Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 16: Great Revolution in the pipeline

The Vienna system can be established to maintain stability in the European continent for more than 30 years, and sit in the position of the Austrian Prime Minister for more than 20 years. It has suppressed political opponents. How could Prime Minister Metternich be ordinary goods?

Earl Colloft is obviously trying to stimulate him today. Only when he is stimulated, talents are prone to make mistakes. How could Metternich not know?

This is a conspiracy. The Prime Minister Metternich has felt the pressure coming from his face. This pressure was not brought by Count Kloft, but by the Austrian conservatives and the Vienna court.

The role Franz played in this, Metternich cannot fail to know, he does not need evidence, and he can judge it only with rich experience in political struggle.

Franz had talked to him about this issue a year ago, but Mettenèd wanted to maintain a balance of power in the country and did not try to suppress the bourgeoisie.

Now that Franz is mingling with conservatives, there is no doubt that this shows that the Vienna court's tolerance for reformers has reached its limit.

Not to mention the royal family, even if Prime Minister Metternich himself was disappointed with the reformists, the idealistic reform plan put forward did not consider the actual situation at all.

The bourgeoisie wants to seize power, and even its ambitions are too lazy to converge. The demands put forward are simply not what the government can promise.

Even Metternich was certain that if the conditions of the bourgeoisie were fully accepted, the Austrian Empire would soon become history.

In order to be able to seize power, the bourgeoisie has been united with the separatist cliques. What they call American-style autonomy has not considered the actual situation at all.

With so many countries on the European continent, once Austria is dispersed, then prepare to split. The enemy cannot give up this opportunity.

A group of idealists, under the agitation of the bourgeoisie, became the vanguard of the reformists. The proposed scheme was completely taken for granted, and no one considered the consequences. Such reformists could not bear it.

"Come here, let's go ahead and hold a cabinet meeting tomorrow and invite the Regent Committee to join us!"

Obviously, Metternich has made up his mind. Now that the reformers are out of control, they can naturally be sacrificed for political needs.

No, it should not be considered a sacrifice. It is just that the bourgeoisie is unlucky. These idealist intellectuals have already split up. Some people who have less involvement with the bourgeoisie also support the formulation of the Labor Protection Law.

There are even people who think that it is possible to go further and calculate wages directly according to the profit of the factory, and everyone pays dividends, so that the working class can profit along with it.

Well, such an idealist, Metternich has nothing to say. He bet that if this idea comes up, don't want to go out in the future.

Under a labor protection law, the capitalists are going crazy. If they dare to deprive the capitalists of most of their profits, it is no wonder that the bourgeoisie has not tore off his prime minister!

"Yes, Prime Minister!" The attendant said quickly.


After the victory of the July Revolution, the development of capitalism in France made the workers, peasants, and petty bourgeoisie poorer.

The development of the Industrial Revolution has caused capitalists to entangle themselves. As their wealth continues to increase, thousands of artisans and small owners have gone bankrupt due to competition from large capitalists.

The social crisis in France is deepening, and the call for social change is getting higher and higher, but all this did not attract the attention of the July Dynasty.

(July dynasty: The Orleans dynasty established after the French July Revolution in 1830 is a dynasty representing the French financial group. The usury empire has begun from this time.)

By 1847, Franz had begun to pay close attention to the situation in France. As the vane of the European revolution, almost every major revolution began in Paris.

Looking at the news from France, Franz knew that a revolution was brewing in France, and the "banquet movement", the prelude to the revolution, had begun to flourish.

(French banquet movement: a political struggle by French reformers and various social forces to oppose the rule of the July dynasty and rally in the name of holding a banquet to give speeches and state political opinions.)

There is no doubt that the forthcoming revolution is still led by the bourgeoisie. In Franz's view, this is part of the stolen inequality within the French bourgeoisie.

Capitalists who failed in the competition, unwilling to be usurped by their own interests, united the anti-government forces of all parties and used the public's dissatisfaction with the government to launch the February Revolution.

Franz knew that a new round of revolution was coming. In 1848, all cities in Europe with a population of more than 100,000 people had a revolution.

The cause of this revolution was the February Revolution in France. The success of the French set an example for everyone, so everyone followed suit. Except for the bears in the agricultural country, the whole of Europe was a mess.

Franz said cautiously: "Tyron, to infiltrate the social groups in Vienna, and to keep abreast of their trends, including the workers' groups at the bottom!"

"Yes, Grandpa!" Intelligence chief Tyron replied

That's right, this intelligence organization is the secret army of the royal family. Franz contacted them and compiled it.

Of course, the appointment letter that Franz flickered from his uncle Ferdinand I also played a vital role.

As a price, Franz has to pay 800 Rhein activities every month, which makes his wallet dry up.

There is no way, even if most people are volunteers, intelligence organizations need money to operate.

But it was all worth it. Now that Franz knows a lot about the domestic situation in Austria, he is surprised that the bourgeoisie has not planned the revolution.

In other words, the March Revolution in Vienna was not planned for a long time in advance, but was affected by the outbreak of the February Revolution in France. A group of people patted their heads and started!

Many of these people are not yet revolutionaries, with bourgeoisie, students, and workers. This can be seen from the conditions put forward by the revolutionary groups after the March Revolution.

Even because of the "Labor Protection Law" proposed by the government, the public's attention has been shifted. Most of the people at the bottom have expectations of the Vienna government.

They are also waiting for this law to improve their living environment in distress.

This again allowed Franz to see new possibilities. Once the government implements the Labor Protection Act, the upcoming March Revolution may die because of a lack of supporters.

Even because of the opposition between the working class and the bourgeoisie, they may stand on the side of the government and suppress the bourgeois rebellion.

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