Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 429: Got pitted

In Vienna, as a good neighbor, Franz has been closely following the Russian civil war. Looking at the information gathered in his hands, he knew that the Tsarist government would give in.

In order to ensure domestic stability, Alexander II had been stunned not to launch. As a result, the forces of the rebels have grown like snowballs and have threatened the rule of the Tsarist government.

At this point, any savvy monarch will choose to uphold his rule first. Alexander II must end the war before he can clean up internally and use political means to dismantle the rebels.

Dogs will jump over the wall urgently and launch before the end of the war. These maggots colluded with the Kingdom of Prussia, and it is estimated that St Petersburg could not keep it.

To confuse these people, Alexander II has had several scapegoats, and it looks like things have passed.

This kind of muddy practice, apart from delaying time, has virtually no effect. For a country, such a compromise is chronic suicide.

Franz approached Alexander II, and he knew very well that he was not a mediocre king. As early as the age of Nicholas, Alexander II proposed a reform of the social system.

Unfortunately, Nicholas I has promoted a round of reforms and has ended in failure. In his later years, Nicholas I did not have the courage to break the boat, and did not dare to risk breaking with domestic interest groups.

In the time of Alexander II, the difficulty of reform increased greatly. He did not have the prestige of Nicholas I and could not overcome the domestic mountains.

Comprehensive social reform has shrunk to a limited degree of social reform, and has taken the same path as the original space-time. Alexander II adopted a gradual approach to promote social reform.

At a critical moment, the Polish uprising broke out, and immediately after the Putin war broke out, the hegemony of the Russian Empire was challenged.

In order to maintain imperial hegemony, Alexander II had to wage war. The failure of the war and the intensification of social conflicts in the country have caused the current situation.

Franz made a decisive decision: "Prime Minister, urging the Berlin government to fulfill the conditions, otherwise we will let them not get anything!"

This is political blackmail, negotiations are deadlocked, and the Berlin government is panicking. In these months, the Tsarist government has armed hundreds of thousands of troops.

play one more time? The Prussians said they were panicked, and until the war went on, their losses were also very large. If they bumped into the Russians again, they would lose even if they won.

If their own strength is insufficient, they will not be able to swallow even a large tract of land from the Russians!

Junker aristocrats are also knowledgeable, knowing that the current Prussian kingdom cannot afford any failure. France and Austria are still staring at each other, that is, they still have a fight.

Whoever starts first will be cheaper to another. Coupled with the serious international situation, Faou is worried that the first entry will be conspired.

In the interests of the covenant, the role of the covenant is not much more than waste paper. In the event of a pit, where would you cry?

This created an opportunity for Austria to blackmail Prussia. Prussia only knew that the attitude of the Russians was still tough. It did not know that the Tsarist government would compromise, and the Berlin government did not dare to allow the war to continue.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Felix replied


The plan will never change quickly, and the Berlin government is not at all alarmed when receiving a diplomatic note from the Vienna government.

The two sides talked directly about the conditions, and Prussian Minister of Foreign Affairs McKay questioned: "What about Sir Robson, Silesia and the Saxony region, you are very clear, how can you buy 5 million Aegis?

As far as I know, Guangpu belongs to the Saxony region, and the treaty you signed with the Russians also stipulated 50 million Aegis. That's still a high-risk loan. How can it not be lower than this number now!

We sell General Saxony and Silesia for a price of 120 million Aegis, which is definitely worth the money. "

The Austrian ambassador to Berlin, Robson, explained without hesitation: "My Excellency, the account cannot be calculated that way. First of all, the Silesia region was agreed before the war and we didn't need to pay any more.

This transaction is only in the Saxony region. Be aware that in addition to money, our political contributions must also be included in the transaction scope.

Your country wants to get Schleswig-Holstein, Lithuania, Latvia, and most of Belarus. So many places add up to three-quarters of your territory.

It is not so easy to achieve the purpose. At least the French support the Polish to obtain the estuary in Lithuania. The British have a very warm attitude, if you do not want to take another enclave ... "

Enclave This is a sad question. A Rhineland under the eyes of the French could make the Berlin government sleepless. Another enclave under the eyes of the Russians could not pass the day.

Once the Poles gained access to the Lithuanian region, Prussia's desired Belarusian and Latvian regions became enclaves, and this defense pressure was enough to collapse.

Not only were they threatened by the Russians, but even the Poles were threatening their strength. What strength can't be gathered, what else can be used to annex Poland and build a great Prussian empire?

It is in the French interest to weaken Prussia and strengthen Poland. It not only created the conditions for their annexation of the Rhineland region, but also supported a chess piece to contain Austria.

For the British, both are younger brothers, and neither tends to be good. John Bull, who is good at dancing sleeves, will certainly not take the liberty to express his position.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia, Mike Kate, countered: "Sir Robson, the presence of a strong Poland is not a good thing for your country either, but Polish nationalism has long remembered Austrian Poland!"

