Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 446: Development of BiH

On April 6, 1869, the weather in Stockholm was exceptionally clear, and among the laughter of the people, the Nordic Federation was established.

Following the collapse of the Kalmar alliance, the three Nordic countries have once again completed their unification. The only regret is the absence of Finland, the absence of the Baltic Sea region, and the glory of its peak.

The emergence of the Nordic Federation also means that Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, the three European fringe countries, can make their own voices in the world.

Franz didn't go to observe the ceremony in person, it was really inconvenient to travel far in this era. Unless it is the lively master who loves to join together, in general, everyone's enthusiasm for going abroad is not high.

Nordic unification has little effect on Austria, and the headache is the Russians. Presumably at this time Alexander II's expression must be very exciting. With the appearance of the Nordic Federation, the defense pressure of Russia's northern Xinjiang can increase a lot.

With Prussia's role model, who can guarantee that the Nordic Federation will not follow suit? If you come again and dig Finland out, the Russian Empire will have to move its capital.

St. Petersburg is indeed a good place, but unfortunately the pressure on defense is a little bit heavier. It doesn't matter when the Russian Empire is strong. Once it is in a state of decline, it is dangerous.

In contrast, Moscow is much better. Located in the center of Russian and Eastern European lands, it is basically absolutely safe strategically. When the enemies hit here, they will be finished in winter.

There are granaries around the Moscow area, so don't worry about food. There are also rivers for convenient transportation of materials, which is considered convenient, and it is perfect to build a few more railways.

Of course, Poland did not lose the front, there is sea transportation, and St. Petersburg has even more advantages. Moscow still needs to develop, at least moving the capital to build a railway network.

Alexander II certainly did not think so much. Under the dual suppression of politics and military, he has now compressed the rebels in the Moscow region.

After this toss, the economy of the Moscow region has been devastated. The bourgeoisie in support of the Revolutionary Party lifted a rock and smashed their feet.

It is easy to start an uprising, but difficult to control it. Originally, I supported the Revolutionary Party just to fight for rights and interests. Now that I haven't obtained the rights, I have taken part in them first.

The civil war broke out. In the face of life and death, the Revolutionary Party did not treat them with mercy, expropriation, or white bars.

In short, they lost a lot. Unless the rebels win, these up-front investments are likely to be recovered.

If the rebels fail, it will be a question of whether these people can escape the purge of the Tsarist government. Alexander II was not small-minded, but could not tolerate a thief.

Such a negative example, Franz naturally wants to hype. Recently, the news of the Moscow rebels in the Vienna newspaper has suddenly increased, and the position determines the point of view.

The stain of the rebels was naturally magnified, and incidentally it also beautified the tsarist government. Everyone is a monarchy and their butts cannot sit crooked.

Otherwise, Alexander II lost the Pu-Russian war and has long been the endorsement of the monk. How could it be mixed with the title of Lord of Reform?

Not only Austria, most European media did not hold the pot of the failed war on Alexander II's head, but the bureaucracy washed away by him carried the blame.

Including the news of the Prussian war, it also deliberately or unconsciously downplayed the Kingdom of Prussia, emphasizing the corruption of the Russian bureaucracy leading to the failure of the war. Obviously, everyone is still unwilling to accept the fact that Prussia's rise.

Although the Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Russian Empire and became a member of the European Powers Club, they did not replace the Russians.

Originally, Europe was dominated by the four major powers. Now the Russians are out, and the three major powers of Britain, France, and Austria have dominated Europe. The Kingdom of Prussia has not obtained the desired international status.

The international status in this era is not just status, but also the division of interests. As vested interests, Britain, France, Austria and Austria did not mean to distribute power to Prussia.

This hurts the Berlin government. Britain, France and Austria can be regarded as world empires. Everyone has large colonies, and they have divided the world together with Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

As a new rising power, Prussia was embarrassed. It is now the last bus of the colonial era. The old colonial empire has completed its horse race enclosure. Even if there is no actual occupation, the sovereignty is sworn in first.

Even the Prussians were left with the lingering cruelty. Except for a small colony in Asia, Prussian figures could not be seen.

It was very bad for the Prussian kingdom to restore its economy after the war. However, the world is so big that there really is no stay.

There was also a colonial conference that divided the African continent in space and time, and it is no longer needed. It's going to be divided up and cleaned up. What international conference is needed?

At least in the coastal areas, most of the areas were occupied by Britain, France and Austria, Portugal and Spain also occupied some areas, and the Netherlands was squeezed out.

It will not be necessary to say that the colony has been abandoned. There is not much land to colonize at all. Moreover, they do not have the strength to invest overseas, and it is not bad to be able to keep a small colony in the Indochina Peninsula.

