Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 248: Cooking oil

After the news of the plague in Constantinople was confirmed, Perisier didn't dare to neglect and immediately reported to the Paris government.

Versailles Palace

Napoleon III was in a very bad mood. The news of the plague in the Crimean Peninsula had just returned. Constantinople also followed the outbreak of the plague.

Where did the virus come from, Napoleon III had no interest in knowing, and now his headache is what to do next.

Fortunately, the Crimean Peninsula says that with such a large area, the epidemic area can be dispersed and isolated to control the spread of the epidemic.

Constantinople now has a large slap area, the population density is so high, and street fighting with the Russians is still needed. How can this epidemic be controlled?

Secretary of the Army Arnault said, "His Majesty, Constantinople has a plague, and the situation on the frontline is probably worse.

At this time, adding troops meant pushing the boys into the fire pit. The heroic French soldiers can defeat the Russians, but the plague can only be resolved by God. "

Since the outbreak of the Battle of Constantinople, the French army has been increasing its troops almost every month, and it can not be considered as increasing troops. It is mainly to supplement the front line's strength consumption, and by the way replace some disabled troops.

In this respect, Napoleon III did a good job and did not use a unit to his death. Even if it is clear of dissidents, most of them are looking for excuses to move away from their posts.

Now that the war is over, the Paris government has long wanted to stop, but because of political factors, Napoleon III could not compromise.

Now Arnold is vaguely reminding Napoleon III to either find an excuse to abandon Constantinople or organize more troops to fight the Russians. In short, he cannot continue to use fueling tactics.

Napoleon III, who was highly politically sensitive, immediately came to his senses, and even thought of more, eagerly saying:

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately negotiated with the Ottoman Empire to let them abandon Constantinople, and we will protect their interests in other regions in return.

You can join the British to put pressure together. At this time, I believe that the London government will make a wise choice.

Putting out the news of the negotiations, we said that we would take this Holy City back for the Christian world and contact the Catholic Church to help build momentum.

Order Perissier on the front, no matter what he does, I must also infect the Russians with the plague! "

In this era, science has not been deeply rooted in people's hearts. If no action is taken and the Russians seize the opportunity to launch a political offensive, the consequences will be difficult to control.

If the plague only broke out in the coalition forces, but the Russians were fine, the subsequent wars would not need to be fought, and the British and French governments would be finished by political means alone.

The sentence "God wants to punish the traitors who help the heathen", it is estimated that the morale of the frontline army will soon collapse. Whether they are Protestants or Catholics, they believe in God.

Constantinople is the Holy Land of the Christian world, which gives this city a strong religious color. Religiously, no one likes to help the Ottoman Empire.

If the people in the country were to know that the government was punished by God for helping the pagans, would the consequences be considered?

Napoleon III did not dare to test the devotion of the French people. Compared with this terrible consequence, the importance of the ally of the Ottoman Empire was not worth mentioning.

Friends of the dead do not die, and in order to weather the possible political storm, the interests of the Ottoman Empire can only be sacrificed.


Facts have proved that Napoleon III was completely concerned about the plague. God did not let it go, because it was an indiscriminate attack, and the Russians were not spared.

It may be because the bears are physically strong, and the casualties caused by the plague are not as serious as those of the coalition forces. Water and soil are also an important reason.

Accompanying the plague, dysentery was actually present, but the symptoms seemed similar, and the coalition forces had not yet found the difference between the two diseases.

The commanders of the Russian army in the Balkans and the expeditionary forces gathered together, all pale.

Menshkov asked with great concern: "Are you sure the plague?"

A middle-aged medic replied solemnly: "Her commander, the news has been confirmed. As of now, we have more than 5,000 soldiers with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, which is beyond the scope of a normal cold."

"Her commander, according to the captives we have captured, the French army in the city also fell ill." Waiting for the name of Menshkov, a middle-aged officer added

Without much hesitation, Menshkov made the decision: "Order the troops to do a good job in epidemic prevention and the offense cannot be stopped. Our situation is bad. The French army in the city will only get worse.

For the plague problem, I will ask St. Petersburg for help and send a lot of medical staff in the country. This plague is also an opportunity. I don't believe that the French can survive it! "

The tense Menshkov on his face was relieved deep down. Now that the plague has erupted, the good life of the French is over.

The reason is very simple. The greater the population density, the more conducive to the spread of the plague. In this case, the losses inside the city must be greater than outside the city.

How many people have died in Constantinople since the war hit now, 100,000 or 200,000? Or maybe 300,000, 400,000 or even more?

Did these corpses get processed in time? Perhaps the majority of the French dealt with it, but even the remaining one percent leaked the net, which were thousands of corpses. Did the rats in Constantinople see the fat?

The rotten body and the breeding of insects and ants are the best assistants to spread the virus. Even without a foreign virus, Constantinople itself has the potential for an outbreak.



After receiving the news of the epidemic in Constantinople, Franz held a meeting for the first time to let the Ministry of Health preside over the epidemic prevention work.

Despite the history of this plague, which did not spread widely, mainly in the Crimean outbreak, Austria only slightly affected.

The situation is clearly different now. Since the plague broke out in Constantinople, can the Balkan Peninsula be spared? The Balkans have suffered, will Austria not be affected?

After the epidemic prevention work was completed, Franz continued to consider the impact of the plague.

