Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 405: The powers want to eat meat

In Paris, Napoleon III was stunned by the stuffing cake falling from the sky.

France's diplomatic situation has always been bad, and European countries are rejecting them if they are absent, and many activities do not take them at all.

Among the four major European powers, they have the lowest political influence, and their actions are slightly out of the ordinary, and their neighbors immediately prepare for the war as if they were the enemy.

After Napoleon III's succession, many efforts were made to improve the diplomatic environment, but they still had little effect.

Governments have said very well in their mouths, but they are still strictly guarded in actual action. Especially after the annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia, a joint defense alliance emerged directly.

At the beginning Napoleon III was still a little worried, for fear of another anti-French alliance. Over time, he got used to it.

Take precautions, and anyway, these countries dare not take any further steps. The actions of the neighbours justified the strength of France from the side.

The emperor has been doing it for a long time and has been touted for a long time.

As time went on, Napoleon III's ambition also grew day by day. Fortunately, France did not win in the Near East War, otherwise he would be stronger.

Faced with the joint defense of various countries, Napoleon III still did not dare to mess up. He knew it a little bit.

In order to break the game, Napoleon III also made a lot of efforts, for example: maintain a good relationship with the British Olympics as much as possible.

Drooling over the Rhineland region, Napoleon III restrained his desires and didn't take any action; he looked back at the Italian region, and he also held back.

The lesson left by his uncle told him that the anti-French alliance would really kill people. Without a reasonable excuse, as long as France expands on the European continent, it will lead to boycotts from various countries.

The kingdom of Sardinia was killed by itself, and no one could say anything. Now several states in Italy are seen dead by Austria, leaving no room for them to intervene.

Without Francesco II's call for help and no excuse for interference, now Napoleon III can only sit and watch.

Napoleon said in a spirited manner: "The opportunity is coming. Which of our troops is free, we will send the two Sicilian kingdoms as soon as possible. If Austria sends troops to suppress the rebellion, there will be no room for us to intervene."

There is no doubt that the rebels of Gabori were directly ignored by him. In the impression of Napoleon III, the combat effectiveness of the Italian army was only 5 and the combat effectiveness of the rebels was less than 5.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, even if it is slighted, the problem is not large.

The two Sicilian kingdoms are close at hand, and the French can invest enough power to destroy any rebels.

Originally in time and space, the red shirt army led by Gabrielle and the secret support of the Kingdom of Sardinia, this time the Kingdom of Sardinia has done ancient, naturally will not support him.

If the U.S. federal government counts, Gabori also has supporters. It's just that this supporter is still licking the wounds. It is precisely when he is a low-key person that he has no ability to support them, and dare not support them.

Secretary of the Army Edmond-Lebeuf replied: "His Majesty, the Third Infantry Division, the Fourth Division, the Seventh Division, the Ninth Division, the Twelfth Division, the Fifteenth Division, and the Second Cavalry Division can be relocated. . "

It can be seen that Edmund-Lebeuf was very familiar with the military deployment of France, and spoke out all the mobile force numbers at one go.

Now France is in its heyday, and a large number of mobile troops have been maintained in peacetime. If war breaks out, they can easily mobilize millions of troops.

One or two divisions were enough to interfere in the civil war between the two Sicilian kingdoms, and the number of insurgents in Gapoli is now only 30,000 or 40,000.

Napoleon III immediately ordered: "Let the Fourth Division, the Seventh Division, the Ninth Division, and the Fifteenth Division form an intervention army, appoint Marshal Patrice McMahon as commander, and rush to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

The navy sent escorts and blocked the coastline of the two Sicilian kingdoms, prohibiting any ship from docking in the rebel-controlled area. "

Obviously, it was not just to help suppress the rebellion by mobilizing four infantry divisions at one time. The rebels are not yet worthy of Napoleon III's attention, but more to deal with the possible conflict between France and Austria.

This time it was equivalent to France putting its hand into the back garden of Austria, and it was normal for the Vienna government to react excessively.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Secretary of the Army Edmond Lebeuf replied.

As a result, Foreign Minister Abraham was very injured. Interfering in the civil war between the two Sicilian kingdoms will not only cause dissatisfaction in Austria, but also upset the British and Spanish.

The Spaniards ignore for the moment, they don't have the energy to manage so much now. But the London and Vienna reactions cannot be ignored, and in the event of a chain reaction, it is troublesome.

