Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 453: Fish in the water

Russia-Austria negotiations have begun. Alexander II was not a reckless husband, and his account was mainly due to lack of money, which did not mean that he did not know the consequences of losing his reputation.

Even if it depends on the account, the influence must be minimized as much as possible. In the future, the tsarist government will have to re-establish credibility.

The worse the impact is now, the harder it will be to wash it in the future. The food of the Russian Empire still needs to be exported, and relations with European countries cannot be completely deteriorated.

Otherwise, even if the price of cabbage in the future, people will not want it. At that time, tragedy will happen. We must know that excess food production capacity can also lead to an economic crisis.

The market of the Russian Empire alone does not have the strength to maintain an economic cycle. The era of closing the doors and playing by yourself is over from the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Austria is not only the Russian's largest creditor and part-time ally, but also the most important link in Russian foreign relations.

If even Austria can't figure it out, don't do the rest. In future activities on the European continent, nothing will happen to the Russians.

In this era, many people still think that Russia is an Asian country. After all, the seven continents are also artificially divided, and the Asia-Europe dividing line has not been recognized by the world.

Most of the territory of the Russian Empire is in Asia, and the European part is just over a quarter. It is not a big problem to say that they are Asian countries.

Of course, the Russians will not admit that they are Asian countries, and even Franz will not admit that if they are divided according to the area of ​​the country, he will become a "non-Chief."

This title is very unpleasant, so it is scientific to use the location of the capital to distinguish which state a country belongs to. It can never be divided according to the location of the main land area.

Vienna's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Weissenberger addressed the Russian Minister and discussed the debt issue between France and Austria.

"Mr. Soles, your country suddenly declared financial bankruptcy, I'm afraid it's a bit excessive! As far as I know, your country's finances are difficult, but they are not immediately bankrupt.

It did not reach the point of immediate bankruptcy, but it went bankrupt just a few months later. After the end of the civil war, the annual debt of the Tsarist government has exceeded half of the current fiscal revenue.

In this case, it can be said that reliance is inevitable. Of course, if the tsarist bureaucracy suddenly becomes clean and honest, it may not be able to fill this hole.

Obviously, this is impossible. In this era, the bureaucrats of governments are not so clean, and the so-called clean government is only relative.

Compared with the Russians, European bureaucracies are considered incorruptible. It's not that they have less corruption and bribery, it's just an evolution, knowing what money can be collected and what money can't be touched.

Fools who don't want money are rare. European countries basically have supervisory agencies, and restrained bureaucrats naturally perform better than non-binding bureaucrats.

Minister Soles cried poorly: "Sir Minister, you don't know our suffering. Years of continuous war have devastated our domestic economy.

To tell you the truth, this year's fiscal revenue is probably less than 200 million rubles, and once back to 20 years ago.

However, the debt that needs to be repaid each year is as high as 120 million rubles, and the remaining money is simply not enough to maintain the government.

From the outbreak of the Russian-Prussian War to the present, our annual fiscal deficit has exceeded fiscal revenue. This is detailed information. "

Looking at the thick file, Weissenberg didn't reach for it. These are all public secrets. How bad the Tsarist government's finances are, the Vienna government knows it all.

The current fiscal revenue is less than 200 million rubles, which is normal. Losing so many territories and smashing the Moscow region, there is no problem without reducing fiscal revenue.

"Mr. Soles, today we are not discussing your country's finances. You should report this to your Ministry of Finance. They are the people in charge.

The purpose of our meeting today is just to discuss the debt problems of the two countries. Debt repayment is God's approval, and your country must give a clear answer. "

The partial topic failed, and Sores was not frustrated. It took a while to fool around, but it didn't last forever. It is impossible to solve such a large debt.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency. With our current financial situation, we are unable to continue to perform our debts, and we have requested an extension of payment.

This period is tentatively set to be five years later. At the same time, we hope to be able to waive interest on loans and liquidated debts, otherwise we will not be able to afford it after five years. "

Repaying the debt without paying interest, the total debt between Russia and Austria directly reduced by half, and the actual payment that the Russians need to pay has shrunk to less than one-third.

This obviously exceeds the bottom line of the Vienna government. According to this standard, the Vienna government will lose money for the Russians.

Weissenberg shook his head and said solemnly, "Sorry, Excellency, we cannot accept this condition.

We have provided many guarantees for your government's loans, otherwise you would not be able to get the loan at such a low interest rate.

Now that you are in breach of contract, this debt will need to be borne by us.

We require implementation according to the contract, and deferred payment loans can be negotiated. The loan interest we offer is already very favorable and cannot be reduced further. "

No one deals with losing money, and it is naturally impossible for the Vienna government to do this. The tsarist government does not want to declare bankruptcy with credibility. It is forced by reality and Austria cannot dare to follow suit.


Negotiations are still deadlocked, and both sides want to fight for more benefits. This news is not a good thing for the Austrian financial community.

This is especially true of securities companies that undertake Russian bonds in private and banks that provide loans to Russians. This kind of folk transnational debt has never been the most difficult to collect.

In comparison to commercial loans, the security of government bonds is actually the highest, and in general, few countries rely on their accounts.

It is a pity that if I meet a Russian, if I change to a small country, even if it depends on the account, at most, I will suspend payment and then come to negotiate to extend the debt.

