Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 412: win-win

The "Treaty Six Treaty" is clearly invisible. If the news that France and Austria join forces to divide up the European continent is spread, the London government should not go crazy?

To maintain balance in the European continent is not such a balancing act. If the French Empire and the Great Shinra Empire appeared, the European continent would be a triad. Because by then, it is likely that a fourth country will not be found in continental Europe.

Like the Pandora's Box, once the ambition is opened, it is difficult to retrieve it.

Napoleon not only left the French with a brilliant record, but also a great country dream. With the sensitivity of the French people, once the enthusiasm for expansion has been mobilized, most of Italy and Belgium cannot meet their desires.

Plus Spain and Portugal aren't too much, right? At that time, Napoleon occupied the Spanish region and must inherit this fine tradition!

Under the background of the French unifying Western Europe and Austria unifying the German region, can Switzerland and the Netherlands between the two giants have any choice?

Either take the initiative to join the party or be forcibly annexed. This is the fate of a small country.

The three Nordic countries that are separated should not want to be alone. For strategic reasons, the Russians will not let them go.

With all three major powers expanding outward, the British can only be dumbfounded. If you want to interfere, you can't interfere. Maybe everyone will clear them before turning their faces.

Even the three nations have the basis for alliance. After the expansion is completed, it will definitely take time to digest, which means that it will not be able to fight on the European continent in the short term.

Then the British, who have the most colonies in the world, are in danger. You ca n’t run into alliances with Americans, and alliances are useless!

Of course, the chance of this happening is very small. After the annexation of Italy and Belgium, France's internal contradictions must be dealt with, and it has no ability to continue to expand.

Not to mention Austria, Franz in the unified German region just shouted and divided up the European continent. Is this awake?

Nationalism has now awakened, and the unification of the German region is almost the end of Austria's expansion in continental Europe.

However, the limitations of the times, many people think that after Austria unified the German region, it will continue to expand.

The reason is very simple: Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands were all separated from the Holy Roman Empire and belonged to the same cultural circle. The radical Germans counted them all.

In order not to arouse everyone's panic and ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, France and Austria have chosen high confidentiality by coincidence. Many people know the existence of this treaty, and few people know the content of the treaty.

Austria knows only three treaties are easy, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and Franz himself, and France is almost the same.

In recent years, France's economic development has been good. Napoleon III's throne has also stabilized, and people's calls for the establishment of France have been rising.

This is definitely the voice of the French people, Franz at most just guided. This is evidence: The former Emperor Napoleon III did a very good job, only because he was defeated and could not satisfy the people's dream of a great country.

Compared to the two-time losing streak of the original owner, he still secured the throne, and the desire of the French people for the great power can be seen.

It was not Napoleon III who actually contributed to the alliance between France and Austria, but the majority of the French people. The shouts they made inadvertently put pressure on the emperor. Since the elected emperor, Napoleon III naturally respects the choices of the people.

On June 8, 1866, the foreign ministries of France and Austria signed a "Case of Sovereignty between Italy and the Balkans and Partial Colonies of France and Austria".

This is a cover for the Treaty of June 6 and there are only territorial sovereignty deals under Articles 3 and 4. Anyway, this can't be hidden. Once the two countries begin to transfer, they will all be exposed.

It can be traded in Europe, let alone sovereignty and colonies? If you want to deal with me, at most, the British will be upset and make some sales for the newspaper.

Conrad Holman is the editor of the Austrian Daily and occasionally asks current affairs commentators to make some official comments.

Of course, as a commercial newspaper, such opinions are usually very vague, and they are generally attacked from the side.

The news of the territorial trade case between France and Austria just came back, and Conrad Holman's job came. There is no doubt that this kind of news is to sing praises!

Turning his pen, Conrad Holman was lost in thought. The news must be eye-catching. For the highly commercialized Vienna Daily, direct official articles are not pleasing.

With so many people writing, how can uniformity ensure newspaper sales? The Vienna Daily is a major newspaper with a daily sales of 100,000. It will be a readership if you play like this.

Looking at the globe blown by the wind on the table, Conrad moved his brain and raised his pen to write on the paper.

Title: Thoughts on the Colonial and Sovereignty Transaction of France and Austria——Cooperation and Win-Win

This is no longer news, but a dissertation. Commercial newspapers, as long as they comply with Austrian law, ensure that the news is authentic and reliable. There are not so many requirements on how to publish the content.

Conrad talked directly from the international competition, listed a few historical cases, and then compared the two countries' treatment plans.

Finally, it is concluded that cooperation can be a win-win situation. By the way, he praised the efforts of the governments of France and Austria for world peace.

From the standpoint of France and Austria, this transaction is indeed a win-win situation.

The French paid part of the colony in exchange for absolute right to speak in central and southern Italy, laying the foundation for swallowing Italy.

In the Mediterranean strategy, the French took the initiative. With control of Sicily and Tunisia, the French could bisect the Mediterranean when necessary.

The British strategic layout in Malta was abolished, and the strategic value of this Mediterranean heart was greatly reduced. Unless the era of aircraft comes, it will be able to play the role expected by Britain again.