Minister Robson said with a smile: "My Excellency, you despise the Poles too much. Austrian Poland has never existed. The local people don't think they are Polish.

The newly born Poland dare to challenge Austria, then it will not be long before they will become history again. The gap in strength cannot be filled by a few slogans. "

In this regard, the Vienna government has the confidence. As early as 20 years ago, the Polish aristocracy in Galicia became independent and was suppressed by the local people.

After so many years of assimilation, the traces of Poland have long since been wiped away, and the locals all live as Austrians.

The Polish tradition has been retained and has become a very small number. Looking at the ethnic statistics table of the Vienna government, we know that the number of Polish nations in the country has fallen to less than one million.

The reduced Poles did not disappear, but were mainly assimilated. The new generation does not consider themselves Polish, and the number of Polish nations naturally declines sharply.

The division of Austrian nationality is not based on descent. After so many years of development, there are a lot of mixed-race children, it is simply not clear.

It is based on many factors such as language, traditional customs, and people's self-identity to the nation.

In this respect, the policies of the two countries are similar, and they are promoting Germanization. Both sides have achieved good results, but Austria has gone further and cannot find a job without learning a common language.

Of course, the re-independence of Poland will still affect the assimilation of Austria, but the Vienna government is also prepared.

Franz also advocates freedom. Since he wants to be a Polish, then go back to Poland. Austria has no shortage of hundreds of thousands of people.

Deportation of hundreds of thousands of people is difficult in other countries, and it is not a problem in Austria at all. Protest and trouble, then expelled together.

Poland's threat lies inside and not outside. The strength of both sides determines that Poland cannot threaten Austria militaryly. As long as the internal problems dare to fight hard, the threat will be the same.

Austria can take it seriously, McKate cannot. Prussia is still very interested in Poland, and Polish national independence can scare the Berlin government.

To some extent, Junker aristocracy is their nemesis. East Prussia and West Prussia are examples. A group of Junker aristocrats suppressed the place and did a good job of national integration.

Successful experience has increased the confidence of the Berlin government. Regardless of how the outside world criticized the sub-nobility system, it was indeed effective in stabilizing places.


After some bargaining, on August 11, 1867, the Austrian ambassador to Berlin, Robson, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia, Michael Ketter, signed the "Land Trade between the Two Countries".

There is only one treaty: the Kingdom of Prussia sells Silesia and Prussian Saxony to Austria for 38 million Aegis.

Note: After the treaty is signed, the Kingdom of Prussia will complete the transfer with Austria within two years after receiving the payment, and Austria will need to pay another 10 million Aegis relocation costs.

There is no doubt that other additional conditions have been hidden, and both sides have not mentioned tacitly.

Vienna, looking at the signed treaty, makes Franz incredible. It seemed to him that Prussia wanted to sign the treaty as soon as possible, and there was no so-called resistance.

The only problem is that the transfer time required by the Prussians is relatively long, but this is not a big problem. The Prussian kingdom can't recover its vitality in two years, and it has no strength to rely on accounts.

Moreover, the Berlin government gave a reasonable explanation that it would take time for them to divest. Unless Austria pays for the above industries, it will leave time for them to buffer.

There is no such thing as investing to buy an industry, and the Vienna government is not the worst. If you buy it by market value, Austria cannot afford it!

The bubble economy has been in any era. The combined Saxony and Silesia areas have more than 30,000 square kilometers. The mines, land, factories, and real estate above can cost hundreds of millions, and the market value on the bright side will be double Several times.

Now that the Prussians are willing to move, the Vienna government will naturally not mind. Not all factories are of value. These industries have their own in Austria, and they have no substantial effect other than intensifying market competition.

It was precisely because it was not needed that the Vienna government decisively signed a treaty with the Prussians. Soon the Vienna government found it wrong, and the Prussians relocated too thoroughly.

The factory moved, but it was with the workers. Nobles and farmers move their homes and take them away with the farmers who cultivate their land.

Of course, it was half a year later when this problem was discovered. At that time, it was already a boat, and Franz could only recognize it by pinching his nose.

The treaties have been signed, can't you regret it? Moreover, the people did not go away, the people who support Austria still stay, it is a consolation prize.

Now that the Vienna government is celebrating this great diplomatic victory, Austria has taken back the region of Silesia that everyone has long remembered, and the Kingdom of Saxony has also taken back the region of General Saxony.

The response from the people is even more enthusiastic. Many people think that this is a step forward in the unification of the German region. The unified theory of distribution has become more popular.

The Vienna government, which has benefited from people's wealth and disaster relief, has benefited from its position at the London peace conference.

Many of the demands made by the Kingdom of Prussia have adopted a tacit attitude and resolutely opposed it from the beginning.

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