Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 438: Misfortune

It is also a good thing that the Habsburgs do not participate in the throne battle. Standing on the sidelines, the best decision can be made.

Moreover, the current Kingdom of Spain is a mess, and it is not easy to deal with internal problems.

Ancient and modern courtiers have a common problem and do not like strong monarchs. Europe's inheritance system is perfect, and the situation is better, there is no room for them to play.

This time, Spain's election of kings is different. The kings of foreign households cannot be separated from the support of local powers, so the last Spanish king is mostly an incompetent king.

An unlucky emperor of Mexico has already been born, and if another incompetent king is born, Franz is very doubtful that the glory of the Habsburg family can still be a little bit.

After all, the palms of the hands are all meat. The son is too young to ignore, and the two younger brothers and several princes on the sidelines have the same opportunity. Franz is not easy to interfere.

It was difficult for Spain to do so, and if another king with poor ability did not complicate the problem?

There is no doubt that the Habsburgs have cultivated many inferior products. In addition to Massimilino, an idealist, there are also sister-in-laws who eat, drink and play.

In terms of destructive power, Xunzi is far from idealist. But it is impossible to expect these people to succeed.

Prime Minister Felix said: "His Majesty, judging from the current situation, the battle for the Spanish throne cannot be ended in a short time.

Coupled with the battle for the throne in Poland next door, and it has been settled, I am afraid that the situation in Europe will become more tense.

In order to cope with the complex situation that follows, we need to prepare in advance, so as not to be caught off guard. "

Will war break out in continental Europe? No one can answer this question. It is an instantaneous thing to burn a gun.

From the perspective of the Vienna government, of course, I do not want to see that at this time war broke out in Europe.

The second industrial revolution has just begun, and Austria managed to reach the forefront of the world. Once the war broke out, all its efforts were abandoned.

Franz controlled Austria, but could not control the rest of the European countries. Now everyone has such a strong smell of gunpowder, in case any second goods provoked a war, it will be a tragedy.

The dispute over the Spanish throne in the original time and space triggered the Franco-Prussian war. Now the Prussians have no courage to PK with the French. Who can guarantee that the French do not take the initiative?

These years the French have God's biggest, and they're the second seed. The British on the sea could suppress them, and no one on the land looked at them.

If the French invaded Austria, Franz laughed and killed them easily. If they attack Prussia, the Federal Republic of Germany or Belgium, this can be confusing.

For local warfare, Franz was confident of winning. For cross-border operations, we have to fight before we know.

There are many things to consider during the war, and the strengths that can be invested in different regions are also different.

The Russians are a negative teaching material, restricted by traffic, and have not been able to give play to their military advantages, and they have been counterattacked.

France and Austria in the original time and space are kneeling textbooks that did not have time to reach their full strength.

The Franco-Austrian alliance is even more unreliable than the Russian-Austrian alliance, and the two parties only need temporary alliances because of their interests. There is no such thing as traditional friendship. Opening the history of the two countries is a history of war.

Since the Middle Ages, the Habsburg dynasty and the French have been consumed, and both sides have begun to die.

Charles V also did it: punched Ottoman, kicked France.

Of course, it takes more time to be beaten. On the whole, there is a mutual victory and defeat, as evidenced by the fact that all three are still alive.

Since there is no historical burden, there is no pressure to tear up the covenant. The credibility thing has never been strictly followed by the monarch since Maximilian I.

So far, Franz has not breached the contract, and if he is lucky, he may break this record.

Now everyone's credibility is built on the premise of insufficient benefits. As long as the benefits are in place, the covenant is waste paper.

"First carry out limited preparations, such as increasing reserve training, and do not blindly expand the number of troops, so as not to stimulate all countries and make the situation more complicated.

Now, the possibility of a full-scale war in the European continent is very small. There is no need to get nervous. Even if the situation suddenly gets out of control, everyone is unprepared and we will not suffer. "

Franz doesn't think there will be a big war now, unless everyone has a collective head blow, or even if there is a conflict, you can press it forcibly.

On this issue, the British are allies of Austria, and both sides need to maintain European stability and balance.

The butterfly effect is powerful. Amadeo I, who had the support of the French in the original time and space and inherited the throne, is now strongly opposed by Napoleon III.

No way, Napoleon III annexed the kingdom of Sardinia. At that time, he did not directly drive the Sardinian royal family out of power.

To compete in continental Europe, the French must first stabilize Spain. Napoleon III naturally could not watch the birth of an anti-French king of Spain, which directly eliminated Amadeo.

