Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 318: International recognition

By the end of 1860, the total population of the United States had reached 31.6 million. The northern free state has a population of about 18.7 million, and the southern animal slave state has a population of 12.9 million, of which slaves have reached 5 million.

Franz's butterfly effect still played a role, and the strength comparison between the north and the south has changed slightly, but it cannot change the fact that the north is strong and the south is weak.

In the Austrian embassy in Washington, representatives of the four countries including Britain, France, and Western Europe gathered. Drucker, the Austrian Ambassador to the United States, took the lead to say, "Today everyone is invited to discuss the issue of independence of the South.

At this critical moment of change, we need to be consistent in order to better protect everyone's interests. "

I do n’t know when it started, everyone found the benefits of the principle of unity of powers. As long as this is done, everyone can make a lot of money.

Everyone fell into meditation, as if they were weighing whether the benefits of the joint effort were large, or whether the gains alone were higher.

As for the abolition of slavery, it is out of everyone's consideration. Don't look at the shocking slogan of "abolition of slavery" in European countries. In fact, everyone is thinking about watching the excitement.

In recent years, the United States has inflated at a balloon-like rate, which has caused many people's concerns. The US threat theory is also a hot topic in Europe.

In order to attract immigrants, the propaganda developed by Americans, under the guidance of interested people, have turned into evidence of American threats.

Because the communication has not changed, and the adverse effects brought by public opinion, the US government has never been able to exceed it. I tried to guide public opinion a few times, and instead I was caught with a handle and was embarrassed.

British representative Mark Oliver said, "All four of our countries have huge trade relations with the United States. A stable America is more in our interest.

Everyone joins hands to prevent the outbreak of the American civil war, which is conducive to world peace and stability. "

The British attitude is not surprising. The British Empire cannot do without the cheap industrial raw materials provided by Americans, especially cotton.

Not only are the British, the three countries of Faosi are big cotton importing countries. Even with the cotton harvest in West Africa, Austria can barely be self-sufficient.

The representative of Spain added: "To maintain world peace, a divided United States is necessary.

From 1783 to the present, the territory of the United States has expanded from more than 800,000 square kilometers to nearly 8 million square kilometers. If it is not curbed, it will not be long before they cannibalize the entire America.

Everyone is American, and we should know the development potential of this country. According to their speed of development, they will catch up with Europe in 50 years, and then they will surpass us by their huge size.

You know, our four nations together don't have one third of the United States. They have almost no shortage of resources and want to limit where they can't start.

Now is the only opportunity. If the United States resolves internal issues, the future world hegemony will be booked. "

Francisco's statement is almost a copy of the American threat theory. With the development of the United States and continuous expansion in recent years, Spain is the biggest victim.

In particular, the Americans reached into Cuba again in an attempt to seize another colony in Spain, which inspired the hatred of the Spanish.

The expansion movement of the Americans, apart from having little impact on Austria, is that Britain and France are unprofitable. The French were forced to buy the Louisiana area, and the British lost more.

French representative Alfred sarcastically said, "This is too alarmist, can the United States become the world hegemony?"

Drucker, the Austrian representative, said with a smile: "Who knows this? However, the speed of development of Americans is obvious to all these years. They are constantly consuming European blood.

Everyone wants to send immigrants to the colonies, but they are cut off a lot by Americans, right? Hundreds of thousands of Europeans emigrate to the United States every year. What this means is clear to everyone!

If the northern government succeeds, they will have the richest resources in the world, the cheapest industrial raw materials, and a large amount of labor, and they will soon complete industrialization.

In the commodity market, we have added another competitor. Perhaps it won't be long before the Americas are flooded with American manufacturing.

Capital knows no borders. Perhaps many capitalists are already considering moving to the United States. If these people also come over, then our technical advantage will no longer exist.

You know, they're also stuck with our industrial raw materials, such as cotton.

Even if everyone finds a new place of production of raw materials, it is difficult to lower the production cost than that of the United States. It is also reasonable for capitalists to set up factories in the United States. "

Drucker's words obviously meant something. The few people sitting were all ruling classes of various countries. They belonged to vested interests, and no one wanted to see their national interests damaged.

Mark Oliver's face changed greatly, and he dared to guarantee that if he did nothing this time, after returning home, he would be retaliated by domestic capitalists.

Capitalists immigrated to the United States? This is actually just the patent of big capitalists and consortia. It is fortunate for small and medium capitalists to go to an unfamiliar place and not be swallowed up.

Real capital has no borders. After the order is established, everyone will pay attention to it, and then it will be realized.

Drucker's purpose is still to remind everyone to sit upright, not to collect money from the Northern Government, and to favor Americans in political stance.

After calming down, Mark Oliver said with a smile: "The United States is indeed too strong, but it is better to weaken it.

I remember in the "Declaration of Independence" that the federal states of the United States have the right to withdraw. Now that the seven states in the south are independent, let us recognize their status! "

This is deadly, once the European countries recognize the independence of the southern government. The Civil War is no longer a civil war in the United States, but a war between two independent nations.