It is now tragic that Russian representatives have disappeared. If it wasn't for the Tsar's government to admit that the debt exists, they would all wonder if it was cheated.

Admit to admit, anyway, there is no money or no money. When was the money paid, no one answered this question.

Their only hope is the current Russia-Olympic negotiations. If the Vienna government has not dealt with the Russians, then this debt is a bad debt for everyone.

Who in finance does not have a few bad debts? Had it not been for the Vienna government's oversight, they would have lost the losses to private investors and reopened for another vest.

Unfortunately, Austrian law is too strict, even if it escapes punishment. The law also stipulates that after the bankruptcy of any financial institution, all management and shareholders of the third generation shall not engage in similar business.

This is very restrictive for the financial predators. Risk must be considered when speculating, and if there is a problem hidden behind the scenes, it is likely to be implicated.

Otherwise, it would be a wave of bankruptcy in Austrian financial institutions since Russia announced its debt default.

So far, due to Russian debt default, more than three-digit financial institutions across the European continent have declared bankruptcy, and Austria's financial industry is still struggling to support it.

Looking at the long-term interests, no capitalist wants to get out at this time, as long as the capitalists can survive.

Philip Potter was just one of them, and after some rushes, he still didn't get the answer he wanted.

High profits are always accompanied by high risks, and it is easy to reduce the risks. When selling bonds, do not make a commitment to protect capital, and clearly inform investors of the risks.

Issuing bonds does not rely on credit, but on guarantees. As long as it has undergone rigorous review, even if there is a problem with the debt in the end, it is impossible to lose money.

Humbling back to the company, Phil Potter sat in the office and smoked. My mind has begun to figure out whether to raise funds from other places to fill this hole.

With a high commission and a liquidated penalty in advance, in the case of calculating the company's operating costs and taxes, the loss this time was about 560 million Aegis.

As for the company's operating costs and taxes, in fact, the commissions that it originally obtained, and the rolling profits in the financial market, can be made up for long.

If comprehensively calculated, the loss of this business may be even smaller, otherwise the financial industry will not be called a profiteering industry.

Even if all bondholders need to pay in advance, the funds that need to be spent now are 66.67 million Aegis.

The funds on the company's project can be halved, and some long-term stocks and bonds can be sold, and an additional 1.5 million Aegis can be raised.

Selling several mansions under your name can also raise forty or five million aegis, and the final gap is one hundred aegis.

As long as the company is kept, the money can be earned back. After all, Phillip's securities company does not exist alone, it also holds shares in a bank.

Part of the profits that Philip Potter earned from the company was used for personal consumption, and most of it was invested in other fields. Banks were one of them.

Even at this moment, he has no intention of selling bank shares. Without the identity of a bank shareholder, it would be difficult for a securities company to raise capital.

While he was thinking about how to raise funds, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Mr. Philip Potter, good news, good news!"

Philip Potter pretended to be calm, "Alpha said slowly, don't get excited."

Alpha's young man gasped and said, "Just now we have received news that Wells Fargo Securities has bought Russian bonds on the market.

It's just that the price is a bit low. They are only willing to show two layers of face value, which is lower than the current market value. They also limit the collection of exclusive bonds issued by Russians to Austria. "

After the tsarist government announced that it had settled its debts, Russian bonds were devalued. It didn't become waste paper all of a sudden, after all, the Russians may still be able to pay it, but the hope is slim.

There is a price, but there is no market. No matter how much the price is, no one dares to accept it. To collect debt from the Russians, everyone does not think they have the ability.

Wells Fargo's actions have undoubtedly injected a good medicine into the market. However, this has little to do with Phillip Potter. Buying back Russian bonds is very terrible. Then collect bonds from the market to earn the difference.

Only predators dare to play this kind of high-risk money. As a **** in the capital market, don't make fun of it.

"Contact them immediately. We have a lot of bonds in our hands and ask them if they want. As long as they can get 50% off, I will sell them without 40% off!"

This is a tentative test. Compared with the financial predators, Philip Potter's news is still not well-informed.

Whether it is the smoke bomb released by Wells Fargo Securities, or whether things have really changed for the better, is completely unknown.

After all, large institutions hold much more bonds than they do. Financial institutions forced to repurchase bonds early are not one or two.

In order to stabilize the mind, it is also entirely possible to deliberately release a message. Not only is Philip Porter skeptical, many financial institutions in Austria are skeptical.

Russia-Austria negotiations are at an impasse. This is an open secret. Most people in the financial community are paying close attention to the negotiation process.

It is not difficult to know the specific content, it may be difficult to get information from Austrian diplomacy, but to understand the negotiation process from the Russians, it is only a matter of money.

However, we cannot judge the truth of the news. Under normal circumstances, the credibility of Russian bureaucrats is still very good, and collecting money is their good work ethics.

In case something can't be done, it is likely to enjoy the refund service, which is experienced by many human bodies.

But this time the situation is different and the problems involved are too big. If someone pays a high price for them to play at the scene, it is not impossible.

The most reliable thing is to ask the Foreign Minister to personally confirm that no one knows how to do such a stupid thing. This is not the case for death. The dignity of the Vienna government cannot be provoked, and it is dare to peep at the state secrets.

The test of Wells Fargo became the only option. In case of progress in the negotiations, then everyone will have a large amount of Russian bonds and make a lot of money. Otherwise, it will be the same as now.

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