Candidates were eliminated one by one, and Franz was a little distressed by Spain. Candidates with almost high support were rejected by the French.

If it was Spain in its heyday, naturally the French did not care. Now it is no longer possible. If a monarch strongly opposed by the French is forcibly established, Napoleon III will definitely have to intervene.

The interim government has no confidence in the French and has to continue to choose. Those with high support were eliminated, and even if the candidates with low support later inherited the throne, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince everyone.

It can be said that the French did not do anything, and Spain was almost dead. A king who does not have enough support and wants to take control of this country will have fun in the future.

Franz was not ready to intervene, the French had gone sideways, and the end result was the same with or without the Spaniards.

Without their restraint, the French could go further on their way to death. That being the case, why not have extra branches.

The pay and the gain are proportional. Austria's energy is not unlimited. If you invest more in Spain, you will naturally invest less in other places.


Blessings are unparalleled.

1868 is destined to be a hard day for the Spanish people. In the first half of the year, it was the pain of a conservative economic crisis.

The pre-revolutionary status quo in the Kingdom of Spain is: serious land mergers, farmers have no land to plant; a large number of bankruptcies in urban factories, and unemployed people all over the street.

After the success of the revolution, the situation has not improved, but has become worse, adding to the collapse of public order.

The interim government has neither governance experience nor the ability to control the situation. Immediately after taking power, the police force of Isabel II was abolished.

The executioners who suppress the revolution are gone, and the law and order of Madrid are followed. The insurgents do not represent strict discipline, but more often they are still in the dark.

The Spanish insurgents fought better than the Uighurs, but in order to maintain law and order they were a Uighurs. The executioner policemen they hated in the past are actually guardians of order.

Without restrictions, vicious crimes such as robbery, rape, homicide, etc., are constantly being staged in Madrid.

No matter how bad the order is, it is better than nothing. The people of Madrid did not understand it before. Now they finally understand it.

As a price, Madrid has become the most chaotic capital in Europe. The insurgents, who were embraced by the people into the city, lost their hearts in the shortest time.

These small issues cannot be taken care of by the interim government. Choosing a king is a major issue. Other issues are minor issues.

Soon the big problems came. In October 1868, a large-scale uprising broke out in Cuba, thousands of miles away, and the rebels grew like snowballs.

For Spain, this is a heavy blow. Cuba is one of Spain's richest colonies, and it can provide Spain with huge wealth every year.

Prior to that, the Americans had paid $ 100 million to buy Cuba, and the Spanish government rejected it without considering it.

Obviously, the value of Cuba goes far beyond this. Since Spain has not fallen behind, blood transfusion in the Cuban colonies is also an important guarantee for maintaining the status of a Spanish power.

Not only is the government anxious, many domestic vested interests are anxious. Most of Cuba's increased wealth has gone into personal pockets. Without this income, many Spanish nobles would have a hard time.

The Francisco government, which has just taken power, has encountered its first challenge. If the Cuban issue cannot be properly handled, the Kingdom of Spain will be hit hard, both financially and economically.

The support of capitalists and nobles for the government will also be affected. In any case, Francisco must suppress the rebellion.

There is no doubt that this rebellion is not simple. There is also international strength behind it. Otherwise, relying on local indigenous people is unlikely to erupt suddenly.

Although the United States is divided into two, these do not mean that they are peaceful. It also supported the Mexican Civil War and encouraged the Indian tribes in Central America to fight against Austria.

Now it's Spain's unlucky turn. The four major powers that interfere in the American Civil War are counting on their best bullies. Americans are now tempting, and they are also starting in Spain.

Prior to that, whether it was to support Mexican rebels or to encourage the Central American Indian tribes to rebel, they were carried out in secret.

The arms smugglers are responsible for the execution, and the evidence left behind does not involve the federal government at all. When things were happening in Cuba, the situation changed and the range of action was much greater.

Almost everyone knows that Americans are supporting the Cuban Independent Organization. The support this time is too strong to hide.

This is the bane of the economic crisis. The British and Austrian countries dumped goods on the United States, which plunged the United States into an economic crisis.

The Confederacy is okay. Anyway, their industry is not bad, and the losses they bring are not great. The federal government in the north is miserable, totally unbearable.

It was raining in New York. Now when New Yorkers pass Wall Street, they must pay attention to their heads. Otherwise, they will be wronged if they are killed without scourge.

It was at this time that an uprising against Spanish rule broke out in Cuba. In order to escape the economic crisis, federal capitalists set their sights on Cuba.

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