Politically, it is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the northern government. Once the legal status of the southern government is established, the excuses for future countries to interfere in this war will be easy to find.

If everyone wants, as long as the Southern Government sends out an invitation letter, everyone can use force to intervene.

The northern government's attempt to use abolition to create public pressure and sever Europe's support for the southern government failed just at the beginning.

The British made this decision, and the Canadian issue was also behind it. The continuous expansion of the United States has long dissatisfied the British. The conflict between Britain and the United States has not stopped since the war of independence.

In 1812, the resigned President Jefferson vowed: "This year, the Canadian region will be merged ... and eventually the British forces will be completely driven out of the American continent!"

Soon the Americans launched an offensive in Canada in an attempt to dominate the American continent.

The angered John Bull immediately took military action to make Americans feel what was called the iron fist of the British Empire. The Americans fighting on the battlefield searched for their teeth and burned the White House.

Time is the best weapon, and the horrors of the British are gradually forgotten by the Americans. In 1844, the slogan for the eleventh presidential James Polk campaign was: "(UK) either surrender Oregon or go to war!"

At this time, the United States is no longer weak, and it is so good to be away.

At that time, after the London government weighed the pros and cons, they confessed to giving up the Oregon area, but this breath was stunned.

It can be frustrating, but the threat from the United States to the British is also felt. It's just that the capitalists exerted influence over Congress for their own interests and reconciled the conflict between Britain and the United States.

No matter how you say it, the enemies are still written down. Immediately after discovering the anti-American stances of Ossi, Mark Oliver immediately decided to knock the Americans into a sap.

French representative Alfred objected: "It is not good to directly interfere in the internal affairs of the United States. European public opinion supports slave abolition, and it is easy to cause trouble if we do so."

The interests determine the position. The French have very little interest in North America. Naturally, they will not mind that the United States is bigger. Anyway, after the United States became larger, the British were the first to bear it.

The representative of Austria, Drucker, rightly explained: "This is only a small problem. The southern government can also abolish slavery. They are now protecting the private property of the sacred Rome.

Withdrawal from the United States Federation is also completely legal. The United States Constitution does not have provisions prohibiting states from withdrawing, we must abide by the spirit of the contract!

To put it plainly, the main reason for the contradiction between North and South is the issue of tariffs. The idea of ​​the northern government to raise tariffs has seriously damaged the principle of fairness in trade! "

Trade fairness is false, but it is true that harms everyone's interests. Once Americans raise tariffs, everyone not only loses the place of cheap raw materials, but also loses a commodity market.

Even the French, who support the United States in chaos to the British, have to admit that the practices of the northern government have hurt their interests.

This is also the reason for frequent changes in the French government's policy on the United States. Many times, they don't know what to do.

French representative Alfred had an incredible question: "Have you been kidding me, will the southern government abolish slavery?"

After propaganda by the northern government, to many people, the southern government is an evil slaver. The plantation owners originally depended on the exploitation of slaves to make a profit, how could they give up their money?

Drucker responded confidently: "There is nothing impossible. Planters can also learn the capitalist business model.

In this world, are there many unscrupulous capitalists who only pay a small salary, or even do not pay?

The slaves were given nominal free status by name, but the salaries they paid were actually just enough for these people to survive.

If you are old and sick, you will be kicked out and killed yourself. Could it be that one way, the cost would really increase?

The plantation owners feared nothing more than that these slaves would leave after the slaves had gained their free status. This problem can be solved through employment contracts. "

Drucker is talking about the social reality of this era, as it is in all European countries. Everyone abolished serfdom in name, in fact, the lives of the people at the bottom did not improve much.

On the surface, after becoming workers, everyone was paid and their living standards improved. In fact, this is in exchange for increased labor.

In the face of the economic crisis, if you lose your job, you will lose your job. Workers cannot be cured if they are ill. One rule means that the home is destroyed and there is no security at all.

Mark Oliver echoed: "Yes, in terms of cost, it is also a good choice to use another method of employment. With so many labor exporting companies in the United States, the plantation owners will never lack labor.

As leaders of the civilized world, we have an obligation to help the southern government to gradually abolish evil slavery and join the family of civilized society. "

The issue of slavery was resolved, and the French representative was not opposed. It is not important that the southern government abolish slavery, as long as they make a gesture of intentionally abolishing slavery.

The representative of Spain proposed: "In order to abolish evil slavery at an early date, and for world peace and stability, then we must now persuade more cattle slave states to join the southern government."

Obviously, in order to balance the strengths of the north and the south, from the mouth of the politician, he became sounding.

As for whether the southern government will accept everyone's good intentions, there is no need to consider it at all. They must accept it.

It's just a political gesture, not an immediate action. Just by doing a show, you can get the recognition of the international community. Who has the courage to refuse?

French representative Alfred said: "This is a good offer and France is willing to help these slaves to be free."


On February 11, 1861, the four countries, Britain, France, and the West, despite the opposition of the northern government, jointly issued a diplomatic announcement, recognized the independence of the southern government, and established formal diplomatic relations.

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