Austria exchanged the dispensable sovereignty of the Italian state for the French Balkans and part of the West African colonies, which not only removed a nail, but also consolidated the colonial hegemony of the West African region.

Incidentally, another bargaining chip was added to the Russians. The Dardanelles was still tempting to the Tsarist government, at least until they gave up the Mediterranean.

After writing the manuscript, I proofread several times and corrected several writing errors. Seeing no problem, Conrad Holman turned over the manuscript to the editor.

This kind of big news usually does not have only one press release, usually three or five people write articles at the same time, and the editor chooses the most suitable one to publish.

Occasionally, discussions are possible, but because of the timeliness of the news, such discussions rarely occur.

Not surprisingly, Conrad's press release was passed. "Cooperation and win-win" is better than others in terms of ideas. News has always been inseparable from politics. The slogan of "cooperation and win-win" is very in line with Austria's diplomacy.

Although the government did not yell out the slogan publicly, it has actually done so. From the beginning of the Russia-Austria alliance, the prelude to win-win cooperation has begun.

For example: In the Near East War, the Russians obtained Bulgaria and Constantinople, Austria unified the South German region, and by the way annexed parts of the Balkans.

This is the manifestation of win-win cooperation. Of course, this example cannot be taken out, otherwise it is too much hatred.

Not only Britain and France are going to run wild, even the Tsarist government may have opinions. My family members know their own affairs. They are only nominal winners. They paid a heavy price, and their gains are just political victory.

This result, there is no problem with ordinary people. It is still very clear to the senior officials of the Tsar government that they failed strategically and lost the best opportunity to enter the Mediterranean.

Take this Fao deal to talk about things, then there is no problem. Anyway, France and Austria have their own needs, and one reason is enough to satisfy the people in the country.

The slogan of "win-win cooperation" was called out by Conrad, but the impact was not what he could have expected.

With the publication of the news, it quickly caused a sensation in Vienna, and over time the slogan became the official propaganda slogan for France and Austria.

With the signing of the treaty, the diplomatic relations between France and Austria also entered a close treaty period. Many people are optimistic that the contradiction between France and Austria no longer exists.

No matter what other people think, Franz is very clear anyway, the contradiction between France and Austria is only suppressed by man under the common interest.

This is not the point, the key is that Austria can withdraw from Italy. The effect of military training has been achieved, and they have discussed with the French, which can almost prove the combat effectiveness of the army.

The rest of the Italian guerrillas, let the French do it themselves! Sovereignty is more than just interest, it also means responsibility.

To some extent, this unfriendly military consultation has also accelerated the pace of alliance between the two countries. On the battlefield, there was no one-sided battle between the French and Austrian armies, and the combat effectiveness of the two sides was almost equal.

Of course, this is because the area of ​​the conflict is too small and the fighting forces are not large. Most of the two sides are fighting hard, and the officers do not have much room to play.

This situation has frightened senior officials in France and Austria. The Vienna government jeopardized the prestige of the French, and the French jealous of the Austrian army.

This is due to demographic advantages. Even after the annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, the population gap between France and Austria is still very different. Once it evolved into the war of attrition, it was definitely the French who could not stand first.

Franz is very clear that the French are not weak. You can't take the French army's combat effectiveness for granted because Napoleon III collapsed in time and space.

It should be known that the ratio of military forces between the French and French wars was 47:22, because of the blind command of Napoleon III, the first general battle-the battle of Wissembourg, the generals battled the French army with ten times the force; two days later, Walter In the battle, the ratio of troops between France and France was 130,000 VS 40,000, and the result is naturally self-evident.

The subsequent battles are basically the same. In almost every battle, Prussia has more than three times the strength and is engaged in battle with the French army.

Don't ask why this is so. This question can only be answered by Napoleon III. This is the case anyway, who knows why he directed the troops to send people off.

In Paris, the French people are already celebrating. Thanks to the newspaper's help to spread their strategic knowledge, many French people believe that this marks the establishment of French Mediterranean hegemony.

Although this has not yet been recognized by Britain and Austria, neither can hinder the carnival of the French people. The annexation of the Italian region has become the consensus of French radical groups.

The celebration of the people, the reaction of the Paris government was quite different. Many people are worried that the deal will attract British hostility.

Pro-British officials believe that this is a conspiracy by Austria to provoke British-French relations. This speculation is close to the truth, but it is not a conspiracy but a conspiracy.

The reaction of the people in Paris has told them that they want to stop the deal-no way.

"Anglo-French friendship", has this thing ever existed?

Opening a French history book casually can prove that hatred in Britain and France is enough. Friendship is too extravagant.

Hundreds of years of feud between Britain and France cannot be eliminated in a day or two. In fact, the Paris government has never done anything in this regard.

Whoever wants to try, please be prepared to accept the honorable title of "national thief". Although the government is pro-British, there are more people in the civil society who are anti-British.

Napoleon III was very upset recently, and he suddenly found that it was not a good thing that the government had too many pro-British parties, even if he himself was pro-British in his position.

But in front of interests, personal positions must be compromised! Whether or not to carry out an official cleansing is an issue worth thinking about.

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