Foreign Minister Abraham reminded: "Your Majesty, the question of interference in the civil war between the two Sicilian kingdoms, I am afraid to consider in the long run. Now take the risk to intervene, we will be under great international pressure.

This is inevitable. It can be imagined that as long as the French army enters the two Sicilian kingdoms, the protest book of Inocé will appear in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What kind of consequences will be caused is unknown, anyway, there will be no good things.

In the current international situation, France has at most spread its influence to the two Sicilian kingdoms. Actually, the benefits it can obtain are very small.

It is impossible to talk about annexation. Francesco II's request for a telegram only provided an excuse for France to intervene in the internal affairs of the two Sicilian kingdoms, and was equivalent to giving them the possibility of annexing the two Sicilian kingdoms.

It is very difficult to annex a country in continental Europe. Good things like the Kingdom of Sardinia cannot be encountered every day.

Moreover, the same excuse can only be used once, and repeated use will lose its effect.

Napoleon III said confidently: "Don't worry, this time Francesco II invited us to pass, even if governments of different countries are upset, they will not forcefully intervene.

All we have to face is the Austrians. The Vienna government will never fight for a mere Sicilian kingdom, right? "

The two Sicilian kingdoms are the largest states in Italy and the poorest states in Italy. It looks like a big market here, in fact, the purchasing power is very low.

Grain is basically self-sufficient, and the demand for industrial and commercial products is very small. With Austria's largest trading partner, the total annual import and export trade will not exceed 3 million Aegis.

In addition to its strategic value, the two Sicilian kingdoms have nothing. However, this strategic value is also very bad for Austria.

Sicily is right in the heart of the Mediterranean, but there are many forces, and Austria has no way to occupy it directly.

Even if a naval base is left, it will not work. To the east is the Royal Navy's Mediterranean military base, Macquarie, and to the west is the French navy base camp.

Putting the Austrian navy in between these two makes people feel unreliable.

What can we do if we ignore these two naval powers? Does Austria dare to block the Mediterranean? This is something the British do not dare to do!

So the Vienna government made the most sensible choice and ignored Sicily. Austria is not stationed in this little brother's land, just a little economic benefit.

This benefit can be ignored in essence. Originally a poor ghost, do n’t you want to explode oil?

Napoleon III thought of himself and sent an intervention army to the two Sicilian kingdoms as quickly as possible. At the same time, the Austrian intervention forces also set off.


On February 11, 1866, the Austrian Intervention Army was in Gaeta, and the French Army had arrived here a day earlier because of distance.

The counterinsurgency war has not yet begun, and the smell of gunpowder between the troops of the two countries has grown strong. If not both parties were restraining, maybe the two forces would fight first.

Francesco II, who had just fled Naples and took refuge here, fully felt what the Shura field was.

At the military conference, officers of the two countries did not look good at each other. Sincere cooperation, don't dream anymore.

Since the two phases are disgusted, they fight each other, anyway, they have not regarded the rebels, each has the strength to crush the rebels.

Francesco II was embarrassed. He was caught between France and Austria and was walking a tightrope. One that was not good enough would be finished.

In fact, when Francesco II asked the French for help, a minister reminded him. It's a political taboo to waver when standing in line.

I don't know what happened, Francesco II twitched his head, whimsically thinking that letting France and Austria restrain each other can protect the interests of the two Sicilian kingdoms to the maximum.

Reality told him that he was thinking too much. The great powers are all eating meat, and they are the same everywhere they go.

Franz has always paid more attention to eating, and the two sides have always been fair trade, and did not squeeze the two Sicilian kingdoms.

Things are different now, and another Frenchman came in. How much it will cost in the end is unknown, at least the military expenditures of the two countries fell on the two Sicilian kingdoms.

At least 10 million Aegis started. There is nothing to say. The powers are not for charity.

This is what happened to big countries, and crowded military expenditures came out. For the Kingdom of Sicily, this is a matter of fiscal revenue for several years.

For a few years, this depends on the combat effectiveness of the rebels. In case the rebels hang up and let the war continue, the financial bankruptcy of the two Sicilian kingdoms will sooner or later.

The chances of this happening are very high, and if only one country intervenes, it may still be chaotic.

Now the two countries, France and Austria, are sending troops together, stumbling each other, and deliberately holding back, is bound to be indispensable.

When to suppress the rebellion depends on the strength of the Shuangkeng teammates.

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