is not valuable, the main cost is the construction cost, and the problem of providing housing is not big. New Brook City Council provides small houses, which usually do not exceed 50 square meters.

The large-sized apartment was intentionally set a high price by the government, and it is almost on par with the house prices in Vienna. In short, ordinary people cannot afford it.

And then issued a rule: anyone who has more than three children can enjoy a house purchase discount, each additional child gift 40 square meters, more than eight child families, the government provides free decoration, and comes with a set of furniture.

In addition to these, there are a series of preferential policies, such as maternity holidays and maternity subsidies. Although the money is not much, the local government's attention has been reflected.

Even pensions have come out. Austria has pensions, but now only those who contribute to the country are eligible to receive them.

The New Brook City government has expanded the scope of collection, so long as five children are born, and above are eligible to receive, this standard is still based on the number of births, an additional child increased by 30%.

This article can be skipped. The average age in this age is still around 40 years old, and those who can live up to the age of 60 to receive pensions are rare.

The absence of a pension system in Austria is not because Franz does not pay attention to this problem, but that it is not needed at all.

Those who can live to over 60 years of age are usually in good family conditions. If the poor ca n’t open the pot, they wo n’t have such a long life.

A series of measures to encourage fertility are very discordant to single dogs, Dink families, and families with few children. Unless credit is given to the country, these social benefits have nothing to do with them.

Franz wondered if this was a trespasser. Frightened by the low fertility of future generations, this kind of extreme population stimulus measures came out.

Anyway, it works. As long as the people do not object, Franz will naturally have no opinion.

Now that it has been implemented in the New Brook area and has achieved results, this means that civil resistance will not be too strong.

With limited funding to stimulate fertility and increase population growth, this is of special significance to Austria.

If we continue to play this way, we will not be able to achieve a good birth rate in Austria, and we can still attack Russia.

Franz is very skeptical that if this policy becomes a national policy, will European countries follow suit. If everyone comes like this, the world will not be ruined by play?

Soon he dispelled this anxiety, and he was born and had to be raised. Families with five or six children in this age have to go, and how much they can support is a question.

Before a condom, pregnancy is usually uncontrolled. The birth rate is high in all countries, and the rate of abortion is also very high.

At this time, Franz suddenly discovered that compulsory education in Austria also stimulated population growth. After all, school management of meals in the compulsory education stage saved family expenses.

This was a pleasant surprise. I decided to take care of school meals at that time. It was to encourage parents to send their children to school. To this end, students still have to rely on sandboxes to learn.

After 1860, all students were guaranteed access to textbooks. Since last year, we have been able to receive free workbooks.

Austria is playing the poorest compulsory education, and it is estimated that many literati will be touted in the future. After all, there are stories that can be passed on.

Even now, the sandbox is not lost. After all, paper is still very expensive, and homework books issued by the school still cannot meet the demand.

Franz immediately decided to pass on this meaningful sandbox. Do you want to make a show for your sons to use? This is a question worth thinking about.

In the end, he decided to show his face, which was too fake. No one believed it, and he would probably be laughed at.

Franz's perverted population stimulus plan was not prepared to be promoted by himself, and was directly transferred to the Prime Minister.

A good emperor cannot rob the cabinet. The prime minister is retiring anyway, and this work will be carried out just before leaving.

Otherwise, it's hard to say whether there is enough prestige for the newcomer to stand up to the pressure and promote the plan. Scolding is inevitable, at least the liberals will spray the government with blood.

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