"The plague broke out. The French can't keep Constantinople. What will happen to the international situation next? What's your opinion?"

Metternich reminded: "Your Majesty, from the current situation, the mortality rate of this plague is not too high. If the epidemic is controlled, the French will still be able to hold Constantinople."

Franz Haha smiled, and then asked, "Marshal, how long have the Russians cut off the water in Constantinople?"

Marshal Radsky replied: "Your Majesty, it's almost sixteen months. But there are ports connected to Constantinople, they still have enough fresh water to supplement, and there is no shortage of water in the city now."

Constantinople lacks groundwater due to geological reasons, and although there are water storage facilities in the city, this cannot supply so many people for consumption.

Franz shook his head and said, "With so many people in Constantinople, daily water consumption is not a small figure.

After being cut off by the Russians for such a long time, we can boldly judge that the reserves of water in the city have dried up.

Now they rely on ships to transport fresh water to meet the water needs of hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

With so many people, the fresh water consumed every day is not a small number, which requires a large number of ships to transport.

How many transport ships are active in Constantinople? How much fresh water can be supplied after the various materials have been transported?

British and French bureaucrats will at most guarantee the basic living water for these people.

If the fresh water supply is inadequate during normal times, you can also insist on it. The big problem is not to take a bath, wash your face, or wash your hands for a while.

The situation is different now. How can the French army prevent the epidemic without sufficient fresh water supply? Basic health conditions cannot be improved. How can virus transmission be curbed? "

Because of the epidemic prevention meeting, everyone made up for a while. Some were proposed by officials of the Austrian Ministry of Health, and some were supplemented by memory.

Now everyone knows the importance of hygiene. At the critical moment of this outbreak, the French army in the city didn't find them because there was not enough fresh water.

Even the Russians outside are equally unhygienic, but there is no shortage of water, and there is always a bath once in a while, right?

The French soldiers in the city did not know how long it took to have such an opportunity, or that there was no chance at all.

Whether or not the French noticed this issue, they were powerless.

Because this gap is not a little bit small, it just meets the needs of survival. A small basin of water per day is enough. If you improve sanitary conditions, this consumption will increase many times.

In a short time, where did they go to find so many water boats?

It consumes tens of thousands of tons of fresh water every day. It is estimated that all British and French ships in the Mediterranean will be transferred to meet their logistical supply.

Felix thought for a while and said, "Sir, if the French cannot solve the plague problem, we can prepare to mediate the war.

Once the Russians won Constantinople, the war would not go on.

The Russians' finances are in crisis. If it were not for the special status of Constantinople, I am afraid they would have compromised.

Now that the Russians have occupied Bulgaria, and let them occupy Constantinople, it will become more difficult to control in the future. It is better to contain it. "

Metternich objected: "Prime Minister, it is too late to contain the Russians at this time. Unless we can tear up the Russian-Olympic Treaty, we must support them in future negotiations.

With diplomatic support, as long as Constantinople is occupied by the Russians, I don't think Britain and France have the ability to force the Tsarist government to spit it out.

Don't forget that for us at this time, maintaining the Russian-Olympic alliance is more important than curbing the Russians. We cannot oppose the Russian annexation of Constantinople.

Since we can't control it, why do we still have to be this wicked man?

It's better to push one more, so that the Russians will continue to attract the firepower of Britain and France in the front and deepen their contradictions. "

"Push it," Franz was very interested in this proposal. To control the Black Sea Fleet, it is not just a single Constantinople. This requires control of both the Balkans and Asia Minor.

Will the Russians still be able to fight? Obviously it does not exist, even if the tsarist government desperately wants to stop, Constantinople must stop.

In case Britain and France are in a hurry, there is a possibility that they may be pushed back. The traffic of the Russian Empire restricted their ability to invest.

In the Balkans, even with the support of Austria, the Russians can only exert at most seven or eight points of their national strength. What do they fight with Britain and France?

Now the Russians have the upper hand, but Britain and France have not responded, and they pit their teammates on the battlefield.

Once the Russians put too much pressure on them, the two countries let go of their contradiction and sincere cooperation, and another situation on the battlefield.

It doesn't matter if the Russians don't survive, and Franz doesn't want the Tsar government to really control the Black Sea fleet.

The Mediterranean is too small. The four countries, Britain and France, are inadequate and have no extra benefits to the Russians.

But it does not prevent the Russians from having ambitions. After all, Constantinople has taken it down, and the Mediterranean is one step closer.

As long as the Russians have ambitions, they cannot compromise with Britain and France. The three nations of Britain, France, and Russia confronted each other, and Austria was safe.

Bismarck designed it this way in history. As a result, William II ’s diplomatic play collapsed, and France and Russia formed an alliance, which was a natural tragedy as a sandwich cookie.

"The Russian-Austrian alliance cannot be undermined. The containment of the Russians can be done by Britain and France. As allies, we must not betray our faith!"

Franz showed his attitude directly. He doesn't want to send out the wrong political signal, so that high-level governments mistakenly believe that Austria has obtained the desired benefits, and he can abandon the Russians.

From the national interest point of view, this kind of betrayal is very normal. Now that it is closer to Britain and France to help Austria's overseas colony, it seems more in line with national interests.

But considering strategic security, things are different. Compared to the unstable French government and the ambitious Prussian kingdom that wants to counterattack, Franz feels that it is more reliable to ally with the Russians.

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