In desperation, Prussia can only develop itself. The arrival of the Japanese delegation at this time was welcomed by the Berlin government.

Mosquitoes are as small as meat. Even adding an overseas trading partner may promote the development of the domestic economy.

The Berlin government took the opportunity to sell a lot of products to the flattered Japanese delegation, the best-selling of which was second-hand weapons and equipment.

Strengthening the army is the first and most important step of the Meiji Restoration. The Japanese did nothing wrong in this regard. In this age of weak meat and strong food, there is not enough force, and no amount of wealth is prepared for others.

Prussia's efforts to expand the East Asian market did not attract outside attention. In everyone's impression, the Japanese government is very poor, including Franz, who ignored the Japanese madness in developing military affairs.

In 1869, the Japanese delegation and Prussia signed a large foreign trade order of 1.58 million Aegis. This number is not small anymore. In a single foreign trade transaction contract, it can be ranked in the top 20 of the year.

The newspaper astonishment only made capitalists sigh that they missed an opportunity to make money. This kind of business news Franz has never seen.

Now he is reviewing the development strategy plan of the province of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As one of Austria's poorest provinces, the current government of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not intend to continue salted fish.

This was also forced out. The previous provincial governments only needed to do a good job, and their political achievements came out. By their predecessors, they had already done it.

The population of the province of Bosnia and Herzegovina was originally small, and has been thoroughly cleaned up. After more than a decade of persistence, the assimilation work has begun to come to an end.

The language has been unified, and the process of changing the customs has been almost the same. By the time of this government, this fixed performance cannot be maintained.

The years are old, and time hastily passed away. Many people in the Austrian cabinet are old.

Candidates who are eligible for replacements have excellent local governance performance. This does not mean that local officials have no chance, as long as they have outstanding political achievements, they can counterattack the higher ranks.

Even if you take a step back and become a minister of a certain department, it is still a step further. Ambitious people will not miss this opportunity.

Franz is not afraid of the ambition of his people, and ambition also represents motivation. If all of them are eating salted fish, it would be a disaster.

Austria's bureaucratic model is climbing up step by step. Without the achievements of the local governor, it is impossible to enter the cabinet.

Even if you want to form a party and run a private business, you must have that opportunity. It is impossible to climb without political achievements, and no matter how extensive the relationship is, staying below is still useless.

It is much easier to split a faction than to build a faction. The bureaucrats themselves compete with each other, and once the main figures within the factions become political opponents, they will fight themselves.

This often only requires a position to achieve the goal. If the bureaucracy becomes a clique, it can only show that the emperor is stupid.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is not completely without advantages, at least there are mines here. Including: coal, iron, copper, manganese, lead, mercury, silver, lignite, bauxite, lead-zinc ore, asbestos, rock salt, barite and other minerals.

These are all gifts from nature and the foundation of BiH's economic development. The Bosnian government is ready to mine, not only mining but also developing heavy industry.

To put it simply, steelmaking and copper smelting, incidentally selling salt. Of course, other minerals will also be developed, but these three items now have more "money".

Franz remembered that the heavy industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina had developed well in the past, but it was later declining because of the war.

Although Bosnia and Herzegovina is mountainous, there are rivers here to develop water transport. If the railway branch line is further extended, the development of heavy industry also has potential.

Austria's heavy industry is too concentrated in the Bohemian region. It doesn't matter in the peaceful years. In the war years, the Bohemian region is too close to the front.

The conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina are naturally inferior to those in Bohemia, but it is not a big problem to establish a smaller heavy industrial base.

Not only Bosnia and Herzegovina, many areas of the Balkan Peninsula have the potential to develop heavy industry. Compared to the European continent, the Balkans are rich in mineral resources.

Regardless of long-term development, at least since the beginning of the industrial era, the resources required can still be met. But in terms of development costs, the Balkan Peninsula is still relatively high.

After all, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been assimilated, and Franz is still willing to invest some resources. If you can develop it, you will make money. If the economy cannot develop, a few more heavy industries will also be a good result.

Without hesitating for a long time, Franz put a "√" on the document, which was considered as the approval of the plan. He did not need to worry about the rest of the matter, given the policy, the later issues should be free for the bureaucrats to play.

As long as it is not a heartbroken plan, the development plan submitted by the local government is rarely rejected.

No one can guarantee the success of any large strategic plan, but it will not succeed without trying.

For a country, the fault tolerance rate is still high. In particular, a poor province like Bosnia and Herzegovina's strategic plan for economic development has failed to shake the foundation several times.

Originally, the central government needed to subsidize administrative funds. How bad can it be?

But as long as it succeeds once, then it makes big money. Aside from being a developed province in Austria, as long as it is financially self-sufficient, it is a great victory.

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